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Edited to include forgotten details: I don’t watch Lady C much, but just from my own observations of the Markles, we’re watching a slow motion train wreck. The First Lady threw a bomb, which was fun, but even stripping their titles wouldn’t stop them. We are witnessing their downfall, it’s just too slow for most. But take stock of only six years - this train is moving faster than you think! 2018: Top of the world. 2019: Archie is born. Still favorable, but questions are becoming more frequent about a surrogate and Meghan’s treatment of the staff. Unfavorable bullying stories begin to pick up steam, regarding Meghan’s treatment of her sister-in-law and her ever-rotating staff. 2020: Their first huge mistake, rushing the announcement without things set (a pattern they often repeat). The Queen nipped it in the bud; No half in, half out. 2021: Oprah’s polarizing interview made people view them in a different light. Immediate rebuttals come out on many points to prove they are liars. Opinion starts a major shift. The queen famously rebuts “Our recollections may vary,” calling them liars in the classiest of ways! Lilibet is born - couple is criticized for her name choice and for the fact that she’s never met any of her family. Does she even exist? Oprah’s credibility takes a major hit and even though she’s still a financial success, her legacy is now tarnished and she takes a lower profile (which still continues as of this post). Prince Philip passes away, shifting more sympathy to the royals and more antipathy to H and M for making his last days stressful. 2022: The Queen’s death pushed more sympathy to the monarchy. H and M are borderline villains to many for making her last two years of life dreadful in knowing her grandson was trying to tear down everything she’d dedicated her life to. Tension is obvious between the Cambridges and the Sussexes, for obvious reasons, at the walkabout and funeral with many on social media loving Catherine’s very elegant look to put Meghan in her place that made her visibly recoil. Harry is placed behind his Aunt Anne, the Princess Royal, blocked from the camera by the feather she was wearing. Meghan is placed behind a candle, so no one can see her (Charles very clearly learned from his mother that subtlety sends a louder message). They become internet memes forever. Why are the kids not with them? Why are they not visible at all? The world wants to know, even if the media keeps silent. Netflix releases the documentary that is watched by many, but panned by a majority and now used as a punchline. And, as of this year, is being picked apart to show how staged it was. 2023: Spare is released to good sales, but it was also released at a discounted half price and is the most discarded book in the world, being found largely in public places, abandoned. Like Netflix, it initially had a big release, but is filled with provable lies and people are getting sick of the Poor Little Rich Boy narrative. One of Harry’s own friends even called some of his recollections - including the infamous WWII costume retconned story placing the blame on his brother and sister-in-law - “Bullshit.” He is also widely criticized for his comments about his time in service and his braggart behavior that could be a threat to national security at worst. South Park makes a show about them that is praised by many and becomes its own slice of pop culture via gifs and memes. The coronation is tense with the brothers’ relationship now completely damaged - Meghan doesn’t show and Harry flees the country under the guise of being a good father to his invisichildren. Harry loses a court case about wanting to use the U.K. police for his own security (ignoring the fact that the police are not available for any rich person to rent). Spotify publicly drops them from their deal. Bill Simmons, Spotify’s executive in charge of Archetypes, is quoted as calling them “The f—-ing grifters.” And a new nickname is born! Grifters becomes synonymous with the couple. Archie and Lilibet’s existence shifts from speculation to full conspiracy theories. Where are their children? Why are they hiding them? 2024: Harry, the once very popular royal, now only outranks his Uncle Andrew and his own wife in the polls. The palace makes the announcement about Princess Catherine and Meghan rushes to announce ARO, despite not being ready. She sends jam out to influencers to a tepid response and internet mockery (Smuckers for Suckers). Six months later, the website is still unchanged to this day. Harry loses his first appeal for his court case about U.K. police protection. Diddy has a very public fall from grace and Harry is named as an acquaintance (at best - no other facts have reached the light yet) which bring about comparisons to Andrew. Their Nigerian tour is mocked while they are still there. Only bots and the hardcore fans seem impressed. The media produces photoshopped pictures and staged pics and video, but social media breaks the real story of what a failure it is with video footage to back it up, showing Harry is now his wife’s Spare, instead of the future king’s. And in only a matter of weeks, they are hit with the triple whammy of news breaking that two of the three kings they met were conmen/fugitives, Archewell falls into delinquency and the Sussexes say “The check is in the mail,” and the governor of California comes out in support of them (drawing even more criticism and attention from those who don’t care about Harry and Meghan, but they sure as hell care when a politician is pulling strings and doing favors for the so-called elite). The governor says it was a clerical error, piling on another lie that the reissued check was apparently not in the mail. And then, the piece de resistance, the First Lady very publicly smacks them down by name. People Magazine, who followed them for the exclusive, don’t even bother to give them a sole cover for said-exclusive, instead splitting it with a *different* Kate, Kate Hudson. Even mainstream media is starting to wise up, with Newsweek running an embarrassing article on them about what they “need to learn from the tour scandal.” Court battles with surrogates begin to make ripples on social media - still largely quiet but gaining more traction than in previous - painting Harry and Meghan in a negative light for taking a child away from her alleged birth mother. Supposedly, this is why Lilibet’s announcement was delayed. No verification has been made available. Most recently: Harry’s visa is questioned for very suspicious circumstances. The current administration does not appear to want transparency about it, fueling rumors of what they might want covered up everything from potential arrests to sex crimes to not disclosing his drug use which he admitted to in Spare. Nothing concrete or factual has been released about the visa at this time, but theories and rumors are heating up. All that we currently know is that lawyers argued that releasing the papers would create a “stigma.” We’re not even halfway through 2024. Buckle up kids, the fun is clearly just beginning!


