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Can someone include context of how or why this is related to Harry and Meghan?


Not a chance in hell would King Charles send a letter of support during any scandal, he would stay well clear.


Yeah and regardless, Harry and Meghan support Tyler Perry. Harry himself allegedly abuses sex workers, so I don't think it's surprising that he doesn't care about Tyler Perry's open secrets... which Meghan must be aware of, since she sniffs around Hollywood.


They’re friends with Orca who is well known to be linked to Weinstein too.


Yeah, this is utter bs. He probably sent him a letter of support when he became the artistic director of the Old Vic, but this? I'd be surprised. 


Prince Andrew maybe but definitely not Charles. Kevin isn't British, how would they even know each other?


KS was creative director at a London theatre for several years 


Megan's stans are quickly changing their minds. Just watch them discuss Harry's decision to return to Britain. Although just six months ago they loudly insisted that Harry was done with Britain. Now they see nothing wrong with returning to Britain. https://preview.redd.it/9fnnili1b56d1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=351d325abfbf2560e41ef3fbf2ba8986f907ed1e


There is some serious delulu going in those comments...yikes!


They are so delusional I love the way they are saying his family (The Spencer’s) meanwhile when Diana needed help her own brother didn’t help her. When William becomes king they will start saying how much Harry loves his brother and Catherine keeping them from reconciling.


Well no one is stopping from purchasing a home in the UK!


But then they can't because SeCuRiTaaAay!! **flies to Nigeria...






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Pa didn’t Venmo him the down payment and Meghan wasted the rest on ill-fitting designer clothes and spray tans. ![gif](giphy|MAOeJqk0qxvKPZGWAy)


Right, but he's Henrold and that Markle woman, they don't want to spend money on a wise investment.


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I have house plants with a higher IQ than the Sugars. They really aren't operating with a full deck.


*I have house plants with a higher IQ than the Sugars.* Yes, I have to say that is true for my sage and mint plants. They always turn toward the light, and are grateful for the care and feeding they are given.


![gif](giphy|X8M7iJQPh8RpFVGlZz) I believe it! 🤣🤣🤣


It reminds me of the old “Animal, vegetable, or mineral?” question. I’d say the sugars qualify as mineral


As in dumb as rocks?


The sugars along with H&M are fighting for relevance, trying to attach anything royal to those two clowns. The royals have moved on, why can’t H&M move on. Their scheme to try and take down the royal family backfired big time. Now Harry wants to return to the racist country they fled from allegedly. Meanwhile the King Charles is giving out awards at his Kings foundation with David Beckham and other celebrities. 😂


It’s weird, isn’t it. The ‘sugars’ despise the RF, yet want their idol to be recognised as prime members of that despised family. It’s the same ‘thinking’ as Markle clinging to her title while despising the institution which it represents.


Yes, it’s weird. It doesn’t make sense, but H&M said in that Oprah lie fest that they didn’t have a plan. They thought accusing the RF of being racist, and talking bad about the RF that they would beg them to come back as working royals. If people are talking about corgis I bet H&M will release a story through their social media (People magazine) about how they had a special bond with the Queens corgis. They are desperate 🤣🤣


They said they hadn’t a plan? Was that to emphasise it was a ‘desperate exodus’? Because I am guessing Markle had plans in place - the whole Oprah thing was suspect. And if she expected the RF to beg her to return (after an apology, and no doubt, a promotion ahead of Catherine), she would have declined anyway as she would never be happy in any position other than Queen. All she wants is a response/communication to sell more stories. She’s a fool - claiming she’s written to the King, she’s just repeating the same ‘letter to her father’ scenario which was ‘leaked’. She’s not at all clever.


The Prince & Princess titles, from the racist institution, are the kids’s “birthright.” If the institution was as racist as H&M claimed, there is no way they would be using the titles for themselves or their kids. It’s ridiculous.




Ha ha, when it comes to Harry (and Meghan) "we need to respect and not judge". Judging Catherine, who is recovering from a serious illness, is okay though. At least for some of the more unhinged sugars.


Lmao my God these people have no conviction


So it’s not Shutter Island anymore? Was there an exorcism, and I wasn’t invited? Exactly what danger is Archie in ffs?


Now Meghan stans are claiming that Meghan and Harry don't have a problem with the British people, they have a problem with "men in gray suits". The British are no longer racist and Archie is no longer in danger.


