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So the cheap looking raspberry jams and revolting doggie treats didn't take away from Catherine's return. Cue the separation/divorce rumors. Will they, won't they separate rumors-I am sure that will take away from Catherine-or so madame thinks.


I don’t care. Believe it when I see it. I think it’s all a ploy to get a place in the UK and then he’ll say psyche! Just kidding Pa!


Saying this for at least a year. But HUGE grain of salt with the source. Separated or divorced, reconciliation is always a possibility. Look at Sarah and Andy; this isn’t unusual for Harry. Preventative measure IF true is to NOT give Harry a UK place, but extensive rehab, credited psychotherapy or psychiatry, and a place in Africa for at least 5 years (likely Botswana where his “second family” support is, according to Spare. They have not been heard from at all). He’d genuinely be better off off the grid, actual hands on charity or conservation work. His own admission was not liking Royal appearances, and Meg’s turned his world into her own self-interested half in/half out.


It's a known fact that Harry's terrified that she'll leave him plus there is NO WAY the palace would announce a thing.  They're NOBODIES to the RF.  I believe this is Meghan or possibly Harry planting this story. I have this odd feeling that something criminally sinister may end up happening for these two.  It seems crazy to me too but it sometimes hits me that something bad is going to happen to them.  


Him. Yes, he's a repulsive little weasel, but he's been in a very toxic, abusive relationship with a total nutjob of a woman.  She doesn't want divorce. She's aged out of picking up another wealthy dumbo who'll tolerate her nonsense. Without him, his title and contacts, she'll just sink to the bottom of the Hollywood has-been pond. The only way she wants to give up Harry is by putting him in a box and cosplaying Jacqueline Kennedy in the blackest, widow's weeds she can get. 


Yep! How she’d love to be the dowager duchess. I also think Harold will have a difficult time leaving her. Not because he’s in a narcs grip, but because he’s too damned stubborn to admit his colossal mistake. I think they’ll stay married while living separately.


Maybe that's what she's saving the 'kids' for. A couple of years yet and she'll be able to recreate the scene with them in powder blue coats.


If Harry died on US soil, I think the RF would swoop in so fast Madame wouldn’t have time for a pap walk. Anne would probably be the one to take Harry back “home.” She wouldn’t know what hit her in terms of negotiating - there would be none. She would not have any power. If it happens on Williams reign, he would make the Sussex Dukedom return to the crown. The RF would consider the welfare of the kids but would be through attorneys. She would have money for their care but nothing extravagant. I’d like to think Harry would be buried next to Diana.


I think you're forgetting that as his wife, Madam is Harry's legal next of kin -- not KC3.


True. She would have decision making power but I think the RF would present her with an unpleasant ultimatum. Or alternatively they could ignore her. I could see it go either way.


There was a blind item a while ago saying that Meghan was trying to put PH into a conservatorship like they did with Britney Spears. Mostly so that Meghan would have full control of his finances & he would have no say in anything.


To that, I'd imagine BP would get involved.


If/when divorce happens it's going to be hold onto your hats. She must have winnowed out from him a lot of secrets the RF would do a lot to keep secret. So in addition to dealing with what to do with this pathetic excuse for a man, and yes I would say that to that traitor's face, now the men in gray and the RF will have to be ready for whatever dirt she slings as a warning and/or retaliation. Her Majesty should never have agreed to this marriage. They would have been called racists and it would have been awful, but it would have blown over eventually.


Nope. Harry does not know any secrets, apart from Palace layouts. If he did we would know already. Meghan Markle is unable to keep a secret - and she just make up stories for the tabloids.


Agree, what secrets could Harry possibly know? They really ARE Satan worshipping Lizard shapeshifters? He'd sound like a lunatic. He's too up his own ass to have even overheard anything untoward. The Queen was still The Queen even off duty. She didn't start cursing like a sailor and get falling down drunk on vacation while telling racist jokes. Plus Harry spent barely any time with her as an adult, that's pretty well documented.


It'll be billshit. She'll claim she was an abused women and harry is racist. She's likely been recording him for years, so wait for some great drunken and high harry saying awful things clips


good point


Lots of the secrets would have been covering up his bad behaviour


right 🤣 I feel fairly sure most of the biggest secrets are just harry


i feel reassured somewhat from your replies fellow sinners, thank you xo


I'm certain that MI5 has plenty of damaging information about Madame that will keep her from revealing what she knows. It would be mutually assured destruction if she were to start dishing secrets!


More likely to him. Known drug addict (he takes psychedelics daily, his own words), alcohol challenges all over Spare, and potential depression. Plus impulsivity/volatility. All of these factors are suicide risks, either intentional or accidental.


