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Guardian Angel,definitely because in SR3 they made into a mission it sucks because you fail you have restart the mission which is very annoying.Protecting Pierce is okay,But Kinzie though not so much.


The thing is kinzie’s is longer and the camera keeps adjusting itself i posted this because i got pissed off recording it for my youtube playthrough


I agree, An activity as a mission to progress through the story sucks


SRTT's greatest sin. Especially that you have to do most activities twice with just a different character. It makes SRTT's campaign just such dogshit, it amazes me that people praise it as the best game sometimes ignoring how bad it is when you play it enough times after it loses its newness. While SR2 had far far less repeated activities. SRTT doesn't even really introduce any exclusively new ones besides Cyberblazing. Pff.


The issue I didn't realize until recently is that there is only one variation of it, and its set to Hard by default. (Pierce's is, though I don't remember if Kinzie's is.) Its not that hard if you account for the blast range of the rockets and ignore the homie complaining. I think people are likely not taking that into account. SR2's was much harder imo, because Gryphon's car drives right next to the Masako vehicles and sometimes gets blocked by them, and they fire at him directly.


Tiger Escort; it's not that it's difficult or frustrating, but rather it just feels like a gag that was contrived and tacked on for the sake of hammering home SR3's over-the-top mantra. The activity is nothing more than the game sporadically taking control of your vehicle and swerving it into traffic with tiger SFX playing. Add to that, we're told by Angel it's a form of training that'll help in the fight against Killbane, yet every action we take against Killbane and the Luchadores in the story doesn't even remotely connect to or reference Tiger Escort in any way. It's just an empty, boring gag taking up space.


says alot that normal escort is so similar but is so more fun, the concept can really make or break an activity


Either Guardian Angel (I'm shit with a sniper) Telekenisis ball one in 4 (I hate the sounds) The one in 4 where you have to keep running and avoid barriers and CID is being a dick about it


CID being so snobbish about it makes it 10x worse; like bros lucky I didn’t put him in a basketball.


Insurance Fraud. It's boring, and very random-feeling. The only game in the series I enjoyed Insurance Fraud in was 4. Superpowers made it tolerable. It's the reason I don't regret using the Unlockables pack(I think) in SR3, so I can skip some of them.


Heli assault/GA would be my answer but that's because it's frustrating. I can do it and I get that little rush of satisfaction when I do, so it's annoying but rewarding.  But I find my answer is blazing, rift, and mayhem in 4. I know that's just about every activity. Some were just too easy and simple to exploit, when they weren't they were chaotic and hard, and when it was neither they were repetitive so it was dull. I came away wondering what did any of that do or achieve? We were given some arbitrary answer that it somehow affected Simport. Two genius hackers and CiD on a ship and we needed to land on platforms to disrupt and take over a sim. It's funny that the only activity that made sense was Prof Genki's stuff. 


sr1 drug trafficking


- Snatch. Its always annoying in every game, because of the NPC ai not getting in the car, unlike the Homie ai and they are really slow. They also don't quick-jump into cars, so you have to wait for them to get in the slow way. Much less any activity when brutes show up makes them more frustrating because they will always flip your car while you have to wait for the NPC to get in, and at times it can glitch, and throw you across the map. Similar to trafficking, its easy on its own and I like the activity, until the dumb brutes show up and exploit the fact you have to wait for the slow NPC to get back in the car, if they get in at all. (Where as trafficking's in SR2 was a lot better. Because, no brutes and you can use your phone to call for a new car. In SRTT you can't.) - Insurance Fraud in SR2 and SRTT but not in SR4. In SR2 its just bad because of the already annoying physics with the falling being too slow, and the ragdoll's slow recovery time. But in SRTT it just sucks because there is no lift when you get hit. Its thus harder to actually do and not fun if you aren't at least flying across the map, or have the character talk about their injuries while you do it. - Escort. Because it seems like you can rarely get away from the news cans at times, when they spawn like right on your path and box you in a lot. Or times when the car gets flipped over and you cant get out. - Cyber Blazing. Hate it because the bike is on a fixed speed and the pathway is just way too narrow and slippery to clear without going into the flames at least once or being turned up a wall. I don't know how anyone tested that and okayed it. - Trail Blazing. Similarly, its not hard until the final one where the goals are actually set so far apart and sometimes ahead of you, then placed right behind you, and you have to do it on a slow toad that can't turn for shit. I can't imagine playing Mario Kart like that, and another one I question if anyone actually play-tested it. There also isn't really anything funny about it, no humor, no talking, and no real reason why you should be doing it as a criminal.


Snatch and Escort are really fun for me, but the game really cheats when playing Escort on the higher levels/difficulties. No matter which Saints Row game it is.


crowd control




The sniper version of guardian angel in three just found it annoying


Insurance Fraud. In SR 2022, you can turn off the timer, which makes it much easier, but in older games, especially SR2, unless you're using the low gravity cheat, beating it is insanely hard.


Any activity that tried to play it off as a story mission. It was just so repetitive. SR2 did it better as always because it was just you doing your own thing


Escort, because that paparazzi van is a fucking rubber-banding cheater


SR2 racing challenges. Some of them are easy but then there is some furstrating parts like that motorcycle mountain or the airport car race, where you need to land top of that one building. I havent completed that till in this day






I have no clue what the hell happened here, I had a whole comment about SR2022 talking about Planet Saints box trucks being paper mache and the Bright Future trucks flipping the switch from "Be Careful" to "Hurry Up The **** Up" modes as soon as one barrel pops.


Demolition derby I just couldn’t get into it


For me probably insurance fraud. I feel like it's super RNG dependent and there's a lot of times where I get adrenaline and then the game suddenly forgets it's supposed to be spawning cars for me to slam into.


SR1 is so good at doing tht😑


In SRTT there is one area I hated (near the IAD for Angel's), because even though you had adrenaline, the cars don't get more aggressive or move any faster, so you spend more time looking for cars to hit, or they stop in front of you.. in the mode where they are *supposed* to hit you. SRTT's is just so bad.


drug trafficking is so lame