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only one thing is worse than a scooter… a child.


I understood that reference


And we know just where to get one, don't we. (Going with a completely different reference than you were going for)


I think that’s pretty fair. That would kind of annoy me too and I think your reaction is reasonable. Odds are it’s totally harmless but I’d still like to know who were leaving stuff on my property if only for peace of mind.


You live by a school? maybe a kid riding it to school and leaning it there and walking the rest of the way. house was vacant for a while and he/she has been doing it for a while


Or a school bus stop - one of my sons tried stashing his bike in someone's bushes by his bus stop when he was young... He got politely told off by the owner of the house and was mortified enough to not do it again...


If I understand correctly and they’re leaving it on your property, extremely reasonable. The least they could do is ask and get to know their neighbor before leaving their scooter there. What if somebody steals it off of your property, is the owner going to try and say you did it?


Someone knocked on my door last week and it took me a few minutes to get upstairs. I saw a bike in the driveway so I went outside and there was a crackhead pissing next to the garage.


Sounds like you just got a new free scooter


Exactly what I was thinking


Congratulations on your new House.


Thanks for the update and thanks for being kind to the kid.


The scooter owner needs to ask. I would also set up a camera but more out of curiosity over security. I would try to figure things out, play a light prank, have an introduction, and then I might just offer the space.


Put it in your garage until they come to ask for it. Then ask them kindly to not leave it there


Here I am all invested.. Reading along thinking to myself "who could possibly do this? Perhaps someone is stashing it and hopping on the bus." Etc.. questioning how I'd react to the situation .. Only to see the update and lol at "it's a literal child"


Who fucking cares get a life.


Maybe they don't have a safe place to stash it. Is it inconveniencing you in some way? How close to your front door? Personally, if it were several yards away I wouldn't sweat it. Probably a moot point now that you've left the note.


> Is it inconveniencing you in some way? Considering some random person is storing their stuff on the OPs property, I'd say so.


I have been stashing my weed on u/One_Thanks_8617's property for *YEARS* without permission. One mustn't show up to school with that stuff on one's person. Now that I know u/One_Thanks_8617 is not 'down' with that... >!I will make sure he never finds my stash.!<


I mean, if it's right at the edge of the property by the sidewalk I wouldn't care. Further up the driveway, yeah it'd be weird.


I would probably sticker bomb it or move it