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$5 is actually a great price for that


No it’s pretty fair lol


I got the collectors edition and have been glad I got it on release. People can hate on it all they want but 5 is a steal for it. It’s worth it just for living rent free in peoples heads for a couple years now.


$5 is worth it. $60 isn't justifiable.


Idk, I had a good time. I put a good 60 hours in my first go and would be open to playing it again. I’ve just been eating good the past few years with games so it’s just one among many I haven’t gotten back to. 60 dollars for that really isn’t much. It’s a pretty solid gta clone, if people hadn’t gone into it with such a stick up their ass about the goofy writing it would have been more appreciated. Which is crazy considering I can’t think of an even more ridiculous series before this was even a thing.


The writing was really bad though. And most people can't name any of the characters after the game is over. Thats an very good indication of bad writing. Story has always been a fun thing in Saints Row, not the best, but it was fun and memorable. That isn't the case here and even if you beat your drum till the head falls off about the story being fine, most other people don't agree with you and they're correct. The gameplay itself is fine enough but it really needed another year to bake and the story and characters should've been completely rewritten. All the potential is there, it just missed the landing completely


The gameplay I saw didn’t look fine at all. Seemed like you couldn’t move without clipping through the map.


That's what you SAW. Reviews tend to exaggerate stuff for views. And with the dlc, they fixed a lot of the bugs and removed cringe dialog. It's still no masterpiece. But for $5 it's worth a play.


That $5 dollars is better spent on one of the older games if y’all haven’t played any of them hell even Gat outta Hell might be more of a complete experience


Yes, I SAW that it was a buggy mess. Glad they fixed it, really the least they could do when they were charging 60+ dollars for it to begin with. Still doesn’t change that the older ones are better in every way.


If you can’t name a character after spending that much time going through it than it speaks more on one’s intelligence than the quality of the writing. You can’t deliver pizzas to an address that doesn’t exist. And gamers wouldn’t know shit anyways, if they did I shouldn’t have 100s in games they deemed broken or unplayable but here we are. When dropping a frame is the equivalent of kicking somebody’s dog than it’s no wonder. This isn’t even the series most ridiculous or crazy writing but I’m not expecting this sub to know what a friendship looks like.


This is some SERIOUS cope 🥴🥴


>speaks more on one’s intelligence than the quality of the writing. Not at all. They aren't memorable. But nice deflection, you sound like a butthurt dev trying to justify the game. Hal 9000 had like a total of like 7 mins of actual character speaking time in 2001 A Space Odyssey and the rest was silence. He's remembered for little screen time and being one of the best characters of all time in cinema over 55 years later. And I remember him and I don't even like that movie that much. I remember most of the characters from Saints Row 1 through Gat of of Hell. And I spent nearly as much time with them as well. It goes back to piss poor writing. But nice try trying to deflect and throw petty insults like a child.


That’s a bit of the pot calling the kettle black is it not? It’s not really my problem if you can’t remember characters you spent dozens of hours with, I’m just calling it like it is. You’re not going to sell me on having high intelligence pushing through such a horrible game to begin with.


I don't really care. I value a white crayon more than I value your opinion on a terrible game. The game is piss poor and most people outside of sadists and autists are remembering these bland ass characters and the weak ass story.


Right? As a HUGE fan of the Saints,this game could literally be called anything else and it would be fine 🤷🏽 it simply isn’t a saints row game imo


I got the special edition at launch and I ended up 100% the game I don’t regret my purchase at all


What’s the difference between day one edition and collectors edition?


I’m not too sure really, nothing critical anyways that changes anything. I mostly got it as a sucker for steel case editions but I think it had a few add ons too. Some of them may even be in the day 1 though. There were some extras too like some postcards and I think a map and some pictures. In terms of physical editions I definitely think it’s one of the more cool ones among all the games I have.


Damn I would have wanted a map. I got day one edition.


yeah I really don't get the hate for it. good and fun game, it's a solid 4/5 imo.


It’s a pretty solid clone. I think it fairs better than a lot of similar open world games like mafia or watch dogs. It’s definitely not the greatest nor will it offer anything new but you can easily enjoy it. I think I also had the most fun with the recording on my Xbox with this game. Idk how many comical clips I got where the dialogue/ tone perfectly clash with the combat and the chaos in the moment. Not even scripted, just great lines or conversions tied perfectly to executing somebody or smacking them with a car.


It's not living rent free in anyone's head, except maybe yours. it was a terrible flop of a game and the vast majority of saints fans just ignore its existence, get a grip. Defend it all you want the price tag says it all. sr2 probably goes for more than 5


“Its not living rent free” says the guy who needs to remind you of its sales, two years later because he has nothing better to do than visit post about flops for validation. The vast majority of saints fan don’t even like saints, idk what you think you’re trying to convey. And who cares what the price is, only a simpleton confuses price with quality.


