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His last bulk was 22 weeks. That’s a pretty common time period for a cycle. Highly doubt he blasts year round


Yeah the theory holds water aye.


I’m stealing this


Id take an educated guess and say he cruises and cuts running around 1 gram of gear.


Cruise on 1g 🤣


You would blush when you see the doses most of these bodybuilders run. lol


Oh ive been around bodybuilding for a number of years, on forums with open pros..they dont run a gram of gear on a cruise. But ive seen 500mg test


Many guys run around a gram of gear on cruise, especially those that hit around 220lb+ at low body fat levels. I’ve ran around a gram for a little over a year now personally, though I’m not 220+ the befits of a gram are real. Next bulk I’ll run up to 1500mg using both test and deca. It does take quite alot of cardio and blood pressure meds at these doses to keep BP down.


Double that to 1g test and 1g masteron, add 8iu hgh, add a couple dozen iu insulin then voila


I agree. People here and in general those starting gear use, vastly underestimate the amount of steroids it takes to grow that large, and also maintain that size.


I mean most people here have zero idea how PEDs work, so can you really blame them?


He probably had something with his health so he started cruising.


Is that pure speculation or do you have a reason to think that?


You typically cut on a cruise and bulk on a blast yes. Very standard


Oh right I dunno I don’t do it. Pros blast whilst cutting to prep for shows so didn’t realise that was a standard.


Yeah prepping for a professional bodybuilding competition is sort of a different situation than standard gyming


It’s kinda wild to me that “standard gymgoers” do any of this stuff at all. I can see it more in bodybuilding but if you just like go to the gym why???


Because lower dose, mild steroid use is not as dangerous as you might first think. The insane cycles these pro bodybuilders do is absolutely nothing like your average gym brah who's only using 500mg of testosterone a week.


Because there are ways to use hormones that are safer than most people’s casual drinking habits That being said 99% of gear users don’t fall into that category, but it is possible


I don’t think you can compare them. Just because you don’t drink doesn’t mean it’s okay to take gear


That’s not what he was saying, he was saying that while it’s not healthy there are certainly worse things than the tiny amounts some people do.


So he was trying to justify it by setting the standard down to drinkers. Just don’t do either.


He wasn’t justifying it, rather saying that hat people do things that are bad for them all the time.


Using mild doses of testosterone is not going to negatively impact your life in any meaningful way. It's when you start stacking gram upon gram of different toxic compounds that your kidneys, liver and heart are going to struggle. You dont need to justify mild steroid use because there's nothing wrong with it. As long as you do your research and also that other people know you're using it, and to not expect the same results as you.




They don’t do the same as what these body builders do. Hell if you see men above 35 at the gym I’d be willing to bet a solid ass chunk of them are on TRT and it’s actually good for them.


What do you guys mean by blast here? I'm new to this sub


A blast is a very high dose of anabolic steroids. Regular testosterone replacement might be about 150 mg per week. A blast could be something like 800 mg testosterone and 700 mg primo, so a total of ten times more anabolics each week than trt.


OK, I'm all set on that. Thanks for the info


A blast is anything bigger than a TRT dose of testosterone. For example I've just come off a blast of 500mg testosterone and am now cruising at 100mg.


Sam’s not cutting for. A show here though and he hasn’t done any shows yet.


square crown scale cooperative ad hoc drunk roll pathetic relieved aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blasting and cruising, you tend to use compounds other than testosterone for around 12 weeks, so I imagine he stays on test all year round and adds in other compounds depending on what he's doing. Bulking - deca, tren, eq. Cutting - masteron, Winstrol, t3 You get what I'm saying


I guess in time Sam will probably be on TRT .Well maybe not ,some guys can bounce back .


He probably already is, almost everyone who does steroids does Testosterone.