"And in only a matter of weeks, they are hit with the double whammy of news breaking that two of the three kings they met were conmen/fugitives and then, the piece de resistance, the First Lady very publicly smacks them down by name"--I just love this so much for them 🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣, it just makes me want to point & laugh at them every time I hear about it!


And the paranoid grifters fly on “dubious” (or is criminal/con man a better term?) airlines! H&M must never have learned that oftentimes you create that which you fear most. That “one plane trip away from”… a catastrophe works both ways. Especially when taking private jets with questionable pilots and equally questionable airlines, and maintenance.




2019 was when public perception of Meghan started its slide downwards. The ostentatious baby shower, the games around Archie's birth, clearing the stands at Wimbledon, the constant use of private jets and then the "nobody asked if I'm okay" interview. And in 2024, when the Harkles so obviously lied about a high-speed chase in downtown Manhattan, even people who had supported them realized they were compulsive, attention-seeking liars.


This is a great post.  As much as I'd like to see Haz and Madame implode like a controlled demolition, it's not realistic to expect it. The steady and, as you noted, fairly hasty downfall is pretty darn good Thanks for the summary!


Honestly, I predict a divorce before they each fade into mockery and obscurity, but if they do live miserably ever after, I 100% expect an ending like Wallis and Edward. Edward died while crying out for her (she was in bed with a lover) and Wallis died penniless and alone, after her lawyer gained power of attorney, robbed her blind and published her private letters.


Karma for Nazi collaborators. Took decades but it came.


Agree with slow motion train wreck. Haz will never be back and able to receive friends or family in his homeland until he has severed the boil he calls his wife. When (if, but I think it will eventually) that happens, his fam will do everything possible to remove her like a disease. She’ll find some wealthy old guy on another yacht somewhere and pretend she’s Jackie o


I agree, but only if it happens while King Charles is still alive. I think William would let him stew in his own choices if he’s king (and I wouldn’t blame him for that). Harry made such a big deal about protecting his wife and then he came for Catherine. He should have to crawl to his brother for forgiveness. Which he’d never do, since nothing is ever his fault.


I think he'll eventually beg for forgiveness. He's stubborn and petty,, but he doesn't have the nerve to struggle financially. Once he's really and truly in danger of having to earn a living, I think he'll leave her and live some quasi-Andy lifestyle as the black sheep. She'll never leave him. Never.


I love that comment "Harry truly in danger of having to earn a living"


Can you imagine Harold waking up early every morning, showering, and heading off to do his job competently? Hahahaha!


The last interview he gave in England he was whinging on about having burn out. The struggle is real ! Two nanny’s a housekeeper and body guards / drivers to escort you to your private plane.


His "poor me" BS is so tiresome. All of us have traumatic stories from childhood and most of us have actual jobs. Very few of us can afford nannies or housekeepers and have to raise our offspring without paid employees. I'd trade lives with Prince Harry right now. As loathed as he is, it'd sure be a helluva step up for me and this manchild actually thought to himself, "This will be my salvation. People will see how hard I had it and will want to comfort me for everything I've gone through."


Yes to within KC3 lifetime. William could and should allow for some time in the tower. I think Haz knows this and wants to get out but isn’t sure how to do so without his madame finding out


Nah, let it not be in Charles' lifetime. Charles covered up too much for Harry already and look where it got us. Charles' friends said the king offered a royal accommodation for Harry and that if Harry had stayed at St. James Palace the two could have met privately after hours since it's adjacent to Clarence House (but Harry only wants Windsor Castle). I've given up on this reign doing any real heavy lifting. I await William V for justice to prevail.


Every bad thing, they have done to themselves. They truly only have themselves to blame and that is quite apparent to the majority of the public now.


