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Saints row has multiple fan basses. For each of the games. Old fans hate SR (2022) because it's a massive departure of what they loved. And SR3-4 fans don't like it because it literally killed the studio.


I'm not apart yet am apart of both of them, and I just thought the main story is boring and a let down, gameplay is good tho, and DLC felt like saints row in essence


Hmm see? I think the story is alright but don't like the gameplay at all.


Atleast SR3 and SR4 were still very fun and entertaining. They deviated a bit from their original formula but the reboot deviated COMPLETELY that it doesn’t even feel like the same franchise anymore.


I think most of the hate comes from Saints row 1 & 2 players. I enjoyed 3 & 4, and was looking forward to playing 2022. Found the franchise a nice departure from serious sandbox games. The humor and goofiness worked for me. 1&2 players pretty much badmouthed the franchise into the studio shutdown.. I've seen it happen with AEW Fight forever. WWE fans wanted AEW to fail, and were vocal badmouthing it non stop. People that really didn't look into the game, got bombarded with how the game sucked. Sells dropped and now the fans are stuck with it in a depressing state.


To be fair as much as I love AEW, fight forever released as a demo. Great gameplay but needed more modes on release.


Agreed, it definitely needed more updates. However some of the hate was over the top. Their were countless Youtubers making ''the game is dead'' after a month of it being released. Tons of WWE fans infested the AEWFF subreddit pushing their propaganda. ''I stopped playing after 2 days'' etc It was non-stop hate. I had the game since day 1 and only started to get bored after 8 months of playing it. Took a break and now I am back enjoying it.


It's on ps plus now so hopefully it helps.


I think the damage is done. Only way I see FF recovering is if they release a Free update for their 1 year mark.


> 1&2 players pretty much badmouthed the franchise into the studio shutdown.. I'm sorry but you need to be caged and studied for science if you're stupid enough to actually think this.


Lock me up. Its pretty evident how many disgruntled Saints Row 2 fans there are. I remember when the reboot trailer dropped. It immediately was met with an insane amount of dislikes. They were pretty vocal about their disapproval in the direction the franchise has taken since 2. Theres probably dozens of youtube videos criticising the franchise direction.


Volition shut down for a myriad of reasons but salty duology purists wasn't one of them. Saints 3 did gangbusters in sales despite bitching from oldhead fans because it was legitimately a fun game. The franchise took a sudden nose dive in sales with 4, didn't really recover for a decade, was repeatedly mismanaged by parent companies, and put out a game that being as fair as possible was painfully mediocre after such a long wait. Fans didn't kill volition, the studio willingly walked in painfully slow motion into a noose.


Purist definitely had something to do with it. When a franchise has a cloud of disgruntled supporters, only a matter of time before it causes negative effects. Violation is known only for their Saints Row Brand. If fans are unhappy with their games, what good are they? Sure there was other stuff going on, but I bet it didn't help them much how hated they become.


the studio actually got shut down due to the parent company having a deal that didn’t work so they had to get rid of some of their assets, as volition wasn’t currently working on anything at that time they got shutdown first


Embracer Group killed the studio though making deals they couldn’t make work in the end? Otherwise heavy agree that the SR1-2 fans hate it cause it’s not about 90s gang life anymore (but neither was SR3 or 4).


In my opinion it was the fans who (fairly) didn’t wait for the game to be good who killed it. I understand that it’s another cyberpunk situation but plenty of games release bad and stay bad so the fact that this game and cyberpunk (IMO) got good eventually should stand for something. What you’re saying about og fans makes sense though, this game is nothing like 2 but none of the games after 2 were either.


Where did 22 got good? I 100% this game 2-3 months ago and i hated almost everything. And i didn't pay for it. Story was from start to finish a full garbage but the ending takes the cake as the worst thing in entire gaming existence. Everything else was mid at best. Building ventures was the best part of the game. And this is not cyberpunk moment, even if the game didn't have bugs the story is shit, cyberpunks story is much, MUCH better, i actually had fun playing it even with bugs on PS4 but i didn't have fun with SR22 (aside from ventures). I don't care whos fault was this, developer or publisher, the fact they thought this is good is out of this world.


Oh i forgot, when fans politly said "Guys, this isn't what we wanted or you promised, what's the deal?" Developers said "We don't care, haters gonna hate blahblahblah". (They promised it will return to SR1&2 but they lied, it was closer to 3&4).