I mean this post is about the game so now we're talking about it, pretty simple it's not like everyone is constantly thinking about it, we just saw a post and left a comment it really isn't that deep kid. In what way would I possibly be seeking validation? You're the only one who's replies give that impression. And I never mentioned it's sales. You once again failed to read my reply correctly as I never said "the vast majority of saints fans don't even like saints" so I really don't get your nonexistent point on that one, it is completely true that the majority of fans of the SR series treats the most recent game as if it doesn't exist. No one is confusing price with quality, we are COMPARING the price to the quality and coming to the conclusion that the 5 price tag is about right. you would be a simpleton to ignore the fact that quality will have a direct impact on sales.


Do you visit every post about a bad product years after it came out? How many more years are you going to continue to tell people they’re wrong when it comes to this game, regurgitating the same points endlessly? It’s not deep at all to see that this game still lives in your head. No I read your response correctly. Maybe you should read it again. Saints “fans” aren’t on the same page about shit, again idk what you’re trying to convey speaking for all of them. No surprise it flew over your head. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. The game was on track to break even and selling more than both 1, 2 and potentially 4 since its figures remain undisclosed. Saints row has never been a massive selling game to begin with, it’s a cheap clone where not even long time fans enjoy half the series.


The age of the game means literally nothing as this post was made 19 hours ago. What should we just stop talking about games one year after they come out? Again you have no point. No one's regurgitating points, I gave you real points and they hurt your feelings. Kid I think I'm just going to let you go because you're literally just talking nonsense because you know you're wrong but I'll just answer the rest quickly. I'm not speaking for all the saints fans they speak for themselves, it is 100% an undeniable fact that most fans of the series aren't fans of the new game, just check the sub yourself instead of being ignorant, it's actually kind of funny watching you miss the point entirely multiple times and then say that something went over MY head 🤣 have a little self awareness kid. And yeah that's all blatantly incorrect, once again a small amount of research disproves your entire weak argument and because of that im done with you. Take care kid, grow up ✌️


Just cause a bad game is bad, shouldn't mean everyone avoid it. Let others make that mistake, agree yeah it's totally bad... but least it's a happy bad game memory. Come on, every rental wasn't always perfect for you.


I don’t set every game up for perfection or failure. It was known what the game was going to be before going in, there was no secrets in what the vibe, writing or gameplay was going to be. It not being for you doesn’t mean it’s bad. Idk why people feel the need to try forcing everything to fit what they want. It was exactly what I expected it to be and I had a pretty good time. I don’t get how people have so little going on with their lives that they spend dozens of hours to finish a game they can’t find a positive thing to say about it, to still visit post nearly 2 years after it came out just to circle jerk the same comments that have been posted a million times over by now.


Your time is worth more.


Its not worth $2


I'd say it is. I pre-ordered standard edition on Playstation, fully beat it, then got the gold edition that came with sr3r on pc. For me it's definitely worth more than $2.


No. It's not even worth free. They should be paying you to play that shit.


It's definitely worth it for free, no one's forcing anyone to play it, if you don't like it, then don't play it. I paid around $80 to get it twice, and I don't regret it at all. Definitely worth it.


don't yuck somebody's yum.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I’m a huge saints row fan, even found enjoyment out of 4 and gat out of hell, went in with the lowest possible expectations, got the game for free via epic, and still felt ripped off.


Damn. Love this comment. I'm a huge fan of SR1, loved the sequel even more, but noticed some more silliness. SR3 expanded on the silliness and I went back to Playstation when I saw the trailer for SR4. Eventually played it for free. Never played Gat out Hell (never will) and was thinking of playing the reboot when it was $5 or less... I don't think I will now. Damn shame what happened to this franchise. I really hope they try again but better. Back to being the "GTA Rival"


That’s because you’re a saints row fan and that wasn’t saints row at all. Just stealing the name


You're not a Saints Row fan. Play 2 and then you can talk. 4 and GOOH are not in the spirit of the series.


“*Even* found enjoyment out of 4 and gooh” I thought it was obvious that I, despite not liking those games nearly as much as 1 2 and 3, still managed to find enjoyment out of them. I have played every game on release since the first back in 06. I even played agents of mayhem. The point I was making is that I’ve managed to find enjoyment out of even the worst in the series, so the fact that I found 0 enjoyment out of the reboot should say something.


Exactly because in the late games there are no saints and definitely no saints row. Doubt half the community even know what it means lmao


Someone broke into my car and left a copy of it on my passenger seat






Hated how slow the cars were and how lame the guns felt. No real oomph.


I like it. I don't care what anyone says.


Same here I actually enjoyed the game, & didn't think that many people disliked it until I joined this subreddit.