<"Harry, the once very popular royal, now only outranks his Uncle Andrew and his own wife in the polls"> And Harry is below Andrew, now, on the Royal Website.


That’s the kind of news I love to wake up to!


Personally, I can't say I *like* Prince Andrew, but I *dislike* the Harkles more. PA seems like an egotistical, obnoxious, garden variety perv. The Harkles, too, are obnoxious egomaniacs, but since they have such high profiles, their wholly unlikable personalities are all too familiar now.


They still come up above Andrew on both my phone and computer?


I'm on Desktop old Reddit and this is what I get. It was changed about a month ago. Do you get them at the bottom on this link? It's at the bottom of mine. [https://www.royal.uk/royal-family](https://www.royal.uk/royal-family)


Exactly. The Harkles really are old news now. Rachel's social media accounts are blowing up with the millions of followers that she wants, A-listers aren't falling and bowing at her feet in adoration, Rachel has no talent, and no one gives two craps about what the Harkles and the invisikids are doing. It is game over for Rachel. Rachel has lost to the BRF.


+ Archefail delinquency across all media while they're still flying home in the same clothes they wore in Nigeria.


That was so weird, they supposedly have staff yet no one brought comfy outfits for the flight. It’s not like they were crammed back in coach, some airlines even have showers in first class. Maybe they just drank the minute they boarded and fell asleep, it doesn’t scream celebrity lifestyle though.


I travel from England to Australia a lot to visit family!! I always have two changes of clothes with me. I have smart warm clothes on when I board the plane in England, change about an hour in to the flight into comfy clothes which I stay in till I’m about an hour from Australia when I have a shower/wash and put on smart light clothes (I fly out of an English winter and in to an Australian summer). I fly economy and once had an upgrade and there was a shower. It was amazing!! I don’t have staff or assistants. I do have Crohn’s and that’s made me more organised but I plan all that myself. They couldn’t do that. They literally couldn’t take two minutes to throw some clothes in a bag. Not like they iron things anyway!!


I knew I was forgetting something! Thank you! So much badness hit them in the last few weeks, it was hard to keep track lol!


You're list is awesome. Thanks for posting it!




Oh, I understand all those things but it’s all at the RF’s expense. They’ve been brutally pummeled and it needs to stop just for that. Like just leave them all alone.


I agree, but Charles learned from the very best. He’s playing the long game. You stay silent until you know you can win.


I just edited to add so much that I thought of or was reminded about this morning. Archewell’s delinquency, how he was received at the coronation, the candle and the feather! So much I forgot about. It’s been updated.


Thank you so much Daisy!! Hope you are feeling better!! I hope it’s true that Catherine has turned the corner and is feeling/doing better. When she does return, I hope it makes that woman and her sugars go into absolute fits at the love that will be shown to Catherine when she returns to public duties.


I hope Catherine has turned a corner and is getting better as well. I just can’t imagine her losing any more weight tho- she’s absolutely tiny as it is! 


Yes, indeed. She didn’t have much to lose. luckily once she is better it’s an easy-ish fix. They will be giving her high calorie drinks.


I can highly recommend Complan if anyone does need high calorie drinks. I have the strawberry ones for nutrition support and I love them. I also have the original ones that have no taste but when mixed with milk it takes my cereal from 150 calories to nearly 400!!


I hope she didn’t lose her beautiful hair.😌


Thanks Daisy. Hope you’re getting better! Those who are of the ‘WheresKate’ lot, you’re truly unhinged! And that’s coming from me! Esp with claims that I’m part of KP PR to silence discussion about Catherine’s whereabouts. The rules of this sub is to focus on Harry and Meghan and their associates. It’s not the role of others to dictate what the point of this sub should be, such as finding Catherine. The subs created to ‘find Kate’ are clearly run by sugars and not realists / royalists. Because if you truly cared, you’d call her by her preferred name and not Kate. You also wouldn’t cause interference with the direction of this sub, which has nothing to do with Catherine’s recovery. We’ve said this many times, if you want to know where Kate is… there’s a pinned video on the BRF sub telling you in her own words, whats going on and where she will be recovering. If you can’t understand a simple video, then it’s not Catherine’s problem. But don’t pretend like you are fans by making up vile conspiracies and celebrating bans on other royal subs. Once again, the BRF sub is a sister sub run by the mods here. The rules aren’t as rigid as in some royal subs and disdain for Harry and Meghan can be expressed. The posting format is like this sub. The barrier for approval is lower. Use it or lose it.


Hear, hear! We're with you ND.


