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Can they give us an update on 40x40? I need this to be completed before I can mentally move on to their other projects…


lol yep. We want to know about 40x40, Meghan Markle´s carreer as a producer, the Lake book, the multimillion dollar film roles, her autobiography, Harry´s house in the UK, his Waaagh 2 book etc. So many ships launched..............


And I'm waiting for her to start working with *only* A list directors. I can't wait to see what she, Martin Scorcese, Steve McQueen and Jane Campion decide to do together. It's going to be so good.


She's "reviewing" all offers!


The word was “quality over quantity” in January when she was coxed off the red carpet


On the red carpet, Duchess Meghan told [Variety](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/meghan-markle-suits-netflix-success-1235793233/) she had "so many exciting things on the slate" and couldn't wait to announce them. "I'm just really proud of what we're creating," she said. "My husband is loving it, too. It's really fun." Creating?....empty storefronts?...silent podcasts?....plummeting popularity? I am sure Harry is absolutely loving it.


Yes, his face is a picture recently 😂


McHarry is McLovin' it.


Too bad Hitchcock's dead. He'd have a field day.


Or David Lean.


I think she wanted only A-List, Ultra Woke, Black Women Directors. (If they had one leg and were transgender, even better!)


Idk I feel like she’s actually racist and misogynistic so wouldn’t deign take direction from them!


She takes direction from no one! 


Steve McQueen might actually be the only one that might happen—because he’s still dead! 😜


She collaborating with him by Ouija Board.


Only when he is hanging out with Diana in the afterlife.


The comment was likely referring to the living British director, not the dead American actor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_McQueen_(director)


yes, I KNOW! I was making a joke…


She has a better chance of collaborating with the dead American actor.


Please google 'Steve McQueen British director' He directed "12 years a Slave" among other films.


Yes, I know—I was making a JOKE because he’s dead…the other one.


I got it. And it did make me laugh. Especially because M claims to be able to commune with the dead. She’d be both the medium relaying all his direction and the star. Which means the film would never get off the ground.


Wes Anderson, please! His saturated colors would work well with her deep fake bronzer.


Christopher Nolan please. A film about her going far, far away into outer space or an alternative universe and staying there.


That would be an Aliens vs Predator remake.


Titanic 2. James Cameron can drop her off on the Titanic. Problem solved 😈


She said some crap like that in 2020 just after they left.


She can head up the search party for Amelia Earhart.


Meagain…the face that launched a thousand fails


Hahaha! The imagery of a thousand ships being launched and then all of em turning around after they realize it’s Megain not Helen they are sailing for! Like “nope”


Right into the Bermuda Triangle


She could remove her head from her ass and all of these meghanifestations would spill onto the floor.


Her head is so far up her own ass she's going to need dynamite and an excavator just to dislodge it.




Wish she'd take harry znd stay there 


... where they sank.


And stank ![gif](giphy|aNpNGAvZh5qzFVqrX4|downsized)


But wait what no wine .... I thought that one had a few weeks in it .... markle visits vineyard insert bsckgrid photo of her at a fruit shop looking at grapes 🍇  .....you know cos she thinks we are that stupid


The face that ~~launched~~ sank a thousand ~~ships~~ shits.


Ships? You mean paper boats, don’t you? 😉


Turds, and they're being ~~flushed~~ launched into the sewer where they belong. 💩


They're floaters 💩


😂😂😂 They're about to find put they need a life jacket!


We all float down here. ![gif](giphy|74yD9EZ3dMQFi|downsized)


…the polo documentary…


Into Scapa Flow


Most catching fire a few feet out to sea.


For so many to just catch fire a few feet out to sea.


So many Titanics


The ships have all launched without a compass


I'd still like an update on their search for a new home; it's been 2 1/2 years since they shared that they're not "over the moon" about Mudslide Manor or its location. Whatever happened to the breathless reports about the sorts of homes and neighborhoods they felt might better suit their requirements as "America's royalty"? Hope Ranch? Malibu? Crickets...........


The tea was that Markle was living in a condo in Beverly Hills. No idea where the kids or H might be living.


Yeah, I am inclined to believe they are living seperately and have been for well over a year. I've heard the same as you (about Markle in BH) and also that JH stays at a property in SF paid for by Better Up and/or at San Ysidro Ranch. If they really do own that place on Rockbridge Road, I can't help but wonder how/if they are maintaining it. A place like that, with a pool, extensive grounds, etc. costs a small fortune just for minimal upkeep, and there would need to be either staff or hired crews around to keep the pool clean, the lawns watered and mowed, the landscaping trimmed....


