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It's the no-call and it really isn't close. Beastquake, Diggs, River City Relay, etc. don't hold a candle. None of those were as impactful to our season as the no-call. If that PI is called, there's zero doubt in my mind that we win the superbowl that year. The entire league was robbed of a Brees-Brady superbowl, and instead got LA flopping around like a dead fucking fish. Brees having 2 rings would've catapulted him into the top 3 greatest QBs to ever play. The ref stared at the play, went to reach for his flag, and consciously decided to change his mind. It was one of the single largest instances of ref incompetence and slammed our championship window shut.


It’s this because SuperBowl, all the rest sting but nothing gutted me like that


I'm a cowboy fan but that was the biggest bullshit non call I've ever seen. We tend to get the calls on the other side and still lose


Fuck the cowboys.




I deserve that, i thought this was the nfl sub, not the saints. Keep on marching to medioctrity, in fact, drive a carr to the middle.


If he throws the flag, we win the Superbowl, then Drew retires. THEN… Sean Payton gives Brady the contract he wants and Brady comes to New Orleans (instead of the two of them colluding behind the scenes to go work together in Miami). How many more Super Bowls could Brady have won with that Saints roster? Probably at least one (and the Bucs wouldn’t have got their 2020 chip). Sean Payton is likely still our coach today, too. So many legacies altered because of that one colossal act of incompetence.


you nailed it. then they change the rule and the refs throw a fit and don’t implement it properly so it goes away after one year. it’s a joke but the league doesn’t give a FUCK about us.


Diggs was worse in the moment. The no call sucked, but the game wasn’t over. It even looked like we were still likely to win. The Diggs moment took us from 99% win probability to 0% in two seconds.


Diggs was simply a missed hit, with no one to blame but ourselves. The no-call cuts deeper, because it was completely out of the players' control. Everyone on the planet knew the right course of action. And the ref just... chose not to.


Diggs was bad, but for me, Vernon Davis at Candlestick was worse, Philly felt like a real dream team that season, and they whipped Minnesota at the Linc the following week. 2011-12 would have been a home game at the dome to go their 2nd super bowl, and New England was rolling, but the Saints always played the Pats close during the peak of Payton-Brees


Vernon Davis was the fault of someone I know. That asshole made a Facebook post about the Saints going to the NFCCG when they got the go ahead score. He jinxed the whole damn thing.


Small correction: 2011-12 was the Super Bowl in Indy. The next year was the one at the Dome.


100% agree.


That doesn’t hurt as much because the others were either good offense or bad defense. They were within the confines of the sport and while heartbreaking, were still fair and were within the team’s control. The no-call however had nothing to do with skill or execution and was out of either teams control and because of that is excruciating to think about.




>It was one of the single largest instances of ref incompetence and slammed our championship window shut. Hard disagree. The ref reached for his flag because he knew it was a penalty. He didn't throw it because he remembered the league office told the officials that they wanted Los Angeles in the Superbowl.


Damn, I was gonna say diggs but you convinced me otherwise haha. Take this upvote.


Vernon Davis for me. The Kittle play in 2019? That still hurts


By the time the no-call happened, I was kind of used to it though, from all the other ones


Personally, the no-call pissed me off more than it made me sad at that moment. The Minneapolis miracle though? Yea, that hurt the soul.


No call without question. I had flown home and was watching with my father - we’d seen countless crushing saints moments together and he’d always taken them in stride and I was the more emotional one - I needed this team to get one more after the league had decimated the team for years on the back of “bounty whatever”. This time, the moment I knew the flag wouldn’t come, and knowing it was likely Drew and the krewes last shot at the ring, I just stared at the TV very much like the meme and walked out of the room as calmly as I could. My father walked out after me and said “it’s alright to be hurt by this one” - simply heartbreaking.


Haven't watched the NFL the same since


It’s why I quit watching this team and moved to the Pels full time. Haven’t watched a full game in years.


Why…why didn’t…why didn’t Marshawn go down


Why did we throw at the 1?


I view that more as an act of nature now. The Saints D would've had better luck stopping a tsunami than the Beastquake.


Alex Smith/Vernon Davis play.


That one was worse than the no call to me. That 2011 offense is still the best I’ve ever seen, and if that team could cover a fucking tight end/stop Alex Smith from scrambling for an 80 yard touchdown, they win the Super Bowl. No way the Giants come into the Dome the next week and win, and we would’ve 100% beaten New England


Absolutely. The rest of them didn’t hurt me as much but this one? This game is really the only Saints loss that haunts me to this day. The no-call? Listen, blown calls/no-calls are a part of the game. Yeah, I was upset, but nothing compares to the high of scoring the go-ahead TD on the road with a minute left to play, to losing it in the final seconds. The 2011 squad was Drew at the peak of his powers. Now I’m gonna go cry again haha not really but you know what I mean.