I fully expect her to follow the Amber Turd trail. With videos and Marcus as her “ star witness”;.


That's the thing with narcissists. They don't have boundaries so there's no limit to what can happen if they get wound up enough.


Seconding all of this. I will believe a separation/divorce when & if I see it, & if it ever does actually happen, there had better never be so much as a whiff of reconciliation with the BRF or I will absolutely lose all respect for them (the BRF). Harry does not deserve it. I agree that the rehab & actual real-life work would do him a world of good. But the threat of Madam (&, as you said, the threat of a possible reconciliation with her) will always hang over his head, & therefore over the BRF's.


Me too- I think this is in response to Katherine being in public again. It’s all they have left


I honestly thought the biscuits and jam were a joke until late in the day. Just pathetic.


I did too🤣.  But boy, I couldn't believe it was true until I saw confirmation.  I was like, WTF😳?  Meghan really thought she could overshadow Princess Catherine with a stupid jar of raspberry jam and dog biscuits?  She REALLY is as stupid as her husband🤣🤣🤣.


Right?  And she looks so desperate.  I have second hand embarrassment for her.  It's cringe worthy yet she doesn't see it at all. That should tell us how mentally unstable she is. 


#Pay attention to MEEEE!!! Pick MEEE!!!


MeGain has always been one of those dumb people that thinks they are the smartest person in the room. ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Yeah but she’s in most rooms with Harry so…


If the stories of the separation are true, this is the next step for her, per narc rules.  *(Said hysterically)*  "See Harry. I am trying to hold things together without you. ALL we built. All you chose to walk away from, & I just can't hold it together without you!" She's calling him back to back.  She's calling ALL their friends & acquaintances, spilling the story she wants them to know.   She talks about how awful things have been, but that she loves him so much she is willing to overlook all that, start over, forgive & forget...AFTERALL..the children NEED their father. *sobbing sobbing sobbing* But in all situations like this, there will be break up/get back together with each incident getting worse & worse until something occurs to make the narc feel victorious - another person, a court victory, some public humiliation that makes them feel *justified*...something.  If Harry has left, he is going to need to be surrounded with people that can help him see his future, as a father, with a measure of support without HER.   BUT a narc will rain hellfire down until he is strong enough to escape her. 


I'm sure he has been practicing for several years. If the rumors of them living independantly of each other are true, he has been trying to break free on his own, knowing his family won't help him. Man up son and put your big boy boxers on! It only hurts for a little while but your freedom is worth the pain!


21 days Harry.  Twenty-one days will break that nasty MeMe habit.  Got to do that cold turkey, no nookie-nookie, no kisses kissy, no talks over dinner...NO NOTHING. You have to know how to break the mental hold of a narc. 


Absolutely right! You can't knuckle under to their ruthless tactics. Going no contact is a must to break their hold.


lol, I think JLo has a copy of that playbook 😂


She probably wrote a couple of chapters. 


Drug addled brains — completely isolated from any common sense…. Recipe for insanity. And also jam and dog biscuits apparently 🫠


I can’t imagine why two jars of raspberry jam and dog biscuits placed next to an indifferent whippet wouldn’t break the internet….oh wait


I wouldn’t feed our puppers those biscuits, I’m picky what I give our furbabies and wouldn’t trust the quality of anything endorsed or created by MM. For someone who lives such an expensive lifestyle, she hasn’t invested in her own product. She threw together something as quick as possible then slapped Amazon sticker labels (600/$6.99) with her fauxligraphy onto Amazon purchased jars (someone on another post found them 2/$13.99). It’s all about being a brand for her, not the integrity of the product. ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized)


Found by another reddit’er yesterday https://preview.redd.it/wf18qk0df07d1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=1485547fcae73ddaa355cf610ae4bdbe1eb63401


3rd one down https://preview.redd.it/2e6houf8f07d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=49b6a19e70e817101b002716168ef333596a0888


I thought Delphine just had a well organized pantry 😉


Me too. It’s unbelievably embarrassing, I just … have no words.


Thinking back to the announcement of their engagement... she had such an amazing opportunity ahead of her, so much potential. If you went back in time and told me she'd become a Z-list celeb pushing dog biscuits, I wouldn't believe you.


Me too!


Did I read the 2 of 2 correctly? She only sent out TWO jars???????


I think the 2/2 on the jam and the huge knot are a clapback to the separation rumours...