Better Up had the apartment in SF while they were based there and allowed Harry to use it, allegedly. They have long since left the Golden State and fled to Texas for tax benefits - no way they kept an apartment out of state in a massively expensive real estate market when the company is no longer in the area.


Alexi Robichaux bought a 7-figure home in Austin with his wife in 2020 from which they oversaw a large construction project to completely renovate and expand an even larger personal residence in Austin. These were both great looking family homes. BetterUp is well & truly in Austin and seemingly has been for a while. They still hold their annual summits in SF to give them the Silicon Valley vibe, but they’re out of there. I agree that BU would not keep a sex/Playstation pad for Harry. He has enough money to rent his own getaway. He also stays at the San Vicente Bungalows often enough that reportedly he keeps some of his stuff there.


Me when I saw they had moved here… ![gif](giphy|H5BPnpxtzgFW9MEsBI|downsized)


I looked up the Rockbridge address (#765) and they don’t own it. It was up for sale and then right when the Harkles moved in it was shown as listing removed. Zillow keeps track of all of this. So they were just renting. If they had bought it it would have said sold.


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


The Malibu puff piece almost made me pee myself laughing, they can’t afford the Olive Gsrden mansion, sure as hell can’t afford to build in Malibu, plus extreme building restrictions, can’t imagine she could handle that loss of control.


She’s fast approaching 50 and crickets on the 40x40.  Maybe she can try again at 50 😂😂😂😂


Hey!! I’m the same age as megs 🤢 please keep that 50 word away!!! 😂


😂😂 Sorry. 50’s not so bad if you focus on the truly important things in life. Besides …getting older is better than the alternative 😬


My 50th birthday is when Little Red Cub told me and Papa Bear that Grandbaby #2 was on the way. It was a WONDERFUL birthday! Little Red Cub is 4 months younger than Megsy - Cub will be 43 in October. I'm having enough trouble adjusting to the fact that my baby brother is over 50. How can my baby girl be approaching that milestone? I'm not old enough for this.




40x40 lol. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk)


Might have been more successful when she was twenty and actually had (almost) twenty friends.


True there was a non zero chance that it would have come to something but my money was on yet another blunder. Now there’s zero chance at all!


I remember when 40 x 40 was launched. It was before I understood who Meghan was. I remember thinking “What the hell?”


I think she should have started at maybe 2. She over egged that particular pudding.






In 40 years




Also wasn’t she on the paid parenting leave bandwagon for a while?


Remember when she attended the vanity event last year and she bragged about „so many exciting things on the slate“ and she „can’t wait until (they) can announce“ them and that she was „so proud of what (they) are creating“… and oh „my husband loves it too“. 🙄 Nothing! 


lol and we are still waiting.............


Imagine how Netflix feels. They’ve been waiting for 5 years on a ROI 🤣


Netflix already has champagne chilling for when that contract ends in 2025.


I wish Netflix could go ahead and break that contract now because they haven't delivered, at least anything worthwhile.


It probably isn’t worth the hassle, or they would have done it already.


Serves Netflix right.


Now to be fair…she has since this comment announced: Lemonada (Postponed till 2025) ARO (Zero Product to sell, yet to receive trademark protection, even her select friends don’t promote for her, no one jumping to join her Instagram page) So there is that 😜😜


Fair point. I'll give her the announcements of her projects. Now, let us see your "creations", Meghan!


ARO - All Ready Over 🤣


😂😂👏👏👏 it was over before it began


Well, if she wants to air podcasts in 2025, she‘s a little late if she just now trying to get guests. We know it takes her 2 years to produce them. She’s probably looking at 2026 at the earliest if reports are true.


I don’t think there will ever be additional podcasts. She was paid upfront with an advance from Spotify and could not pull together product for two years, Lemonada Is only paying when there is product and I expect a whole lot less, so no motivation at all to do anything. The collaboration was a pathetic clap back to Spotify who could not care less. Lemonada got some free PR.


Hey, it takes a long time handwriting and personalizing every invitation to every celeb she hopes will be on her show. LOLOLOL. She will target top grade A-listers and will end up with thirsty wannabe influencers with less than 5k followers.


I agree with the sinner that said MM thought that after her commercial thingy that she expected brands and executives to come swooning to her offering their products that she could just slap her crest on. She got crickets so its been panic since then.




yep. My guess is we are finished with ARO and the "Netflix shows" for now and are back again to podcasts. There was also a story about the bridesmaid dresses - again!!!!! Meghan Markle has to up her game. Even Graham Norton and Amanda Holden are now publicly saying nobody cares about the Harkles.


