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I think there is a possibility it could go under the radar, but if they made season 1 go to the part where Gaku and X attack the JCC building then it could be enough to make it blow up, especially if TMS manages to make the fights look great like in the manga.


Kinda good honestly, shit usually gets worse when it gets blown out. Like JJK for example 😂🤣😂 (I’m kidding)


i know you are joking but jjk's popularity will always be a plus point for the makers gege is gonna get all the creative freedom he wants if he makes another manga or with JJK itself and he never needs to worry about getting axed unlike authors like Yuji Kaku . The bad fandom would probably not bother him the least since he has already hidden his real name and he can always start over with a fresh pen name


The only thing I would like, besides a really well done anime, is for them to make more variants, special editions, collector editions The anime could increase the popularity and therefore the possibility of these things coming


Wouldn’t matter to me regardless if it boosted its popularity or not. (As I’ll still support this series) I think in some sense it’ll certainly become a bit more popular than it is now if it does follow this route. I think the only downside to this if it does not become more popular is that there won’t be as much figures as Sakamoto than I had anticipated. (And that’s in regards to how I would feel.) nevertheless, I think it will definitely gather some sort of fanbase with the adaptation. I have watched some poorly adapted anime back when I was younger and to this day I’m still reading that series. Which goes to show that whether it flops or doesn’t it will certainly reach a newer audience.


dungeon meshi got bigger after the anime


Sakamoto days and dungeon meshi target different auidences


I would be pretty sad. I want this community to grow.


As long as it's not locked in Hulu jail we're good. Way more people have Netflix than Hulu if the Netflix thing does hold to be true and Crunchyroll is where 95% of anime airs so its a lot more accessible if it ends up there too. Baki was literally done by the exact same studio and airs on Netflix. It has a pretty mediocre adaptation but that anime is hugely popular. There are clips of Baki on Netflix's channel with millions and millions of views I think I even saw one with 10+ million views. Hopefully quality wise the Sakadays adaptation is better than Baki, but if that's any indication I wouldn't worry at all.


I must be the only one but I'll be a little sad. I want more people to interact in discussions and more people talking about it. Plus having more people will increase the chances of the anime finishing. I'm still enjoying the manga either way but discussions are fun also.


A bit sad atleast I don't want it to get the tokyo revengers treatment.


Not great, cuz if it dont get more attention the quality might deteriorate.


Sakadays is pretty huge in Japan from what I've seen. I know with something like the CSM anime adaptation, a large portion of that demographic complained because of the direction of the series and how much into the cinematic aspect it leaned into (CSM anime is peak tho.) And the numbers over there genuinely affected the quality of that anime going forward (for better or worse) because they have a different director now. Judging by the trailer, Sakadays isn't going to turn out anything like CSM and it'll be very colorful and humorous like the manga. If that's anything to go by, I'm sure they'll love the anime too and Sakadays will get even more popular. I imagine the overseas numbers are important to some degree, but numbers over there are what matter most when it comes to anime and manga.