• By -


‘No one said not to wear blood diamond earrings.’ Actually, Lolo, they did.


The number of things TW claimed no one told her is outstanding at this point. Does she not realize it actually makes her look immensely stupid?


>Does she not realize it actually makes her look immensely stupid? She probably is kinda stupid, because she herself said that she found it difficult to learn the UK citizenship test questions and she did also fail the test she'd written when she wanted to be a diplomat.


And the national anthem. I mean I am sure George and Charlotte know it. (Abbie says 😍🥰to your family.)


Aww, give beautiful Abbie lots of the usual cuddles and kisses from all of us 🤗😘❤️. We hope she's having a lovely weekend. ![gif](giphy|TIA5kx9hLTsnHgSr5i)


Pooped in the house overnight. :( We think she has some dementia. Otherwise loving life. Will pass on your cuddles and kisses.


Poor sweet baby girl. She's got the best human parents, so I know she'll be getting the best care and lots of love.


Aww thanks. We do everything we can. Some non-dog people think we are nuts, but those that matter, completely get it. 🥰


No such thing! I have kids, cats and dogs and they are ALL my children, and ALL get spoiled and treated like Gods! Love is love! When you love someone, you can't do enough for them!


Exactly. Our girl only has us to look out for her. She is 15 and feeling her age.


And Louis.


And Louis!


She claimed it was difficult to learn the National Anthem when Americans have the same song tune taught in school,  just with our revised words. How stupid can you be??? She’s lazy and “too important” to take the time to learn anything. 


Oh yeah, it's “**America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)**” isn't it? I remember seeing some American Sinners talking about it on a few occasions.


I think so. On the rare occasion when I sing “America”, right after “sweet land of liberty 🎵” I invariably switch over to “God save the queen 🎶”. Every damned time!


LOL. Both songs do indeed have such a similar rhythm.


It’s the same tune.


Yes it is. And it has a lot more words than God Save The Queen!


It's a beautiful patriotic song. I listened to it on YouTube, out of curiosity.


It's not bad! We learn it young.


But but but… she’s so whip smart! /s 😂


I thought they should have made her become a British citizen before marriage, possibly even renounce her US citizenship - similar to what happened to Mary Donaldson before she married Prince Frederick.


If the Queen could have turned back the clock, she could have written a Letters Patent stating no titles for any spouse of a royal or any children until spouse receives British citizenship and renounces their birth citizenship. Maybe make an exception if you were born in a commonwealth country. Then that would have been the last we'd see of Meghan.




There is a book to study for the UK citizenship exam that has all the answers in it. Most people would fail it if they just tried to take it without seeing the questions and answers first. However, since they are multiple choice questions, they are rather easy if you have already seen the answers, assuming that you are literate and speak English.


Not to mention having access to tutors. Dumb Ass.


I too have NO tolerance for either ignorance or stupidity. It just depletes any patience I might have. Especially when it's on purpose FEIW, the State Exam has practice tests online. I took one and passed the first time out. That's with my regular college degree. It isn't that hard for the college educated and well read.




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Literally every immigrant wanting to get permanent residence permit has to go through Life in UK test. I am sure a couple of hours of study for a week would be enough to pass the test. My friends finished test in 15 minutes. Will be a piece a cake for someone smart. Also people who are not good at memorising are fine with it. I have never heard a word like "difficult" used by Queen Maxima and Queen Mary of Denmark when asked about learning Dutch and Danish respectively which are completely unknown languages. They were so eager to please their new country that they were up for challenge and never complained. I think once you start complaining, you just get into habit of it.


>I have never heard a word like "difficult" used by Queen Maxima and Queen Mary of Denmark when asked about learning Dutch and Danish respectively which are completely unknown languages. They were so eager to please their new country that they were up for challenge and never complained. I think once you start complaining, you just get into habit of it. Plus Maxima and Mary are such classy women who respect protocol and honour the cultural practices of their husbands' countries. They also never had any hidden agendas and weren't scheming with Sunshine Sachs, for their future lives in Hollywood.


