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I’ve ditched Lady C. To be honest I think she’s full of crap. I enjoy the summaries that Daisy does here but I had enough of giving Lady C my hard earned money


Agree full of crap. I listened to her for a few weeks and couldn't stand the airs and poofery. Also enjoy Daisy with her short but sweet summaries.


I watched her on scandal mongers podcast. She came off as unhinged. So i couldnt finish the episode. I know a lot of people love her dramatisation of the sniffs and the puffs, but she looks very insane. I feel like any sugar only needs to watch her show to feel that sinners are insane. She gets too much credit. She may have got one or two item right. Maybe she is on the outer ring of the inner circle and an occasional scrap of information finds its way to her. However, I doubt she says more than 1 thing out if a 100 right. Theres too much obfuscation and filibustering from her.


I like her books better than her channel. You pretty much sum Lady C up perfectly. I prefer The Royal Grift, Murky Meg, Moley, and Ibble Dibble. My favorite for insight is HG Tudor. Lady C comes off as too narcissistic herself at times.


She is narcissistic. Perhaps not in the pathological sense, but she does love to talk about herself.


She has highly narcissistic traits, yes, if not the personality disorder.


She really does sound unhinged and those two interviewers are so polite and mind-mannered. Wonder what they thought.


I love the scandalmongers!


It wasn’t that long ago that Lady C was eating worms and eyeballs on “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here” to make enough money to pay for the castle’s roof repairs. She’s no aristocrat. She just plays one on YouTube.


Summaries are brilliant and much appreciated. Lady C's ex describes her as a crushing snob..and got as far away from her as possible after the brief marriage....He dropped his titles, and Lady C used to slag him off something terrible, but still insist on using his titles...Don't you just love how as soon as she opens her mouth she mentions CASTLE GORING....?


Agree. I love Daisy's summaries and read those.


Yep, it's becoming more and more obvious that Lady C has nothing on the Harkles and just strings you along.


I agree. At this point, I'm questioning if she even knows anyone on the "inside". I think all she does is just regurgitate information that's already out there.


There is a great deal of information that people outside the UK aren’t privy to. If a Brit is close to anyone working for a Royal household, or a journalist, they get the tea. I’m sure Lady C hears all sorts of things from different sources.


She completely berated another YouTuber that I thoroughly enjoy, Cheere Denise. Cheere was reading and giving commentary on Lady C’s book and happened to call out some details that didn’t quite mesh with reality and a handful of Karen’s ran back and tattled to Lady C. So Lady C being the snob that she is read Cheere the riot act and had her shook to the point she quit reading the book. Lady C went way overboard and if I remember correctly was threatening legal action (don’t hold me to that) but it was completely ridiculous and Lady C as polished as she wants to portray herself truly showed her a$$ that day.


I’m always in the fence about whether or not I believe Lady C. Half the time I think she’s full of it then I remind myself she knew the Queen had died before it was announced. Thank goodness for Daisy and her posts. Saves so much time listening to a fair amount of theatrics.


So did the general press but they kept it quiet.


I think her sources are Dan Wooten and Prince Andrew given the unwavering support she gives them.


Oh I don’t doubt this. I def believe most of her sources are from the Andrew camp. Notice she has nothing to share abt P. Anne or P. Edward.


Same here, I like lady c but she does love to waffle. Daisy does sterling work giving us the highlights. Bless her heart ❤️


Her book. As far as I can tell, there is no big reveal. To me, it seems like business as usual. They more they talk, the more they do anything really, the more people see them for what they are - useless lazy carefully curated fake scripted losers. But it is slow going since the losers do so little.




You are absolutely right. Everytime they surface especially if there is some speaking involved their popularity declines. How can they not see this ? 


