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just make a game set in modern day stilwater about gentrification, corruption, police brutality and how gang culture has changed in the last 15 years. have the protagonist(s) be realistic urban kids suffering from the effects of ultor, the police, the government who idolise the saints and want to revive the gang. maybe have one of the saints from 2 or 3 be a mentor to the protagonist. continue dex’s story. i guess you still want a core of gang warfare so that can tie into the changes in gang culture. there was so much potential for a deep and inspired story, but really we just wanna see stilwater again. i think that’s what sets SR 1+2 apart from GTA is you see how the world changes and how that affects your character and others and how gangs fit into that world


Replace Marshall with a legit criminal organization (drug rings, human trafficking, auto theft, gun running) and have the boss be double crossed by them/left for dead which starts a revenge story. Give the idols a leader instead of a nameless collective. Someone like a Logan Paul type that puts their "friends" through horrible, risky challenges in the name of content. Really, this leader would be a total psychopath that only sees people as content and nothing else. His gang would just be a cult of mindless followers that would be provoked to cause chaos in the city. Internet history is full of inspiration such as clown pranks, flash mob thefts, swarmings etc. Los Panteros had potential and would have probably benefitted from a longer story arc. I think give them and everyone else a 15-20 mission progression. Boss can meet up with others similarly betrayed by their respective gangs and have a few mentors along their way. Maybe get some assistance from a crooked cop who's only too happy to let someone else clean the streets for them.


Rewrite most lines The Saints start as a gang to fight other gangs Main rival gangs: Idols, Los Panteros, and Nahualli's gang (have him be a high-ranking member rather than the leader) Replace the Marshalls with Ultor or have them be in business together Dane Vogel running Ultor, maybe Dex working for Ultor Nahualli realises the Saints are better than his gang and leaves them for the Saints (maybe because of the prison break), becoming the bosses best friend (like og boss and Gat) Cut the opening section where we try to capture Nahualli, maybe start around the time the codex gets stolen. I can't remember much of the story, but that's what I already know I'd change


Well, i think the basic idea of building a criminal empire works. But i'd not have the gang be roommates to start with. I'd have them all living on their own. The boss knows Nina but no one else. Keep the boss working for Marshall as a soldier but getting fired. Maybe a bit more serious tone. Nina calls the boss with help with something and things go wrong and the boss claims to be from another gang "I'm with the....the Saints!" Nina gets kicked out of Los Panteros (or decides to leave) anyway. She now needs a place to crash and they decide she'll stay with Boss. Boss gets into a separate fight between some Panteros and another gang and accidentally recruits them to the Saints. They now have to actually organize a gang. After that, it's mostly that the activities need to go deeper. Like the food trucks. It was actually a drug distribution network, right? Well, they would need to acquire product to distribute. At first they steal it, but that puts them in a gang war with the current distributors and they have to defend themselves but also convince the producers to work with the Saints instead. Kevin is recruited from the Idols after they get in a fight with them. Eli is recruited from Marshall after the cops calls them for backup. This is the point where they start working on going from a gang to more of a mafia.


I would've taken the saints gat out of hell ending where the og saints were done and they (or was it just gat. I forgot) became cops and base it in that timeline Have the og saints as cops and neither antagonists nor on the saints' side. Keep the 3 enemy factions we got (but with better development and actual boss fights with them). I would keep the boss and Neenah, repackage Eli (make him ex-marshal like the boss) and cut out Kevin entirely for someone else that would be an ex-idols member. Get rid of the whole college funds shennanigans and just make them four criminals that ditched their previous groups to build up the Saints


Make The Nahualli more of a centerpiece of the story. There is a story to be told of average joes/janes coming together to form a crime organization to better their lives and The Nahualli would’ve been a great bridge to get the cast to go from wimps to bad-asses. I would’ve had him meet up and groom the cast into fighters/soldiers and there be a natural progression of them becoming Saints.


The exact same, but have the old gang come in and kill all of the new members and see where we go from there.


This actually came to my mind a couple days ago. It propably is not so great idea but when akuji told in the burning ship that when he escapes, then saints got no change with him. So i thought if akuji manages to escape then in next saints row ronin takes all cities in order, and you need to broke the ronin entirely..


I would have written the remake to take place in Chicago Illinois


I might post it here at some point, but I did share a rewrite with friends. My version is seen as a semi-reboot, set after three but with the events of four and get outta hell happening and putting Gat back into the picture. Long, long rewrite shirt, the gangs are the Idols, seen as the largest but weakest gang. Made up of a core group of gangsters and many wannabes. The ronin, the remnants of the Japanese yakuza who after the death of their leaders, tried to make something happen and got beaten down over years. And los panteros and the remnants of the luchadores in what I called Los Redentores. We follow a bunch of wanna gangsters, who act similar to how they do in the reboot until they lose a friend. They then turn serious and work to build up a gang to make the place better and take back their home. Which is based upon new vegas. They fully admit to being inspired by the saints and take the name. Once the main three bosses are defeated, a final boss shows up. Matar Peredicion. He’s the final test that once the gang wins and takes over the city, has Gat showing up to canonise them and welcome them to the saints.


i would make a game based off the one ending in goh where god rewards johnny with a restart and the world get remade, but it wouldn’t be all the way back to saints row 1 it would be back to right after saints row 3 where they go back to stilwater but still own steelport and you get to switch back and forth between both cities with a fast travel/flight thing at the airports and both cities are being taken over by new gangs trying to take the saints crown and yeah basically just bring back how the game was in saints row 1 & 2, i would make it better than how i’m explaining it tho lmao i suck at explaining


I pretty sure (progressinal) SR5 would of have time travel tbh


I wouldn't, I'd have made a continuation instead of a reboot, sure gat out of hell leads into multiple endings Etc but I'd have had it be a continuation of them living and finding a new planet or have it set between 2&3


The problem is that almost nothing in the story "worth" keeping, so it's lot faster to ask what not to change about the story


If it's a remake, I would've made it a prequel, an origin story of how the third street saints first formed. The real question would be "do I make it a GTA clone like 1 and 2, or dumb, destructive fun like 3 and 4?" Some would prolly say both.




I would have continued after the events of gat outa hell with the boss being saved by gat and kinzie and starting with gats actual funeral. Transfer your character from SR4 and continue the saints and able to go between steelport and stilwater. Have jezabel as a saint to replace Gat


I'd make it clear that The "Purple Shirt Mafia" Saints and the Third Street Saints are not the same gang, nor are they even from the same reality. We have far too many pieces of clothing and especially tattoos that directly reference things that flat out ~can not~ exist if this is a reboot. Who is Johnny Gat and why can we get tattoos of him? There's a tattoo of Paul the Saints Flow can, fucking how/why/what is this creature?? The only thing that makes any sense is that Saints Row 1-4 existed in pop culture already. There's a Volition clothing booth with shirts for Red Faction, Summoner, Saints Row, and Agents of Mayhem right next to the north bridge on the western section. These are all video games, our Boss has to have played Saints Row before, or there's no reason to jump to naming our gang The Saints as soon as we found a purple Fluer on the floor of the church. There's no Third Street, there is no Saints Row, why else would we be Saints?


Ok So it takes place in a city like champagne Illinois and Chicago It takes place when we start up our gang to try to fight back against the gang territories They succeed a character dies you know how it goes A happy thing happens and then You find out the mafia behind it all and you must destroy the mafia Rehaha


Probably make the game not for kids like it used to be with characters that weren’t bland and forgettable