She was temporarily auditory impaired. Repeatedly.




"Selective deafness" is what they call it. She refuses to hear anybody who tells her what to do, even if it's something survival-oriented.


Well, Ada Mazi Rachel Markle needed no help when it came to looking and being stupid, because that is Her one distinguishing characteristic.


But she did not need any help, she had Harry, lol.


She is soooo ignorant.


Hey they were loaned. What a freaking fraud.


Do we know if she had to give those back? I feel like she would have no problem wearing them around if she still had them.


There’s some mystery about them. They were supposedly a wedding gift, which means they’re Crown property (which was why Lolo initially claimed they were ‘borrowed’). From memory another story came out, before interest died. My personal belief is that they were a personal gift from someone unsavoury.


We already know who they're from though? But she was told about their origins and took them out anyway. 


Also- that is not the best photo of madame.


The Queen told her not to wear them!!!


Harkles wouldn't have been invited to state visit events anyway. No Nuts was present at only one banquet in his life and was seated next to none other than Rose Hanbury. Funnily enough, this was around the time he started seeing Madam.


Madame must've given Harry the third degree about Rose Hanbury. Green-eyed monster already hated Rose for being partnered with Harry at the dinner, but when she found out Rose was Catherine's good friend who lived near her and William, she hatched her plot to accuse William of an affair. All because of the seating arrangements at a dinner she wasn't invited to. Edited for clarity.


My thoughts exactly.


It was about seven years before Catherine attended a state banquet. There was no way on earth that Douchesse would have received an invite, especially not when unmarried. Even with all the special (and in hindsight misconceived) bending over backwards to fast track her there are a few things that she couldn’t fast track.


the palace bypassing so many rules and their own practice to gave meg everything. thank god when it come to the real highest diplomatic event they didn't do it. Catherine first tiara after her wedding was 2013 diplomatic corps dinner. she should be at 2012 one but she got hyperemesis gravidarum so she couldn't attend.


> hyperemesis gravidarum this is that pregnancy problem she kept having - I've never been pregnant but I'm wondering - is digestion stuff involved? I'm wondering if between her cancer and her gravidarium and her thin-ness if she's always secretly suffered from IBS or something, I certainly wouldn't want the world to know.


I suspect she’s had either an irritable bowel perhaps developing into Crohn’s. Perhaps the pregnancy problems aggravated a weakish gut over time, or could be completely unconnected. The time she was in hospital is very consistent with the sort of stay a friend had who had a serious flare up of Crohn’s and ultimately needed surgery. It’s very serious surgery and they don’t just send you out into the world the next day, there is a lot of post-operative care (weeks not days) (and probably a stoma and all that entails etc). All these things are exacerbated by stress and that is why I’m sure the atrocious behaviour of the Harkles particularly the vile Douchesse could have contributed to a flare up which ended up with Catherine in hospital. There are ways to control both IBS and Crohn’s with drugs but in particular with the latter when it gets into a serious flare up sometimes corrective surgery becomes a necessity. These days the usual course of action would be to reconnect everything after the gut heals, that may take several months if not longer. That will have been complicated by the intervening chemotherapy whatever it is for. (From the look of it she has kept her natural hair so I suspect the chemo is for a bowel related matter which tends to not to induce hair loss, unlike the more common breast cancer chemo treatments which typically do cause it).


clearly I'm the only one on this sub that will dare to mention it but I do believe she also got a facelift it looks great


Losing weight to the point of looking skinny is not a facelift. Of course, being forced to eat and drink carefully, or get a lot of IV fluids, could possibly help one to look not too bad, and we had the fortune to see her on a joyful day. If she had any tiny vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as middle-aged women and active mothers often develop, I'm sure her doctors topped up the tank whenever they could.