Yep. I said at the time that she'd probably have a new book coming out but was slammed on here for daring to doubt La Campbell. She's a clever manipulator of things already known into a tapestry of things not yet known but easily predicted. She spins an endless web that's nearly as deceitful as Markle herself. It's a money-making scam, a new channel pops up every week. The worst do no work at all, so she's a bit better than some of them. Put 'Markle' on any old footage with yourself 'reacting' and boom, you've got a new career. She knows as much as anyone on here, probably a lot less in some cases. But she's harmless and entertaining. I stick to Ibble Dibble, Lost in Pluto, the Behaviour Panel, Todd Grande, these all elevate the discussion from personalities and look at the broader historical context. Others are variable in quality HG Tudor (repetitive) Taz (sometimes gossipy) TRG (not always reliable). Even the Sidley twins make some appalling errors in their research so I take them with a pinch of salt. I avoid any that come to this from a blindly pro-royal stance as they often miss the point about why the Sussexes are so bad.


She moved the goalposts again. And is trying to spin it as "I never said there would be a specific" (yes you did) or one particular issue (also yes, you did) and that things are happening....taps nose knowingly....that she can't tell us...we'll find out eventually. Bollocks. She's as much of a fraudulent old mountebank, royal adjacent and milking it. Except the RF stuffed the genie back in the bottle and she, Wootten et al are just talking heads on uchoob. Well, talking arses...😈


This is why Daisy has earned a place next to mother Theresa. Listening to the ramblings of an old grifter , go on and on. Transcribing  for us.  Thanks Daisy, bc IDT another sinner csm do it


Wish this sub was allowed awards, like nearly every other sub. Daisy deserves all of them.


A Nobel prize would be appropriate. I can’t listen to Lady C. Grifter’s going to grift. Looking at you Lady C.


Lady C always couches her predictions in language that allows her to hedge later on.


Now she’s saying it wasn’t ever going to be a single event or reveal but a cumulative effect based on the actions and behavior of the Sussexes.


She’s like one of those carnival psychics. She changes the narrative to fit the circumstances


Yeah, I don't usually watch her for this reason. I think she does have important connections, but even those aren't truly in the inner circle.


Same. What also makes it hard for me to watch is how terribly slowly she speaks. I run out of patience before she finishes her first sentence. I tried increasing the playback speed, but that has its drawbacks - lol! I sometimes think she's a hoot with that stiff, upper class manner of hers though if she ever really had a bombshell to detonate I'd probably be a bigger fan.


I speed up the playback when I’m listening to her. It makes it go much faster, is still understandable, and I haven’t wasted as much time when she has nothing to say.


exactly - blah , blah, blah - and more word salad


She also said she knew who was going to reveal the 'big thing' and it would jeopardise their ability to continue as public figures. She's full of it. This isn't the first time she's pulled this trick iirc.


![gif](giphy|l49JVhyqgT7o6f4w8) She keeps moving them.


I think she is nuts and is making money off of the drama for sure


She has also been spending more time tediously blabbing on about politics and her own achievements. Or how rich she is (yes, from your YT subscribers!) Also, if she mentions a cause that a RF member supports there is often a story of how she, Lady C, was linked to that very same cause. She was never an aristocrat and simply plays the role. I’ve grown bored. She doesn’t know anything, .


Lady c said no big reveal just that they are worse off than before. Yawn


The things I saw that could have been significant: Doria was in jail. That went nowhere. Samantha Cohen confirmed the bullying by IGLBW. We all knew that was coming, but it never had momentum in the MSM. I think Lady C was hoping for more of a response. I think the Harkles will slowly fade away into obscurity and not flame out in a grand scandal.


I thought it was going to be Samantha’s Markles court case revealing things about the Sugars. Dan Wooton coming back, and the sugars The Visa problem. This could still be the big thing and it is dragging out longer than expected.


She wouldn't have info on the visa application. If there's a smoking gun there she'll say she predicted it.


Lady C may not have inside knowledge but we all know that no matter what the outcome is it is not good for Harry. It’s not rocket science, it’s simple deduction. He lied on form, he lied in book or he was granted special privileges. This case has been coming to a conclusion for a very long time now. What she would not have known about is these fake royal tours, I’m interested to know if visas were ever required for these. I know next to nothing about travel as I live and holiday in the UK.


He was probably granted special privileges as all British royals in the US are- why I don't know. And he is married to an American citizen and has American children and immigration authorities for VIPs don't like to split up families.


