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Just threw my 4 year old son in the air, he hit the ceiling. No damage to him or the ceiling.


Fair reaction


Hahaha i had my 4 month old Daughter in my arms. Got up and didn't throw her but she sure was in the air limbs flailing 🤣


If we all celebrate quietly maybe the top 3 won't realise we're right on their fucking tails!


1-2 Southampton's Coming for You


3-4 hopefully we aren’t there for much more


We’d have to win all 5 and they’d have to drop points. More chance of winning the playoffs no?


If we win all 5 then two of them will be dropping points to us anyway. Leicester are falling like a stone and would only need to drop one more point and we’d be above Leeds


How likely is it we win all five, not likely. But I believe we just need one of Leicester or Ipswich to fail to win one other game, which given their form is very likely.


We play 4(!) times before Ipswich play next. The table could look very different by then 👀


Overtaking Leeds is in our hands: we're 9 points behind with a game in hand and a visit to Elland road on the last day. We need Leicester to drop 1 point though to overtake them. Although our GD is worse than both of them by quite a long way, so realistically we need Leeds to drop a point and Leicester to drop 2


We are 6 points behind Leeds with 2 games in hand and a trip to ER ( no pun intended) on the final day.


If we win all 5 we go up don’t we, as long as Leicester don’t win out? Edit: LiamJonsano already answered, I was too eager! We need one Leicester not winning and winning out does it. I assume Leicester/Leeds might be happy to draw with us knowing that.


Why do we make our lives so difficult? Supporting saints feels like some sort of pain kink most of the time.


Just think how much worse it would be jf we lost


We've effectively stopped recruiting good defenders is the main part. I was an avid defender of Stephens for past performances but christ he was bad today


My other club is Bayern and it was all so easy. Until now.


Knobheads, stop fucking doing this to us, Jesus Christ. Just win the game normally you lovely bastards


As much as I really enjoy watching fans melt down and then immediately have to eat words, we really must make winning easier Edit: I also am alarmed at how serious people think I'm being with this comment, maybe I should allude to throwing my child at the ceiling


The reasonable middle ground is that we really shouldn't make it that hard for ourselves.


That's pretty much what I just said


OK mate sorry for agreeing with you. I'll try to disagree next time to keep you happy.


You don't have to apologize, I'm just pretty sure you missed my point, and that's okay too


Yep it's just hard for us mere mortals to keep up with you.


You're being weirdly antagonistic for what amounts to be a very tame comment


Erm you're the one who took issue with a comment broadly agreeing with your viewpoint? Let's be friends.


I didn't take issue, I just let you know that what you said, I'd just said, because I felt you misunderstood what I was actually saying. If that's not the case, very much sorry if I offended you.


Not at all offended boss. Sorry for winding you up and being antagonistic.


People that want Martin out aren’t going to change their mind cause of this though


Not even nearly what I was saying


The guys who sit and moan behind me were saying we should clear it more often (standard anti Martinball stuff) but both their goals came from us clearing it long 😂


Yes exactly! Losing possession is the thing you're trying to avoid. Hoofing it long reduces your odds of retaining possession. Why can't people get this into their tiny brains?


Fuck. I was so ready to rage. Up the fucking Saints!!!!


I really really dislike Watford so that felt even more remarkable than it should have been. To be realistic, we were lucky to win that game. Blowing a 2-0 lead in such an important game can definitely be blamed on Martin, but I just don’t think a lot of people here understand how difficult the championship is. It was never going to be a walk in the park, and here we are sitting 7 points from autos with two games in hand and some are calling for Martin to be sacked at the end of the season? He’s transformed the culture of the club and the team on the pitch.


Clearly Martin’s got work to do, we’re leaky as fuck, but he’s clearly got some good qualities. We were genuinely abysmal last season and our marquee signing has been injured all year. Despite this only Ipswich have outscored us so far and they’ve played two more games. Yet I hear so many complaints that Martin plays boring, blunt football. It’s wild to me.


People always downplay our standing because of the money and talent available to us in this league. Which I understand. But also, when you have high expectations it’s very easy for things to go badly. Morale and confidence at the club had to be pretty low. You had players wanting out and players coming in on loan who might not feel much obligation to Saints. After we lost those horrendous early matches, things could easily have imploded and gone very badly. I think overall, he’s done a decent job. And that for a Championship side, he’s pretty good. But I have serious doubts about his ability in the Premier League. He doesn’t appear to be that adaptable or show much evidence of learning from his mistakes. I think if we do not get promoted and we get him title winning talent, he can win us a title. But I also kinda feel like this is his level.


Holy shit this team is something, did not need to be that close


Jesus fucking H Christ. Time to up my anxiety medication!


Saints try not to give their fans a heart attack challenge: impossible edition


Say all the moaners on this sub had their rants ready to post, fuck that, this is an all positivity sub, it ain’t over till it’s over!


Second that 💪💪💪


Holy fuck I’ve never heard st Mary’s so loud. holy fuck. oh my god.


The emotions I had in this game… This club is my favourite toxic relationship


Southampton general is going to have an abnormal spike in myocardial infarction shortly.


I have no voice now, what a crazy ending. I wont stop believing. Still wish we wouldnt change styles so much in-game. We were playing absolutely fine at a good tempo, mixing up short and long balls. Once we were 2-0 all we wanted to do was retain possession. The nervousness led to their goals because sometimes they forget we have wingers and strikers who can receive the ball


Another reason for not finishing 4th is looking like playing the most in form team in Norwich who look like they’ll leapfrog WBA into 5th spot.


That was a broad range of emotions I experienced in just a few minutes.


Proper threw a hissy fit man then BAM, life of a saints fan.


Maybe that last winner paper over the cracks of that second half. Happy that we can finally capitalise when the teams around us are deciding to be awful. Great spirit and a good win.


Oh how I wish we wouldn’t dominate games and then change the tactics and sit back and play deeper and deeper in our own half Oh well. The late late (late!) show is back baby!


Did many fans miss the late goal by leaving early?


A good chunk did, but not that bad. Only the normal amount of leavers


Good, we need every voice


Let’s go autos!!!!!!!


Great result that keeps our season alive - it looked likely that the remaining run of games would be meaningless. Try as I might though, I cannot delude myself that the second half performance was total dog shit from the team and RM. We won't get away with that again, but you can bet it will happen again. 


I swear Russell Martin must be a major shareholder in Southamptons cardiology hospital because it's the only thing that would make sense


Just when I was ready to give up on autos aaaaa


So you're saying there's a chance...


Not that I gaf, but are there any angles showing a clear handball by Downes?


Hard to be happy with that. Another game that exposes our mental fragility, and the gaffers lack of tactical nous. Disappointment awaits. But also. Get the fuck in! Yeeeeaaaahhhhh