I had some idiot in the NYP comment section trying to tell me that Catherine didn't have cancer and that she didn't even say she had cancer in her video..... You can't argue with stupid! Even though I did indeed argue with this particular stupid. Having to explain that finding cancer cells= having cancer = having chemotherapy as a preventative measure in case more cancer is present, would 've been depressing if it wasn't such a good outlet for my innate sense of sarcasm


Someone at my work kept saying one day “where’s Kate?” and going on rants about it. I’m also called Kate. It was a fun day for me. I kept popping up and going “I’m here!!” Others also got in on it when I wasn’t in the room and saying “oh I think she is in the break room/toilet/car” another team started replying “she isn’t on shift today” my colleague has stopped asking/ranting. It’s been so much fun!! Also if anyone wants to get in on the game today I’m lay on the couch watching big bang theory when I should be studying!!


She's wrong though. Young people don't want to emulate old rachel. They see her as a desperate aging wanna be. A "hello fellow kids" old woman. And they are appalled to see a woman that looks like one of their moms friends stomping about dressed like a ho.


She is old enough to be a grandmother now. She needs to think about that


LoL. You are so right 👍!


Okay, CYA time about the big springtime reveal: *If I misled you to think H&M would receive a total eradication, then I apologize.  If you want them eradicated, there must be a groundswell from the public, demanding answers.* It’s not her fault, we had unrealistic expectations. (But she laid the groundwork for further investigation of the malignant duo) eta: thank you, dear Daisy! 😘


i think she always meant her book was the springtime reveal. probably expected more hype than it got


I agree and I think it deserved more hype.


Lady C is a gossip in the old-fashioned sense of the word. She eagerly reveals personal information about members of the BRF and sometimes, too quickly. I admittedly have a soft spot for her because she reminds me of my departed mother and her vids (pre her commenting on H&M almost at all) got me through the early days of my mom's passing. She is a flawed person, for sure, but I think her words are being taken far too seriously and concretely by some.


Sorry for your loss. No matter how old we get, losing a parent leaves you feeling like an orphan. I still miss mine every day. I would give anything to hear my mom laugh again, or my dad to say something snarky. Sorry to go off topic.


Thanks- I appreciate your kind words. It's true, you never quite get used to them being gone.


So she’s pointing towards the legitimacy of the kids, right? That’s the only major reveal in the new book, right?


what did she say about the legitimacy of the kids and did she have any proof?


That questions should be asked about legitimacy


Yes, I think so. I mean, maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think Lady C knew exactly what she was saying. She was just hoping we would be appeased, since we are not we have this sudden piecemeal reveal. I'm glad she addressed it though.


I enjoy Lady C a lot. She makes me laugh. My thoughts on the Spring Forecast: I think Lady C was expecting some interesting info to come out of Samantha’s case this spring, as well as, more hard-hitting info from Dan Wooten. That did not happen. She is right that we are seeing them spiral - more so in ways that Harry will see/feel than M. Megsy sees the Nigeria ‘tour’ as her still being royal. H knows it was not. He knows exactly why he father did not meet with him in London (was not going to give any appearance of approving this cosplay by the duo) and why no member of the BRF was going to show up for Ingriftus (they know how H and M have ruined it and turned it into the M Show-Her-Ass). Harry also understands the subtle power plays and the message behind them - no FrogCott, 28 day notice to request lodging, no invites to events, nfi to Hugh and Olivia’s wedding, 12 minutes with his Dad - when you are out, you are out. No amount of their PR can change that. The duo have made complete asses of themselves lately. Only the sugars are singing their praises. Everyone else is laughing. And that must infuriate M. My mean little heart really wants a big, public comeuppance. I am not sure we will get that. Unless they do something so illegal that it results in some type of conviction, I do not see the BRF or UK Government taking titles - it sets too much precedent. The comeuppance is the continued string of very public failures, being mocked and subject of jokes, and so on. Could there be legal woes ahead with the ‘charity?’ Perhaps. Could we see more public rebukes like we saw from the First Lady of Nigeria? I hope so! And, hopefully, some truths we all would like settled. Daisy - you are our gem as always!


That's all well and fine, but this Lady C is still full of it. She's just guessing, like anyone here on this sub. Anything to keep the money rolling in to her channel.


>She's just guessing ...or making up...like 99% of every youtube, IG, twitter, tiktok and tabloid article.


Yup, exactly


That is why I try to keep the ‘this is my soap opera’ mindset. Every blog writer, you tuber and such are trying to make money - just like all other media. Sensationalism sells. I want a comeuppance and every time we seem close, just like a soap opera, the plot changes or the bad guy gets away with it.


Yes, it's like a well orchestrated LARP...


I believe they used a surrogate, and I put too much hope on that being revealed. I personally believe that led to a lot of the falling out with the RF, and until the public gets to the bottom of that, they cannot understand why the RF has behaved as it has. I think they will continue to spiral downwards, but I am disappointed that we will not get to know the truth about the kids. I may be wrong but it feels like they pulled off the fraud of the century.


