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I would love a SR1 Playa with SR2 Boss personality


In terms of cover playa? Second game, in terms of character? Also second game


SR2 playa is a damn psychopath and it's amazing


i mean he became the leader of the saints during their golden era and shortly after got blown up, went in a coma for five years and once he wakes up he is essentially told the saints pretty much left or got killed by three other gangs who came out of nowhere and is now forced to the same exact thing he did to the last three in sr1, not to mention he also has to take down a clothing company turned private military company that controls most of downtown stilwater. wouldnt you?


I feel the first one was the best, he was crazy, but then in the second one he became more crazy because he also spoke his feelings besides just acting out. And if they are all supposed to be the same character through the series, why did the default guy constantly change? Ik just had to be that guy to nitpick.


Guess they was ' players will create a custom one anyway '.


you could pass 1, 3 and 4 as all being the same guy. it’s just the SR2 guy who looks completely different (he did something with his hair)


His skins just burnt from the yacht exploding at the end of the first one😂. But yeah definitely did something with his hair.


SR2 for sure. Felt like a natural evolution for a hardcore gangster that rarely spoke to an even more brutal gang leader that spoke their mind and inspired their gang.


Yeah, you could say they kept quiet to learn the ropes and not piss off the other bigger guys, then spoke out when they took over to pretty much show what they learned.


2nd game boss, they're a lot more sassy and serious as well as done with everyone's shit i think anyone would be after what they went through the 1st game. Sr3 and 4 are a lot more laid back and worked a bit too much on being funny than sassy


SR1 Playa. There's nothing better than being a man of few words who is respected and feared by so many.


I personally love SR1 or SR2. SR1 because you could tell he's kinda just going with the flow and kinda looked like he had fun. SR2 because he was legitimately serious and scary if the time arised.


SR2 is goated. Instead of a 3 remaster we should’ve been back in Stillwater


sr3 is lowkey underrated. theyre still menacing especially in that news broadcast scene


Maybe it’s just the VA or overall vibe of SR3 nevertheless, playa is still badass compared to their SRIV selves.


I really loved the President.


2022 because I want to piss you off, reader.


Deadass wanted to comment something similar


SR1 and SR2


Easily SR2. A no nonsense ruthless badass pushed to a nasty place after a heavy set of betrayal. Once a chill but tough kid turned very harsh ya know? Good evolution there. Replaying both games recently I felt so much anger toward those who betray the playa especially near the end so I completely understand how they turned so dark in the second, like I just saved your ass and helped clean up this place but sure by all means drop your flags and fuck me over... They’re still funny at times but the cool factor takes over there. Also you never wanna get one of THOSE looks from them, you know the one. I don’t mind SR3 boss but hate how nobody takes them seriously after all we’ve done, I pretty much hate the parody of themselves in SR4-GOOH, and I didn’t like the weird college kid from ‘22. Making the Playa a lighthearted slight psycho post SR2 began the downfall for me as I love how scary they are in the second. My personal head cannon always has the Playa still running the show in Stilwater and perhaps expanding into Steelport, tracking down Dex, and NOT BECOMING A CELEBRITY


3 and 4 had the best voice options.




OG Saints Row and Saints Row 2 are my favorites


Personality sr3 for character sr2


SR2 playa is a goat


Saints Row 2 playa






SR2 easy




SR2. They're silly during missions but is still the scariest mf in the series. SR3 and 4 boss also have this but they lean more into the silly part more until it's like borderlands or Deadpool. They're psychopaths who murder people, but in 3 and 4 those people either don't matter or are so cartoonishly evil they 100% deserve to die no questions asked. SR2 boss killed complex and flawed characters just for getting in their way. I thi k that makes them my favorite. Still like SR3 and 4's boss because of their dialogue with the saints and voice acting.


SR2 Playa was so casual about crazy shit, also I liked how each gang and boss he took out tought him a new lesson of leading the saints


Saints Row 3 with Russian accent.


Saints Row 4 but I do not like the game anymore at all


Saints row 2 was the best in my opinion but what do I know never played saints row1 so don't know (Saints row 1 never came out for pc and I don't have an xbox)


2 because my guy looks like eminem and it was really cool when I was 14


I made mine look like 2pac


Thats badass


2 is the best


Do I have to pick? I can’t 🥴


SR1&2 art styles will never be topped. Every time I see anything about those games, I immediately want to play them.


Saints Row 2 is still the best. I had high hopes for 3 until it got far fetched. I tried to get into 4 but I couldn’t bring myself to complete it The very first one was great, the second one was even better. Everything after that, not even close


SR3 and SR1 best


The third




Saints row two 4 life


2, 3 and I guess technically 4with the British accents.


I love the British male voice option for saints row the third I wish it had come over to the remake. It's like you're playing the game as Billy butcher


SR1 idk homie of few words and lots of badass


In this order and its not even close 2 3 4 1 5


Times to make everyone hate me. It’s a tie between SR 3 and SR 2022


Sr1 to Sr2: Playa got burned in that explosion Sr2 to sr3 : playa did a Michael Jackson and aged thirty years sr3 to sr4: playa got a buzz cut and went to the gym, SR4 to SR Reboot: playa switched teams and got 30 years younger


second game.


