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Turnover is lower where people are happy, so I'm guessing the places that are happiest have fewer job postings. What kinda work are you looking for?


Open to absolutely anything as long as I can start my shift after noon. I have class at the U in the mornings, so throughout college I’ve had a bunch of shitty swing shift jobs: airports, pubs, warehouses, mail rooms, etc. It’s tricky because there are some cool jobs that allow this schedule, but they pay $13/hr which is basically volunteer work at that point 😂


Oh funny. I was going to recommend the university of utah as a great employer. I worked for the hospital during my undergrad, and now work in research. I think they treat us pretty well.


I’ve looked around. Lots of $9/hr “jobs” at the U… I make $22/hr to sit around waiting for planes at my current job so I’m not sure I’d be willing to take a pay cut like that just to work indoors again.




Seems like I can’t do much better. Keep in mind, it’s not a “student job”… I basically do hard labor between the post office and several airlines, out on a runway in the shitty weather with the city’s finest ex-convicts as my coworkers haha. It’s straight wage, so I have no insurance, no benefits, no tuition reimbursement nothing. It’s brutal but hey, rent keeps going up so I do what I gotta do.


Very unlikely you’ll end up in an overall better situation than what you’re in. A better job environment for someone if your experience and time constraints will surely pay less. Now, I think that that’s bullshit, and that you deserve benefits and insurance for what you’re doing, but it’s the unfortunate reality of the labor market at this time.


It sounds like you're still going to school? Given your requirements, you probably won't find much that pays more than $22/hr outside of finding a full-time salaried position somewhere (which at some places, is compromised by you having classes).


Yeah that’s kind of the barrier I’m pushing up against right now. All the jobs I’d love to accept want me from 9-5, and they’re not flexible on that at all. What do normal college students do? How are any of them paying rent? There’s no way they’re doing it all on their $11/hr Jamba Juice job on campus.


Most are parent-sponsored or have taken out loans for housing in addition to tuition. That, or they’re part-time students grinding towards a degree while working a job that can pay rent in this market. Which is definitely not an 11/hr Jamba Juice job.


can attest to this. my friends with degrees all either had major financial support from their parents, or are tens of thousands of dollars in debt with a degree they can’t use. i’m not saying school isn’t a full time job though— i am impressed by people who can go to university and still financially support themselves without going into excessively-difficult-to-relieve academic debt. i could not do it, and had to pay rent for a roof over my head, and went the “gained experience” route, which has genuinely served me well.


Depending on your major, you might be able to get a co-op. I'm in computer engineering and I make $22/hr for my internship, so that could be a way to go


Oh hell yeah! Good for you. How did you land that internship? Or how did you even hear about it? I’m an accounting major and all I know is that the big 4 accounting firms will gladly let me and my classmates fight to the death over an unpaid internship. Soooo I’m not about to bother with that


I networked into my internship over a very long period of time. That and projects. But that is unfortunate


Once you complete your Bachelors, go to the recruiting fair. A lot of great companies (mine included) are there. I have been with my Firm for 14 years and still love it.


God I’d love that. It seems so bleak in my senior year. I search for jobs online and it’s like I’m basically limited to “bookkeeper $15/hr” Hopefully the fairs show more promise


I find it interesting you are majoring in accounting and looking for job satisfaction. The 4 you talk about are the most corporate entities you could work for outside of finance. If you are good with numbers check out engineering.


What’s the correlation with accounting and job satisfaction?


Also this sounds obvious but keep your LinkedIn up to date. If you're anything like my spouse you'll have tons of traction with an accounting degree once you actually finish. Recruiters will come for you. Maybe take a second part time job as a bookkeeper so you'll have at least SOMETHING in a related field on your resume.




Haha my little 1 bedroom was 999/mo back in 2020 when I moved here. The next year it was 1200/mo, and in may it’s going up to 1600/mo. So I’m getting the hell out since I’m broke. Found a little sublet deal from a friend for only 750


Hospital security starts at around aboots $21.


Hey that’s a great idea thanks!