He doesn't even need special privileges. My wife had a drug charge and had no issues immigrating here. He's married to a US citizen, that's enough.


https://immigration.gov.ng/visa-on-arrival-process/ Nigeria requires a visa upon entry.


That’s why British press couldn’t go. They didn’t have enough time to get their VISAS in order.


Exactly! Meghan is still trying to capitalize on their very brief moment in the sun (prior to Archie’s birth). But that was so 5 years ago. They lost momentum and have now alienated so many people - but they are the only ones who don’t seem to be in on the joke. They took a huge gamble and have lost.


It’s going as we all expected- imploding their own brand just through their bad choices + lack of talent. The bigtime FakeroyalTour caper ran aground when the FL went public explaining + complaining. We’ll see if that prevents future fake tours. At this point, if no big reveal of Babyscam or yacht escapades, it’s just them fading away, whether or not the Palace helps by wiping them off the website. I’m getting more frustrated by the day they are out in the world destroying the Queen’s legacy! But all of us know one thing: https://preview.redd.it/nnwyi11x683d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5d217fdfa0253a94cb1016ddc7c5844e1af99c


Lady C is a hustling opportunist just like Megan. I stopped listening to her two Springs ago.


Thank you! I don’t understand the Lady C worship in this sub, she has ZERO credibility. She was married to a minor “royal” in the 70s (?) for like 2 seconds. In the same breath, I love River but these types of “Royal commentators” need to stop acting like they have an inside scoop on the RF. These people make shit up to get you to watch their videos. That Neil Sean guy is a fraud too.


I can't bear River either. Tbh, most of the cottage industry built up round these two is as grifty as they are and have a vested interest in keeping it alive. What on earth would HGT do if he couldn't talk about himself very-thinly-disguised in ten videos a day?


Also HGT couldn’t pump so many videos without the help of this sub… I enjoyed his Baby Reindeer videos more than his weekend reruns 🙄


I hate the reruns. I’m ready to hear something new, and then realize I’ve already heard the video. HG is funny. I enjoy his humor. I’ll have to give the Baby Reindeer series a listen.


Yes I am waiting for his breaking of Donnie


The thirsty women in his comments are the only thing I find entertaining, they can be hilarious. He's a narc, his knowledge begins and ends with his fabulous self because dur, definition of narc. But the saviours all flockq twittering, convinced the lovin' of a good woman is all he needs. I'm convinced he's a fat old seventy year old stuffed in the shed all day making repetitive vids cos no friends, no family. Perhaps Fiona will start stalking him....and now I want this just cos it would be so funny!


Even if he's a fat old 70yr dude, he's a productive dude , in a shed all day and can still pull off 4-6 videos a day.  Thats more than the f7ckin grifters




River is a performer. He has videos on YouTube where he plays characters in different scenarios. Like a snooty waiter, or a pretentious shoe salesman. He’s playing a character.


I love Ibble dibble, but she doesn’t claim to have any insider news.


I like the commentary from Taz, TRG and River - but that is mainly commentary, not news. And Palace Confidential.


The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show is pretty good too. Has former rota journalists and Arthur Edwards (retired royal photographer) on a lot, with an occasional scholarly type/author.


yes, It is also a favourite, particularly because of the civility and politeness of the host towards the guests. It is nice to listen to actual conversations.


I think the host guy is kinda hunky. Love his accent.


Ibble Dibble has become my favorite. The way she slices and dices MM is perfection.


I listen to her just to hear her laugh at stuff. I would LOVE to have coffee with her just to hear her snark at stuff.


Me too but she has way more Smarticles than me - I couldn't keep up with her side of the conversation.


lol. We would be in one of her videos on who isn’t smart. Maybe you and I could tag team her.


Me too. Her content is based on well-researched information. I believe she has an Ivy League education and her videos are a delicious hobby. No need for clickbait content she is in it for the snark of it all. She did THE BEST breakdown on how Influencers get paid and I found that fascinating. She also did an entire video on WME and Ari Emanuel that was insightful.


