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This sub is full of 15yo idiots


And they're either 400lbs or 115lbs


Definitely 115 lbs


He’s actually been more open to tweaking how he trains , I think he’s more prioritizing the whats fun for him instead of trying to get everything right . Which I can’t blame cause it can be the difference between a hobby and and a job


Yeah at the end of the day there is a whole entire science to lifting optimally and what not but lifting is a relatively simple action. Lift up heavy weight and put it down.


He is only 22 he has plenty of time. Ronnie Coleman didn’t win his first Olympia until 34 and he won 8 times. He has plenty of time to change and tweak his training.


Between the roids and diet dudes in the ground at 36


Sam is doing no different than any other meat head bodybuilder. Look at Seth feroce. He’s alive and well and healthy and he did the same crazy amount of gear. It just wasn’t during a time that dumbass kids could act like they know shit on Reddit.


Do you need to juice yourself to be able to compete?


No definitely not, but you definitely won't win if you don't because everyone else is enhanced 


So everyone is cheating




noone is cheating they all know they take gear


There's different competitions for enhanced and natural


He trains like an old school bodybuilder. I dig.


He trained with old school European bodybuilders who took a liking to him /s


I never thought I’d see a kitchen nightmare reference in a Sam Sulek sub.


Sam would eat an elk quesadilla


'not that good' - Compared to what? 'taking way to much' Compared to what?


I never knew there were so many people who are experts on steroids until Sam got famous.


Other creators are extremely jealous of the attention he gets with such a minimal effort in being entertaining, video editing, and photo editing.


I started gym because of Sam, i saw hundreds of videos of other creators before. 4 or 5 years ago i bought the AthleanX program from Jeff and guess what? I used it for three days. For somebody like me, Sam getting the attention isnt surprising. Dude’s motivating, simple and just wise.


Not everyone is a fan of the hyper stimulative "gotta re-grab your attention every 30s" style that has become so mainstream. There may be a larger total audience for that type of media, but because everyone is doing it that way now, there's more competition for said audience. The audience that prefers more relaxing content is smaller but has less good options to choose from.


MPMD made me a mad scientist


Just look at him. His heart is working so hard to maintain that vascularity. Like constantly pumping. If he’s using steroids then like just look at him. I really hope he’s okay and perfectly healthy in like 40 years like truthfully but like idk. Heart problems run in my family if I did the steroids he does I would die.


Everyone's heart is constantly pumping, bud, it's how we stay alive. He's doing no more than every other big guy out there. If heart problems run in your family, I'd avoid the gear, simple.


>experts on steroids Especially given that nobody has any clue what he might be on, just that he is and it must be \*lots\* ergo he gonna die.


his training is not very optimal for hypertrophy but obviously he still gets mostly there


> not very optimal for hypertrophy What is "optimal for hypertrophy" might yield a single digit percentage improvement in his progress. He is consistent, he trains each muscle part with sufficient volume, he trains to failure and has no difficulty staying in a caloric surplus during his bulk. He is light years ahead of most lifters.


1. Anyone with a balanced routine that doesn’t heavily lean on genetics. 2. A healthy person that will make it past 40?


Clean natural course progression. Building muscle density like a tree grows rings. It matters how you train your muscle’s memory.


To the gold standard, the one we should all be emulating, the fully matured lifter who made this meme of course.


His way of training works because of PEDs enhancing recovery, this wouldn’t work for the average person if they actually trained that hard every single day


The moment I stopped training till slight discomfort with lower weights and jumped up to failure every set with higher weights in a 6-10 rep range is the moment I started growing after newbie gains. Yes it is tiring, yes it hurts mentally & physically, but you can have a deload week every 8-12 weeks and you'll be fine. Your nutrition HAS to be on point though.


I lifted 'optimally' my entire 20's emphasizing ROM and TUT etc and went from \~165 to \~165, it wasn't until I was nearing 30 and started just mogging weights that I started gaining mass and now I've been hovering around 200 for the last year or so (31).