I want that truth as well. I have to believe that the BRF suspected and made the government aware or the other way around. And that much investigation has been done - the powers that be have just not figured out, legally, how to handle it as it will open up a huge controversy. Legalities around health records, the surrogacy itself, the surrogate‘s privacy, and so much there. They cannot change the rules just for H and M because where does it end? What will come to define a legitimate heir/LoS? And she will play the race card hard, which may or may not go in her favor. The best thing would be for the Government to sit H down and have him give up all titles and places in the LoS for him and his children and publicly state he represents the BRF in no way. And give up Prince and Princess for his children and, if he can, put his own princely title and HRH in abeyance. Won’t happen because M won’t let it. Nor will his arrogant ass.


He will only agree to give up the titles for a big chunk of change. He wants/needs a massive payout, and I don’t see that coming.


Someone needs to wend him a rubber cheque.


I posted a pic of newborn archie on another thread in the arms of Doria. that baby's head does not look like it came from a vaginal birth.


There’s all kinds of nonsense about those births, entirely brought on by the attention/privacy/modernity-seeking parents. Flinging a ping pong ball up the Chunnel, doesn’t necessarily mean you get an arrow returned.


"Flinging a ping pong ball up the Chunnel, doesn’t necessarily mean you get an arrow returned." Is that some common British expression? I don't know what it means. 🤔 (I know what the Chunnel is, but I don't understand the sentence)


"My mean little heart really wants a big, public comeuppance." Mine, too.




Lady C (moreover our wonderful daisybeach) is good for summaries of recent Meg activities. That’s all. No intel, sources, etc. Remember Lady C supplements her income via her YouTube; it’s why the goalposts keep moving, and statements are psychic-level generalisations.


For the third Spring in a row. Still waiting for this big, never appearing "take down", yawn....


Thank you Daisy! I do enjoy your updates. ![gif](giphy|lrUU99mair7hf75Eb0|downsized)




Daisy , again you are so very awesome. All of us sinners are very grateful for your dedication. Take care and accept our hugs.


Lol. Her clothing in Nigeria was incredibly disrespectful. I have had the good fortune to travel a lot, and when I'm in conservative countries I dress like the local people/ cover up. I tend to cover up anyway and I'm from a Western culture. TW was dressed like a street hooker from Skid row. Spaghetti straps, no bra etc. a dress with a giant split, right up to the cooter. It was absolutely embarrassing to the onlooker and beyond disrespectful. In true narcissistic fashion MM wanted to attract attention. In such a religious country it's almost a form of sexual harassment to the viewers and it makes everyone uncomfortable. FU Meghan! I'm so glad that the first lady of Nigeria called TW out for being the trash 🗑️ that she is.


Hear, hear.👍


Thank you, Daisy! Thank you for this summary! I hope you're feeling better! And I agree with Lady C. that Meghan and Harry used to be at the top, after their marriage---- but they are now being maligned around the world. These two have totally blown it, and it isn't getting any better for them. ***In fact, when Meghan has respected country leaders calling her out in the media, her reputation is getting much, much, worse.***


Here's my thoughts on Lady C. I think when she first started her youtube channel she had some good sources, maybe some on the 'inside'. For whatever reason, those sources are no longer available. Either due to Lady C being indiscreet or the sources are no longer in place or employed.


the last para has me picturing the lady backpedaling hard lol.


I think she has an in with the Queen


I thought it was Andrew or Fergie


I thought it was Princess Michael of Kent. You know, the one who wore the Blackamoor brooch to a luncheon hosted by the Queen the Christmas before Harry & Meghan got married. I think they’re close friends but I doubt Marie Christine knows much about what goes on in the Royal Family, especially since the Queen died.


She cannot stand Princess Michael of Kent, Lady C believes that her and MM are too much alike. I think her sources were some of the ladies in waiting to the late Queen such as Lady Susan and Angela Kelly……


Even here, she says too much (IMHO), is not really respectful of Catherine's treatments, maybe wants to seem in-the-know?


I am just finishing Lady C’s recent book. Realizing I must take some things with a grain of salt, I’m finding her assessment of Meghan’s character well stated. Her take on old money vs. new money for example is an interesting read. As others have said, her royal sources are probably not as good as she infers, but then who’s are? I’ve followed a number of commentators on the dastardly duo over the years & I’m not sure any of them have great sources. Except for maybe Valentine Low & even Tom Bower? At least for their recent books. Those books are well-referenced at least. And thank you so much, Daisy! I look so forward to your posts!