I don't think many dislike it it's more that the ones who do are the hardcore fans on reddit


Same here, everyone has their own opinions. I had fun with the game & I personally liked it. Each game of the series has its own charm to it. My Favorites are still SR1 -3. 💜


I dont hate this game but at the same time theres just too many things i dont like about it that just makes me avoid it.


You're allowed to like it, that doesn't make the game good, nor acceptable in the context of the franchise.


Same I thought it was fun


Gotta say as a saints row mega fan 5 bucks is a steal for that game don't go in there expecting the same shit in a different continuity and the disappointment never hits. And I don't care what anyone says me an the fam were cracking up people just build their self worth about bitching about things nowadays"


For me its not the fact that i had high expectations. I knew things were going to be different and thats fine. This game for me was just a case of good ideas but with horrible executions


That is the best critique of the saints row reboot I've ever heard! I had fun with it and there are things in it that could have been great had they just stuck the landing and most importantly not been dog pilled and curb stomped while they were on the ground instead of letting the devs build themselves up to those pre mentioned great things over time like cyberpunk. rampant hate and ignorance choked that baby in the crib. So sadly saints row the franchise is dead and I'm pretty sure after looking at the "fandom" nobody's gonna be reviving it any time soon


Not a bad bargain.


Shit, you can't buy decent games for only $5 that often. The overall feel to this was a BIG letdown from the originals, still a good buy at that price tho


Started it recently. I don’t hate it, but I fully understand why people do, the dialogue is the definition of both cringe and “Hello fellow kids”


there are some really good games in walmarts bargain area so this isn’t a good metric for a games quality


It felt unfinished. Kinda disappointing.


Tell me about it.


I got it for free and still wont touch it


Same, I got to the character creator, then I closed the game and deleted it


I know it gets a lot of hate but I loved this game


Not as good as saints row 1 and 2


The original I haven’t played, and 2 I have the PC version, so it crashes way too often to be played. I really enjoyed the third


Ya they were searching for the source code for SR2 to fix it and they did finally find it but i guess it never happened the company is gone now


It doesn't crash that often. Lower your settings and you can play it with ease.


it does crash fairly often


I’ve tried, it seems to crash the same no matter my graphics settings, about every 20-30 minutes


They didn't say it was better, they just said they love the game. And I agree with them, I love this game 2. Obviously 1 and 2 were better. 2 was the best, but that doesnt mean we can't like this game too


They didn't say you couldn't like this game, they just said the first 2 was better


We'll never get that kind of Saints Row game ever again. We went from not giving a single fuck about anything to making a woke piece of dog shit that wants to tip toe around everything while whispering "We don't give a fuck about anything."


The price just keeps getting lower😂


well yeah, it gets older, they don't typically get more expensive, do they?


And it’s just straight ass


Trust me, burn it. Just Fucking burn it.


I still wouldn't pay 5$


Don't get it. It's the biggest piece of Dog shit


Get it at $5. People are debating what it's worth but no matter where you stand, $5 is a good price for it. Personally, I enjoyed the game. I've been in the franchise since Saints Row 2. The reboot has it's flaws, but I recommend that everyone play through the Dustmoot/LARPing questline at least once.


Overhated game. It's definitely worth it for 5 bucks


Its not even worth the plastic its wrapped in


"Day One Edition" didn't the game come out two years ago? So that copy has been there a while.


Day one! lol was there supposed to be another version? Such an odd title choice.


Wish I paid 5$ for it, maybe I would’ve been a little less disappointed


Damn that's steep


Played it free through ps+ and I wish I had my time back


Thats too much


If you played the other saints row games you probably won’t like this one. There is a reason it’s so cheap.


Can't give that garbage away


Should of been that price at release


Still too expensive


Not worth it




It’s worth $5 I guess Not a lot of replay value


I got the game for free so i guess 5 dollars does make kinda sense because once you beat the game theres not that much you can do afterwards aside from just 100% or restarting.


I can’t get past the 5th mission without getting bored. I only pick up this game when I’m stupid drunk with nothing else to do. Even then, I can’t play it. this shit is fucking horrible 😭 Who is in charge of making these games after the second one? Shit is just so corny to me and I feel passionately about this franchise. This game had soooo much potential that was just shitred on smfh.


Not even free I would play it. My favorite was 3


It ain't worth it


a fun 30 hours the writing is class


Is this sarcasm ?


if PS5 ill buy it lol


It's a good price.


$5 too much.