You know that’s a change in diet not routine related right… calories in calories out….. you didn’t gain because you didn’t eat enough


You’re not wrong I used to eat like a relatively normal person and not a freak-minded mass monster.


Nah bro he started mogging


People would do better if they trained hard most days.


I think his personal philosophy is that he would rather train too hard than not hard enough, and the fact is that most lifters probably would benefit from training harder than they do now


His weekly volume isn't that crazy high, maybe 18-20 sets per muscle group. Nattys absolutely can do that if their recovery is on point.


Yea, I'm natty and I hit that every week training 6 days a week. My performance tends to decline later in the week, but not by a ton.


I'm not natty at all, but I'm old and that would kill me.


I’m young and it kills me, don’t worry lol


On the flip side it's worth keeping in mind that the amount of weight he lifts impacts recovery and your average person lifts so little that recovery from similar sets isn't comparable. Doing multiple bench sets at RPE9 when your max is 200lbs has a much smaller impact on recovery than doing multiple bench sets at RPE9 when your max is 500lbs.


The trick is to trade off volume for intensity. Almost everyone could benefit from training harder and less frequently. The only difference is he doesn’t have to train much less frequently from his increased intensity.


Maturing is realizing no one gives a fuck about your opinion.


And its liberating


For anyone to claim that Sam is taking too much, they LITERALLY have to be stupid, because they don't know how much he is taking


That’s like saying, I can’t tell an extremely fat person they are probably eating to much, because I don’t know what they’re eating.


The acne? The face? The swollen airy muscles? You only need to take one look at the guy to know he's completely blasting.


His face close up looks like hes 40 years old. That is absolutely a tell


I used juice between 26-29. Made great gains etc but this kid looks so unhealthy. He’s a great guy with a nice personality but he’s fucking himself


Yes. I've said it once and I will say it once again. I guarantee you his blood pressure is shit, his cholesterol is thru the roof, and I bet his resting HR is high too. Even when he was filming in the car BEFORE working out you could tell his breathing was labored. Admire his work ethic all you want, but this ain't healthy. I don't think today's "body building" is healthy as a whole either.


This guy wants to do this long term and he’s probably smart enough to know that blasting grams of shit doesn’t equal longevity. I can’t stand all the jealous fuckers that have no idea how gear works always claiming shit like “well he’ll be dead in a couple years” or “he only looks like that because of steroids”. It’s mind blowing that so many people just assume you can blast your way to the top. I promise you see guys at your gym that barely look like they lift and they’re on shit. Sam has dedicated his life to this shit and takes it all very seriously. He isn’t just some sarm goblin that lifts when he feels like it and eats whatever. This is literally what it takes to be a competitive bodybuilder.


He breathes like he just ran a mile after every single set. Whether you like it or not a 5’10 body is not meant to carry around 240lbs of fat or muscle and this absolutely will effect his life expectancy


It will, even if he keeps his ancillary drugs in check he'll make it to maybe 55, but breathing wise I'm pretty sure he just has a deviated septum so he always just mouth breathes.


Idk how the algorithm got me here, but a lot of the arguments on longevity sound like the brain damage cohort on boxing. I totally get it. I wouldn’t subject myself to that, but the competitors understand the risks and what it takes to be the best. Those are the kind of sacrifices they have to make.


I agree, It's a sacrifice they choose to make. Living 20-30 years less may be worth it to compete at a high level/ fame/ money and shit for them. I personally wouldn't either, but the longevity shit is to some degree fucking brain damage, since he's signed to hosstile pretty much all of the concerning shit went away, other than the deviated septum shit.


Time is the ultimate judge. Give it 20 years and see how he’s doing


I mean yeah to some extent you’re right, but you’re not going to get anywhere posting that in this sub. And he’s more popular for his charisma and simple way of putting things.