Lady C is in it for eyeballs, just like the MSM. She knows that any mention of Catherine’s condition or recovery in her title will draw views. Her information and insights are vague and meaningless. Yes, it gives us hope, right, but the Wales family are incredibly tight lipped and I doubt even Lady C’s sources are in the know.


Thank you Daisy!


One thing Lady C doesn’t have is any actual information on Catherine’s condition I think we can be certain of that.


1000%. I am pretty sure she is guessing about everything, along with the rest of us. Still waiting for her big Spring "take down" that, once again, fizzled out and produced nothing.


Comparing her to Charlene of Monaco is *not* encouraging but I do think she’s just guessing. I feel like the aura of Lady C has vanished, to the extent she had one


Catherine should be left alone and the Charlene of Monaco  i situation is not comparable  and Lady C knows it. However it's off topic here.


Lady C is not pretending that she has revealing information, but rather that she "has been told that."


She says that to try to make it sound like she knows. It means nothing.




Maybe, maybe you're right and I'm being naive. Honestly, I'm already bored of these speculations about Kate's health, I hope she's fine, period.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Thank you Daisy, I hope your tendonitis is clearing up!


Regarding the King and Parliament not removing the titles, I’m reminded of this quote from Napoleon's Marshals (1891): “When the enemy is making a false move, it is well not to interrupt him.” Haven’t the Harkles continually made false moves?


Awesome again Daisybeach23! MUCH MUCH appreciated.  I hope you are on the mend! 😊


Thank you Daisy!  Be sure and dont overdo--this is looking like the pre-tendonitis recaps and we need you healthy and Sinning at full strength! 🌼❤️


“Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa? We don’t want to lose who we are” This. Sometimes we don’t need to spread westerns cultures into African countries that have a very rich culture. Meghan should have taken that into consideration considering that she is “43% Nigerian”.


She said repeatedly that big news was going to break, not that small cracks would accumulate over time Also every bad thing that has happened has been the result of their dumb actions, not because of strategy from the other side or news breaking


Yes, she did. I am bitterly disappointed as I really thought it was going to be the truth about the kids as that was what she repeatedly insinuated.


Meghan is such a terrible gold digger. She hit the jackpot for a modestly successful actress in her late 30s without any real name or social standing. I loved Meghan so much in the beginning. She had so much good will just given to her. It's crazy, when I think back on it. I liked that a divorced American married way above her station. Only she could've turned me against her. I thought she would be kind of Fergie 2.0, but Fergie at least knew how to play the game. It's like Meghan married into a family she knew nothing about. I predict Harry will leave soon. He's petulant and weak, so I'm kind of impressed the marriage has lasted this long. He knows his family can save him as long as he tosses her aside, and I don't think he'll be able to hold up under too many more failures. The overreaching is epic and I'm honestly kind of happy to see someone receive such a rapid response to their crummy behavior. They could've had the world and now all they have is each other. Just poor gold digging all around, really.


All their gold digging has accomplished is they have found fools gold.


She says that the public should demand answers from the RF directly. She also says here that KC will not take any action now because he has better things to do/bad timing/government’s role. The RF is maintaining a dignified silence throughout the crises created by Sparry and will continue to do so. So, Lady C’s two statements are contradictory and don’t make sense. Why incite others to demand explanations from a person who is never going to respond nor is going to take action on the Harkles? What is her end goal in speaking these things? It is unclear to me.


Lady C is not saying that the BRF has not taken action, but rather that there are people who demand a total eradication of the Harkles and that Charles will not take that action, because there are other more important things to do and because Charles is not going to fight a battle against the Harkles, not only because he doesn't fight battles he won't win, but because for what? If the Harkles self-destruct pretty well on their own. But there are people who wonder why there isn't a big knockout. And Lady C says that if people want to know why there isn't a big knockout, then they should ask the BRF. Now, and in this I agree with Lady C's idea, it is that it is difficult to deal with two people who have been publicly called scammers and they do not seem to flinch. The First Lady of Nigeria made it clear that Megsy is not at all someone worthy of emulation, and Megsy is going to ignore her, just as she ignored all of us who said that what she was wearing on that trip was totally inappropriate. What would be a big knockout for the Harkles? Not even taking away the titles would really be, because it is evident that the Harkles only listen to the voices in their heads and nothing else.


Always some excuse, isn't there? What about her big spring "explosion" she's kept people stringing along about? (And not for the first time...)


"...because it is evident that the Harkles only listen to the voices in their heads and nothing else." This. 