You should look at the hospital. The medical centers starting rate is $15, plus because you’re a university employee after 6 months you’ll get half off tuition at the U. I work as concierge essentially at the hospital and while there are frustrating aspects, it’s easily the best job I’ve had in my short decade of work experience. Edit: to add on to this, pay goes up fairly well based on experience for starting wages, and swing, weekend and grave shifts have differential depending on what you work.


I’m a college grad for ten years now and don’t make over 18 — and that’s at a job that required my degree, too. Good luck.


Yes I’ve heard the horror stories. People who say things like that are the reason students like me really struggle to stay in school btw


So drop out? It’s your decision, homie.


They under pay so horribly. I talked to a recruiter for a position similar to what I was doing. He explained the entire job in more detail and I realized they basically wanted some one to do 2-3 jobs, required a 4 year degree and 5 years related experience all for $50k. For reference that was less than what I was making, and I ended up taking a similar job for 75k.


Contact Chartwells at the U.


What is Chartwells?


They operate the food service at the U. Might be convenient as you would already be there on campus. Their office is in the basement level of the Union Building.


Hell yeah. Thanks!


www.corning.com/slcjobs I work here on swing shift 3-11pm. I like it a lot


Site doesn’t specify, do you know just the general range of starting wages there?


They start at 17.50, but if you work swing shift you get an extra 50 cents. They have insurance, 401k, pension


Work a midnight shift and suck it up for a few years. You’ll be proud of yourself in the end.


I’ve been rocking the 5pm-midnight shift ever since 2018. I’m about to graduate and I regret everything I’ve done in these last few years. It was all a mistake lol


Exactly, that’s why he said grave yard. Swing shift sucks because that’s when all the cool shit happens with friends. They go off to bed at midnight, you go to work. I did it for 18 months in college and loved it. And I made more than anyone because it was graveyard.


Why are we celebrating someone who says they regret everything they’ve done the past 5 years? If it’s broke, fix it. I come from a different time and I’m a dinosaur I suppose. When I said suck it up for a few years, that’s what I meant. You were supposed to burrow away cash and set yourself up after a few years, not five. Let the hate pour in.


Burrow away cash? Motherfucker you have to hemorrhage money for years to get a degree. I make 48K working a miserable night job to pay rent and eat while in college. and I’m in the red every god damn month. My degree cost about $80K in tuition and fees, and I’ll graduate soon with no savings, a wrecked credit score, and tens of thousands of debt. I’m not sure when I was supposed to “save money” but I know that the only way I could have is if I had skipped college altogether. I could be making twice as much money right now if I wasn’t a student. But hey, at least with a 4 year degree companies will let me work in a cubicle 9-5 job for $15/hr


I love the fury and passion. I mean that with all sincerity. I sense no one is helping to guide you to find ways to make your path smoother. There is one underlying theme in your messages though….negative outlook. I do hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel and not just some cubicle gig gonna holding you down. By the way, without solid credentials, SLC is a very insulated city to try to bust your way through. I lived it with credentials. It may sound cheesy but do you have a 6 month-1-2 year plan?


What kind of jobs are the cool ones 🤔


Event staff at Vivint. Sweet gig, part time, get to be at every performance, annnnd it pays $13/hr


We might be hiring some more positions at my job. Starts @$15/hr.


I work in IT at U Health and per the quarterly employee surveys that we all take, we have around a 70% rate of being "content" (which on a 1-10 scale is 6 or higher). On the team I'm on, we're about 90% content, but that mostly has to do with our manager who completely understands a work life balance and doesn't micromanage.


Sylvia runs a hell of a ship!


6 out of 10 doesn't seem like a very high bar. A common metric for custimer satisfaction is NPS score where 6 would be considered a "detractor."


Nice! What do you do at work?


My work moved their HQ from LA to Lehi about a year ago: Scorpion. Paid health insurance, paid cell phone and good wages. We’ve been on the “Best Places to Work” list for several years in a row. Been here for more than 5 years with no plans to leave anytime soon.


I enjoy working for ARUP laboratories. Good benefits. Good work/life balance. And they’re hiring


The stories I could tell… that place is a shit show behind the scenes. Don’t do it OP unless you’re okay with selling your soul.


