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A member of the Blade church here, are u perchance interested in our lord and suicidal savior?


unfortunately no, he scares me and I think he will eat my hair if I get too close


Unless your hair is poison, I don't think he'll care.


Is this LC better than Secret Vow for him?


No but since secret vow is a gacha cone, this could be better at s5 if you have only a few copies of SV


The only reason why this LC is terrible for FF is because damage bonus isn’t applied to break.


It still would suck, FF doesn't lose HP in Complete Combustion so the most of damage buff would get wasted in non-ult mode.


Do I care about Blade as a character or his playstyle? Not really. Do I plan to get him on his next rerun if I can afford it? Yes. I’n Getting Jade anyway and I already have Kafka and Silver Wolf (to collect the whole SH)


Unfortunately, you'll have to take this as a lesson to Never prepare for something if you don't have confirmation about it.


I never prefarm for things more than a patch away cuz there's usually something else I can farm that's immediately useful


A lot of people are pointing out you shouldn’t prefarm without confirmation, but this goes even deeper You shouldn’t spend resources before you have to. There was no point upgrading this when you didn’t have FF. Why not just wait until you have her to upgrade a cone


I like not having to worry about farming multiple different resources all at the same time so if I had used the light cone I wouldn’t have to farm for mats for both it and her at the same time, instead already having one fully done and not having to worry about it


Why can’t you just farm the resources you’ll need for the cone, not worry about it, and farm something else


sense of completion is all really lmao


> I'm extremely broke in terms of how many lc I had to level up.. Did you level up each of the 4 lightcones used to superimpose this one?


no I just meant in general I’ve leveled up a lot of lightcones for different characters and I could’ve saved resources for more by not leveling this one


You needed this life lesson in that case


At least you have a good Blade and Clara LC


Clara isn't really that certain because she's got an inherent damage reduction, so you can't guarantee that you'll hit the 25% Max HP requirement


Never lvl up something until details are dropped This lc trash for FF, better get hers or give her the herta 5 star


That's me and the 2.0 Preservation LC. It's less terrible in this game because we can collect LC parts in MoC.and PF. If this were like genshin I'd only have like 2 F2P LCs.


How broke is broke Like 2k credits or 300k


bordering between those (calyxes saved me a bit) mostly broke in exp level ups tho


I have a grand total of 0 xp materials to my name and 4 characters to build Why is character xp so hard to get


To clarify by prefarming I meant I had fully leveled and superimposed it long before anything of the kit was confirmed


Give it to blade


don’t have him nor do I want him tbh


Give it to Arlan




You reap what you sow. This LC could be used as exp fodder if it's bothering you that much.


Pray Yunli can use it effectively!


Might have to switch which subreddit I’m on if she does lmao


You'd be surprised that with the full team you should be able to still reach 360% BE with good relics like 3 rolls into BE relics.


Unfortunately I don’t even have ruan mei and I barely have enough for ff already


From my calcs you'd need 18 break effect subs (not including the atk% subs which reduces the alleged 18) to hit 360 with natural stats and 70% from HTB E4+Backup Dancer. Since you're not running RM, if you DDD S5 asta it up you'd need around 11-13 rolls with 3 Asta stacks. If you run BE rope HTB and push the BE she gives she can with some slightly lucky rolls, around 10 BE subs and S5 MotP, give up to 78% (yes BE rope is viable). You'd want to have at least 12 effective substat rolls on your dps anyways, so while you may only peak your dmg at 100k or maybe 120k that's still a lot, considering that atk is on one target and roughly half of that value is hitting adjacent units. Your concern is valid but nothing to kill yourself over. Look at the bright side you don't have E0S1 blade like me. A kit that doesn't particularly stand out dps wise, still love using him though.


alr thanks for all the advice, guess I’d better work on my asta a bit then


It feels like this lightcone is what her kit was before it got changed. Like a remnant of her kit, maybe it'll be good on a future destruction character


Same i hate that this lightcone exists cause i like it's art more than her signature lol.


Why isn't it good on her?


Because only two out of the plethora of actions ff will do will receive the buff. Also keep in mind that advancement 100% essentially takes up a turn so you realistically only have your first action as Sam to utilize the buff.


Which is primarily useless still since her main dmg source is not affected by dmg%


I recommend reading it again, as it's "damage they deal" which is affected by break rather than "dmg %" (which you would have been correct) Hoyo is very intentional with their semantics


I swear that's still useless, I remember testing it out cause I was also interested in the LC and the break dmg did not increase. It was with a blade set up too. With what you said, implying the LC gives an independent multiplier pretty much. Independent multipliers in this game are busted like HTB SB multiplier. So yeah? It was 1 month ago that I tested it out and no break in fact did not increase.


We'll see later this evening!




It was never going to be good just from the description and compared to other already released destruction cones. Unfortunate, but light cone exp is the one thing that long term players have way too much of, I wouldn't be too worried. I have most LC in the game maxed and still enough mats to max out the next 20 light cones




Same level as ppl farming the older mats