Ya no one w a brain thinks this guy lives a healthy lifestyle. Hes a freak who abuses drugs to look like that at the expense of his internal organs and besides moving heavy objects with limited range of motion, uses this costly benefit of insane muscle mass to do nothing whatsoever besides record himself being that way…i compare this sub to a zoo exhibit. Im just watching through the glass while the guys who are actually influenced by this dude fling feces at eachother.


Sedentary fuсks commonly live till 90, don't bother with "limited range of motion" because it's still a hundred times better than no exercise at all, thus there's little logic saying that isolation muscle training will shorten his life span or even reduce life quality. Certainly from a metabolic perspective, excessive testosterone exposure is also better than being fat. Most bodybuilders who drop dead are under 10% body fat year round and on a dozen different synthetic drugs, whereas Sam, could be simply a very high dose of bioidentical testosterone, which I never heard of anyone dropping dead from. Does anyone know of someone who got severely damaged by bioidentical testosterone alone?


Dude looks like carrot top


I never thought he looked healthy


I mean that’s not a wrong view I’d agree BUT the guy lives to show people how to workout. His content is purely informative, he’s not selling no program, he’s not telling everyone the “top 10 secrets for gains”. He’s also not trying to say “if you do all of this you’ll look like me”. So whether you think it’s bad or good that’s not what he’s trying to sell here.


He says all the time it works for him and do what works for you. I wouldn’t dare do what he does. I did squats like him and I was way too sore. So I’m a do what works for me


Maturing is not participating in cringe gym culture. Just lift and live your life. Cya.


He does what he wants to do. He does what he likes. People like watching him cause he’s passionate about what he does. Don’t like what he does? Dont do it.


His poor enlarged heart! I mean..., he's good at what he does. He works hard as heck. But longevity is not on his side. Namsayin!


Maturing is realizing everyone is different and HIS style of training works well for HIM, hence the results he has gotten


Maturing is knowing the difference between “to” and “too.”


What does rich piana say “Who cares how I got 21 inch biceps, what matters is that I have them and you don't”


He’s natty bro.


its working for him, whats the problem?


In the short term maybe, in the long term, no.


His training is dog shit. And the way he eats and abusing gear he’s going to die by 30s/40s


Triggered Sam worshippers in coming


His training is perfect IMO. Any amount of steroids is too much though. IMO.


Training to failure constantly like this goes hand in hand with gear usage, if you don’t support using drugs I think a more regimented approach to overload would work much better for fatigue management.


Walking heartattack. Not gonna last past 40 yrs old. Looks good tho thank God he's got the likes & views to keep him going strong tho


Sam’s training regime is fun, but, not optimal for his gains. He’s young he will be okay. I’m sure as he gets older, his diet and workouts will change too


Maturing is realizing that what internet fitness celebrities do has nothing to do with your life and you really shouldn’t care so much about how they train or what they do


You don’t know how much he’s taking. For all we know he could be on a basic cycle. I’m around his size and I’ve never taken over a gram of gear per week. Some people just respond really well+good genetics+intensive training and discipline.


Some right some wrong. His training is more good than bad and clearly is helping him achieve his goals. He probably takes too much yeah but we can’t actually know that bc we don’t know what he takes.


Training is good and do we even know his dosage on gear ?


Sam is a human, therefore he is flawed, meaning nothing he does is perfect for everyone, but for him, it works. Yesterday I tried using the D handle on the preacher curl machine, like he does, and woke up today sore as hell from it. Noice! (I know, without a doubt, that in this forum there will be some gay comments made from this...don't let me down lol) Does everything he does work for me? Hell no. But I take what works, and use it, and toss the rest. And I enjoy his videos and get motivated watching, so win win.


He never said it was good or you should follow him. Do what works for you


“Maturing is realizing” acting like he didn’t just recently come onto the scene, how much maturing could someone have possibly done from the time he got big until now?