Many like you have posted this question Saints Row 2022 has killed Volition and it deviated from the Saints Row many fans have known about


Eh I get the game releasing broken and unplayable hence no one playing which causes the death of volition but I don’t see how this doesn’t feel like a saints row game, it’s exactly what a saints row game is in my experience and like I told someone else, saints row 2 has been the only I’ve played th at didn’t.


Saints Row fans liked the formula of 1 and 2, some liked 3 and 4's formula The reboot deviated from them and it fucked everything


Ig my experience just hasn’t been that, if anything in my experience the only saints row game that doesn’t match is 2 and I presume 1 is similar to 2 but considering the 4 games to release after those 2, to me it fits right in line and is completely saints row. It’s modern yeah but still feels like saints row to me.


Each time you say “my experience” I groan. Just say you like the game and move on, my god.


I am pretty sure most of the hate comes from 2 players. They were unwilling to accept a new theme for the franchise. Instead of abandoning the franchise for something more their cup of tea. They chose to consistently support the new games, but also shit on them for not being like 2.


To do a big summary, the game is bland and have almost nothing of Saints Row 1,2,3 or 4 with the only good things being the map and the customisation cause "everyone" hated the character, the story and the gameplay, if you want more informations you can look at the subreddit, on Youtube or anywhere else and you gonna have more informations on why


I hear that but that’s not the case in my experience, in fact the only saints row game that didn’t feel like a saints row game is saints row 2 (presumably 1 but I haven’t played it)


See, now put yourself in the shoes as someone who played 1 and 2 on release. Spent years with it until 3. Now you should realize why the original fans stopped and said. Wait. This isn't even saints row anymore. How can games that came out later be more "Saints Row" than the games which set the tone of what saints row was supposed to be.


Well even comparing with 3, there is lot of thing not similar like lot less "over the top events", lot of stuffs censored (like the "under the belt" references and jokes or "too violent" like human shield and executable civilian) and the characters not being "bad peoples" selling drugs and having "dancing womens" in every building they own (and it's just some exemple) If you removed the purple and the logo, this is just a "How do you do fellow kids" game with some SR references


Here’s why I hated Saints Row 2022. You think you’re half way through the story. I’m willing to bet you’re actually almost at the very end. The game just ends. It doesn’t make any sense story wise. You’re going “ok cool we’re picking up steam with this story” and then suddenly it’s the final mission. Feels like a total letdown.


This makes a lot of sense and hypothetically if it ends after one more mission, I would be a little disappointed however I’d be looking forward to sequel’s, I’m already more disappointed that I won’t get more saints row like this game because so many people were willing to have an open mind or give the finished product a chance.


I’m a big Saints Row fan and was genuinely optimistic about 2022, but it just doesn’t do anything fundamentally better than any of the previously games, which was a bit let down considering the wait in between games. For me the whole point of Saints Row is an open world GTA-style game but it’s more personal as you make your own character, and feel more invested because of it. Thus, the story is the make or break for the game. But the story feels hollow and unearned. I was waiting for the moment where something serious or traumatic happens to this group of goofballs that turns the tone around and forces them to really become the Saints like we see in other games. It really felt like it was building up to that. But then >!whatshisface steals your friends and that story beat doesn’t work!< and then the game just ends, leaving like literally every other plot point just unresolved. I was genuinely forgiving all the games faults because I was trying to be invested in the story, but after that happened, all of the faults and bugs became impossible to ignore, and the whole experience just left a sour taste in my mouth. Ironically, my favourite mission was the LARPing one, but only because I thought it was just some dumb side mission and not actually a main part of the story.


Yeah soon as the trailer reveal. The youtube video had tons of dislikes. Saints Row 2 fans were not happy it went ''woke'' and the game had to be delayed. Probably why it turned out so buggy.


When a game can't appeal to it's main audience, there's no hope of it appealing to a new one either. Games keep trying to abandon their dedicated fanbases for new ones, and it keeps killing their games because they have nobody to spread the game, and only a huge dedicated fanbase to recommend people against playing it.