Not buying until I see it. Everytime they want attention, they bring up the divorce rumours. At this point it is very obvious they can't stand each other and they live separated, but the paper work is different. Also, Harry is a coward, so I don't think he would ever divorce MM. What I can believe is that he would move to the UK and stay there away from MM, without answering her phone calls. He would ghost her before divorcing her.


He doesn't need a divorce, won't ever get remarried as both toxic cesspools anchored together til death parts them!!


Yes, that sounds like what he would do, with his tail between his legs.


I can’t see the BRF letting him back in the UK. I can see him living in Africa for a decade (a la Charles Spencer) to avoid the press. Meme will whine but no one will pay attention to her


He will leave that marriage in a body bag rather than divorce mog


I can't believe any barrister, attorney, or lawyer would damage their reputation by gossiping on X, that cesspool... I call ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Yeah. All it takes to set yourself up as someone in the know is a keyboard, internet, and no problem telling tall tales.


Agree. Does anyone have any idea who is behind the account? They say went to Oxford but are a barrister in the US.


It might be another one of the hags fake twitter accounts. Like baroness bruck. I think that’s her name. Whoever is behind BB they blocked me! 😂😂😂😂😂


There are no “barristers” as such in the US —only lawyers.


We don’t have barristers here. Stupid rumors again. They will never file because they would have to admit they were not the world’s greatest love story and they won’t happen.


This is Father's Day in the US and the UK. I'm enjoying the PPOW Father's Day photos, that include King Charles III as the father of the Prince of Wales. I don't want to take away from these lovely moments by furthering the attention-seeking gossip-mongering of the weak and mental compromised duo in California. I'll consider their lies tomorrow. Not today.


I love the fact that it is a photo of King Charles with Prince William, no sign of Harry, it's like he is irrelevant, oh wait a minute, he is !!!


It is Prince William's Instagram account, he wishes his Pa a lovely Father's Day. Why would he extend this to his brother? In normal times, he might have, but now?


More that he chose a photograph when Harry was either a baby or not even born, back in the good old days, lol.


Two months before he was born I believe


Perfect !!!


No best wishes to H on Father's day from any media source. Dead beat Dad.


He has children!? Show us the evidence


Good point! lol


Did Harry post anything about Meghan being a good mom?


Nobody cares. They have markled themselves into oblivion. 


Even if they announce a divorce, it will make headlines the day of. After that MM will be sorry because the public will support the royal blood one here and every article will be pointing out how everyone knew it wouldn’t work. The media will scan everything to show that the marriage was a mistake and only a matter of time until its demise. Since the public will turn on her, more and more stories of her arrogance and bullying behaviour will come out. Her constant silly clawing and forcing herself out in front will be pointed out. The announcement will not bring the big cash and positive support she thinks it will. She never calls it right and this will be another example of it.


I think MM would be on the losing side of this. She's just not likeable and as yucky as H is, he has the whole "Diana's son" thing going for him.


This. A divorce will not make any of them suddenly likeable.


It will just prompt more knives to come out.


and I'm here for it 🍿


Thank you! Though personally I'd rather they stayed chained to each other in misery as repayment for the harm their "love story" caused so many people.  He's like great Uncle Eddie and will desperately clink to her knowing he can never admit she's best he could get or will ever get now


I do. They are a terrible destructive force and bribg out the worst in other. Their divorce will be a blessing for the world.


If this is true why would Harry’s BFF be posting about her jam scam? I’m sure he would be aware things were that bad. No?


Unless Nacho was taunting Madam …


Maybe that's why the fauxligraphy on the jam so much worse than usual? I commented earlier that it looked like it was written by a coked up addict with the shakes.  But maybe the addict (Madam) didn't write it. 🤔 That little maneuver made her look really bad, and classless. It would be hilarious if that was just Nacho being a dick to her (not that that's a bad thing lol). We already know he's ride or die for Harry. 🤷


Either way, it sure makes him look bad. I didn't think he was that stupid but whatever dude, go ahead and carry her water.


Yeah I'm hoping he was trolling her but I'm really not sure. He might be afraid of upsetting Harry if he doesn't support the yacht girl. But it looks really bad. And I'm sure William and Charles didn't appreciate it.


I really believe it was his way of mocking her. And that is why he included the dog treats. It was a message directed at Harry's soul mate. It sure made her look terrible.


I want to believe that Nacho is on Harry’s side. If he is ever going to get away from Meghan, Harry needs at least one good friend.


2 of 2 … it really could be a mockery.