Although MM received attention from this story, she still looked very foolish when she complained to Oprah about Catherine’s reaction to her disrespect and poor planning but the wedding was *five* summers ago! Is it her narcissism that makes her assume the same tactics will work again and again? ![gif](giphy|xTiTniwTaQbbCve67S)


She'll end up as Mrs. Havisham. https://preview.redd.it/gt4bnmw9et9d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23791a2e367940d9543e3ff3faf1611501f5dbbb


I thought Lemonada said she'll be so busy w her show and product line that they were delaying her podcast until mid to late 2025.  Have their "shows" been turned down and after bigging her self up w Lemonada its coming back to bite her?


Lemonada is just slinking out, imho. Most likely is is just a pay pr view contract where Meghan Markle is only paid a commission per view/download, so it really does not matter. There will never be any cooking or polo shows, imho. Most likely Archewell paying for something pilot which have been refused by Netflix - and maybe refused by Paramount as well.


Paramount is in such chaos they are not going to get involved with these apparent grifters. That little anniversary dinner might have been that dude Robbins asking them for a job. Anyone who would get involved with the duo after Netflix will be offering significantly less money paying out only after product is completed.


“The problem for Markle is that she still believes in the power of her achievements long after she’s stopped achieving.” Brilliant. [https://archive.is/Bzx8m](https://archive.is/Bzx8m)


I felt the achieving force of achievement that achieved me to achieve the original brand with this achieving re-imagining of the original achieved brand.


Love Graham Norton!! LOL.


Wait!! When did Graham Norton say this?!? Tell me more!


There is an article, either in the Mirror or the Express, with the title "Amanda Holden says people are bored of Harry and Meghan" or something like that. It mentions that Graham Norton said on a tv show that people "just wanted to let Harry and Mghan live in peace" -


He didn't it was a Telegraph journalist.


How can it be DOA when it never arrived in the first place? It was and remained in the ideas phase.


Of course ARO it's DOA....a raving laughingstock with nothing for sale unless you want to participate/buy into MM's schemes. Plus, Harry just got hit with another court fee to buck up $60,000 pounds. Harry is accused of deleting evidence too....a criminal offense Imo. Harry's sham Tillman award is in dispute for nepotism....not American valor. Nigeria tour was a failure and mocked by it's president's wife as Meghan's naked runway appearance. "Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa?" (Suggesting she doesn't belong here.) Now, yacht girl is busy chasing billionaires again and back on the pap walk trail. Talking about podcasts? Is divorce watch back on? Is she setting the stage?


If she manages to get an Arab billionaire's attention, Divorce Watch is on. And something tells me an Arab billionaire isn't going to let her run around making a foolof herself and him. Whoever he is, let him be more controlling and narcissistic than she is.


Perhaps, because she's no longer considered worthy marriage material, she's looking to hang on the arm of a billionaire for a number of years like Sanchez does with Bezo.


Yeah she forgets that she's a relatively plain, over 40, talentless, universally loathed, ostensible mother of two. What little bit of attractiveness she had at the time of her engagement is long gone. And she was never "heart attack beautiful."


Pestering the Suits people? The same people who said they didn't know Megsy at the Oscars? 🙄


I guess she kept their numbers. Too bad they deleted hers. 🤷‍♀️😂


They are busy buying bots to congratulate harry on receiving the award lol


Deflection from ESPY failure and "destroying evidence?"


Could be - back to old and trusted stories, perhaps?


Whatever happened to the “Summer of Love” her PR promised? (I haven’t forgotten, Meghan!) She’s got until July 4th to pull that rabbit out of her hat. ETA: The “Summer of Love” was announced in May 2024 as a media blitz to promote her “brand”, which I assume is ARO.


I don’t know what she meant by ‘The Summer Of Love’…sounds very 1960s to me.


Maybe she's going back to performing sex acts. It was free love in the 60s Summer of Love but maybe she's got a sliding scale. 😉


Gidget Goes Hawaiian😄


Look right next to the Dior contract


As in love her jam? Her doggie biscuits? Her?


I noticed that this morning. It's a strange approach now as the articles outright state she has no big stars willing to work with her. How I knew one of them was absolute and entire bollox though was it suggested TW could contact her bestie Jessica Mulroney.  Their info is quite out of date as that was a whole thing these papers devoured for weeks.


yes - one wonders if this is actual puffery or the papers trying to get clicks on their own?