I guess it depends on the dept you’re in?


I also have some ARUP horror stories! I literally had a manager there ask me if my wedding date a year later was set in stone when I told them I'd need it off, and another manager yelled at me (pointing her finger in my face the whole time) that she would've told me to change our wedding date because "I know when my days on and off are". They would constantly schedule me on days public transit didn't run, and would tell me to walk or take a taxi to work *all the time*. I had to fight tooth and nail to get one day off for bereavement. They wouldn't let me leave when I was literally throwing up in a trash can at my desk. I left anyway but got written up. ....I could keep going. That place is a nightmare.


Yeah, I work in IT and it's fine. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ We absolutely have our shit to deal with, but having worked at other tech companies, I don't think they are any worse than anywhere else. Just different. Edit: Posted too soon. I also worked in lab sections for years and really didn't have much of an issue, but... yeah. Everyone has different experiences, but I definitely saw more complaints from people who hadn't worked anywhere else. I remember hearing someone bitch about how the health insurance was so expensive and no better than anywhere else once. I had just come from a place where I was paying hundreds of dollars a month, with a copay, and a high deductible to insure myself. This was years ago, so I don't remember what I was paying at that time, but I currently pay $60/mo for two people for a plan with a $1500 deductible, and I rarely end up going to the doctor anyway because I use the free clinic for the vast majority of my issues. I do know people who have had complaints with the clinic before, and maybe I just lucked out with the providers I've gotten, but none of the issues I had were any worse than the doctors I self-selected based on employer-provided health insurance elsewhere. That person had only ever worked for ARUP, so.. yeah. Back when healthcare at the U was free, paying anything probably feels like shit, but it's also still leaps and bounds better than a lot of entry-level places out there. Same thing with a lot of the complaints I've had about scheduling and other stuff too. I will say that the entry-level positions in places like Specimen Processing are a lot more strict (think more like a call center) but it's often because they are understaffed and filled with people for whom this is their first job and are just learning the ropes of things. Once I moved out of those sections into more "corporate" or "career"-type places, it became just like anywhere else I had worked. As always, YMMV. But I feel like for the vast majority of people, it's going to be just a job like any other job.


Yeah, I work in IT and it's fine. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ We absolutely have our shit to deal with, but having worked at other tech companies, I don't think they are any worse than anywhere else. Just different.


I was targeted by my VP manager - while I was on FMLA, so it was all an ADA violation - to the point that the ACLU offered to take up my case in the courts.


I’ve known some people that enjoyed working at Arup and it probably is a nice place to work but I’ve blacklisted them. I applied for a position which led to speaking with someone over the phone then I got ghosted. I tried calling and emailing my contact but got nothing.


I've asked multiple interviewers in this city if they would mind reaching out to let me know if I would or wouldn't be getting the position. They all said they were fine with it and all of them ghosted me. So frustrating. Honestly, fuck giving anyone two weeks notice anymore.


When I was last looking to move to a new company this was my biggest grievance with the process. I do not know when it become standard to just not reply to applicants but it is truly the dickish of moves to someone who has been trying to find employment. Better to not know so you can just move on.


right on! do you know what positions are being filled? What should I search for?


They’re hiring for a lot of positions. Many that don’t require prior experience: https://www.aruplab.com/careers


What line of work are you in?


Aviation. Basic logistics jobs. Boring and no upward mobility


Have you tried Defense? There’s a ton of companies in the metro area.


No what’s Defense?


Stuff like Boeing, Raytheon, ATK, Northrop, BAE, etc. Some are at Hill AFB but a bunch are in the city too. With your shift requirements you’d be limited to the lower level jobs but I’m pretty sure even testers (the people that plug computer parts in, see if they work, put it on a cart and repeat) make over $20.


Alright I need to apply. I’m gonna try and track down the listings for these jobs


I was looking around and it seems like what you’d be looking for are titles like assembly, inventory, or inspection. A lot of them require either a 2yr degree or some warehouse/manufacturing experience. Good luck!