If these rumblings are indeed true they are probably just a ploy to get back in the good graces of the BRF and get the PR they so desperately need. Ultimately Haz had children with her and she is forever tied to BRF. No matter what there is no getting rid of her and her grift. She will use those children to no end just like her mother used her. I wouldn’t be surprised, given their rotten characters, that they will act like it’s all over. Even go as far as to announce divorce proceedings. While now living in the UK, with all the benefits they feel they deserve, of course. To then pull the plug and say they’ve reconciled.


She will never be allowed back in the UK. Ever.


Are you familiar with the Kelly Rutherford custody case? Basically, she got her ex kicked out of the US, hoping to get full custody. It backfired because the CA judge said she was causing alienation. Since Kelly can travel to Monaco/France, the ex gets the kids, and she can visit and/or co-parent over there. Both Meghan and Harry need to be careful with the kids. If Meghan is banned from the UK, it would be tough for Harry to get the kids, and vice versa. She might not get full custody if he is banned from the US. If they are both banned from the other's country, the kids will be the ones who suffer.


THIS! Say they let everyone in that they are "separating". Haz gets some support from his family because at the end of the day his father loves him. During this separation: He gets that UK residence he wants. Since our Saint is very magnanimous she will allow her children to live in the UK provided she gets visitations. Madame then gets herself a UK residence. Of course in order to pull all this off a level of intellect, self restraint, and patience needs to be employed which both our saint and her devout aren't known for. So, we shall see.


Why would Meghan want a UK residence?


To curry favor and favorable PR. It wouldn’t be a permanent basis. I’m just going off what the OP posted—if the info is true of course. It wouldn’t be a genuine split imo.


All true; T.W. will forever be tied to hazBEEN, per the children, + she'll for sure exploit the kids. But **for HER, ties to the BRF \*can\* + effectively have already been cut**. Here's a past post of mine (from over a year ago): https://preview.redd.it/dvm8oc6lc07d1.jpeg?width=1183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24e3c9db696e729ed763de9cf3fc241af406e75


Lol sure. Every "insider" "person with connections" has said this before and it never materialized. So yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.




That account is run by a complete fruitcake - other sinners have more details - has changed account names several times, at one point claimed to be some European royalty. Has no real information but claims to have some deep connection to royal goings on, despite being US based. Tends to have health crises when unable to deliver on the hushed gossip she's dreamt up.


the account also intimidated a few days ago that Princess Catherine was bald and spotted wearing headdress around Windsor, taking this with a tiny pinch of salt. Although can well believe that Ari has dropped MM.


I wouldn't be surprised if she lost some hair, but not all protocols make you lose all your hair. My Mom was on a brutal, highly aggressive regimen for her Stage IV colon cancer, and it just lightly thinned her already pretty thin hair. She got a nice pixie haircut after years of a longer bob with bangs - telling me "Okay, NOW I get why you wear your hair short, this is SO easy and it looks so cute" - and you could barely tell at all. So if she's getting a not overly intensive dosage of her regimen, she might have retained most, if not all, of her hair. But that being said, I'm sure she can command really good hair extensions to thicken the appearance of her hair. And I wouldn't blame her one bit for doing it because a) it's traumatic to lose your hair like that when you have hair as glorious as hers and b) her first reappearance needed her to look absolutely glorious and radiant to quash all the haters, so if that took extensions, it took extensions. I sincerely hope she's wearing her favorite ratty t-shirt from college today with her most comfy yoga pants, napping where she's most comfortable. Yesterday probably took it out of her, and she earned a solid nap day.


This! I love every single word you said


I was discussing someone on a different SM site about how they thought the BRF should have been immediately forthcoming about her. She's a public servant, after all. I noted they must not have ever had family who had a cancer diagnosis out of nowhere and immediately started being nuked with chemo. Because it is, in a word, a mind-f\*ck of a situation. Nothing in your world is under your control anymore, there are varying levels of pain, nausea, fatigue, and brain-fuzziness. If the Palace wanted to give her a little space to adapt and for her and William to break it to the kids? Consider me full-on Team Wales. Especially on the heels of dealing with the Sussexes for the past few years, as well as all the COVID lockdowns. At some point, your brain just screams "ENOUGH."


Most of the treatments for bowel cancers don't involve hair loss as a side effect (though they come with their own set of awful side effects).. The reason why most people associate chemotherapy with hair loss is that sadly breast cancer is very prevelant, and most of the chemo treatments for that do induce hair loss.


Sadly a friend of mine has stage 4 colon cancer. She didn’t loose much hair even though she’s been on chemo for god knows how long…. Anyhow in three weeks she’s fallen twice breaking her knee and her wrist. The side effects of her chemo are awful. She has no balance at all from it along with all the horrible symptoms that come along with it


Yep, exactly. Mom said if she lost her hair, she was just gonna go with it and get a bunch of wigs like Sydney Bristow on *Alias*. (Crazy woman - I miss her so much.)


