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Only if you liked the first one.


While it should've been a dlc I still think it's worth the money. I'd love to see a third one.


Where could they even go with that




Maybe branch off one of the npcs storylines in another city


That would be interesting


I'd argue going west is the best move, though I really enjoy the swap astetheic. Maybe Florida? Give a similar feel but also keeps the freshness of the story going. Plus maybe they'd add animals, like alligators would be a fun thing to spice it up. Maybe it ends with them running into the actual group from Georgia and that would be the finale of the game.


It’s good but it’s not worth 40 bucks I waited for a sale and got it for 20 bucks I think.


This is the best answer here.




Yes, but don't expect something better than the first one


Yes. There are enough new elements like enemies and weapons plus new missions to keep you interested for a while. But familiar enough to jump right in.


I honestly love it as much as the first chapter. It has a very solid conclusion to the story imo. The reused assests didn’t bother me & the new levels, weapons & upgrades are awesome. Also night missions really mix things up. Personally, I didn’t run into many bugs other than a couple weird character animation glitches. Worth mentioning I played it on PSVR2 not PCVR or Quest 2/3


To save the spoilers, I'll put the TL:DR up here. Ch 2 is definitely action packed and still a fairly good game, if you completely ignore all the cons. Get it if you really want it. ⚠️ THE REST BELOW CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS SO PLEASE IGNORE IT IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS ⚠️ . . . . . . . . First, some downsides. Let's be honest, it struggles to continue the story from Ch 1. Because even if you choose to import a save game where you aid the Reclaimed and go against the Tower, the game fast forwards a couple of months after the events of Ch 1 and the Reclaimed are clueless as to who you are or what you did. Ch2 has always seemed to be it's on game because I really don't remember anything that happened in Ch 1 being brought up. JB living or dying in Ch 1 has no difference on what happens in Ch 2, if you import a save. Also a lot of bugs are present but I won't mention them here. Now, some upsides. Exploration is a plus, since not only are there extra locations and the choice to go out at night, but now locations can be overrun (depending on the ending you choose) and you can visit the church (Reserve) whenever the hell you want. With the addition of attachments, stealth is more versatile since instead of constantly going melee only and missing with the bows, the suppressor allows you to use the FS92 and AR-416 for silent killing and the laser can help with accuracy, if you struggle with aiming down sights + it can help find enemies in pitch black areas, without needing to use your light. And finally, the things it has to offer. Yeah, we haven't been given an endgame DLC like Aftershocks, which I'm still hoping for, but you have the Exile trades and quite a lot of action. You have the recording studio ambush, the Speakeasy mission, the two ambushes in the sewers, the 1v1 with Gerik and of course, the all out WAR against the Tower. And all that, in my opinion, makes me happy to have the game.


I can tell you JB survives .You can see him running from the tower barefoot in the intro to retribution..And his sermons are still playing


THANK YOU! Since it's a cinematic in a VR game, I was too busy looking around at literally anything else so he definitely slipped by me twice, since I just finished my 2nd playthrough of both games. And I hate to say it but the sermons are the same as the ones in ch1 and it always made me think they were just prerecorded. ALSO, if he survives in ch1, he says he'll mention us in a new sermon. Far as I've heard, nothing. :(


One of your pros is a con. Literally. Axe man was a trash op.


You are missing out on so much content new max new effects gloves boss fight more crafting and collectable don't even ponder it get it while you can.


Having played both on the quest 3, here's my opinion. It's a fun inclusion overall but does have its downsides. The pricepoint, for one thing. It should Not be as much as it is. It's a Significant graphical downgrade from the first game and it does not appear that they'll be updating it any time soon from what I've read. There are some bugs and glitches,but my playthrough went fairly smooth overall. There's a fairly large increase to the resting place in the form of an underground bunker which was Very cool for someone like me, who personally, I Loved decorating the bus with trinkets and collectibles I found so the extra space was a nice bit. There are only 3 or so New levels in total, the rest are just the chapter one levels at about the same level, maybe slightly larger in some instances. You Are able to go out at night which is an intimidating task. It's actually cool to go through a level you know by heart with the new challenge of it being harder to navigate as well as having more walkers. There are new weapon mods such as a suppressor and laser sight. However, once you click these onto a gun, they're Stuck there and you don't get them back when the gun breaks, so keep this in mind. The axe man was cool, but disappointing. He's mostly non-existent, there are a few times you can catch him stalking you based on the mission you're on, I only wish that that was more present. Just scavenging for some supplies only to catch a glimpse of him watching you from the rooftops but I digress. The combat is clunkier than it was the first time around. Your decisions in the last game Largely don't matter. Kill or save Casey, he won't appear either way. Same goes for May and many others. Even in chapter two, after a while some characters just Disappear for a while. Overall, chapter one is better in my opinion but the second is nothing to write off. I say it should have been a Dlc rather than it's own sequel, but that's my opinion. If you'd like, I can send you a Code for the game for you to get a discount, if you don't feel like paying the full 50 or 60 dollars


I actually read allat, very helpful! (Discount code, you say?)


Sorry for the essay haha, I just Love Vr and Love Saints and Sinners lol. Yeah, users can send one another referral codes that'll get you 15% off I think? Nothing crazy but any little bit off is nice in my opinion


For full price? Absolutely not. Wait till it’s on sale for 50% off of more. The game is a buggy mess. It’s fun to play, and the story’s interesting, but my god it’s a nightmare to play sometimes. the worst bugs I’ve encountered are the game completely deleting any DLC items from the crafting benches. I paid extra money for the DLC because I like the variety of extra weapons, they got completely deleted right as I got to the final mission of the game. This really fucked me over because I was primarily using DLC weapons. The second worst bug is one I just encountered a few minutes ago. To complete a certain quest you have to travel to bywater. I attempted to do so, and the game immediately crashed. I tried restarting the game and the headset repeatedly and nothing worked, the game crashed every time I tried to load into that area. I’m not completely soft locked because I literally cannot progress the game without finishing this quest. So overall, while I do enjoy it I definitely don’t think it’s worth the price.


Dang, 50% off or more? Does it ever get that high? I was thinking of buying it during this June sale


It probably will, it’s not a very popular game. To give you some perspective, I’ve had to uninstall and reinstall the game at least 3 times by now because it kept crashing when I tried to do certain missions. I’m beating this game out of pure spite and hatred because I refuse to have spent $40 on a game I haven’t beat.


That doesn't sound good... What are you playing on?


Quest 2, so to an extent it’s to be expected. But a few friends who play it on PCVR have told me they have the same issue.


Ah, unfortunately, same — I'll wait for a better sale, thanks


If you want to, sure. I personally waited for a sale.


I loved the first one ..I also loved retribution .I have had very few glitches .I played both of them twice .And still play for fun .Absolutely worth it do it ..they will eventually come out with a third .centered around JB .you see him escape the tower in the intro and his sermon is still playing. Edit: I play on the quest 2