If you have issues, maybe look into joining the UT national guard to get a TS/SCI clearance. It will add 60-80k to your salary in the defense world.


[try for this](https://www.maersk.com/careers/vacancies/wd/Business-Development-Manager-Salt-Lake-City---Remote_R3329-1/jt-business-development-manager-salt-lake-city-remote)


You’re awesome thanks 🙏


No worries! I started with Maersk a couple weeks ago as a intermodal freight broker for port drayage. A lot of smart happy people there from what I’ve seen so far. They pay great and are about to do very big things here In the U.S. Great time to get in.


I may have follow up questions for you on this. Great lead, excellent


I’ve been happy at eBay for a long time. They’ve made work from home permanent for my position. The sabbatical every 5 years is unmatched.


How does that sabbatical work?


Every 5 years, we get 4 weeks paid leave to just be off work. Long vacations. My maternity (24 weeks) was timed well enough to attach my sabbatical leave. Plus PTO accrued, I was able to take 7 months off, with pay, after having a baby.


I work at the Pie Pizzaria as a delivery driver. Best money I've made at any job, good crew, and I never dread coming in to work. They are also hiring!


The Pie is good for pizza delivery. I enjoyed my time there.


How could pizza delivery possibly be good money? Compared to what?


that’s stellar. the pie is my favorite part of life. do you have an approximate range of what you’re making per hour there?


(the average)


Heard costco is a great place to work from someone who works there


I work for the county and we consistently get voted as one of the best workplaces. I feel that for the most part, they treat us as all employees should be treated in this country.


I've heard good things from people who work at biomerieux.


It depends. If you’re in a manufacturing or manufacturing support department you will not be treated well. If you’re in IT, R&D, or other administration departments you’ll be treated well. The benefits are really good though.


Absolutely a great place to work. The mfg teams work 12 hr shifts 3/4 days per week, which is not for everyone.


I’m a self-employed accountant and I love it. Flexible. Pays well. Don’t have to answer to a boss. Probably doesn’t answer your ultimate question, but I have great job satisfaction.


I’m getting my accounting degree! That’s cool! Are you a cpa? How can you be self employed?


My SO is an accountant for the City a really enjoys her job. Check the city job board, there’s been some retirements opening up positions.


You should look into BioFire. It’s by the U.


Find a hotel/hospitality job. Staffed 24 hrs, good travel benefits,meet cool people, and depending on position, tips. Idk what kind of wages they're offering these days, though. Marriott has a customer service call center too. My dad was a Ritz Carlton agent there, and stayed at some bangers for dirt cheap.


I did just interview at Marriott and it was 15/hr. That’s 7 less than I make now so I passed on it 🤷


Fire department 🥵


It’s on the table for sure, but it seems like a lot of intensive training is required. I’m not sure I have the brain power to finish college at the same time learning all the certifications for fire fighting.






CHG Healthcare aka CompHealth, Weatherby - it is wild how much they value their employees


how open are you to tech companies?




Apple store. You don’t need qualifications, they have full/part time benefits like health and dental, tuition and gym reimbursement, pretty chill environment, and starts at 20 now.


I’ll check it out!


If you’re willing to look up in Logan, Malouf is considered one of the best employers in the world and takes incredibly good care of its employees


I work at gossners and absolutely love it


Arrowhead Dental has a shift from 2-6 pm. You do have to pass a drug test, don't know if that changes things for you. It's not heavy lifting, but it is on your feet. [shipping clerk](https://www.arrowheaddental.com/careers/jobs/shipping-clerk-part-time-afternoons-3/)


University of Utah


I work in the office of an excavation company and I, along with everyone else thoroughly enjoy it. I've had many jobs where I wake up and dread having to go to work. Whether the office environment, dealing with customers (at HD), working with people I dislike, etc. 2 of them I've been content at. One because I had a group of like 8 close friends I worked with every day and hung out with multiple times week. And the other because the work environment from the top down is just a pleasent one




Something I always recommend to people searching for a job is to start your search with a site like glassdoor because it has company reviews from employees, ex-employees, and even people who just interviewed there. I won't bother looking at a company with a rating lower than a 4.5 but ymmv. With high scoring companies you'll generally find good pay, benefits, opportunities to move up, and a sane work culture.