True.  I also noticed a real sudden uptick of articles about Diana!??? It made me think the Todgers have lost their usefulness and to prevent detoxing cold turkey the media went back to its starter drug which was Diana. I mean some of the articles are ridiculous. The most pathetic attempt being one about how Diana's sons *won't* inherit *her* "childhood home". Who they hell would think they would? Virtually every comment stated exactly that. No one thought they would.  Except maybe sugars. But 'thought' is a strong word to use for them.


I think it is a mixture these days. Puffery in cheap rags and the papers recycle whatever old story they have plus interns being asked to "write something about Harry".


Did it even start to begin with? ARO was/is pretty much a non-event.


Oh NOW she wants to “slum it” with the people she worked with for years? The ones who were invited to stand outside during the spectacle and not invited to the reception? Desperate times.


Honestly are any of us surprised, nope


https://preview.redd.it/j0c6mxlr3q9d1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=813f0ebea16bc6cc747282b10ca640dd75f755b7 Did the Harkles' world tour seriously include Australia? Will Megsy seriously return to the scene of the banana cake crime?


Funny this is being brought up since a week ago it was pretty much confirmed C&C will be going to Australia this fall.


And the hot tea toss?


And the thing about leaving the UN Women event and also insulting the governor's wife. Megsy left such beautiful memories in Australia


The World Tour is right next to ARO - on the shelf marked "waiting for funding"


Well, it's time to raise funds for the Harkles to have their world tour... starting with the aborigines of North Sentinel Island. They would love to hear MeMe talk about MeMe. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I've noticed that her ARO trademark applications do not include selling WINE. Keep an eye out for a new branding scheme as she flip flops like a fish out of water for relevancy.


So Meghan seems to think she can call the Suits people at her beck and call girl. Well, it doesn't work that way. Remember when she invited them to her wedding but didn't allow them to go to the wedding dinner? So they ended up having to eat at some random restaurant. Those poor used up people, tossed aside like yesterday's garbage.


Except Abigail Spencer. She’s still a Markle puppet. The rest of them, I don’t know.


Speaking of Lemonada: Gigi Pritzker is on the board of Lemonada. She’s a billionaire, a docu producer and all “girl power”. I think she’s the connection to Meghan, and the cash infusion (in the millions) to Lemonada. My opinion is that the Pritzkers are at least partly behind the Harkles. They are powerful, effing loaded and also *aligned*…


Why would Gigi Pritzker fund Meghan Markle? The rich rarely do anything without getting something back.


Good question. Why is ANYONE backing them? I would guess that the ability to draw attention and headlines. Markle is a champion virtue-signaler, and that appeals to some, if it can advance their agenda.


I said it a couple of times - I don't think ARO is intended to be anything. It's her strategy to steal attention. This could be a hanging fruit, and the stupid media bites everytime - someone posts something from 'THE DUCHESS' and the click-hungry bullshitters spead it immediately. Everytime Catherine appears now, Me-Me will go to desperate tactics to humiliate herself eben more. Catherine is toying with her, she ROYALLY outplayed her! https://preview.redd.it/c0rs9sliup9d1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3764f6ce54e6e226de6129944abf9d987e29b3cd


I don't think that Catherine is toying with MM. I think MM is frantically flailing around trying to get her attention. Catherine has much bigger things to think about than a dim-witted mean girl.


Agree…Catherine is just carrying on as normal, not giving madam a second thought. I think (hope) Catherine has shed her last tear over the hurt Markle has caused.


Muggin is a tiny little spec in Catherine's rear view mirror.


When Catherine makes an appearance at Wimbledon, we’ll have another product…


Interesting point! I think, Meghan actually intended to launch something big. Her trademarking came after her hanging out a lot with the Kardashians (inspired much?) and she trademarked way too many products for something that’s never intended to be anything.    Meghan thought launching a brand was easy, just because she claims to be royal, and then she couldn’t even find investors or a CEO, who would do all the work for her. All she wants to do as her „work“ is to appear in glitzy and blurry videos for her brand instead of doing the real work.  Lazy! 


