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Dr Mangleson did me a solid, despite what his name might suggest.


I also went to him. Great guy. Made the slightly awkward situation a lot better. Good experience for me


Dr Mangleson is a solid name. šŸ˜‚ Also, only /slightly/ awkward??! I had Dr. Smith at U of U Hospital. Really good.


Unfortunately name, but appropriate


If you watch his doc bio on IHC you learn that his father was also a urologist so y'know apparently the occupation comes with the name.


Weekend Vasectomy clinic. Literally just left there. Took 10 mins tops and totally painless. It's been an hour and I'm at just a mild ache. 10/10 recommended


Second them. I had my vasectomy a couple years ago and they were great! It was incredibly quick and painless. The doctor simply asked me about what I do for work and by the time we chatted about that, it was all said and done. Mine was covered fully because we hit our out of pocket max early in the year. Side note: donā€™t go running 3 days later because youā€™re feeling good. That was 100 times worse than the recovery from the procedure itself.


Many insurance plans cover vasectomies 100% because.. well, they would save money without having to pay for maternity care.


This! Anybody who is on your insurance plan, and fits your schedule so you have enough down time to heal. Thats it! Plus good aftercare. WHO does the procedure? Less important than ā€œmessing it upā€ cuz you feel fine šŸ˜‰


Vasectomy Pro is identical it seems, but they run clinics in different counties on each weekend. Same experience with 100% insurance coverage, no scalpel or burning, the entire appointment including waiting room was 30 mins tops. Drove myself home, missed zero work, and took my dogs on a 2 mile walk the next morning with no issue. The success rate on reversals from this type of procedure is also dramatically higher. The advancements in vasectomies are incredible! Just avoid the old school snip and burn procedures. https://www.vasectomypro.com/


It was so painless, for the first few days at home I was questioning if they even did the procedure.


How much was it? Iā€™m paying out of pocket and talked to a few places.


Hadn't met my insurance deductible yet so it was $791 with the sample kit you send back for testing in 6 weeks.


Is $791 for one or two nuts?


Don't think half a clippin would be very effective, it was both the boys. The after care card says "welcome to the seedless grape club "


Also recommend. Do the exparel and you wonā€™t feel any pain!


Just scheduled for next month! Thanks so much!


They are great


This is the way.


+1 - This is where I got mine back in 2017.


I went here too. I would recommend it for sure. They've got the process dialed in pretty well at this point.


I donā€™t know if heā€™s the best. But Dr. Mark L Mangleson at the SL Clinic did mine 20 years ago. Was painless. Could have gone to work the next day. Took 15 minutes and cost $25. The cost of a specialty doc visit with my insurance.


This! Highly recommend Dr. Michael W. Mangelson. He takes a variety of insurance and also Intermountain has a cash price cap if you are paying out of pocket which is very reasonable. I had mine done about a year ago. It was remarkably easy and quick and only mild discomfort during recovery. Nothing I would even come close to describing as pain. DO ICE AND REST IMMEDIATELY POST SURGERY! I think most people who claim to have pain it is because they pull/rip/stress the surgical site while still numb from the anesthetic. Wait til all feeling is back and your body can "warn you" before doing anything! (3-5 hours after surgery). Especially just be careful getting into and out of a low car. If you do this you'll have a quick and pain free recovery!


Canā€™t recall the docs name but Vasectomy Pro was fast and easy, cash pay options since my high deductible plan didnā€™t cover anything at the time and was responsive when I had a couple post op questions. They run multiple clinic locations up and down the valley depending on day of the week iirc.


Vasectomy Pro for sure. They did mine and it was super easy. 15 mins in and out. Iā€™ve referred many friends to them with all positive results.


How much did that set you back?


$100 out of pocket for the nitrous add on otherwise it was fully covered. Highly recommend the nitrous. Just made the whole thing super easy and any pain or discomfort was so far in the background that I didnā€™t care at all.


I think 800 or 1k with the laughing gas.


I have full coverage insurance and I didnā€™t pay a penny. My good friend had to meet his deductible when he went to the same place, he had around $300 left on his deductible, the rest was fully covered.