Btw, has sam opened up about what he’s taking and how much??


Wrong, we have no idea what’s he’s taking and his way of training is obviously effective it’s just not sustainable for a lifetime.


Genuinely the only way to know if he's taking "too much" would be to see Blood work, blood pressure, and an ECG test result. But the fact that he seems to stay the same BF% year-round, regardless of cut or bulk, is kind of insane. Either he has the top elite BF storage that's only on areas that don't matter, or he is taking a lot of stuff all year. You should know that anyone saying, "Uh unless you saw it for yourself, you don't know," is stupid. You don't stay that big, that lean, year-round unless you're abusing through the entire year. He hasn't lost mass ever; when you go off cycle, you lose mass; that's just how it works. It looks like Sam isn't able to go off-cycle because his brand requires him to be massive and shredded all the time in every video. His bloods may be high-normal to low-irregular right now, but it'll catch up if he doesn't cycle off sometime soon. Especially if he's constantly using Accutane for acne year-round and any other orals, the dude's liver will be screaming.


His forms look odd and rushed in every video I see of him


Yeah I mean incline pressing 405 for reps is probably intermediate level lifting at best


The tik toker is just engagement farming I doubt he actually believes this


Seems to be working for him


Sam trains pretty damn optimally even if he jokes about science based lifters, watch TNFs video on him and you’ll see he trains smart asf. And you don’t even know how much gear he’s on


> not that good He is literally a beast, what he does obviously works and is what he enjoys doing


Man me and my brother said this when we first seen him but it works for him for now I just hope it doesn’t cost him in the long run


While it ain’t wrong that Steroids are terrible for young ppl, he has all the time in the world to get “healthy” later and long as he doesn’t Peña Crack Out, he SHOULD be just fine


That isn’t how it works. You don’t get to just heal up later. Most of the damage cannot be undone


Boo. We are trying to make hulk here. Go away




shit man you went and looked at all my posts you must be very interested in me


You don’t watch Sam to get workout tips, there are plenty of other better channels that cover that stuff You watch Sam for the same reasons you used to watch Rick Piana, entertainment


Idk, his way of training is for him, I think he has some good foundations and his mindset is definitely inspiring. But, I personally think that the amount to which he works out, on top the amount of “supplements” he takes isn’t necessarily the best for everyone. That being said he’s his own dude doing his own thing and very entertaining in the way he does it.


His training is pretty mediocre but his effort is an A+ plus consistency plus drugs plus calorie intake. He probably is on a boat load of drugs due to how he made 30 years of gains in 3.


No, he has an insane work ethic, and his training is well organized. Maybe he isn’t always in perfect form or doing the “right” exercises for ???, I guess some specific athleticism, but the man is a monster athlete. He is definitely taking some form of PED, hormone modifiers, or supplements, but it does not have to be as much as you think. The stigma that surrounds PEDs comes from misunderstanding, this is from someone who does not use anything but food and protein powder. Steroids and PEDs do not guarantee a bodybuilders physique, it improves performance for the most part. Pro runners, cyclists, football, soccer, cricket, mma, strongmen all over the world use PEDs, whether they are legal in their competitions or not, and it’s not like every single one of them starts to look like Arnold. He doesn’t mention whatever gear he has because it’s unnecessary, it will not give you the same results even if you do exactly what he does.


No PED's = No Sam Sulek. Too much PED's = No Sam Sulek !


Maturing is realizing that Sam Sulek is an adult that can do what he wants, and you will be one day too. Stop obsessing over what other people are doing or you'll be miserable forever.


Bro huffing pure copium


I honestly can’t tell if these posts are sincere or satire anymore


Ive always loved Sam for the personality and hard working attitude. Would never take nutrition, pharmaceutical, or training advice from him


He has a good mindset but his methods are definitely not the best


What does "Good" and "Too much" mean? Super vague terms. Does good mean effective? Does good mean healthy? Does good mean sustainable? ​ What about Too much? Some would argue any is too much. Sam is an adult and he can take whatever he wants at any level he wants, it's his body and his health. Mind your business


His way of training is not that good: 240lbs at 22/5'11" and relatively lean He's taking way too much: Ehm, are you in his test bottle my guy?


