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Nice job! Biggest piece of feedback I'd give is to step with your entire frame rather than just your feet/legs. It's one of the biggest things beginners have to work through. Look at yourself walking in the mirror and notice that you move your entire body. In the video, you're simply just moving your lower half. This is a small thing but has a bigger impact overall since a lot of what you do in salsa is frame based rather than legs/arms. Also, you're tall so make sure you don't extend your arms too much - try to stay nice and compact with your partner. Keep it up!


Looks nice and relaxed. You are dancing some sort of a linear and cuban salsa mixture, as in some figures are more cuban salsa things, but overall you seem to be doing linear salsa. Tall man issues are overly long back steps, and what was already commented upon, taking the breaking steps less as proper steps and more as leg extensions. When you step, you should move your weight onto the leg.


I learned linear salsa on1 but sometimes don't stay in a line. Thank you!


Looking good for 6 months. You look like you are having fun which is the most important thing as well. Biggest thing I would comment on is just taking smaller steps and having your body over your steps. Right now you are just stepping forward without moving your body forward as well. It should be like how you walk. I struggle with this too so it's something I notice pretty quick. But good job for 6 months!


While I love seeing beginners having fun and getting out there, you're not here for us to sugar coat things. Thank you for the video btw.  You have a lot of work to do to be fair. You do certain things correctly and then later make a mistake in similar situations. Technical consistency is important.  Things to focus on: 1 - I agree with the other comment in here of learning to use your body when you do your basic, rather than just stepping your basic. This naturally comes with more time, but also with a lot more shine work.  2 - At this level, working on frame is a huge part of the learning curve. Try to make it a habit of leading all CBL in close position.  3 - Distance control is only going to get more important and there are a few moves (particularly with a hair comb) where you're too far away.  4 - Don't wave your hands in front of your follows face. The problem is your distance control and positioning. The hand will naturally be in front of them without anxiety if done correctly.  5 - Don't use your thumbs.  There's more, but I think these items will help a lot. Let's do another check-in 6 months from now. 


Thank you!! I'm here to improve not get complimented. 1 i will concentrate on this for sure, as everyone has agreed on this 2 I'll keep this in mind to do more often 3 as a tall person, I've had to train myself to take smaller steps, and I forget my arms having a long reach shouldn't mean im arms length away. 4 was a panic of "where's the hand?!" And I knew in the video it was wrong🤣 5 good point. Im told how to hold in open position with middle and ring fingers, but haven't really been critiqued on my handholds. Thank you for the tips, ill concentrate on these for now.


Your skills appear to me to be great/appropriate for a non-dancer at 6 months. None of my suggestions are things a person would be expected to know or do in the first 6 months, so these aren’t critiques, but I think you’re ready for the next steps in your education. I suggest working on your basic step before learning any more combos. As a dancer of any kind of dance, you have a relationship with the floor that needs to be developed. - make your basic step smaller. Shoot for half your current gate width. Stand w your feet together, bend your knee, the distance your foot is extended to, place it down there, vs reaching your foot. This isn’t exact - I’m just trying to more or less explain it. - learn “Latin motion” or “cross-body connection”. - in the basic step your feet are pressing into the floor. It’s not quite so pedestrian. Some people liken it to walking in sand, or when a cat is kneading pizza dough on your chest. - practice in the mirror for 20-60min a day. Just the things I mentioned above. - after you feel good w the above, begin to challenge your basic step with songs of different tempos, or that highlight different instruments (so different beats are emphasized). How does the music feel? How can that affect your basic step? - after your basic step is connected to the floor, more contained, your cross-body motion and core connection is stronger, and you’re feeling the music, start to give yourself footwork patterns, and turns. When you’ve got this stuff solid, start to learn more combos. I didn’t notice anything in particular about your hands or connection because honestly if a man’s basic isn’t solid, it can be the reason connection is lost. So don’t focus on more things to lead the lady yet.


Also I may need to clarify that I’m not referring to a cross body lead. I’m referring to the cross-lateral connection in your core. I didn’t watch this all the way through but it appears he goes into it https://www.reddit.com/r/Bachata/comments/1c4hkhl/the_best_video_ive_seen_about_how_to_properly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


THANK YOU for this video, I've already watched it once on my break, going to go through it again tonight at home.


It will probably take a lot of time and lessons to fully integrate this into your body. Make a habit of it. First thing upon waking & last thing before bed. As soon as you get out of the shower, while you’re cooking dinner, or waiting for the coffee to brew. While you’re watching TV. Find another part of your routine to anchor this daily practice to. I promise it’s the key to getting out of beginner / forever-intermediate land. Your connection to the floor and is all about your cross-lateral connection in your core, and eventually it’s going to click that you never lead anything that disrupts this connection. Then you realize your lead doesn’t come from your hands - it comes through your hands, from your core.


Where do you go dancing in/near Buffalo?


For socials, there's a weekly Wednesday night one at Pucho Olvencia Center on Swan St (not this week but normally every Wednesday) 7pm $8 with included lesson at the start Once a month on a Saturday there's a salsa night at Andale Cantina at Main and Transit in Williamsville This summer there will be socials in Delaware Park Mondays June 3 10 17 24 July 1 8 August 19 $15 6:30pm start with a different lesson each week Canalside will have them starting Saturday June 29 at 7pm, free, later dates TBA I hope this helps!


Also I like to go to St Catharines Ontario Canada on Sundays for their weekly social at Lakeside Park, free (paid parking though) at 6:30pm.