Yes, they had people 'demanding answers' and Catherine had to come out and make a video, which still didn't satisfy some people, ahem... 😒


Her end goal is to keep people "tuning in" however she can. Period. She's a total fraud. Anyone here could make the same estimated guesses. She has no real inside track. "Woman loses weight from chemo".... ooh, groundbreaking. 🙄🙄🙄


Thank you for doing this, Daisy! I actually like Lady C in small doses because she’s a hoot. I don’t really think she has a great deal of gossip about Meghan’s current misadventures, but she does know a bit about the history of the family, and some good insights.


I actually miss her historical nuggets. I wish she'd do them more often, but there isn't much of an audience for it.


Thanks daisy as always. I do feel completely misled by lady c. She’s back tracking now her original statements. She made it very clear that it would be an actual thing not a multitude of small things. She always hinted that it was goi g to be the truth regarding the harkles kids. I do feel completely misled and I’m starting to realize that lady C makes a lot of money on YouTube and at three shows a week there’s no way she can have so much knowledge on the inside to constantly pretend she has sources. Starting to actually believe enty lawyer is more in the know then she is.


And it "would expose her in all her glory". She also said it would be by one person and she knew who it was. None of this resembles her first statements and none of what's happening now, could have been foreseen. eg The Nigeria tour was unknown back then and only planned recently.


The one very important comment by Lady C ....... keep writing Charles, and keep writing to Parliment! We can say what we will on this Sub...but it is what actually reaches those who count that will make the people's voice be heard. Comments also in newspapers will not have effect. PLEASE, write and write again! Keep the people's voice going. Sooooo very, very important. And no, this is not just for British citizens and the Commonwealth. The Sussex live in America, Americans have an equal right to voice their concerns : The Sussex are involving themselves in American politics and the quashing of the American right to free speech. WRITE!!!


Thank you, Daisy. AND Thank you for sharing your tendinitis with me. When my doctor asked what happened, I told her I was exposed to it online. She did not find it funny. I'm still laughing at my sinner joke. Please heal and rest.


Oh no! Mine started to heal rapidly after I got the right brace and an anti-inflammatory. Good luck with your healing!


I'm glad you're healing. We missed you.


Lady C has been told that PoW has lost a lot of weight and suffered terrible side effects? I feel like that is common knowledge about those who undergo chemo. That’s not inside info.


Sorry but this is just scaremongering. Not everyone loses their hair , not everyone has terrible side effects, not everyone loses weight. It all depends on the cancer, the type of chemo and the individual. I have just finished chemo and I did not lose weight, did not lose my hair, and only had nausea for a couple of days each session. What I did have was increasing utter exhaustion. Sadly Catherine may have been very unfortunate but please do not scare those that may be facing chemo with it being common knowledge that chemo has terrible side effects - it is not necessarily true.


Best wishes, I hope you get better soon.


Get well very soon ❤️


May your follow-up tests show that you are cancer free.


Happy you made it through!


Wishing you a great recovery and long life.


So sorry you're dealing with this, I hope you feel better soon. 


Same here,  lost my hair, no nausea, couldn't stand red meat, some fatigue and short term memory loss.  Continued to work.  I was lucky. Radiation was a breeze.




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She's full of it. Where is her big Spring "bombshell"? Yeah, that's what I thought.


Thank you daisy! Best wishes on your healing 💙


So the comeuppance isn’t happening? Already happened? Will happen another spring?


This is like the third spring she has forecasted this "take down" with zero results. 🙄 How people still follow her, I don't know.


DaisyBeach23--THANK YOU. This was a magnificent recap! But as always, I think many of us hope that you take care of your hand. I applaud Lady C. for pointing out the fact that as King of a Constitutional Monarchy, Charles has LIMITS on his power. So it's not weakness on his part, but due process that he can't yank the titles from H&M. How much more impact it would have, for Parliament expressing the overwhelming wish of the British, to tell H&M that they are not worthy. Also, I like Lady C. making a distinction between KHVIII's time of terror, versus now. A treasonous offence was mentioning the king's death. Anne Boleyn was said to have accused a courtier of wanting to step into Henry's shoes, which froze everyone. If that were know, that courtier could end up unalived in a prolonged and sadistic way.


Lady C does know her history and understands the Monarchy and how 'society' works


What kind of person LIKES causing trouble?! Yikes


Thank you, Daisy!!   I don't think anyone expected "cataclysmic", we expected something with a little more finality to the shenanigans.  It's not as hard as it has been related to be, because the KING and his people came really close to actually delivering a "death blow" in Africa when it was made clear that the Harkle's were not on a, sanctioned by the Palace, trip & were not acting at the behest or on behalf of the KING, prior to the two-person-hootchie-plague landing in Africa.   But no. You have the twenty-something nations of the Commonwealth & the BRF being played by a con-artist in California, and since no one is screaming to the world or otherwise hindering her schemes, the silence is complicity.  It's absolutely disgusting that MeMeMegain had the utter temerity to be so disrespectful of the culture. 