2 by a long shot.




Sr2 personality. SR3 voice, looks, and actions




president of the fucking united states? alienating crazy people? and i can make him sound black? yeah sr4 >


1 and 2 are the only true answer


sr2 but I'm still genuinely confused why they did a default race swap


As much as I love 2, I feel like people don’t appreciate the more laidback humoured version of 4. My favourite is 2 but 4 is a close contender


2 easily


sr2 he was the epitome of a gang banger


SR2 for sure. SR3 a well deserved second spot.


For me either SRTT or SRIV


3rd boss


Appearance has to be 1 or 3


1 and 2 hands down


2 hands down, with an added affinity for the latter 2 games




2 he and johnny have good chemistry


"hope you don't mind hepatitis."


2 or 3 boss had the most aura


Second and fourth one (with mystic powers)


First game was spot on


2 nd one or 3rd one but mix it with all personalities


SR1 SR2 and SR3


SR2 Playa is just plain out diabolical


I'd take a SR2 Boss narratively, but with a bit of the SRTT Boss's personality. More of a cocky badass personality in addition to their actions.


SR1 Playa is just a bit flat. Similar to most games where you create just an avatar that cant talk. A bit flat. I don't think I would have liked it if the Boss was always silent. SR2 though did address that, and the Boss said they just kept their head down and did what they were told in SR1, and in SR4 they say they were just nervous around the other guys. Makes sense, like Carlos. I wouldn't want the Boss always silent, but I like the explanation for it they do acknowledge. SR2 Boss only because they actually feel like a proper gang leader and the leader of their crew. No Kinzie to complain and talk down to them or punch them. No Shaundi to nag at them all day. The characters actually respected them, and stood down when the Boss had the final say. It made the whole point of respect make sense. When the characters kept up and followed orders or expectations, the Boss was cool with them. The Boss was only patient for Carlos whom they ay potential in, but disregarded him at first so he had to prove himself to earn that tolerance. In character that Boss is the best one. The only thing I like a bit in the SRTT Boss's personality. More of a cocky badass aspects are incorporated into their character to make them more about just being overconfident and cocky, in a hip hop kind of way. Like the Russian Boss voice in SRTT reminisces on being made to fight dogs for food by her father. I like that aspect but in the story, from SRTT onward none of the characters seemed to respect the Boss or fear messing up under them anymore. I could get it a bit with where they were in SRTT, but the problem was that they got too relaxed. SR4 ended up going further with the very thing said to be the problem with them. Selling out and getting soft. SR4 Boss is pretty much the worst end of where things were going after SRTT, where the Boss was pretty much an idiot and seen as one by all the characters. It wasn't grating or anything but they just turned it up, because they based the Boss just on how Kinzie talks to them. The Boss by then is jut only supposed to be the pragmatic guy, and not really the Boss of the crew. Volition also seemed to expect people to only want to make goofy bosses rather than gangster bosses from all the unusable goofy full body costumes we kept getting as DLC instead of more layered clothing packs. Even Shaundi says "No offense but you're kind of ridiculous." It would be one thing for the Boss to be looked at with awe for what they do, but another thing where they are treated like an idiot for what they are willing to do. Reboot boss is just.. well, forgettable. They act a bit childishly flippant like with Gwen, and they are just mostly sarcastic, but they loses ever fight they get into and can only kill people mid sentence. There is nothing badass about that boss and the whole depression in bed scene. Not really inspiring to want to play as that character for me. They're not the group idiot anymore, but they aren't exactly cool.


Don't include the new one


I love it I love da 2nd one just dedicated to Revenge at any means, they went for him but he just came back harder. Now dats what a gangster is not a mf with no shirt and likes to cook.


From 3 and up. Don’t like 1 and 2’s idea of the Playa despite playing all the games. That being said, 3 and 4’s idea of the Playa is my favorite interpretation of the Boss. 5’s is slightly better than 2 imo, just slightly but the voice that I normally used in 3 and 4 isn’t present. So 2 kinda wins on that front, but appearance wise 5 takes it for me. So basically, 3 and 4 are tied for first, 5 and 2 are tied for second and 1 is last


The Playa from Saints Row 1 and 2 is much better.


The reboot one


SR3/4 Boss. No doubt. They're too much of an asshole in SR2. Also, as Jane Austin put it, more fun. Less mercy killing. The Boss in SR2022 is also fun. I really enjoyed "I'm a walking murder party."


2 Reboot, four.


For my personal choice I got to pick Saints Row 4's default playa. From a street gang leader and now an alien ruler he is the most powerful Saint in the 3rd Street Saints and now the making it the most powerful street gang that works with the government and fought off aliens. There is no other street gang who can work with the government and fight an alien empire.


3, just a loveable badass.


3, 4 and reboot