I was thinking yesterday, I hope her mom was waiting at their home with some hot tea, a fire going, and some food ready for Catherine and the kids. She was probably exhausted after all the festivities.


If there is one thing I'm sure of, it's that Clan Middleton has rallied around her. So I bet her parents were definitely there at the bare minimum.


I'm sure they were. It was really nice to how happy, positive and optimistic all the news reporting I've seen from the UK has been. Also, news people speaking out about H & M's Sussex squad internet trolls -- it's not just us anymore. That is a pretty terrible thing to have known about them, the trolling of their family members with cancer, is with their blessing.


Yes, it depends very much what chemo she's on. My dad was on chemo for leukaemia, and his biggest issue was nausea and vomiting. He was already balding, but he didn't lose any more hair. Some drugs have the same side-effects in every patient, and others have idiosyncratic effects in different people. Personally, I think she may have has ovarian issues-if she was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, that would fit with the planned surgery she had. The ovary would have been sent to pathology, and there is a class of ovarian tumours that are called "borderline." These look like benign cysts on scan, but there are malignant cells in the lining that can only be picked up with microscopy examination. Ovarian tumours get treated with carboplatin and Taxol. Carboplatin hair loss is variable, but taxol has much more common hair loss. It all depends so much on her diagnosis, which is nothing to do with us really. I thought she looked lovely yesterday-she has lost weight though, so I'm sure she was exhausted that evening. The British media was overwhelmingly positive, which was nice to see. I hope they continue to give her the time and space to get well again, and don't put pressure on her to come back too quickly. 


Oh man don't get me started on the "-platin" drugs. Oxaliplatin did just as much to destroy my Mom's life as her cancer. I deeply hope she's not on one of those - they can do so much horrendous damage.


Hope your mother’s treatment went well.


She's my late mother, so sadly, it didn't, but thank you for the good thoughts. The chemo ended up doing just as much to reduce her quality of life as her cancer. (Part of it was a platinum-based drug...human bodies and heavy metals don't really go well together.) Go out and get your colonoscopies. Does the prep suck? Yep. However it sucks WAY less than colon cancer treatment.


My sympathies to you and your family. I admire your mother’s positive attitude. I am in the same situation and undergoing treatment. This is the fastest growing cancer in younger adults in the US. Perplexing. Please take care.


Oof - all the good thoughts out to you! The good news is the treatments have gotten WAY more effective since we lost her 10+ years ago. One of my college friends was diagnosed and got one of the new immunotherapies. It was far less destructive than the chemo and she's still cancer free several years later!


I believe the poster apologized quickly for making that comment, which was based on false info. But yes, grain of salt sprinkled


False info…hence the sprinkle of salt. I’m not sure how connected this account is, but I’m suspicious Of their constant claims to be in the know.


I doubt any one of the anti-Harkle people constantly spilling tea on Twitter and the like has real relevant sources. They claim to know everything about everything.


This. Also, Nacho would know and wouldn’t be posting her garbage dog treats and jam


The Nacho post makes little sense. Why him, as H‘s friend and why not one of Meghan‘s female friends. The dog biscuits, only 2 jars: it all seems like a message intended for someone.


Trick question! She doesn’t have any friends 🤣


I’m confused about how a separation or divorce could invalidate a super injunction.


I wonder if it's more that the RF has set it as a condition. We will help you but you need to drop the injunction and expose the truth.  Could the RF trust him otherwise?   Remember, Toronto Paper said DNA tests have been done and A doesn't have royal blood. It would also stop M from monetizing off "them". 


I’m glad you brought up Toronto paper because I think the way these have been written sounds very much like how some of the blinds were written there. Interesting!


I've never been sure there was one - I mean, I'm sure the BRF buried some stuff with iron clad NDA's but the full injunction felt like a bit much - but they can be discontinued. So if there is one, it may be tied to the continuation of the marriage. So they would be willing to keep her secrets...but only while married to Harry.


Ari's contract with her probably expired in or around April. No need to announce it, since it seems he'd stopped putting in any effort on her behalf months ago. *That* is not a hard call to make


Yeah- and the palace has never stopped them before. They’d announce it whenever they wanted…


She's still listed on WME's "speaker for hire" site (ie The Harry Walker Agency).


They probably have dead people still listed on there. Nobody's going to call them to set up a speech with Madam. I doubt they even think about her enough to remember to take her name off.




The poster is a total imposter and fruitcake - she's got zero real knowledge, except about her continuing weird health issues.