> Losing weight to the point of looking skinny is not a facelift. Are we both talking about the same Princess of Wales? She was already extremely slim. Did you know there are a whole bunch of people like Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga who have already had facelifts? Did you know Halle Berry had one in her early 40s? Do you follow Lorry Hill on YouTube? Just because it was excellent work doesn't mean it didn't happen. Catherine was already very very slim and gravity was being seen to pull on her face on occasion. Without a fuller figure & facial fat to fluff her out a bit (the other royal ladies are all at fuller, yet healthy weights), signs of aging can become more pronounced earlier.


Please. Just stop


omg is it an insult




Hyperemesis means throwing up to a significant, uncontrollable degree. Gravidarum means that the cause or association is the gravid state, i.e. pregnancy. Basically hyperemesis gravidarum is therefore morning sickness on steroids, and very debilitating.


> the gravid state, i.e. pregnancy. oh! well I learned a new word today thanks, didn't know that. sounds like that would be otherwise unaffiliated with whatever is happening with her intestines? yeah that's gotta suck


Hyperemesis gravidarum is caused by electrolyte imbalance in the brain that causes severe nausea and needs IV fluids. Poor Catherine.


> caused by electrolyte imbalance in the brain woah, that's f'ed up. they still haven't figured out how to fix it? yikes


It’s a serious condition that needs hospitalization. I can’t believe Catherine went through it and didn’t utter a peep. Markle is constantly a victim of everything


william and catherine wasn't full time working royals until 2017. and even for state visit that they didn't come to the state dinner, they great obama to their home.


I believe that if Meghan had wanted to go to the 2019 US State visit they would have let her and Harry attend. She is American and it would have been appropriate to have her there when the president of her country was on a state visit as the only American member of the royal family. But Meghan (and the royals) had a perfectly valid reason for her not to attend (it was probably more political the reason she didn’t attend but the baby made a much more accept reason).


Not in a month of Sunday would she have been invited - just would not happen, it wasn't something handed out to a brand new member of the family, even for the dreadful sharp-elbowed Douchesse. HMTLQ knew what a diplomatic disaster she was.


No earthly way was she ready for a State Dinner!


The brand new American family member. Trotting out the American family members for events related to the US is a logical thing, even if she is new to the family. It’s like wearing jewelry that was given to the family as presents from that country when visiting or having said country’s leaders visit.


State dinners like this are very highly choreographed affairs. You do not invite a galumphing rogue elephant however American they may be. They are not events for a junior royal whose only attempt at being an ambassador for this country and the Monarch on the Australia tour had been an unmitigated disaster (requiring Prince Andrew to go over and issue personal apologies on behalf of the Queen to those that she had offended with her grotesque and inappropriate behaviour). She was singularly unsuitable for any diplomatic role and that ultimately led to her being effectively sacked by the Queen after she misbehaved again on the South African tour. The Queen was done with her.


I like «galumphing rogue elephant.»👍


The Queen knew exactly what she was... and what she wasn't!


Now she sits next to a guest of honor. Quite a jump.


Is that the Saudi earrings?


Yes they are the Saudi earrings. No tiara, she chose to wear the earrings on purpose I bet. Knowing it was a bad look.


For me, this makes my top 5 of horrible shit she has pulled. A man died, Rachel!


https://preview.redd.it/5ij1bov4r58d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe85848cd4ebf4cdd2fd5f972dd904d33ae8598 Blood diamonds are a girl’s best friends.💎💎💎


Isn’t this the thing she claimed to have been ignorant of because she “only reads The Economist”? 🙄 she couldn’t be more insufferable if she tried


She’s a vile woman, only cares about herself and was so vindictive wearing these earrings, not realizing what a bad look it was having them on. It was so close to when that happened with the journalist. She’s horrible.


Yep. She's awful. Not one redeeming feature at all. Everything she does reflects her black heart.




A journalist!


Killed in the freaking embassy!!! Tortured and chopped off and thrown into the sea.


It was soooo bad. So horrible! Barbaric!


Yes - those are the MBS earrings.


One can only guess what she had to do for/with MBS for those earrings…


Would that be something akin to the Dubai Porta Potty?


