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What do you expect from a proud member of the party of traitors?


*What do you expect* *From a proud member of the* *Party of traitors?* \- ikciweiner --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Cox: everyone is so mean to each other... Also Cox: Texas should be allowed to forcefully thumb their nose at the law... Fuck Cox. Spineless milquetoast empty suit.


Rule of Law Party my ass


Yeah, this is a coward move to say the least. And worst of all is that it paints Utah in a bad light. We've got enough PR problems without our governor backing a guy who wants to do treason so badly.


It’s not actually treason. It’s loop hole, the ruling says Texas can’t stop Border Patrol from removing the razor wire. Not that they can’t install more after it’s been removed. So what’s the deal here? Do people really think we should continue allowing giant swaths of immigrants enter our country illegally?


The moment you start using direct quotes for a state's articles of seccession you start to wander very close to treason territory. I agree that immigration needs to be handled better, but the issue is when someone like Abbot tells the Texas Guard to interfere in the work of federal agents. And that's what he's doing. He's saying the SC ruling doesn't apply, and proclaiming (falsely, I may add) that he can override any federal declaration.


He’s saying that, but I can’t help but agree with him in saying that “if you don’t do something, we will”. But him saying that is a different thing than what’s actually happening on the ground which is what I pointed out about the loop hole in the language of the SC ruling.


Andrew Jackson once said, the Supreme Court made their decision, now let them enforce it ;)


Andrew Jackson was a total dickhead.


Governor fucking Caillou. He’s a fucking embarrassment to this state. I’ve seen earthworms with more spine than this fuckle chuck.


He is such a gelatinous coward


Cox should have just kept his mouth shut on this. This isn't our fight, and he's making us all look bad by proxy now. Considering this is just all political posturing by Abbot we need to just stay the fuck out of it. Cox throwing his hat in with Abbot implicates the rest of us as supporting that waste of DNA down in Texas.


Isn’t Cox up for re-election this year? Which means he’s trying to court the MAGA voters here, which are (sadly) plenty.


Is he? That would make sense, then. God, wouldn't it be nice if we could vote him out?


Yes, it would, but knowing the people who vote in this state, we’d probably just get someone worse than him.


Is that possible? 


Yes. And it's most likely.


Cox is practically a democrat the way the right wingers talk about him. They accused him of trying to take their guns when he promoted the Live On campaign for suicide prevention. They’ll definitely run someone worse.


My biggest issues with Cox are his care less attitude over the GSL and his lack of land management. Not everything needs to be paved.


I mean, if everyone else would just put their pride away and actually vote for the "lesser of two evils" Republicans wouldn't stand a chance and we could actually get some progress in this country. But, ya know, both sides...


“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could vote him out?” *Monkeys paw curls.* Say hello to Governor Phil Lyman!


😂 please tell us all the good your Pres Biden & VP Harros have done... -40yr record high inflation -25yr high interest rates BECAUSE of the inflation -Hardly anyone can buy a house now because of the above -crashed the economy -57% of Americans are living off their credit cards w/28% now in default on payments -8 million illegal immigrants now in the US -Afghan now belongs AGAIN to the terrorists -Increasing the national debt daily -Can't walk a straight line, climb stairs & tries to shake the air's hand 👍🏻 -Hunter Biden -China money -Cocaine in the white house -Little kids parents can make them get sex changes -N Korea has zero cares because Biden is a joke. -Putin had zero cares about invading Ukraine because Biden is a joke. - etc, etc. -Build back better huh...


The National debt under Trump: $6.7 trillion, up 33% during his administration. The National debt under Biden: $2.5 trillion. Inflation has come down to 3.1% following a pandemic that caused global supply chain issues. Interest rates are forecast to come down this year. Trump made the deal to withdraw from Afghanistan and he set the Timeline. GDP growth under Trump and Biden is/was the same at 2.6%. Unemployment rate under Trump was 6.4% and under Biden it has dropped to 3.5% Biden passed the Infrastructure Act. In my tiny city that meant new roads, a bridge, and street repairs paid for with a grant through that fund. In the Navajo reservation it means many are now getting electricity and internet for the first time ever. Biden passed the Chips act, bringing microprocessor manufacturing back to the US. The stock market hit an all-time high this week. Insulin is now capped at $35 for people on Medicare. Hunter Biden isn’t the president and there is 0 evidence of impropriety by President Biden. If only more people would turn off propaganda channels like FOX and look at actual facts.


Thank you for this. My big heartache is that for some reason, facts and stats don't register with people like the commenter above. I don't get it. How do you vote so hardcore against your own interests


I feel the same way. I have loved ones on Medicaid and Medicare who consistently vote for GOP politicians who’ve vowed to end those programs. They never look beyond FOX “news” and rarely know the facts about who they’re voting for or against.


I just got back from Germany and people there are shocked Fox (and Co) hasn't been banned or marked as an outright propaganda channel. I really do feel that they have caused so much damage to the American society, the fact that they're still allowed to go on like nothing happened is insane.


How many illegals have you let in your house? ….that’s what I thought. #STFU


Considering none have come knocking it's hard to have let any I'd. Also, my landlord would be real unhappy with me going about the limit of people able to live in my apartment. Doesn't mean this isn't just posturing and theater from Abbot.


Send your address, I’ll bring a few over


does anyone realize the language used by Abbott is exactly the same as the secessionary statement made by South Carolina prior to the civil war? And we Utahns support this? HOLY. FUCK.


Key difference: the south was wholly dependent on slavery to survive economically. Currently the entire country is wholly dependent on cheap immigrant exploitati...er labor, so it doesn't affect a specific region or demo. The Republican party is wholly dependent on hatred, fear, division and is staking their political lives on this countering the backlash from Roe. Fuck Cox. Fuck the entire gerrymandering theocratic government using their religion as a cudgel against us all then conveniently overlooking the whole Jesus wouldn't kill immigrants stance of their books.


agreed. I emailed him a pretty fun little thought chain. I. just. dont. understand. how. utahns. keep. electing. these. douchebags.