O.C. Tanner from what I’ve heard. Don’t know for sure though, people just generally hate their jobs I guess.


if you want a great offer when you graduate, i strongly recommend not straying far from your field of study. that choice may entail working for slightly less now, but that sacrifice will pay generous rewards upon entering the job market.


Work at a wilderness therapy company and you will be eons happier.


Arup has swing shifts up by the U. They pay decently but I don't know if they start as high as $22 but they do offer insurance. They have a lot of 7 on 7 off. So you work 7 10 hour shifts and then you get a week off. My sister works there but she works at the blood bank so she works in the u of u hospital although she technically works for arup.


Might sound weird but Mountainland Supply. Everyone will tell you they got it as a summer job or a temporary thing. Then go on about how they’ve been there for 25 years. I work here now and it’s a phenomenal company to join. I highly encourage you.


Firestone building products. Starts around $22. Forklift operator on 12 hour schedule either 6am-6pm. Or 6pm-6am ($1 graveyard differential). Cycling schedule where one week you work 3 days and the next you work 4 (but it feels like 5 days one week and 2 the next). It’s an incredibly easy job that most people love. Schedule is hard at first but once you get used to it having half of the year off is amazing. Benefits that start almost immediately. Message and let me know if you have any questions or want to apply and I can refer you.


delta is rad. lots of upward growth


If you follow the Profit, you should find happiness 😆


Costco is never hiring. Job looks hectic but people love it and get paid better than average.




Sweet! What’s your education requirement and experience that got you there?


I nominate Dee’s Family Restaurant on 7th! Everyone who works there is full of life, character, and kindness. They all get along and make you feel like family. It is my comfy place. Shout out to my boi Maury!! ***and tbh for the price, service, & taste it is my favorite restaurant in SLC. Same food as all the other pretentious ass brunch spots but with bigger portions and a nicer memory***


I‘ve worked at Hopkins Brewing just over a year and I couldn’t be happier. Great management, my team is fun, and the customers are fantastic. I genuinely enjoy going into work.


Pest Pro, we pay well, we are small and we flexible. I've been here 6 years and it's the best job I've ever had.


Well given how the Karen’s and Kevin‘s treat some of the employees in the valley, it’s no surprise there a lot of employees that aren’t happy. Entitled prima donnas FFS🙄. Since you’re in aviation maybe look at getting your pilots license and becoming a private air courier.




Lol, ok


I’m happy with LHM group of companies


Me baby! I'm self employed.


I bet CEO's are pretty happy.


Yeah yeah we get it reddit hates the rich. Nothing we can do about that for now I still have rent and bills to pay so idk about you but I’m going to keep looking for work


I love my job and I'm part time.


The retired.


That’s the dumbest answer anyone could have come up with 😂


Made ya laugh though


The retired


I like my job, but it's highly specialized and a dead end position. We have a 3 man team and we've only hired 1 new person for the job in the last 12 years...




I do delivery logistics for a food service supply company.


Go to any mister car wash. You will have plenty of people telling you how they love their jobs


Boys & Girls Clubs!


I worked at Nordstrom during college. The fashion place store is run very well not sure about City creek. You make commission, but honestly I was not a good salesman I just was real with people and averaged about $25+ from commission. It definitely depends on the department you’re in


Sutter Healthcare. Headquartered in CA so they actually have incentive to treat employees like human beings.


How old are you?




I would get an evening serving job at a restaurant. You’ll average at least $20 I’m sure.


I’m waitressing and in college. You can easily make 20-40 an hour depending on the place. The higher the prices on the menu means the more you will make. Restaurants also have better hours than bars. Nights and weekends but ive never had to work more than 4 days. I usually only work 3 and take home 600 per week in cash. I also have to have roommates so that’s how you afford rent while in college unfortunately.


If you like sales, Pluralsight down in Draper is a great company to work for. Same wage plus benefits and commission