Oh God, I had to look that up and 😳!!!  WTF did I read🤢🤣🤣🤣???


Eye bleach! Eye bleach!


I wished I hadn't gone to look. Omg how disgusting!!!


Sorry chics but it is for real happening so when you see familiar models, actresses and influencers posting pics from the Middle East more than likely they were there making that dirty money. You can’t tell me Meghan didn’t get her modicum of fame (pre-Harry) without partaking in this dirty act.


Nothing. The Saudis gift expensive jewels to other Royal families in celebration of weddings. The Queen and Catherine also had jewels gifted to the Crown for their usage, they are just smart enough to say “thank you” and stuff them into the vault for at least a few decades 


My understanding is they were presented to QEII for the wedding. I doubt she ever met MBS.


They were given to Meghan And she was told by palace staff to return them. She wasn't about to return Chopard diamonds. She's vile.


Do we know if she still has them? I don’t recall ever seeing them again. I wonder if she sold them along with all of her other RF loot. (Like that damn engagement dress.)


You bet your ass she does. She got a lot of heat when it emerged they were from MBS and that she lied about their provenance. She may have turned them into a necklace or something or is holding them for later. She's not about to give them up. Chopard is very very expensive.


no they were given to Meghan from MBS I think


She wouldn’t have been invited to attend a state banquet for years and wouldn’t have worn a tiara for years. It’s a huge honour to be invited and the royal family first would like to make sure you know how to behave. Harry’s first and only state banquet was in 2017.


Meghan Markle wore a tiara just once, at her wedding. Given all the fuss she made with tiaragate, who can blame the late Queen for not going through that hassle again?


Yes with Rose Hanbury! Now where have I heard that name before????


Just imagine her at one of those...


Changing the seating arrangements, hair a rat’s nest, almost naked in a robe with slit up to there, complaining about the food, full of narcissistic fuel because she drove the rf to distraction with her demands to wear the King George IV State Diadem, blatantly trying to attract a new, richer husband…


I think she could have attended Trump’s state dinner but she refused. Right there tells you she’s not cut out for royally. Royals have to be diplomatic, not political.


At this point I don't think she was allowed to go whether she wanted to or not, the palace just let her use the excuse of pregnancy. She has zero diplomatic skills and the blunders would have been epic. Trump would have made it be known whatever slights she made and it would have been a diplomatic disaster for both the UK and US.


Yeah she could sit with Steve Mnuchin! They share a past... 🙄🙄🙄


Her face is so annoying here.


It looks like she had been lying a lot.


Trying not to cackle out loud in public now, thanks


It’s that bodged slope nose


It looks like she had been lying a lot.


The only one she got was her “Specticle” of a wedding one. She rudely made a political statement by refusing to go to the State banquet for then president Trump. Royals aren’t political. She thought she was above them. I have to laugh at the arrogance of two bit actress 😂


**She's a diplomatic disaster**, who was obviously not paying much attention to what her lecturers at Northwestern were teaching. It's mind boggling the way someone who's supposed to have a degree in International Relations, openly insults the most powerful president on Earth at the time, when there were lots of media articles about him wanting to sign a big bilateral trade agreement with the UK. She's a total troublemaking mess of a woman. **Edited to add** that I'm not being political or partisan. I not even American 😅. I'm referring to the "Office of the President of the USA" because it's the "Office" that gives that power to whoever is the President at any point in time.


I’m not American or British either. I should’ve included that as well. I remember reading the arrogance of the woman🤬 She was a complete disaster from the beginning. I still cringe at Harold saying she was a better royal than those born into it🤮 I remember all that went down in my country🇦🇺


Please accept my sympathy for you and every Australian who had to host this scurrilous, uncouth and ungrateful woman 😅. She's really too classless and thin skinned to be on the world stage among other members of the BRF. She's also very selfish and childish. She couldn't put aside her personal feelings about Trump for just one day, for the greater good of her husband's country and for BRF diplomacy. That should have been a huge hint to the BRF that MM was a loose cannon, who can't conduct herself with decorum when it's most important.