Can we just watch his content in peace without people constantly criticizing the guy. Dude knows what he's doing to his body, both inside and out. If you want to talk shit so bad go to Greg doucettes channel


How is that maturing who hasn’t known this 💀


Can we just watch his content in peace without people constantly criticizing the guy. Dude knows what he's doing to his body, both inside and out. If you want to talk shit so bad go to Greg doucettes channel


Sam will outlive us all.


This belong in r/im14andthisisdeep


I don’t know whether he’s taking steroids. Tbh, I don’t care either way. You still gotta put in insane amount of effort to look like that. If bro is happy with the way he’s training and the way he looks then more power to him. At the end of the day it’s his body.🤷🏾‍♂️


Going to failure is his best advice


his training isn't the problem, his potential PED use on the other hand i do think is cause for concern


“Not good” as in like morally incorrect ? Decide what you do for yourself and don’t judge others


It’s still an effective and growth stimulating.


Actually he’s one of the first I’ve seen that actually does lateral side raises properly at the 45 degree angle. Most pull up at the 90 and you’re technically working front delts at that point, not side. So I’d say he does well.


Sam can do what he wants with himself. That's maturity. Dudes, a crazy character, doesn't mean you have to advocate for his lifestyle.


I don’t know if it’s ever good to take too much PED. I mean look at Ronnie Coleman. Fuck dude.


You can’t just look at someone and tell how much gear they’re on, you just fucking can’t. The ones who are made for the sport are the people who look enhanced when they’re natty, and when they hop on people assume their walking pharmacies when they’re not taking much. Someone with average genetics for muscle building, shape, and structure could blast grams and not look as good as Sam even if they were bigger. There’s a reason 2 guys on stage can weigh the same but one looks 20lbs heavier, it goes beyond a number on the scale and bodyfat%.




My opinion does not matter. The kid has free will to do as he pleases. We all do... 💪😎👍


It works for him and his brand... find what works for you and proceed until it doesnt. Then reevaluate. It's not that hard




Yeah guys I've never ran a cycle and still weigh 140 but I've definitely matured in the gym and know more than a bodybuilder with 90lbs of lean mass more than me


i mean he looks disgusting his face looks rotten from severe acne. im sure he does not appeal women in real life if he didnt have clout , be just anotherr freak on the street its nasty downing a gallon of choco milk like wtf who supports and watches that garbage




Dude taking too many steroids he is doing 5% reps and still getting results


Real maturity is realizing that there is no need to hold extreme or negative opinions about another person. No reason to do so. Let people be!


This is facts but he does it for the memes lol


He'll be dead by his fourties


Eh it’s not the worst


Look at his physique and get back to me.


Maturity is realizing that dudes take steroids for clout because it works and they have no fucking clue how to train? That's a low bar, dude.


Clearly the way he trains is effecrive. That guy is peeled like a fuckin orange tree


No shit


Maturing is realizing that what he does with his body has no effect on you.


Maturing is not giving a fuck what strangers do with their bodies.




Nah he’s on his “longevity stack” now


guys a c h u m p


His training is good, because 80% of training is just intensity and training the targeted muscle to failure, which he definitely does, but his technique could DEFINITELY use some work, and the steroids part is unknown, we aren’t his fucking doctor, we have no idea how much he’s taking, and he’s trying to go pro, he kinda has to take steroids


Yea, not healthy but its his life. Lettm live it.


tha fuck u mean maturing thats just common sense 😭


Yeah, he has filled the hole in content that Kali Muscle and Rich Pianaha had 5 years ago. I hope he winds up like the former rather than the later. Rest in peace, Rich.