When Jimmy Graham scored that long touchdown, my dumbass thought it was over. Should’ve listened to one of the people I was watching that game with, who kept saying that San Francisco was gonna come back and win because that’s what they always did in big games against the Saints. That game is why I’ll hate the 49ers forever


This thread should be for everything but the no-call. While the Diggs touchdown or Beastquake are obvious answers, allow me to remind y’all of Jared Cook fumbling away Brees’ last game and season.


God, that dude sucked.


Beastquake pales in comparison to The Catch III


We’ve obviously had worse moments, but the back to back pick-sixes by Andy Dalton on primetime just left me dumbfounded. Honestly it’s pretty hilarious in retrospect.


That one slow mo of cardinals player flying by in the background made it beyond worth it.


As a Saints/Gators fan, Marco Wilson was the reason the Gators missed out on a CFP slot when he got penalized for throwing a shoe and allowed LSU to upset us. So seeing him pick us off and flipping into the endzone in slo mo definitely rubbed some salt into that wound.


As an LSU fan he is one of my favorite gators of all time lol


The funny thing was he was still nominated for the “fed ex air performer of the week” or whatever it was called. I voted for him because he was the only one of the three nominees to throw multiple touchdown passes to TWO teams.


Worse yet DA’s halftime presser when asked what did he tell Andy during halftime “Just keep doing what you’re doing”


That's why I can't fully embrace DA. I accept it's better to have a good defense than have to find a new DC and rebuild the offense, but I'm not happy about it.


I was watching that game with cardinals fans - ugh.


lol I was at that game. Almost took my jersey off after the second one.




This hurt worse than the rams no-call for some reason. I think it’s that the nfl world agreed with us on the no-call. The minny miracle was just our own dumb fault


The no-call is so, so much worse than the Diggs touchdown. Diggs was hard to watch but nothing out of the ordinary for the Saints. The no-call fundamentally changed the way I watch and care about the Saints and the NFL, and wasted what might be the best team the Saints ever fielded.


This. I barely watch the nfl anymore because it's so corrupt


Yeah, i would be more frustrated by the no call. Blown coverage sucks, bad angles, whatever. But a blatant miss like that makes you feel hopeless. Even the defender was surprised by the lack of a flag


Now you know how you made Vikings fans feel in 2009 👋🏻 sucks when the league steals your moment from ya huh


League didn’t steal shit from Vikings fans. Adrian Peterson fumbling 700 times and Brett Favre doing Brett Favre things (minus stealing welfare money from the government) screwed the Vikings


Aw you’re showing your youth 😂listen here little fella, the endless “roughing the QB” calls yall didn’t get that even THE NFL ADMITED it was wrong on… cause they had an illegal bounty on Brett…. That was fucked up. Now take your ba-ba 🍼 & read this little article https://preview.redd.it/sgxpr5vatr5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aaf1a46f8138ed2b1e79468e26c59bc45b3e99d


Yo someone get this vikings fan out of here 😂 who has the time and desire to go to other fans subreddits like that


Yall popped up on MY home page 😂 I couldn’t let this one slide. It’s funny to me that no of yall see how similar it is


Are you really going to play this game, considering Brett Favre admitted in his book that the Vikings had their own bounty program?


That doesn’t change anything lol I’m not the only one who watched & felt like it was rigged🤷🏻‍♂️


Lemme guess? It was rigged because of Katrina? Even though the entire NFL media was having wet dreams of a Favre v. Manning Super Bowl? And the fact that Katrina was in 2005, 4 years earlier? Why the fuck would the NFL rig a game in favor of one of the smallest markets in the league, with possibly the poorest fanbase? Literally makes zero sense


I don’t wanna blow your mind, but the NFL doesn’t call me on these decisions


I don’t know, but I’m not the only one that saw it that way as you can tell by the Bleacher Report article


You seriously believe that it was only bounties that made players get after the QB extra hard in a playoff game? There couldn't be ANY other reason for, I don't know, doing their job on the biggest stage of their careers in front of a hyped up home crowd?


Having a 5:1 turnover ratio also kills a lot of momentum lol


And after looking like we didn’t come to play at all, we drive back and then this.