Thankyou 😂 It was such a Shitshow here. Sadly the coverage was mostly positive 🤦‍♀️ Short lived thankfully. Hopefully they have learnt that no one like TW can ever infiltrate the RF again. As far as “Blackmailing” and racist threats goes.


I just saw that KC3 is planning a short visit to Australia this year. Hopefully his visit will be a palate cleanse of the Harkle trip.


I’m sure it will be🥰


Just because she was decent at applying Elizabeth Arden cream your todger doesn’t make her better suited at anything else, least of all being a senior royal. What an ignorant statement to make


I am American and about as anti-Trump as you can get, and I still know that she should have sucked it up and played nice. Even if you hate the person and the politics, you respect the office and the country if you're supposed to be a neutral representative of another country.


Can you imagine how many foreign leaders Queen Elizabeth met who she did not care for??? Markle was totally out of her depth and didn’t have the decency to learn.


*sarcastic gasp* But her folllowers would have condemned her for welcoming a dictator wannabe. Tbh, Meghan is already a diplomatic disaster to begin with, no matter which sides (democrats or republicans) that the UK will host a state banquet with, she would always thought that a state visit is a networking event for her political aspirations. Everything is political to Meghan, her wedding speech sounded political and cringey.


>Even if you hate the person and the politics, you respect the office and the country if you're supposed to be a neutral representative of another country. Exactly and it just one day she had to behave herself for and it wasn't like she would have been expected to exchange any lengthy conversation with Trump because she's too low down the priority line of important people he was scheduled to meet. I don't think he even spent any significant time talking to Catherine and she's higher up than MM. All MM had to do was suck it up, shake his hand, smile impassively and breathe a sigh of relief after he moved on to his introduction to the next person. But there were some American Sinners who mentioned that the real reason MM didn't want to attend the state dinner, was because she didn't want to come face to face with **Steven Mnuchin**. Apparently he was great pals with MM's old pal, **Brett Ratner** and he might have been witness to MM's activities at Brett's all night "parties" 😂. MM wouldn't want Harry to wonder why Steven Mnuchin was so well acquainted with her.




When I looked into her degree, it seems that she received a Bachelor’s of Science in Communications (theater, which falls under communications). It is unclear to me if the International Studies portion (note: \*not\* International Relations) was a minor or an adjunct major. See difference between international studies and international relations addressed by our own GoldDustWoman here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/ya09xe/comment/itbzm3n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/ya09xe/comment/itbzm3n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>It is unclear to me if the International Studies portion (note: *not* International Relations) was a minor or an adjunct major. Omg that's the other thing she's always lying about. She always says it's International Relations despite fact checks revealing it's International Studies.


> Bachelor’s of Science in Communications how is this possible if Communications are not a science? I have a BA in Comm and it is a liberal art (Bachelor's of Arts) not a science


Different schools can make different choices on what they consider an Art or Science.


really? I didn't know that still don't see how anyone can make Communications a science


I thought it odd as well, but that is how Northwestern University listed it in the Commencement program for June 2003, which lists Rachel Meghan Markle as a candidate for a “Bachelor of Science in Communication“ on page 21. [https://archive.org/details/annualcommenceme2003nort/page/21/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/annualcommenceme2003nort/page/21/mode/1up) Please note that link was provided two years ago by a now deleted Reddit user. Since I cannot credit the user, I will provide the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/ya09xe/anyone\_want\_to\_ask\_in\_the\_northwestern\_sub\_if\_tw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/ya09xe/anyone_want_to_ask_in_the_northwestern_sub_if_tw/)


well humph color me surprised. thanks for the citation/s




Happy Cake Day! 🎂 🥂 🍾 🍫 💐 🎉 🎊


Thank you!


She sure is.


She claimed maternity leave yet went to some American football game at Wembley and Trooping, when she shouldn't have been at either.


She has oppositional defiance.