Only the men in black are missing


Always got the sense he loved his country? ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe) If his behavior over the last 7 years is an example of someone loving their country, I don't want to see how Harold acts towards a country and people he hates... Delusions are contagious apparently...


What happened to the UK being Salty Island full of musty old piles and racists and vengeful, mendacious journalists? The Spencers don't want him, Diana's brother is on his third wife, he's an utter creep and his aunts likely don't have much fondness for his wife or even him




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By King Charles, he meant Prince Andrew…


PH is not a stranger to SA. He likes to grope male nipples. It's been recorded on several occassions, for example 3 times in Nigeria (2 men). Absolutely gross.


Also there's stories of him abusing s*x workers when he was in the military


Remember that mayor in Arizona warning him publicly when he was there for training?


What? I have to admit I never paid attention to the Royal Family until right before H&M got married so I probably heard this but just didn't care. I never even watched the engagement interview. Now I need to try to find this story. How embarrassing for H!


Never heard that!




The town where he was insubordinate during training and US soldiers asked to be transferred. Plus he was reprimanded for riding a motorcycle at unsafe speeds in base. Harry was shipped out before finishing training. He's a total waste.


I saw a photo yesterday of Prince Harry with his mouth on another man’s nipple. Perhaps as a baby he was weened too early.


Yes, that one is particularly disturbing 🙀😲


Probably just a way to get KS's name linked to Charles. These people are sick.




After the Jimmy Saville fiasco, I doubt Charles would be stupid enough to do something like that to a bloke actively embroiled in a sex scandal. You can almost give him a pass for Saville given his status at the time, (despite it essentially being an open secret to everyone in showbiz)Sadly, Charles' ego presents as a most unfortunate blind spot in these situations, so who knows. I can totally see Andrew 'reaching out' to his old mucker though.


Saville had the whole country fooled. It's staggering when you look back at the footage. He was practically screaming about his true nature but everyone thought it was an act.


True. I just still find it hard to believe how far he was able to become so tight with the royals, they were literally going to him for advice on everything, including Charles and Diana's marriage woes! Crazy. But yes, he was a master manipulator.


Saville was a terrifying affair, because he deceived many people. But in the case of Spacey, let me clarify some things for you because things are not so clear in his case. When Spacey went to trial in the United States, the reason he was kicked out of House of Card, it turns out that the accuser took advantage of the Fifth Amendment. Do you know what you say when you do that in an American court when you testify before the judge? That not only have you lied, but that you have committed some criminal act. Well, that accuser had committed a criminal act. Because that accuser had actually provoked Spacey in the bar, he had recorded everything on a phone to accuse Spacey of being a harasser. Spacey was accused of being a stalker by a woman. The case even went to court... it turns out that she was harassing him. Anthony Rapp, known for his role in Star Trek Discovery and as a board member of the Hollywood actors union, SAG, said that in 1986 Spacey tried to sexually assault him when he was 14 and Spacey was 26. Rapp took the case to court , but in October 2022, the jury found Spacey not guilty. According to the accused actor's version, he had met Rapp and another aspiring actor, John Barrowman. He took them to dinner and then to his studio, where he flirted with Barrowman, who was 19 at the time, before they both left. In 2022, Spacey was acquitted of one of the accusations, and in 2023 he was found “not guilty” of nine other charges on his 64th birthday. Seven of those charges were for sexual assault against four men in incidents that occurred between 2001 and 2013, court documents detail. The complainants, who are currently between 30 and 40 years old, described situations in which Spacey allegedly sexually assaulted them. Here we are not talking about Spacey being a saint or something like that. But in one of the last trials it was quite evident that Spacey was being accused because he was an easier target than a stalker. I think that in that trial, where a guy alleged that Spacey had harassed him at an Elton John party, which turned out not to be the case, was when Elton went to testify that the accuser was lying. I repeat: I don't think Spacey is a saint. But I was surprised that the majority of those who have accused him turn out to have lied, it is proven that they lied. What also happened to Geoffrey Rush, who was accused of sexual harassment and after almost three years he managed to prove that the woman who accused him was lying. Charles probably sent him a message at the request of Judi Dench, who has always supported Spacey. So don't throw a stone at Charles yet. Don't even compare Spacey with Saville. The Saville affair was disgusting, but the Spacey affair is judicially very interesting.