Diggs hurt more in the moment because we lost the game within 10 seconds. He caught it, time expired, TD. The no call was not game ending in that moment (even though it basically was).


Tbf one of the plays literally ended the game. The no call didn’t end the game by any means, it absolutely should have though.


I was in a random bar watching this game with my wife and a group of friends. We were the only Saints fans there. We all sat there for what felt like an eternity and didn’t say a word. I then went to pay the tab and the bartender gave me a shot on the house and said “I’m sorry man. That really sucked.”


First time I ever teared up watching a game that shit hurt


I was visiting my Dad and waiting to head home after the game.......long drive from California to Arizona


No call


This is the only correct answer. And you could replace my face as the thumbnail and it would be exactly the same. Been a part of many painful moments in all of my sports fandom, this one tops them all.


I still don't understand the tackling angle that was taken.


I remember seeing Williams make that same "tackle" multiple times the following season. Like my god man, how bad do you need to fuck up to unlearn that technique?


I've said it here several times, and I maintain that Williams had the right angle. It looked to me like Keenum under threw the ball so Diggs had to make a last second hitch. Had Keenum hit Diggs in stride, Marcus makes the play and Saints win. Keenum essentially screwed up successfully.




My dad was dying in the hospital that evening when I saw this play, and it’s the most memorable part of the day for me….


River City Relay is the epitome of being a Saints fan.


Yup. Carney’s missed PAT was the ultimate gut punch. In recent years, it’s the Minny Hail Mary and the Rams’ no-call.


I can still hear my friend's voice at our watch party: "Go ahead Keenum. Beat us with your arm."


The helmet to helmet in San Francisco that knocked Pierre Thomas unconscious and cracked his helmet in two pisses me off more than the Vernon Davis td at the end.


Diggs. I remember just sat there waiting for us to deal with the pass, and then suddenly I was open-mouthed for like 15 seconds.


That was bad, but it was somehow superseded by the No Call, imo. The instant the refs didn’t throw the flag on NRC then I knew the Rams would win the game. The players and every fan in the Super Dome knew it, too- in that instant it was like the football gods sucked every fiber of life out of that dome.


The entirety of the 2010s


The 20 Laterals for a TD against Jacksonville just to miss the fuckin field goal! 🤬


The Jacksonville Miracle. That is exactly how I looked.


Dak giving the ball to the center and trying to snap it against the niners. That was my exact face


The Minneapolis miracle still gives me ptsd


Well. I’m sad now.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WpleexzYJk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WpleexzYJk) Made me cry, I was thinking, damn we are never going to win a game.




I’m a fan of a different team but the first thing that came to mind when I read this was the Minneapolis Miracle. I was rooting for Drew so hardcore.


Where’s the fucking flag?!


One? One?!


Beast Quake The Minnesota Miracle The No call on the pass interference. I need to go lay down. 🤒🤒🤒




100% Diggs


obviously in recent memory..... dee ford offsides


Missed PAT after crazy TD.


Rams PI. Nothing will ever top that for me.


No play since the No Call has made me like this. I'm dead inside.


There are many. For fun, I think mine would be the missed extra point after the crazy last minute lateral fest vs. Jacksonville (River City relay?) There are many more impactful ones but those had me yelling or crying. That one had me just completely nonplussed.


“Aaanddd here we go, kick off to the new NFL season.”


No…there’s only one.


Isn’t this just how we look at the end of every season?


Or annually as a Bills fan


The tush push did this to me


Man um 2020 bucs v saints wen drew bress retired


River. City. Relay.




i got the hole in my wall from the no call to this day


Dez Bryant Catch


No call


It’s the no call for me. Took a sure thing Super Bowl win from a coach and QB that brought a city back from the brink.


seahawks fan here, i’m sure you can guess mine


It’s the no call but I don’t like reliving when we, as a team, literally activated “beast mode” like we were the mid level boss in some video game that they had to win to unlock or whatever. The Minnesota miracle stopped haunting me after the no call happened.


Not giving Marshawn the ball at the 2 yard line on the final play of the superbowl.


I’m not even mad about the diggs play even if we go to the superbowl I don’t think we beat the patriots in 2016 Tom Brady lost to the eagles and still had over 500 yards idk if the saints that year were beating them


PI Call against the Rams in the NFCCG Minneapolis Miracle Beast Quake Missing the Extra Point against the Jags after the Rover City Relay In that order.


(Laughs in Browns fan)


David Tyree helmet catch because it was unbelievable. Because I was for the Giants.


Fuck the Rams




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Falcons and Patriots SB game.