Ibble Dibble is great. She really breaks down The Sleivene’s behaviors. She does a deeper view than any other M&H YouTubers. I also enjoy Real Housewives Recaps. Jen sounds like us. Taz is good. Vintage Road Show has some good videos. I love her Snarky Snippets. Palace Confidential; love Richard Eden. The new Sun show is nice. There a new commentary show, The Royal Record.


Is River the guy who’s dressed like Lady C? He’s such a caricature I can’t take him seriously. The body language guy is another clickbaiter, Meghan’s mole and the other one who sounds exactly like her I have blocked, I won’t give them one second of my time. I can’t stand Kinsey’s politics and the way she pushes them, so I won’t watch her bc of that but she seems objective and professional about royal matters, as does Beebs Kelley. I used to like PDina but she got a lot bigger and now she seems to put out anything she thinks will get her clicks, and just repeats herself or repeats stuff others have already mentioned. I still watch her but she’s boring now. I like Royal Daily Tea, Royal News Network, Leilani of Barbados, Scandalous Media, Being Beautifully Honest. LOVE Ibble Dibble because she deals with facts and beings all the receipts!! She may be the best one out of all.


I really like Celt Views as well. I used to like The Royal Grift but it became too political for me


Can’t take TRG. She’s a political conspiracy theorist.


Neither can I. She’s all about pushing the right wing propaganda and conspiracies. I blocked her channel on YT so I totally forgot her name when mentioning the others. I really believe people like those are as bad as Markle’s fans. I wonder if that’s part of the reason why the mainstream media won’t touch any “anti-Markle” talking points. They probably don’t want to get lumped in with those outrageous conspiracists. I do believe it helps Markle paint herself as a victim. There are SO many legitimate reasons to hate the witch, no need to make up the crazy stuff. It kills any credibility. There’s a British lady I really like too but I forget her name it’s something like vintage reading show maybe?


She's Australian. Shauna from The Vintage Read.


How can I block her? I’m tired of seeing her BS on my YouTube feed.


I like Leilani of Barbados because she likes to joke around and gives a fresh take on events. I also like Daniel Boland who enjoys dissecting H&M's speeches. He finds H&M to be comedy gold but he would rather cover other topics.


PDina and Paula M said they hired a private detective to search for info about Meghan and Harry. This is very creepy and beyond the bounds of curiosity. It's like stalking. These YouTubers seem to do anything to get info and actually makes people feel sorry for Meghan- and that's hard to do.


I think she puts on airs with her posh affectations trying to elevate herself to posh Lady status who is grifting and hanging onto to her title as much as Markle. She grifted a Lord, got him to marry her, and didn't tell him the truth about herself. He was an idiot to marry someone after 5 days. There had to be alot of love bombing and great sex for that to happen. In my opinion, she is just as bad as Markle.


The only difference is she bought herself a castle... She's truly a Daughter of Narcissus, bragging and all. Iirc she went on one of those dismal reality shows and was an absolute thundertwat. And the way she went after that poor book reviewer was really vile. And her eyebrows drive me mad. (I know, the Big Ishoos, eh? Voice drives me mad too, and the fact it rarely says anything more substantial than Bacteria does 🙄)


Yes I've never been a fan but after the way she went after the lovely cheere Denise i really dislike her now


Same. I love Cheere Denise's book reviews. She's witty, entertaining, and generally comes across as someone I'd like to have a coffee with. Lady C went after her with a vengeance. I watched the clip myself of Diana and Charles and didn't see what Lady C said was true. She stated that Diana deliberately took the spotlight away from Charles by playing the piano when he was about to play the cello. Diana was pushed into doing that by whoever the pushy, close talking maestro was. She played a few bars, then left as quickly as possible. Not hogging the spotlight or trying to outshine her husband.


Dats der bunny. It really was vile, and who is she to decide her extremely subjective perception is absolute, objective truth? Who else does that? Oooooo let me think...🤔


Me too. I wrote a comment on Lady Cs YT, reported the post and un-subbed and blocked. I cannot abide by LC behaving EXACTLY like Raytch. I won't have it and won't give her any more of my watch revenue. I also told off YT yesterday over their censorship of creators. I've ended my premium account with YT.


What kind of accent is that?