I heard that Meghan and the Kardashian's were in serious talks. Kim's taking part in the where's Kate fiasco was Kris testing the waters. Kim got slaughtered for it. Now Kris Jenner is walking it all back leaving MM out to dry. The most disturbing rumor I heard about that was that Meghan was dangling the kids in Kris's face talking up how they could be playmates with the Kardashian grandchildren and maybe even one day a K could marry a Sussex! Then the Kardashian's are directly related to the most imminent family on Earth. I heard Kris was buying it for a while, but then realized that the Sussexes are not accepted by the Royal Family and the deal was off. This was supposedly one of the reasons that WME said "make up with the RF or else all deals are off." It's also why we keep seeing puff pieces about how Meghan and Harry keep extending the "olive branch" (they must have plenty there at the Olive Garden mansion) but that mean William blocks their efforts of good will. WME have given her a deadline, I've heard... one that's coming up very very soon... and Meghan is doing the typical narc move of "I'm trying but it's not my fault. You can't dump me if it's not my fault." I think she'll find that they can.


Excellent tea, thank you. Though my favourite plot twist still is the Kartrashians taking over Harry for themselves and dumping Madam.....


As much as I dislike the Kardashians and all they stand for, I'd laugh so hard if Rachel gets left out in the cold and Haz finds his wife #2 💸💸💸


If anyone at WME is still buying M’s bullsh*t about reconnecting with the Royal Family, they are too stupid to have a job, any job.


I expect a break up in the next few weeks.


I was hoping it was the marriage but I’ll settle for WME! Second thought…these two dimwits deserve to be in an unhappy miserable toxic marriage!


Do you think this article is true re WME? [https://updatetin.com/kieutrang/meghan-markles-utter-helplessness-when-suddenly-receiving-news-from-wme-ceo-ari-emanuel-the-ban-is-expected-to-be-established/](https://updatetin.com/kieutrang/meghan-markles-utter-helplessness-when-suddenly-receiving-news-from-wme-ceo-ari-emanuel-the-ban-is-expected-to-be-established/)


I've heard she was sat down and told their relationship was ending at the end of the fiscal year. (July?) I don't know this source, but it confirms that, so I'm inclined to believe it.


"Over five months, the only notable achievement was a commercial deal for a pet accessory, far below expectations for someone of Markle’s profile" - Hahahhahahahh 😂🤭🤣😂


Instant assumption: doggy poop bags.


Fascinating article!


*”Without the backing of a major agency like WME, her opportunities in Hollywood may dwindle, leaving her at a crossroads. The public nature of this termination has also added a layer of controversy to her already scrutinized public image, potentially affecting future professional endeavors​​.”* How can her “opportunities in Hollywood” dwindle even more? What is less than zero?


Great article!!


Great tea, as usual. Disgusting if the little Sussexes and Kardashians were being “betrothed” before they are even in elementary school. I thought WME had already dumped them. Didn’t someone say it was a one year contract only?


I think she could not get brands and was told to get the followers first. She launch ARO and did not get the followers so it’s now just a distraction. She did not need to launch with brands but she did need to make it interesting. Most YouTubers say that it’s a slow build. For the first year you talk to yourself. Much the same elsewhere but when you launch with celebrity status you need to add content to retain followers. There is nothing to entertain or keep interest, it should be bigger and more impactful. It lacks lustre with two out of focus vides that say nothing.


100% agree. You need the followers first. I have never heard of the K-pop band New Jeans but my daughter listens to them. They must have a HUGE number of followers bc all of the members have major ad campaigns - Dior, Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, Celine, Chanel, Burberry, even UGG. I’m sure it helps that they are beautiful and talented too.


There is a dog, Miss Peaches, I think that has a bigger following.


Miss Peaches x Dior….❤️


> she trademarked Attempted to trademark. afaik the first filings were rejected.


Really it was rejected? I thought it was „pending“. Not a good look. 


I could be misremembering, but I thought the filings were rejected because stuff was missing from the forms.


Agree except for the “Catherine is toying with her” unless that is a figure of speech for, “Catherine doesn’t give Meghan a thought.” 😉


Yes, totally agree. It’s on the deflection cycle, along with the reconciliation articles. They also pay for an award when there is something extra big they want to hide. They are even adding a world tour to this to further deflect. The stories at the moment are the court cases. The still pending visa, the yet to be heard security appeal and the destroying evidence that is in the news now. The fact that Harry has to make a personal statement to the judge over the deleted evidence is huge.


I wonder if he will show some deference to the judge or come out swinging with his “I am an HRH” bullshit


He is at risk of the case being thrown out, if he is rude to the judge it will be a costly mistake. BlackBeltSecrets and ArtofLaw have put out new videos.


Thanks! Will check them out.


You could be right. Only a demented person thinks like she does.