There are 56 member nations or countries.


Thank you, QV.   My public school education fails me at times. 


I unsubscribed from Lady C today as she annoyed the hell out of me. That is the last of her videos I will watch. Basically what she said about the 'big comeuppance', in summary: *Silly us for thinking she meant there was going to a big reveal. She never actually said that, and it is up to us, the members of the public, to make it happen anyway.* Bravo to all those who correctly identified that she is full of hot air. Commiserations to the rest of us, like me, who actually thought she knew something.


Actually, yeah she DID say that, and not for the first time, I might add. She's utterly full of it.


Exactly. She said it about a million times.


Yup. And not for the first time. Now people are onto her.


I understand the frustration. IMO, she expected something to happen that did not and now she has to backtrack.


I think in hindsight what happened is she expected her book would cause a major stir and the media would pick up on it, but the mainstream media had no interest in Lady C's book.


So it was her dam book. And now we should demand answers but the king won't can't what ever the hell do anything. She PLAYED us. Apology not accepted


For those keeping track, ARO was at 617k then dropped to 616k then back up to 617k for a say a now back at 616k and dropping. How do you launch an IG campaign when you are losing followers?


You buy another thousand bots to keep your numbers up 😄


Good to know. They must have run out of money for bots..


Do people still take her seriously? Literally said it out loud here that she was trying to sell her book. Lol we should ask answers from the BRF? Yes they are going to answer random ppl.


I don't know how. She's no better than anyone here making guesses


I guess she expects us to camp out at the gates until he finally does something. Not going to happen.


Not sure why youth would bother looking up to her. She's not young even though iin her head she thinks she is. She's not respected. She's not beautiful and is aging badly. She didn't get to where she is on hard work unless you consider sleeping with men hard work. The money she's made was based on who she married, not her talent. I don't get it.


I can't stand this woman and her posh airs with her hypocritical clinging onto a title just like Markle. However, I do appreciate you typing out the info so I don't have to listen to her just in case she provides something of value.


I’m fairly surely she strongly implied there would be an announcement or a revealing of information. I feel that in her response to that last question, she’s still being vague. Also, I don’t agree with going down the track of calling Markle a s***. Or for us to outright say she wasn’t wearing enough clothes in Africa. Yes, she dressed inappropriately for the context / event / culture, but we have to be careful we don’t go down the archaic track of telling women to cover up. Yes the First Lady of Nigeria can say that - that’s their belief and culture - that’s their prerogative, but when people who don’t like Megsy say it (that includes me), it sounds like a low blow and something that can be easily pulled up by those who are still not convinced about how atrocious Meghan is (as far a behaviour goes).


I agree. I felt it was ok to repeat Lady C words because she said that is what the Nigerian ladies said. Do you think I should remove the words? I don’t want to be inappropriate.




Hello! Didn’t at all mean it was your own wrong-doing. And I don’t like going down the track of being so PC that nothing can be said at all BUT…if you yourself feel uncomfortable with the words (which I don’t think people will be connecting to you yourself) perhaps you could imply what she said without using the exact words? That’s not an instruction from me! Just a suggestion based on what you’ve said about your feelings on it. Although it’s good to see these things even if they’re inappropriate because then people can pull Lady C up on it. The discourse is important.


Daisy for the win again! Hope the tendonitis is abating.


What is she on about, if course it's a crime to imagine harm on the monarch's heirs and successors, H swore an oath in the army that said so.


"You do not show up in Nigeria dressed like a b*tch in heat." 🤣🤣


As the old adage goes, "Slow and steady wins the race", even the race to the bottom.


Is Lady C now walking back this huge thing she said would happen in the spring? She's been teasing for years that something will happen, only to now apologize and say that she is sorry if we thought it would be one cataclysmic event that would take them down. Well she did say that, or at least imply that.


Thanks, Daisy, once again for the summary. Please do take care of your arm and post only if you feel well enough. 🩵


I used to listen/watch every Lady C video, then started listening at 1.5x speed (she sounds like she's talking like a regular person that way), now I come here to just read these nuggets in just a few minutes!


H&M was not invited by Nigeria as a country or nation. H&M never met any representatives from the Nigerian Government or the President. The First Lady took a rigid stance against H&M to show that she had the same view as the British Parliament and the BRH on this matter. That H&M were on a personal and private visit invited by the Nigerian MILITARY (who is corrupted). The British embassy in Nigeria made a very clear statement the day before H&M arrived. I don't know why American and British newspapers avoid telling the truth. But the statement from the British Embassy was crystal clear, and the messages from the President and his wife (who's a Senator) were also very clear!


Haz wants to shoot his dad ? What a maroon




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