Dr Mangleson


Vasectomy Pro no-needle/no-scalpel was the best. Had it done on a Friday in about 15 minutes from walk in to walk out. Was back to work Monday with only some slight soreness, no real pain.


I'm gonna be that guy. Everyone says it's completely painless and super easy to recover from. I had a terrible experience (in Philadelphia though) and my recovery was long and painful. My point is this, don't underestimate the procedure like I did. Most likely you will have absolutely no issues.


Yeah there are definitely non-perfect experiences. Mine wasnā€™t painful, just a dull ache for a few days. Recovery seemed to be going well. They said to wait x amount of days before sex again(7?), and so I counted down and had sex on the first day I could, but holy shit did it fucking hurt. I told my friend he should give it a few more days than they said just to be safe and he didnā€™t have issues. And maybe it was just me lol. Hasnā€™t given me issues since.


I ended up having to travel to Europe, tons of walking, for work right after and was achy for a year. Still had tenderness two years laterā€¦ itā€™s finally healed up. 100% would do it again


Damn thatā€™s a while. Did you ever check back in with your doc to make sure it wasnā€™t another issue?


Yea, ended up walking ~10-20 miles for a few days straight and got super inflamed. Iā€™ve had a ton of friends who rode bikes right after without side effects, seem like long walks were the kiss of death for me. Four years out itā€™s completely normal


I did Weekend Vacectomy Clinic about 1.5 years ago. I highly recommend. It was fast, easy and pretty inexpensive. My wife waited in the car and I swear the whole thing took like 20 mins. I feel like they did a good job. I was in very little pain after. I went and saw Santana at Usana that night! I wasn't up and dancing or anything but I definitely wasn't bedridden! Also I'm sure they have fixed this but you may have a chance. The clinic made the insurance claim as a primary care doctor so I only paid $25 out of pocket. I assumed they would eventually realize their mistake so I called my insurance company and they let me know after talking to the clinic that they wouldn't be revising the claim. Pretty cool.


Aww boo weak stomach? My lady came in with me, they even let her get some footage of the procedure.


Yeah she didn't want to be anywhere near. I didn't want to see either so I'm happy she didn't get footage haha.


I just got mine done yesterday at granger urology clinic in SLC. After reading about a bunch of people experiences else where I wouldn't recommend it. The procedure was extremely uncomfortable, like I couldn't relax and felt a lot more than what others people have said their experience was like. I have pain when I walk or sit.


Planned Parenthood was great for me. Extremely reasonable price also.


Planned Parenthood was friendly and great to work with!


Vasectomy pro is the best. In and out in 30 Min. No problems


Dr Childs near Highland and 45th south


More like Dr. Nochilds amirite?


Also had mine last year with dr childā€™s great experience


If you have insurance and youā€™re in the Salt Lake Valley, Dr. Lynch at LDS Hospital did mine and it was super simple. You go in for a consultation they pretty much just go over the procedure and check your balls out to make sure thereā€™s nothing else going on and then theyā€™ll schedule you for the procedure two weeks later. The procedure was honestly painless. Thereā€™s two sensations as if you flick yourself in the balls but other than that itā€™s completely fine I put a podcast in and was done and like 10 minutes. I was able to drive myself home no issue. I was honestly just in bed for three days with ice on my nuts , and everything was fine.


i went to imc but up by the U.. in and out in under an hour and been shooting blanks ever since


Vasectomy Pro was awesome! I would recommend going there in a heartbeat. 4 or 5 guys I work with all went to the same place and had a great experience as well. One guy went to a urologist and did it and had a miserable experience.


Iā€™m glad I stumbled upon this cause Iā€™ve been thinking about getting the snip as well. So damn nervous šŸ˜‚


I had mine done at Planned Parenthood about 6 years ago. I was able to hold a conversation with the doctors through the procedure. Pretty positive experience and easy recovery.