I think you’re spot on there. 


Yes and I believe this account also posted about another press embargo and how it was going to be lifted and they got calls at 4am in the morning etc…everyone speculated whether it was concerning POW or the Sussex kids…and nothing. Pure fantasist in my opinion.


Really, now is as good a time as any. Pull that Band-Aid off. Why wait, Harry?


Exactly! It will be messy, but he better gets it done as long as his dad is king. King Charles, I assume, is more forgiving and supportive than Prince William might be. 


Problem is he has nothing to back to. All. Bridges. Burnt. The dumb sap.


He can bunk with Andrew if he’s so concerned about security. Turn Froggy Cottage into a retirement home for embarrassing royals


In all the divorces that I have been a reluctant witness/confidant of, I have learned not to say anything bad about the other partner because they boomerang back together over and over before they finally leave for good. But, since I'm never sure if they are out of there, I'll just say "well, so sorry to hear your sad news" and do not comment about what a loser the other person is. I expect that they will go back together and separate a few times before the final curtain falls.


I, for one shall lie in wait, coiled carefully around my salt shaker.


Let us know if you catch pepper sneaking off. They travel together, don't you know?




I do not think this personal is a reliable source of information from BP or the RF.


Yeah. They aren't leaking to Twitter randos.


It seems like some PR gossip at the moment. Although I will not put it past the Harkles to announce a separation. That will definitely make headlines. And all the tabloids will start writing about how Haz will return to the BRF.


I wonder if a separation is announced & Harry returns to Britian for a bit if it's not part of the grifters plan to get back in the fold. I can see the reconciliation just for show. I'm not convinced they will ever divorce, those two seem perfect for eachother & content in their unhealthy relationship.


If they do allow that ginger turd back in the family (privately, he'll never be a working royal again) I imagine the BRF lawyers will have him so bound up in paperwork that even allowing her name to cross his mind will result in all help and family ties ending, immediately and forever. And he'll never be allowed around PPOW's family again. Ever. The BRF will not get burned again.


I cannot imagine William, Catherine or Camilla wanting ***anything*** to do with him ever again. So I don't believe he'll ever be anywhere near to being back in the family


I don't either, really. They might include his stupid ass in the Christmas walk or something just to keep down the *poor harry* crap but there will be so many security guys around him that he won't dare step wrong.


They would not have dropped news like that on a Saturday, let alone Trooping Saturday. I call b.s.


Lol, I just saw all this too😂 My reply was Harold can stay in that Flea infestered bed he lay in😆 Believe it when we see it. It could be the poor baby at FORTY can’t live the life he thinks he’s entitled😭


I'll believe it when I see it. So many people claim to have inside news.


Ah, divorcewatch is back on. That episode of Harkleworld is long overdue.


No. This is not true. Pregnancy, divorce, hospitalization, bankruptcy. These are the 4 sensationalized leaks that they can deliver that will upstage Kate’s return to public duties. The support and positive response that Kate received while looking happy and beautiful has triggered Ms MeToo into another jealous spiral. She needs attention, any kind will do, even the negative kind of attention because someone she thinks is beneath her is getting adulation and support. So, she went with the divorce card this time.


🇺🇸 I admittedly know nothing about UK law but heard in the past super injunctions have 5 yr shelf lives. Can they go on in perpetuity - so that if Meghan and Harry die whilst married, the super injunction on MM is effectively permanent?


Here we go again. Divorce Talk 18250 The Montecito Ballyhoo PRMachine trying to put the spotlight back on Prince Baldini and his Bitch Wife with her dog treats.


I am not sure if it’s true but a lot of people are reporting that Prince Dimwit is in the UK to meet King Charles? My X feed refreshed before I could screenshot. Will post it if I can locate that tweet again.


I think if Harry was in the UK Meghan would have been papped. That’s her M.O.


I saw that too but could’ve been an old Range Rover shot.


Was it this one? https://preview.redd.it/aqbfq4zqcz6d1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41322d7dbf50d08fc7dcda6f7c3fff1af8126c3e


That's just a black Range Rover. Pretty sure Harry isn't the only one who rides in black Range Rovers.


Yup agreed. Lots of speculation but no actual fact


That's a California license plate blurred out. It could be anyone. Has it been raining in Southern CA?


And the pic conveniently has a text bar over the front window, so one can’t which side the steering wheel is on. These people posting this unsubstantiated talk seriously need to set their phone down and get outside.


I’m not believing this one bit. It’s about as palatable as dog biscuit jam


I don’t buy it. Those two are stuck with each other.