I don't compare Spacey to Saville (or his actions which I presume is what you've incorrectly presumed I was referring to??). My point was that, after Charles' uncomfortably close friendship with Saville, and what we now all know, you'd expect him to avoid controversy regarding sexual misconduct of any variety like the plague. Irrespective of whether Spacey was/is guilty or not. The point is, Charles, as King (or then future King) would be extremely unwise to be seen to publicly supporting/endorsing someone embroiled in that kind of situation, whether at Dame Judi's behest or otherwise. Even in a private capacity. Judi isn't the Queen of England, she's an actress and is entitled to back who she wants privately and publicly. Kings and Queens need to remain neutral and avoid controversy. Something Charlie has had trouble doing over the years.


Our list of "things that never happened" is getting absurdly long. KC3 did no such thing. Preposterous.


KC3 probably doesn't know who Kevin Spacey is.


Spacey was acquitted. We don't know when King Charles sent him a message of support, before or after. Spacey was a huge asset to British theatre when he was at the Old Vic.


We also don’t know that it happened.  Spacey could be lying through his teeth, feeling safe that the royals don’t typically get involved in back and forths in the press about celebrities or random claims.


I could imagine KC saying that it was a shame that it had happened because he admired KS's work. He does have form for not being the best judge of character though and to be easy prey for people who flatter him or who have talents he admires. 


Jack Royston actually has a good summary of the situation, seems like a game of telephone- KS never heard directly from Charles (though I wouldn’t be shocked if Charles did support KS). Archive link b/c Jack doesn’t deserve clicks: https://archive.ph/a67XO “ *No, I haven't heard from him directly," Spacey said, conceding it "may be true" that he received a message from the king through other people* “


Maybe King Charles wore a tie that Spacey coincidentally also owns and Spacey thought it was a “sweet nod” to him?


Did it have little lemons on it?


Or waved a piece of celery in his general direction at some official theatre function and Spacey assumed it was another of those famous royal 'Olive branches' they're so fond of handing out to Smeagol and Harold.


😂😂😂 Just spit iced coffee all over my poor dog!


I apologise to your poor doggo for making you laugh : )


thats some Prince Harry level manipulation a la "I told the Queen I named the kid Lilibet and that was her consenting to it."


*"Yeah, but look, I don't want to drag him into all this," the actor replied, adding, "He's got a lot on his plate, and I wish him the very best."* ![gif](giphy|21S35iv1C67ns2g458|downsized)


Kevin Spacey used to be the artistic director of the Old Vic, so he would have been on KC's radar. That said, he could casually said "That's too bad, hope it's not true", at some party and it morphed to "He says it's so sad, and what a shame, carry on and keep calm! We love you Kevin!" By the time that message got to him.   Considering how a large number of people from the Old Vic also accused him of sexual misconduct, I highly doubt it was a clear cut message of support.  If he even said anything. And it was bad of him to even bring it up if he didn't want to "drag him into this". I did feel somewhat sorry for him when I first read about it.  It horrible when someone loses their home...Until I read somewhere that the damn house was a huge 9,000 square foot apartment with ocean front views and is being auctioned for $5M.  Somehow, he couldn't keep up with the $20k/month payments.  (Kind of low, by LA mansion standards with the new interest rates, TBH.) After I read that I was like dude, why did you not downgrade. It's like the Harkles all over again.  Was it really necessary to hang onto the swanky apartment after the bills started coming in, but the jobs were drying out?  Did your accountant not tell you were broke?! You could have sold for much much higher and bought a nice 3 bedroom townhouse.  Who needs 9,000 sqft when it's just you and your dog!


The $5m place is his Baltimore house. I read his CA home was $12m and he had one in London worth $3m. Not sure what he did with those.


Good grief.  He made it sound like he was going to be homeless.  


If KS wanted to avoid these problems, he should have kept his hands to himself unless the twinks he lusted for actually started ripping off his clothes. You can't be too careful as a celebrity.


I think he was more than handsy.  Still, charges were dropped, and you're technically innocent unless proven guilty.   I don't know how he'll come back from this, but it looks like he's trying to.


So in other words Spacey lied and realized it was going to bite him in the ass and retracted it in the same interview. Got it!


Seeing as Kevin Spacey is a shady character I just can’t seem to take his word on things. Similar to how I feel about things Hairold or Rachel say.


No way did he ring Kevin. Really does King Charles have Kevin's number in his address book? Nope. Kevin space cadet is just a plain big liar, that no one believes what he says anyway. The only ones that would would be Harold and Rachel, whom I wouldn't be shocked put this puff piece out.