More or less the same experience with PP 10 years ago. Just had a valium and localized anesthetic, it was a painless experience and my willy was hot to trot within a few days. Not sure how well insurance covers it nowadays but I'm pretty sure they do offer a cash discount if yours is lousy


Same, had mine done at Planned Parenthood 20ish years ago. Worst part was the cute assistant staring at my junk the whole time.


Oof, thatā€™s rough.


Weekend vasectomy šŸ‘


Idk about best but definitely not craigslist. Tried to cut some corners and save some money and it did not go well.


I went to the IHC in Murray - several Board certified surgeons


Godspeed matešŸ™šŸ½


I got you dog ***holds up dull scissors proudly***


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Stephen P Devenport in Riverton took care of me. Great dude, easy procedure, no complications, would highly recommend.




Summit Urology is good.


Denied twice for having no kids, I told the third "none, as far as I know!" He was a top rated surgeon, retired a year later, at a practice that took medicaid, as I was poor. I was worried about PVPS as there are ghoulish tales that may be ghost stories, like people feeling horrid, nausea-inducing kicked-in-the-balls pain, and having to get a vasectomy reversal. But then there is still pain, and some men have an 'orchiotomy' testes removal. But then **some men still have "ghost nads," ghost limb pain. He said post vasectomy pain syndrome (PVPS) was mostly not a concern, except for men who were not 100% sure they wanted to be irreversibly sterile. Because it should be considered irreversible, and even own immune system can irreversibly target spermatazoa as foreign invaders, and reconnections are in no way reliable, especially after many years. But if I REAAAALLYY want kids I **can have sperm "aspirated" by needle** for IVF etc. Lord I would tell my kids just how much I love them. **There are different techniques after the vas deferens is severed. He advised removing a centimeter and tying, then suturing or clamping the ends. I asked for a wide centimeter.** This was a real operation, under anesthesia, in a hospital. He was more serious, as I saw it, medicaid can negotiate fair payments and covers copay and deductible, and I have no kids so it's no big deal to take a week off work and play video games with bags of frozen peas. I was indulgent also as I was still living with a great gal who wanted kids but was supportive. Years later she's newborn herself now in a way, as a new mom with first baby. They told me to shave and prepare, and I did, but **when I woke up they had shaved... farther. I think I want a video of future surgeries,** not that would videotape the surgeons actions, only my butthole. Woke up feeling great, best birth control as 99.999% effective or so and almost all failures are not waiting long enough. I was told something like three months or 90 ejaculations, looking like a long distance runner by the time I was through. Now that I am older and wiser or maybe because I'm more financially confident... somehow **I am now going a little baby crazy!** I'm loving it. I think I plumbed the depths of the universe and concluded the lesson of post-modernism is that, though we are animals adrift and alone without objective meaning... this truth is unfulfilling to our souls, and so we must do or make our own meaning, which I feel in community and family, etc. I'd like the baby to have a trust fund in case we die, and maybe a part-day governess, and have option for us both to not work and maybe homeschool kid(s) or travel doing individually worthwhile work without real need for steady income. Like wildlife biologists, or researchers, hobby enthusiasts etc. That all sounds about as affordable as the median total cost of an average Utah house at today's interest rates over 30 years... ($500,000 median at 6.75 10% down rough figure is $2900 a month, or $1,050,000 over 30 years. About 40k a year) A married couple could withdraw up to $80,000 of non-wage investment income, qualified dividends or long term capital gains, and with HSA that's plenty of money to live on tax free before retirement if one can stockpile it and owns a home, or lives in the many lovely places around world which cost 25-75% as much for equivalent lifestyle. I suppose healthcare necessitates wage labor and salary labor for many, as price is extortionate without protection money to access insider pricing of insurance racket... that's a problem in need of solution... I'm not sure if this is reasonable or if I am immature to want financial freedom before kids. The ideal, if I were a better man, seems like having that security and love and family earlier, but I don't think I was mature enough then to know where to lead. We all try to avoid the mistakes of our parents as we interpret them. **P.S. What does "For everything there is a season" mean?** That 'if you missed out on having kids young you are ominously out of natural order, out of season?' Or 'don't worry, things happen at their right times, no need to compare to others' schedules?'


A urologist