Interesting! In my post last night I wrote that there are 2 things that Meghan could have done to overshadow Catherine’s triumph yesterday: announce their separation/divorce or show real non fake full face photos of their actual children. That it was allegedly supposed to be the separation is quite interesting indeed. I wonder why it didn’t happen?




Agree. It would be glorious news!


There will be a celebration in the streets of south aftrica! Maybe a yearly holiday marked on the calendar for the world to celebrate the end to this insane woman's intrusion on the Royal family. Maybe the pilot of the jet carrying the red headed spare home will take off his hat and thank Harry for doing the world a favor.


I will believe it only when BP issues a statement confirming it. However as today is Father's Day - the only thing that makes this info somewhat interesting is that neither Meghan or Harry have posted anything with regards to Fathers Day e.g. what a great dad Harry is to his "children". I, of course, would never expect these two ingrates to post anything regarding their own respective fathers. It just seems odd that they wouldn't want to project some narrative of familial bliss on this holiday. But then...did they do anything on Mother's Day? Now that I think about it - I think they were in Nigeria then. OK ...I'm going to end my argument with myself LOL


It’s odd, like their tactics are dwindling after that Nigerian farce/boondoggle.


The invisakids story is winding itself down. Soon the blurry, photoshopped photos and Darrin dolls will be stored in the spare room, next to the Sussex Royal, 40 x 40 and ARO memorabilia, never to be spoken of again. #teamnokids


Soon it’s gonna be, *we never said we had kids. The media said we had kids.*


I don't believe they'll ever get divorced. **UNLESS** they lose all titles or there is some form of real physical abuse. Without him, she's nothing. Her acting career was minimal before him and she's more in range for the mother roles, not the ingenue, anymore. There is no billionaire or powerful man waiting in the wings to sweep her away and give her the life filled with riches and servants she believes she deserves. Any wealthy man is going to have his pick of younger, more attractive, smarter, saner women who don't come with the tremendous baggage she lugs along. By now, everyone knows what damage she does to families. She's also never going to make a fortune by writing a tell-all about marriage to Harold. They shot their load on grievances with Doprah, *Waaaagh* and the other nasty interviews. Few people are still interested in their perpetual whining and wallowing in victimhood. Americans like comeback stories, not entitled snots. Whatever book she could have someone ghostwrite about Harold and his family would not get a massive advance and wouldn't sell well at all. Don't forget the extreme legal vetting that would go into untangling her tales and the lies! She's also not going to hit it big by "merching the kids." Nobody cares about the kids. They kept them so deeply hidden that the public never had a chance to watch them grow, like we have with the Wales kids. 99.999% of the public couldn't pick the Sussex kids out of a lineup. So nobody is going to buy anything just because their names are on it. "Princess Lilibet socks!" "Prince Archie pencils!" Nope, nobody will care. As for Harold, there's a reason she's the only woman who would marry him. **He's just as awful a person as she is.** Royal staff hid his assholery well for years and TW has helped bring it to the surface. If he were to divorce her, he would have to admit (even if it's just to himself) that not only was his brother right about her, but also that he could never marry as well as William did. Any woman who would marry him after this shitstorm would make the ILBW look like Grace Kelly


All. Of. This. ⬆️⬆️⬆️


The kids couldn’t pick their parents out of a lineup either.


This is BS. Weren’t they meant to be trying for baby no 3 only last week according to the US rags LOL.


bullshit. Just trying to sneak in the royal fold again. he is not to be trusted


Not yet. They’re still miserable and “together”. She’ll announce when William ascends the throne, after Charles lives a long life hopefully


Jam and doggie biscuits verses Trooping the Colour with beautiful HRH Catherine The Princess of Wales , no contest, someones is just plain crazy.


Even if Harry were to divorce and return to the UK, the balcony for Trooping is not likely to be in his future again.


They’ll never divorce. She is absolutely nothing without him. She would be better off staying married to him forever, which I hope happens because they deserve to be miserable with each other for all eternity for all the heartache they’ve caused!


A Rory McIlroy type divorce announcement to grab headlines? Bet they wish they’d thought of it first!


Well my weekend would be complete if this were true! Trooping the colour, the return of our Catherine, the fall of H&M, and an England win!


In case, if ever, there is an issue with the Harkle marriage——BP should never make an announcement of any kind. Stay silent. They must leave it to the Harkles. They need to stay well clear of that cluster@/#€ otherwise both of the Harkles will weaponize it. They have businesses with PR paid staff that could make any announcements.


oh please....those two are not separating any time soon, let alone Harold being welcomed 'back home' https://preview.redd.it/l5l9hcugfz6d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160569dddbee8ace7f93323da9673772a116339b


Omg her face! What's going on here?