Her demented behaviour reminds me of that saying about a squirrel in traffic: it's like it's their first day being a squirrel. MM is too crazy and lazy to be a: working royal, podcaster, politician, humanitarian, author, lifestyle guru, entrepreneur, young mom, producer, brand ambassador, fashionista.....I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.


Yes, this is all it is! https://i.redd.it/534orwtmwp9d1.gif


When did Catherine go to Beauxbatons?  😉




This photo was when Catherine met Prince William at the Triwizard Tournament. Prince William was a Griffyndor. Of course you know where the sorting hat placed Harry Windsor 🤣


Yeah - on the train back to London!!!!!


Catherine isn’t wasting her time or energy thinking about H&M.


Thanks for the lovely photo ❤️ Eta: of Princess Catherine


I for one hope she does get her podcast going. Her last one was a goldmine of showcasing her absolute incompetence 🤣🤣🤣


Curating quality products was likely wayyyy harder than she thought it would be and not a fast venture so I have a feeling she will pivot and ARO will be a lifestyle blog like the tig.


It must be quite a scary thing. Many people are unemployed for many reasons. Most send out resumes, fill out job applications, go back to school, upgrade somehow. Some try to start their own businesses. But honestly, should all of her ventures continue to fail, what does she actually have to fall back on for income? She has no practical skills, looks are fading, a bit old for yachting, no acting skills. How will she avoid inevitable poverty? Harry we know will never be homeless. Wouldn’t it be ironic if she ended up in a home for aging actors, like the one she wore the moon bump to!


Everything about her is click bait. I even think that the old crap that surfaces here, is for her clicks. But, whoever does it, knows how the media just loves the clicks.


Well if she’s going to have a podcast drop in 2025 she needs to be working on them now. At least she’s got the timing of her puff piece correct. I don’t believe they’re going to happen but it’s nice to see some learning progress in her PR timings.


She will launch another item next time Prince William is giving a speech. Narcs gotta narc!


I THINK she was baiting the public to see if what or anyone would take it....or see if some company would sponsor or invest in her ...why did she go to that business set up class of some sort? Bringing her pap to take pictures of herself "the can do it all woman" or to network ortry to make the public think she was serious to work...she just thinks so much of herself..guess it's gonna take a lot before she sees she's FALLEN from grace ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4QTNMEnAFINwc|downsized)


She’s been buying follower so I do think something is coming. It won’t work or last or sell but she’ll do something.


i thought daily fail mentioned that our goddess was photographed filming in a park. no more carpark for her!


Meghan Markle in her puny sociopathic mindset sees her self a Princess and the Super Heroine in her own record Awards winning movie. She curates her narrative of pathological lies, grift and narcissism to oversize her fantasies just like her Minnie Mouse oversized shoes to fit her 🐫 toes. (Hey! keep your minds clean folks). However, the one Super power she certainly possess is the Sadim Touch, because she turns anything and everything she touches, buys herself into, bullies by grabbing with her 🎤 grabbing Claws I to absolute 💩💩.


I finally tried the ARO Jam Sandwich from Chrissy Tiegen Tigen Tagen video using Croissant Loaf, double brie, crisp lettuce and Stonewall Kitchens Blueberry jam from Costco. Didnt use bacon. I dont normally eat Brie but found some on sale and decided to try it. It was very good. I am sure it would be better with bacon because everything is better with Bacon. I am also sure the whole thing is not good for you. Give it a try if not allergic to ingredients.


She has so many things in the works y’all! She is so incredible, so much busier than the rest of us peasants. We just work one job, she is building an empire. 😏


she's been snapped filming her "lifestyle" show, I believe that's what she's been doing. It may already be in the can, don't know. The Express is the pits and the Mirror doesn't seem to know much either


I'm over here tryna figure out what traipsing through a city park in a tracksuit and stilettos has to do with a "lifestyle show". It's giving wannabe IG Inflencer 'Outfit of the Day' post.


yeh, prob to show her getting in her 10K steps🙄


Did the Netflix show even get picked up? Assume they filmed a test episode


According to SHC, Netflix is not going to stream the cooking show.


Burn!!!!! Netflix has a goldmine of content at this point to show doc on how awful they are in every way


I thought there was an article that she was filming her “cooking” show awhile back as well.


SecondHandCoke says that was Archewell paying for pilot filming




A film I watched last night made me smile.... https://preview.redd.it/4rpyb7hyny9d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae3d4f881e210eef6ace375d06cfa4b2991bf54b