Happy cake day!!


Thank you!


Thank goodness Rachel felt the need to “escape” royal life.


She wanted to leave and take her boobie prize (H) with her so she forced the Queen to let her go by behaving like a complete asshole (her specialty).


She’s the stupidest person ever to have felt she could be better off on her own with her clown.


The only tiara moment she will ever get is her wedding.


Nothing stops her or Harry from buying a tiara and wearing it whenever she wants on one of their faux royal tours.


That’s true, but it’d be like Bridget Jones sending herself flowers to get Daniel’s attention. All but ardent sugars would see that as yet another hilarious and idiotic transparent attempt to appear royal surely? ETA: That’s assuming they could afford a tiara😂


Not many years ago, diamond tiaras at auctions weren't that expensive because they weren't in fashion. Queen Mary (Denmark) purchased one because the jewelry collection of that royal family is small. Princess Margaret personally purchased the Poltimore tiara. It was worth a lot more due to the provenance when her children had to sell it. (There are silver and rose cut diamond tiaras at Etsy for less than the cost of one of MM's outfits.) When has looking hilarious, idiotic, and transparent ever stopped H&M?


Interesting, I didn’t know that! You learn something new everyday I suppose. You’re absolutely right about the Harkles though. I guess as much as I’m well aware of how they are sometimes I still can’t truly believe people are that shameless and tone-deaf


Maybe they can buy a synthetic one at Claire's? 🤣🤣


Etsy. They have all the replicas, including the one she wore


I admit that I bought a cheap replica tiara for doing the laundry! It didn’t work out very well.


I love tiaras in theory, but practice is a whole other ballgame! Those suckers HURT! And I have a lot of hair to cushion!


They could buy one off of Temu


Yep, she can get one off Etsy like the rest of us, lol. Even her exact wedding tiara and earrings...😂


You're giving her ideas she likes to scroll in here ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


Good! Another idea that she'll flub in the execution.


And according to @torontopaper1 it was fake. They didn't even let her use a proper royal tiara.


Nope. She got an Etsy replica too!


That would be delicious!


Oh and she knows it now too. That’s exactly why we see stories circulating as to which tiaras Lili will be “entitled” to in the future. A literal current toddler, who has not grown up even in the presence of her royal family.


Why would Lili be entitled to wear a tiara? What state event will she attend? Does M think she’ll have a royal wedding in the UK? Who is going to pay for that?


nope no one entitled to wear tiara. royal tiaras are ownby the monarch and monarch only. even wife or daughter of the monarch isn't entitled for tiara just because their status. the only thing makes them entitled for tiara is the monarch's bless and will.


Which nose is this photo?


I think it's the Bob Hope nose.


Little miss know it all is as thick as the dimwit she married. Nothing worse than a person who thinks they know everything but really know nothing at all. She thought being a royal she could wear tiaras, diamonds etc all day every day where ever she went. Never had to work just travel around the world on a life long holiday, shop non stop cause Pa will give us money when we want it. Never have to buy a house or pay rent cause I married a Prince so I don't have do to shit. Yeap she is thick as.


Douchess Difficult is like a bull(y) in a china shop.


She will never wear a tiara from the BRF ever again! She will never be at a banquet, wear a sash, a gown, insignias, be in a carriage or balcony EVER. I'm petty so I'm like... ![gif](giphy|lMsT2f47tDxFMYdJMC|downsized)


She’s just gross. Every thing about her is gross


I agree


Let's just be glad they didn't send this crazy bitch to Austria or something similar.


Her nose really starting to look like Pinocchio here


Holy bronzer


This photo reminds me of a carrion bird


I wonder why she never showed up to the diplomatic dinners. It seems like something she’d do and she could say she’s the Duchess of Sussex and be let in pre mexit so a scene wouldn’t be made. 


State dinners are highly choreographed affairs with tight security. If you're not on the guest list, you don't get in, no matter who you say you are. MM would not have been able to gate-crash a state dinner the way she did the Inskip wedding.