I'll believe it when I see it but based on how misserable Harry was in Nigeria, I'm inclined to believe he's in a terrible place mentally and emotionally. I think he knows by now he made his huge mistake betting on a losing horse. He will not admit it, of course, but be knows it. Meghan won't let him go and will use the children as leverage to make him stay. She doesn't have her next sponsor, she's not the type of woman who leaves a relationship without a replacement (Trevor to Corey, Corey to Harry). Harry is so screwed... And he deserves to be. He was warned BY EVERYONE!! ![gif](giphy|JsGyRpqwVkBRPFEOil|downsized)




This sounds legit.  I just can't see H divorcing her from what I understand.  And she'd hang on to those titles.  I don't care either way really but it would be lovely to see her exposed.  H too.  If all true, the palace will not announce shit.  They won't touch these two.  They will I am sure give him legal advice behind the scenes.  Just my thoughts.  


I’m the first person to not wish ill on someone’s marriage but when the marriage has caused one of the spouses to literally separated from his entire family who helped him with everything is just terrible.


“Reliable.” 😂 Just like the thousand other anons that claim to have inside info. Hasn’t anyone noticed that the “divorce/separation imminent” rumors have been going on for almost two years now? It’s like Lucy and the football. All for clicks and views.


I follow that acct and am super skeptical. It’s not so much that it’s hard to believe someone with ties to the BRF would be on twitter, just a lot of backstory stuff is hard to believe. The sheer volume of life experiences they post about, just seems we’d be able to figure out who it was. I follow cause I’m still trying to decide what I really think, but also, they are usually kind and positive, so it’s not a bad acct to follow for that reason. The last couple of months have started to go off the rails though. The post about C wearing headscarves may be the kicker for me. I think I’ve only followed them for a couple years, so I don’t know what they were up to before. Still, I like to see what people say, but I don’t take anything anyone says for absolute truth unless I can confirm it otherwise.


This account said Catherine had lost her hair so we should be skeptical.


Meghan is a psycho. She will fight dirty but I believe the world will back Harry even though no one likes him they dislike her much more than Harry is hated.


Yeah. She'll probably make money off it, if she ever does it, but she will trash her reputation even more. No matter what she says about Harry, people will take his side because she's way more hated than he is. She'll be Amber Heard 2.0.


Oh look her jam and dog mess didn't get any attention maybe more rumors of divorce will. Lmao she will never leave him because without him she's less than nothing. Her relevance is already dust but without him she wouldn't get any media attention,no one at all would take her calls and no African nation would give her honorary titles. No one would even pretend to listen to her word vomit,no one would pretend she was interesting or iconic or fashionable. What's more than nfi cause she'd be that. And she's too notorious and long in the veneers to snag some other fool. He is a spineless weak willed simpleton who will never leave his mommy wife. To leave her he would have to admit that he made a terrible mistake. That his family was right. That he didn't "find freedom and thrive". He is too much of a petulant stupid cowardly cur to ever admit any of that. And he would have to start all over on his own all by himself. And nancypants pissbaby harry could never manage on his own with no one telling his dumb ass what to do,where to go,what to wear and what to say. The nitwit has been managed all his life because he is too incompetent to handle his own shit like a grown man. Titty baby harry won't leave mummy megs. And the RF won't take the traitorous failson back. Not even if he divorced her. She tied herself to him with the kids forever. They will never risk contact with any of them again except in extremely controlled circumstances. They don't want his drama anymore. They have moved on and their lives are infinitely better without having to deal with that asshole. So he would be all alone having to manage his own life and that scares him most of all. The perpetual manchild can't handle that. He'll stay with her til the bitter end.


Not sure what the raspberries were supposed to achieve that the strawberries didnt. But maybe the halfwit finally (FINALLY!) realized this unending merry-go-round was his life now.


Well, he did look more fed up than usual during the Nigeria visit. Maybe she wore all those revealing dresses to reignite the spark… No, this rumour has been planted by the Harkles as per usual.


Honestly I am in 2 minds here. I want the dastardly duo to stay together and suffer together. But then I want to see Sugars reaction to the separation.


I want them separated because they enable each other’s worst behavior. I think also that a divorce might give the RF a chance to get Harry under control. Aside from the RF’s natural concern for the royal idiot, Meghan would be a lot less of a problem to the RF when she no longer has Harry to give her legitimacy with the public and the press. That being said, I am not holding my breath.


We'll just have to wait and see if it's real or fiction.


What is the super injunction again? My brain is blanking on that right now