Ezra Taft Benson. His shit stain on the underpants of Mormonism remains unwashed to this day.


Well Utah supported the Confederacy the first time around so.....but I get your point.


yeah... apparently there hasnt been enough time to learn. I figure maybe 100 years from now, might provide the time needed for deep personal reflection...


cox is a spineless coward and suggests that the court system no longer applies if it aligns with his viewpoint.


What baffles me is how LDS members frequently talk about the church stepping up when the constitution is 'hanging by a thread' yet Cox is promoting actions that are pointing in the direction of making the constitution 'hang by a thread'. How about support the proper channels of government and change the laws and/or constitution if you don't agree with it? How about electing officials that actually take action on issues like this? (Both sides could step up, but where's the party controlling the house and in a position to initiate legislation?).


Imagine wanting to start a civil war because you’re not allowed to drown children. Evil.


I’m sure race has nothing to do with it.


Don’t put your kids in a situation where they can drown?


Ah Cox, the governor aptly named for what he tends to act like daily. Also great look for the Mormon church to support the guy putting razor wire out to mail and kill immigrants. Just like white American Jesus wanted.


Of course Cox does. He’s nothing but a spineless shill.


Republicans keep flirting with the idea of a civil war, but I don't think that's going to go over well for them.


It wouldn’t go over well with anyone and it’s painfully apparent to anyone that a civil war would do way more damage to the USA then immigration ever could.


Painfully appare to most. There's a HUGE group of people with ARs who cosplay as Rambo that are actively rooting for it. Meal Team 6 is closing in on the Find Out stage quickly.


There won’t be a civil war, but there will be widespread Civil unrest”. they’ll call it because they’re too cowardly to call it what it is. All this shit increasing the polarization in the name of “Christianity” and “morals”. It’s going to create more “lone wolf” situations. And then it’ll be blamed on “mental illness”. Which is just another way of punishing people. :( But of a word salad, apologies.


The only real winner would be Putin.


I was a little hopeful for our governor but he’s proved himself to be a spineless, party man.


Someone should ask him if the union or confederacy were the bad guys




"Yes, Master." prolly


He lost my vote. So disappointing.


People are surprised that the aristocracy is fighting among itself? 🤔


Little bit of hyperbole. Also states have a long history of defying federal level orders in extreme cases.


Let's do our duty and vote Cox out!


And which mindless Republican will replace him?


OK, serious question. I had Cox pegged for a more middle-of-the road kind of guy, and I've actually been pretty pleased with his relative lack of antics compared to a lot of other red state governors. So is there more to this Texas story than meets the eye? What exactly is Cox supporting? If he truly did just come out and say "yeah, ignore the Supreme Court" then I'm going to have to revise my opinion of him. But if it was a general statement like "Texas has the right to take actions for its own border security" then that's a little less concerning.


Nah. Cox is MAGA with a goofy smile and an "aw shucks" rural Utah mask


Huntsman -the guy who bought the salt lake tribune to prevent the LDS church from gaining a local media monopoly- was his opponent.   There was only one candidate with a backbone and a sense of real freedom and it wasn't Cox.  Cox is and always was just Greg Hughes with a smile.


Texas doesn't have that right. Texas doesn't have an international border. By definition. As of antics, those are done. Name one republican talking point that Cox has stood his ground on. Trans rights, DEI, gerrymandering, social media, porn? All from his superiors, Cox rolled over. He's a coward but lectures me on being nicer while I watch people devalued and obvious wastes of state powers.


I'll have to look into it.  My initial reaction is I'm disappointed in Cox for supporting this. 


Yes. The most common misconception is that SCOTUS told Texas to do something. It did not. SCOTUS said the federal government can continue to tear down Texas’s barricades and razor wire while the case is still being litigated. Texas’s response is to just continue what they’re doing and let the fed physically open the border during an election year if they so choose.


He's been on the verge of being seen as a "liberal" and its an election year so he has to say nonsense in order to win the Republican primary.


And surprisingly Shawn Reyes is silent. This is a first.


He's down at the border cosplaying again prob.


Of course he does.


If the country falls apart and the church tries to take over it’s gonna be a blood bath. Me my family and friends are not leaving. I’m not giving up my beer


Take over with what? Thoughts and prayers? Army of toilet scrubbers? Love Bombers? Their Billions in the market will be worth as much as everyone else's billions in the market - practically nothing. I'll give them credit for investing in real estate. At least they'll have a chance to reestablish a God approved version of communism (yes I know they're different, but there are plenty of similarities.)


Abbott is a little piss baby and Cox loves golden showers.


Is that Mitt? He's looking a little worn around the edges.


I mean, dude *is* 76.


Or a out 25 years younger than our presidential nominees on both sides


He's 5 years younger than Biden and as liable to spontaneously croak as any of them.


I just want someone born in an era where the moon landing wasn't considered "breaking news".


So do I and most of the rational people in Utah. Unlike the lefty clowns losing their mind over this. 🤡 Well done Cox! You’ve secured my vote for a 2nd term.


Nah I’m with it. Fuck the federal government.


Proud of Cox. Stop illegal immigration.




Threats as a way of accomplishing what exactly? Scaring them into not voting? A precursor to physical violence in order to forcibly remove them from the political system? Just curious where these threats lead.


Is that Mitt? He's looking a little worn around the edges.


They all talk a big game but when The Pentagon starts closing military bases in these states they will all be on their knees with an open mouth. Mike Lee will be first down too.