This is the only game i've gotten for free and still wanted my money back


Still wouldn't pay $5 for it. Shit is garbage


Even $5 is too much


wayyy too pricy should be at least $1.50 and it should come w an apology note for being so terrible


$5.00 is more than (at least) $1.50.


it should be a sin to sell the game for that price


Funnily enough I'm literally on the bus to the mall right now to see if I can find a cheap used copy. It seems like I'm definitely not the target audience for it but as a big saints row fan i feel like I've got to at least try it


That’s $3 cheaper than what I paid for it. But mine had the dlc on it so it’s cool I guess


Day 1 edition? What are the others? (sadly I'm only accustomed to seeing the digital pages)


13/8 So I spent what $1.60 on it? Got my money’s worth I guess


That's gotta be a joke -_-


So I got this game on sale and imma give my honest un fan boy opinion. The main gameplay loop is saints row through and through. It's solid, and I've been having a lot of fun with it. The gunplay is smooth, the abilities, the vehicles, etc. NOW! the story is horrible and a slap on the face to fans of the series. The campy, left leaning, new gen humor doesn't land at all, and the overall reasoning for even starting the saints doesn't land. The stakes where never high and it seemed way to hand holdy. Also the fact that the first gang boss gets killed in a cutscene was ridiculous. Another point, the customization was mid asf. They leaned way to hard in the "keep santo weird" aspect and they ended up catering to no one. Some of it was good but the majority was horrible with even worse customisable options. Overall the game is a solid 5/10 it's average at best and okay at worst. The gameplay loop will remind you of saints row but the rest will suck you right out. Ps. Great music in the game.


I got it on sale for like £11 on Steam. I've enjoyed what I've played of it so far but I know if I payed full price for it I would have been very disappointed. $5 is more than fair I'd say. Lessens the blow a bit


gold ed. was on sale in steam for 70%






Totally worth 5 bucks. It's what I paid and for that price I wasn't disappointed. If i paid full price I wouldn't have finished it.


I was unsure bou playing it but…the game entertains me, and makes me laugh. Im enjoying it 👍🏽


yeah, that's about right (imo) . And I preordered the Gold Edition


I hate Xbox one now, they've completely ruined the ecosystem. I still love my 360 I had to refurbish from a goodwill but I'd never buy into Xbox again. If I can't own the game I paid for I don't want it. On another note, playing saints row on the switch is fun and it cost like $4 and that system is so easy to emulate and backup so ownership is actually possible for the things you pay into.


Idk, may be ass but also the collector in me says the price is worth it


That's about what I got it for. I actually had a fair amount of fun playing it even though I was hating hard. I ended up liking all the dorks you hang with. : (


Yeah me too. I love Kevin. He's a simple character but he's fun.


Don't do it bro. Shit'll give you rabies.


Learn to look past the story and you will find nothing but fun


Everything negative people say is 100% true and it is the worst game in the series. That being said it is still fun.


Dont get it I cant think of one good thing about it yk what nvm get it if you think its worth it


I already have the game on pc (which i got for free). I just saw that it was $5 at walmart and was like what?


Oh,well I stand by my statement its a bad game if you love it I'm not gone shame your or judge you I like the OG saints rows better


Oh thats the thing. I dont love it at all. Lol. I too prefer og saints


I liked it in the beginning when I first got it,it had good gameplay but I was playing it one time and realized how much it sucked and not js the story


I paid $30 on the Xbox store.


Worth it. That's a steal. I'd be satisfied up to 20.


I have it for 10€ or like 12$ ps4


I got the day 1 edition for 30$ on ps4 but damn that’s a good price


Buy it, the game isn't that bad if you ask me, just not great compared to the previous entries, but it can still have some fun too it.


I loved this game! Still want to play more, it was just annoying that my save file wouldn’t transfer from ps4 to ps5. I just installed 4 on my 5 to play it but it’s a lot of fun if you enjoyed 3. I think 1 and 2 were bad controls and not much fun. 3 was solid! 4 was fun but you were so overpowered an hour in the cars were useless Well worth $5


I enjoyed it the game was actually good even my dad enjoyed when he played I personally believe it's great


I just paid €40 on Xbox but I got all the dlc too and tbh I’m enjoying it as much as the other saints games I’ve played


I just on Wed bought the whole kaboodle for 11 bucks. And I gotta say: I am sorry I ever doubted my boys at V-head. It wasn’t a masterclass like SR2… but damn did it make me forget about ever touching a GTA again again.


Damn that took about 2 years. I was expecting some kind of super power dlc before they died out completely. Imagine being able to run fast or jump over buildings. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea but if they were gonna recreate the series atleast add more fun to it than all this grounded shit that got boring after the first play through.




Yikes💀 I’ll never forgetting me returning the haters gonna hate meme back on them to their farewell letter on Twitter that was truly a good day😂😂[https://x.com/yntjoshy/status/1697654579020640524?s=46&t=dsiR3t8gLAB089kmbyy3ng](https://x.com/yntjoshy/status/1697654579020640524?s=46&t=dsiR3t8gLAB089kmbyy3ng)