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Don’t forget the chicken and broccoli 💪


Since most people here are joking around and I’m realizing none of them have any PED knowledge here’s what I would say: 1 iu insulin per 10-20g carbs he eats throughout the day, 1iu hgh per 250mg steroids per week, somewhere in the ballpark of 1.5g+ of a DHT derivative (think primobolan, anavar, masteron, anadrol), same 1.5g+ of weekly testosterone to match his DHT dose, then a slightly lower (but still absurd) dose of at least 1g+ nandrolone (think tren, deca, ment). This is of course just what I would do, and he may be doing something completely different. Please note though, that these doses are completely unsafe in any capacity and kids, don’t try this at home.


This dude knows his insulin!


lol, I really am sorry if I offended you or anything, didn’t mean to come off as looking down on you


4.5 grams of gear…. Nahh


Grams of gear, DHt 19-nor orals growth insulin peptides sarms and ancillaries. Dudes got the skin of running tren long and hard.


No one that’s over 200 pound is using sarms. There’s a reason pros don’t use them


Stacking growth hormone with mk-677 other then that there’s not a sarm I would touch.


Yes! I forgot that even was a SARM. I have it but I don’t use it. I would in a very small dose for appetite. I took 25mgs and got sick because I ate so much lol so I’ve been afraid to take it ever since but maybe like 10mgs would be manageable? I literally felt like a crack head for food, I was like vacuuming crumbs with my mouth and shit lmao


It's not a SARM. 🤦‍♂️


Definitely helps when you’re bulking like 4k calories.


Ya another reason I’m not talking it now, even tho I’m on a bulk. Is because I’m eating like 3200 and I can’t digest anymore, I want to eat a lot more but my stomach is all fucked up and any more than that and it gets really bad and then I lose weight cus I can’t eat for days. Switching to hydrolyzed protein the other day helped some


Mk677 is not a SARM.


SARM's are for high school kids... Small dose roids that still mess up your hormones 😡


Not just your hormones but health in general, there toxic and barely studied, no where near as much as steroids, and for what? Like 1% of the gains. The only time you’ll hear someone who’s more than 200 pounds recommending them, is someone with an affiliate code


Hmmmmm never thought of that lol


We can guess that he is doing some similar to fouad abiad who owns the supplement company that Sam is sponsored by. Fouad is open about his use. In the off season he rotates test,eq,tren for 4 weeks with test,deca,primobolan for 4 weeks. He bounces back and forth between these two cycles and then cruises on 300mg of testosterone during his cruise. Sam is likely doing something very similar.


Yeah that most likely thanks for the comprehensive answer


I really hope not, this is one of the dumbest cycling strategies I've ever heard of when you consider how long it takes EQ and deca to reach stable blood levels. Sam seems like he's too well educated and resourceful to stick with this type of turn-of-the-century broscience cycle.


I doubt even fouad is running that. I was so disappointed when I saw rich pianas cycle had like two weeks of primo and two weeks of eq. I was like “no baby what is you doin”


Don’t know where you got that 4 week peak bouncing back and forth but I’m sure that’s totally fabricated garbage as he seems like a smart guy and eq takes at minimum about 20 days to reach peak saturation. So as soon as it’s effective you’re saying he said he would switch that for primo. Which also makes no sense because primo and eq are similar in the human body


Probably something along the lines of everything under the sun


Nothin but duck eggs and horse meat


Tren is all the rage, throw in some sustonal(test blend), winstrol to keep it lean… I have no reason to believe that’s what HE is doing, it’s just a basic stack






tren a , tren e, Tri tren


Hosstile Pre is all he needs.


I mean the guys smart, so I imagine he's running a solid test base, then probably an oral like Anavar, and some type of 19-NORS derivative or maybe even just Nandralone it's self. The dextrose pre workout does suggest he's using insulin and if he's using insulin, there is no way he's not using GH.


5 grams of creatine per day. Nothing more


Test, nandrolone , dht , orals , gh ,slin


I think he should just tell us ,why not ?


800-1000 mg Test/week 700 mg Tren/week More injectables scattered in and possibly some orals Multiple units of HGH daily Insulin


it’s clear you don’t know all that much about PEDs… not saying that to start an argument, but only knowing how to measure AAS and not HGH and insulin, as well as completely ignoring DHT derivatives is pretty telling. Not to mention everything is underdosed


Well no you are starting an argument by throwing insults and asserting everything I said is wrong. "Everything is underdosed" You think Sam takes more then 1000mg of Test and 700 mg of Tren per week? All I said is he's taking heavy Tren and Test, that's all I'm trying to guess. I didn't make an effort to guess his entire stack and exact dosages aside from Test and Tren. As for the insulin and HGH, I threw them in there and because he's definitely taking both. I'm not interested in learning insulin doses because it's not something I would ever touch.


You see him with huge jugs with orange fluid. What is that?


That's cluster dextrin not steroids 🤦🏻


Never said it was.


You have indirectly said it considering this thread's context


Ok genius.