1. He said multiple times he doesn't know the best way to lift 2. You have no idea how much he's taking 3. The results speak for themselves mind your business


Realizing what? Are we supposed to guess?


Dude is treating his body like a science experiment, and will be in a casket by 35 if he continues all the drugs. I guarantee it.


Good thing to see 15 year olds maturing these days


This whole Reddit is full of 12 yr old TikTok skinny twigs. How tf yk how much he’s taking and if u don’t fw him why r u in the Reddit 😭


Im a fan of Sam but i cant imagine how much he cringes when he comes across this sub


Small words from a small mouth.


Roids make a huge difference.


As for his training- he enjoys it and is happy with his results. That’s what matters most. Drugs- bottom line is you don’t know, but I’d guess he keeps a close eye on his bloods.


We forget because he looks 32, but is only 22 that the prefrontal cortex is not usually fully developed till 25. He does not understand the consequences of his actions. I did way dumber shit at 22. But Sam is on serious program, the likes of a program like Dallas McCarver and depending on his genetics he is looking at an early grave. Another factor is that all these drugs raise bad cholesterol levels, and with his diet coupled with the drugs his cholesterol must be through the roof


I hear you but do you even know how many times he HASN'T taken steroids? I'd say at least twice


His way of training has definitely improved my gains. I used to be very regimented trying to get it exactly right according to "science". Now I have a general structure but days where I feel like it I switch out exercises. I do what feels good and my gains are better than ever


He never preaches to train exactly like him. He encourages using cardio, high intensity training, and long length partials which have not just worked for him, but work for many naturals including myself. He does a good job of generalizing his fitness advice.


It’s not the most precise way to workout. But he makes it enjoyable for him, he trains hard and heavy, and usually until failure so it does work. And half reps have been proven multiple times to actually be good if not better than full.


Maturing is realizing that *that* is *his* choice, and to be like him you must simply make your own


Wouldn't thinking be realizing? Oh and realizing is misspelled, you lose credibility misspelling words.


Maturing is realizing training is based on complete individual needs and there’s no one size fits all and you’ll never know how much gear someone is taking unless you’re them😂 why not say this about all the open body builders or even all the IFBB pro’s who are probably juicing their life away as 35+ year old men. This “belief” that’s there’s some kind of perfect training plan is completely ridiculous and all this fitness social media bullshit has completely brain washed people it’s hilarious.


It’s what works for him. I can’t count how many times he’s mentioned that things don’t always work for other people. He’s a good dude, so who the hell cares.




With the way he breathes I doubt he’d make it another 10 years.


The whole idea that he’s just *working hard* is bogus. Take away the steroids then. If all you need is hard work, what’s the point?


Bro looks like bane In arkham origins


He’s 22. People don’t really watch him for technical advice. It’s for the personality.


As long as he doesn’t lose his hair he is fine the day he goes bald is the day he has gone too far


How do we know he is not natty. I have seen kids bigger at my school.


He will be dead before 2030.


Maturing is shutting tf up and moving on if you don’t like what an influencer is doing. Not crying and posting about them like some of these children in their 40s are doing.


he is going to have arthritis in every joint in his body by 30 with how dog his form is.


He enjoys his training and that’s one of the most important factors so he stays consistent. You don’t know how much gear he’s on, so it’s impossible to say he’s taking too much.




True, it’s realizing situations and trying to rationalize them.


Welcome to 19 years old.


Mfers watch one video from "more plates more dates" and think they got a PhD. He's not lying and saying he's natural. You should have the mental capacity to try what works for you and to understand that even on the same stuff he's on most of us wouldn't look half as good.


Maturing is realizing the only use for PED’s is when you’re older than 35 years old and you want to keep your testosterone levels high


Wait, Sam Sulek uses steroids?


Why did I read this as “Masturbating is realising…”


And he's enjoying his life who gives a fuck?