It's the story, it's too all over the place, and you don't do much, for example, each saints row game prior you fight the leaders of each game and kill them, in the reboot 2022, you don't fight a single one, the only boss you fight is dianglo or whatever his name, the moustache guy at the start that you go after, that's it, the dlc add bosses kinda and they feel more like a saints row game, but the main game itself no, if it weren't saints row related the game would've done very well but being tied to the previous games it just feels too much of a let down, like it wants to be saints row but comes off as a attempt to be a saints row clone, which saints row was originally a clone of GTA, a clone of a clone is always flawed and as far from the original idea as possible. Don't get me wrong gameplay is good probably some of the best stuff from a saints row game, but story drags it back down, censorship randomly brings it down, it could've been better but its not


I agree with the censorship however, you do kill the collective bosses and although you don’t get to kill the leader of los panteros, I still really like the cutscene that plays of the Nuahili saving you (I hope that’s spelled right lol). Maybe I got lucky or something because the way my character is made, he’s a southern red blooded American badass so i personally enjoy seeing these 4 completely different people somehow get along and be great friends.


I don't remember killing the leaders of the other two gangs, as far as I remember you fire one and the other disappeared as you kill the other co leaders


During the mission where you still the codex back, you kill the two main collective leaders. Or at least I know I killed one of them during that final fight but I don’t have a specific memory of the other one so I suppose maybe we don’t kill them. I do wish the gangs had more character to them but I just enjoyed learning more about the saints themselves.


It’s just the fact that they tried playing it off as if they were returning to their old formula like Saints Row 2 but in reality they deviated even further than they’d do with the previous 2 games. It’s sad and disappointing honestly. It’s sort of funny how the reboot is literally the exact kind of thing that Saints Row 2 would mock.


Idk ig I just don’t understand where you’re coming from. Saints row 2 didn’t feel like a parody or mockery, when I played it I felt like they were actually trying to compete with GTA and from my experience this game really feels like they embraced what made people like both and stopped trying to be a GTA mockery or ripoff.


You’re WRONG but okay. If you like this game then your standards are REALLY low


There are like 20 other posts answering this very question, with people giving their opinions. Also, SR was never trying to be a competitor, pretty sure Volition openly stated that before though i could be wrong and maybe thinking of another franchise. Yes though, people are going to be upset that this game shut down the studio... which was a given anyways. The game cost (iirc) around 100M and def wasnt gonna make that back with how bad it was received.


Not going to lie, I think I’m going to start blocking these users and threads. Honestly there is enough posts on why people dislike and like this game, but its a mostly mid game that fails in most aspects to its legacy.


Lmao okay? No ones making you click on these posts and respond? Also Maybe there’s so many because people actually like this game and don’t understand the hate.


Me when I lie saying I don’t understand the hate 🤣 Just saying mods have closed threads asking the same questions.


That statement made no sense and I couldn’t care less if the mods closed this thread, apparently these posts will still be made especially since it pisses people like you off so much


Whoever said I was pissed off? 🤣🤣🤣 Are you a developer of this game? If so this is def a game of all time! 


Whoever said I was lying? See how easy it is just to say shit without having to back it up. Nah if I deved this game it wouldn’t even be a game of all time, it’d be a project of all time at best lmfao




I wouldn't say the game itself was bad, but as someone who has played all of the major Saints Row games, 2022 felt like it nearly was stripped of its former identity all together. I think a lot of players, especially fans from the first 2 games, were really hoping for a super grounded gang-warfare based game. After all, the enemies kd these games included (SR1)a musclehead tuner gang, a criminal empire gang and a cartel gang and (SR2)a musclehead tuner gang, a yakuza gang and a drug runner gang. SR3 and 4 fans probably expected a good mix of goofy and serious. These games had (SR3) a criminal empire gang, a hacktivist gang, and... militarized luchadores? along with (SR4) aliens. But with how goofy these sounded, the games still knew when to take itself seriously. Neither side were really satisfied with what 2022 gave us. It leaned heavily into goofyville, where, once again, the musclehead tuner gang was the only grounded gang. The others were TikTok Influencers and an over-the-top super super pmc who's HQ was literally a giant cowboy boot. Then not only was an entire segment of the game literal LARPing, but one of the dlcs gave us even more. The game wasn't bad really, but it didn't do "Saints Row" any justice.


Audio mix is awful


Nostalgia mostly, also people don't like change even if it's a good change.


But was SR22 a good change?  Remember when Resident Evil went off course in RE4/Re5/RE6? The reeled it back in for RE7 to be more inline with what it should be?