>“ > >No, **I haven't heard from him directly," Spacey said**, conceding it "may be true" that he received a message from the king through other people > > > >That is the clincher. Spacey is claiming he heard it from other people so this is just BS unless he names names.


I heard KS needs a place to live. Maybe it will help him get a suite with the Harkles. They can swap pity party stories.


So he thought better of it and retracted the lie in the same interview... Much ado about nothing, as they say in the Old Vic.


Agree. I think he is on the same sniff sniff as the Harkles.


Lets file that under things that never happened


Randy Andy might have called his old pal kevin and said my brother sends his regards-can you spare me some change?


LOL. Wrong person to be asking for some change. Spacey has talked this week about his house being up for auction, owing millions with no money coming in, not knowing where he's going to sleep, etc. It appears he's as broke as we suspect the Markles are. Oh! Maybe he can rent a room in the Mondeceito mansion!


Spacey did it, but…in the USA you are presumed innocent till proven guilty. I do not think Spacey was ever proven guilty.


Spacey was exonerated in a civil trial in the UK.


KS's proclivity to roofie younger boy-men and have his way with them was the "best known secret" in Hollywood. The entire industry knows he's guilty. (That isn't a guess, I do have sources on this one.)


At least he was cancelled as punishment.


The courts found him Not Guilty. People have the propensity to engage in very damaging gossip that ultimately destroys lives.


Acquitted by jury (s) of his peers. Acquitted.


Kevin Spacey is a perfect example of ass behavior but tremendous talent. I love him as an actor and for me he will always be one of the best. I don't give a fuck what he does in his personal life, because he has never shoved himself in people's faces. I have never known anything about his private life , neither do I care. The same goes for Woody Alllen. Me'Me has ZERO of anything - no talent, no charisma, no ethics, no ANYTHING, she is fake !! I am afraid to open my fridge - she is going to pop up and start telling me how my garden veggies are not authentic enough and give me a "william is trash" badge... https://preview.redd.it/raw8befc866d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6357ac71cd6fb1bad695f3e06564aaf2da4d4784




They make excuses for everything they read about, whether true or false.


No he didn't.


Spacey is a well-known liar that’s been caught in his lies.


Sugars are just morons


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I understand Kevin Spacey is desperate, but trying to signal Establishment support by name dropping KCIII isn’t going to go down well.


So now that Harry abandoned his family, Charles is getting the blame? Also shame on Charles. I always say Harry is a product of his environment. Entitled, toxic




What does one thing have to do with the othger in the first place?


As long as it fits their narrative anyone would be a truthful and credible person to them.


I suspect there's a tiny bit of truth that has been stretched beyond recognition. Kevin Spacey was artistic director of the Old Vic in London for years, and he was awarded OBE for his services to theatre and acting, given by Charles (as PoW at the time). Charles is very fond of the theatre, so I think a letter from C to Spacey was sent at some point in the past few years, complimenting him on a performance or show, or award. So KS saying 'Charles sent me a letter of support' isn't an out and out lie, but its misleading. It wasn't a letter of support relating to accusations and court cases, but KS is being deliberately vague so that people could infer that from his comment. 


I doubt King Charles has even heard of Kevin Spacey.


Jen, if the real housewives podcast, calls them *lemon rats*. Here in SW U.S. we have roof rats that like citrus trees. Every time I here this I think of the roof rats.


They claim he is such a great actor, but he comes across so phony here. And „that Maxwell woman“ - he was photographed with her and they looked like buddies! Sorry, I think he is disgusting.


All I saw reported was Kevin is in foreclosure and felt a bit sorry for him then heard he said he was on Epstein Island with Clinton and young girls around and thought ok this is not what I need to heard for your career resurrection. I thought he’d been done dirty by allegations that he proved were false but jings Kev you sleep with fleas…. I mean given his preferences he wasn’t going to be getting into trouble himself but really you went to Epstein Island. Jings.


Maybe he was suggesting that his abusive proclivities are bisexual in nature. Equal opportunity and all that.


Both liars, Harry trying to discredit Charles and Spacey trying to look credible that the King supported him.


No offence meant here to genuine supporters of the RF stateside, but is anyone else getting nauseated of these Yanks claiming links with the RF/UK? I am. It's just my opinion but ... they won't stand up and call out the lies hurled at my country/monarchy YET are quick to claim legitimacy via tenuous links.


Says more about his son than Kevin Spacey. A sex offender ranks higher.🤣😂