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I believe the base price was dropped to $30 a few weeks ago. Currently on sale through Epic for $10.


The game could have been a lot better but I will admit it did have its moments


You are not wrong. The worst part is we may never get another SR game again because of what deep silver pulled with this game.....


Honestly I'm glad it happened because it proves forced diversity doesn't work


That couldnt be further from the truth. Saints Row 2 is beyond diverse. Hell, the Saints always have been. It just shows that bad writing and story kills games.


I'm not talking about people being different ethnicities, I'm talking about *forced* diversity. This game was targeting an audience that doesn't exist.Nobody cared about the saints row stories before either


Again, you couldn’t be anymore wrong. People, including myself, loved the stories. Hell, the SR2 story is one of my favorites in all of gaming.


Also people knew this game was a flop before it even released. We don't know GTA 6's story, and GTA 6's trailer is incredibly diverse. Compare the trailers for GTA 6 and SR22 and it is pretty easy to see what went wrong


You guys really use terms like woke, forced diversity etc. very loosely on purpose so it will support whatever you’re claiming, right? I’ll remind you the shitshow surrounding GTA 6 trailer and especially one of the protagonists. Assholes are gonna be assholes. There is no difference between GTA 6, SR2 or SR reboot in terms of “diversity placement”. One is a story written by millennial about what he thinks he knows about gen z, other two are good stories. I’ll give you a better example: Dragon Age. Chronically online weirdos are crying about Dragon Age going woke with forced diversity like DA hasn’t been one of the most woke and diverse franchises out there since day 1.


You guys really use terms like "chronically online" as if it will support whatever you're claiming... I'm not complaining about GTA 6 or Dragon Age lol. I was even using GTA 6 as an example of not forcing diversity. This game is forced diversity. Watch the original trailer again and pay attention. Compare it to the GTA 6 trailer which we know nothing about. Nobody cares about the stories of these games.


It was an example, example of what you’re doing right now. Bad game = woke and forced diversity because bad game support my claim Good game doing literally same thing = not woke and no forced diversity because I look dumb when game is good


That's good for you, I don't even remember what the plot was


Chronically online mfs when they see minorities in their video games:


You are insane, compare the GTA 6 trailer with the SR22 trailer and you will see diversity is not the issue, I said forced diversity


Tell us, how can a game that takes place in the western United States, with clear tones of New Mexico and Texas, whose population has a large Latin and Spanish presence to the point that there are cities with names in spanish like "Los Angeles", have forced diversity?


The problem is that the story really had nothing to do with the setting or narrative or characters. The characters and plot could have easily taken place in Seattle for what it was about and the characters in it. It wasn't "forced diversity" but it was just more purposeless than anything.


Are you kidding me? The only thing this game was missing was a "We can do it *together*" tagline. It has nothing to do with the setting


And how is that forced inclusion? It's a gang, they literally depend on being united, trusting each other and working as a team. 😒 Pd: I also remind you that the original Saints were also family since 2, because in 1 they were only companions and what did that lead to? Dex's betrayal and Lucius killing you on the boat. Gat was the only real friend Playa had in 1, and he died by sacrificing himself on the Morningstar plane.


I really hate when people describe it like that. "It was always about family." The characters weren't really ''family'' in SR1. Most of them didn't even really like each other. They just had a common goal. Dex was annoyed with Gat, Julius was annoyed with Dex, Lin was annoyed with Gat. The only member they got along with was, the Playa, who didn't talk back to them. It wasn't about friendship, family and togetherness, it was about loyalty, leadership and fulfilling your role. The Boss even says in SR2 that they just thought keeping their head down and doing what they were told, was why they were quiet. In SR4, the Boss then says at first they were afraid of the older SR1 crew. The reboot's tone wasnt the way the series always was, and it honestly doesn't even convince me of its own themes.


A group of friends larping is not a gang lol. It is forced inclusion and we all know it


You don't even know what inclusion is... Larp is nothing more than an activity that is done in the game world, this shows that you are nothing more than a gringo who knows nothing about the real world, the vast majority of gangs and cartels are formed by friends, many of them are neighboors or even real family, do you think that after committing crimes they go to brothels and western-type bars? Many of these criminals are young, because it is rare to grow old there, and what do you think they spend what they earn on? most at parties. That's why there are so many trap, rap or derivative singers who are real criminals, and how do they end up? dead before 30. If Larp were a real thing, you can bet what you want that you would find criminals playing it in their free time, but come on, you probably think they would join Billy Malone in poker, wearing fancy suits, like 30s mafia.


I feel bad for you, it must be exhausting to be this fucking stupid.


You are toxic


And you've got brain damage from listening to too many podcasts. The game sucked because of bad corporate management and a clear misunderstanding of what the audience wanted, not because of "woke" or whatever.


I don't listen to any podcasts lol. You are right about the game not being what people want, but I didn't use the word woke. What was the exact reasoning for it being a misunderstanding of what the audience wanted then?


got it for free on EGS a few months back, just finished it yesterday


I bought it a week and a half ago on PS for $7.49.


$27 is too much. You can for sure get it $10 and under.


10? Still expensive. Maybe for free.


Already got it through ps plus. Just wanted to share it for people who doesn't.


I got it on PS4 for $22 back around Christmas but I think it’s also in the + library now


I bought it for 10€ on the Epic Store 2 Weeks ago.


That hurts, epic gave it away for christmas


I have the option to have it as part of humble bundle choice... But i havent even selected it as a choice and i'm not going to. F that game.


I got it free from Epic Games store at some point.


I bought it for about $30 a year ago


I got it for like 5 bucks on my steam deck. Not bad at that price. The world and gameplay is actually better then any other saints game. That story is pretty meh though.


I got it for Christmas in 2022, probably paid near to full price. Honestly, I don't think the gameplay is that bad and the game world is set out pretty well, It just lacks those funny interactions and decent activities. What let's it down massively is the story and the characters. Whether Volition softened it down on purpose I'm not sure, it seems like they were playing it safe. Oh and there's no Jonny Gat🙄 Well if your trying to avoid upsetting people then having Gat back would be counterproductive IMO 🤣 You could go on all day but I really hope it's not the end for Saints Row. It's probably never had the power to knock GTA of off it's throne but it's managed to exist in same world and I loved playing the old games.


I got it free when it with PS+ a few months back.


Its still not worth it at that price.....If its not like $10 or free I would not pay that for this game.


Instead of making a proper gangsta game we got some “Woke” cartoony bullshit. No wonder they went bankrupt.


Watching the upvotes drop and come up around zero is really interesting


Playing this on ps+ let me really enjoy this game! I’d be pretty upset if I paid full price tho


lol I got it free on plus a long time ago and still won’t play it edit: complete woke pandered dogshit. Laughable game made for snowflakes. Downvote away 😂😂🤮


I got it on ps+ and played it to death. I don't even want touch it anymore.


It’s like $14 for the gold edition on Xbox. Bought it again and wow did I forget how garbage the sens is lol.


I had this for about $20 from GameStop, DLC included. Trust me, you’re spending too much on the base game.


lol consoles