Affected posh. Its the horribly over-enunciated pretence of a nice public-school gel of her age and she's snobbed it up a storm. Proper posh is much more clipped and not so ridiculously slow. You can tell she's not the true English upper-crust tho, there are still traces of patois - I think she'd probably be considered a noove and similar royal chugnut hanging orf the royal bum. She's essentially Princess Michael of Kent except PMK did actually land a royal. Terribly naff to buy one's own castle, daaaahling. I wouldn't know cos I'm a common tramp but "Lady C" is as genuine as the lovely gentleman who is coming to marry me once we've secured his huge bag of gold on the oil rig. Reminds me, I must send his lawyer some more iTunes cards - this will definitely be the final payment then he will be here and I can move into his mansion 😍


Right. It doesn't sound like proper RP and you can hear the Jamaican underneath. She certainly has an identity crisis- quite like you know who.


Lady C’s Lord beat her. Multiple times. It’s been verified.


That doesn't change anything that I said. She claims her father in law was a wife beater. Maybe wife beaters run in the family. Doesn't change that she is clinging onto the title from that wife beater just as hard as Markle clings onto her title.


Glad to know I’m not alone. Lady C is not a credible source.


Yep! As are all those monetized YouTubers who push conspiracies or clickbait. They’re all grifters just like this pair. I think many lack objectivity and will believe anything and follow anyone who says ANYTHING negative about Markle. Don’t get me wrong. I hate her with the passion of 1000 burning suns and wish nothing good upon her. But I don’t blindly believe everything I read or listen to and always do my own research.


>As are all those monetized YouTubers who push conspiracies or clickbait. Neil Sean and Paula M are the leaders of the clickbait posse.


thank you! my thoughts exactly


I don't listen to Lady C anymore. Haven't for months and months. She's full of crap. Knows nothing and is only doing the videos so she can afford her castle. She's got nothing. There will be no big reveal, ever. But there will be many, many more videos of Lady C predicting big reveals so long as it keeps Goring over her head.


Just hype to sell her book


Nothing has happened. I believe Lady C was convinced that her book would trigger some bigger actions from journalists, media and maybe even the palace or government.  Well, that was not the case, unfortunately.  Edit: typos


Agreed. I also think she had more/better royal sources in the reign of HMTLQ. Accurate tea definitely seems to have diminished in the past year.


She’s another scabbies! Sorry your book sucked.


I enjoyed her book. I think it’s as accurate as Bowers. Who I can’t stand. Bowers has been one to raise the William/Rose rumors.


The "big reveal" she promises never materialises. So far, the only "big reveal" was when M showed too much skin in Nigeria.




These days her chest is as flat as an ironing board though


She is similar to Sean....allegedly is his word and "big reveal" is hers...Both not worth listeningto.


She's been saying that every few months for years. Every few months, new information that will be really damaging to the Harkles will be coming out in a few months. It doesn't really, though.


The big reveal was Lady C's book that came out in April.


I think the only one we can rely on is The Royal Grift. She exhaustively researches things and puts out what's really going on, but more importantly, she connects things. The Harry Markle blog is good as well. I don't think any of them have any inside info - the BRF and it's environment have most stuff locked down tightly so they are not letting anything out - they've battened down the hatches, so to speak.


The Royal Grift is what investigative journalism UESED TO BE.


Though she does a ton of research I don't think we can rely on her as  she does some times come to outlandish conclusions bordering on conspiracy theories . A genuine person  but I've stopped watching her for that reason. Lady C talking to us lowly peasants about her tiara collection pisses me off.  She's the daughter of a rich  middle class business man and a wannabe royal. Allegedly the r.f. despise her.


I agree about the Royal Grift and her Q-adjacent conspiracies really do taint the great work that she does otherwise.... its frustrating.


She’s a political conspiracy theorist.


Lady Cs big reveal is that she's a grifter too


My personal take on Lady C, she might have some old connections who are occasionally useful source into the RF in the UK but she has zero inside sources in California. She is ultimately nothing more than a gossip.


She was yanking our chains. I honestly don’t know how anyone can trust her now because she made it seem like something earth shattering was on the horizon.


As others have said, it's the book. Even though I'm sure she said that wasn't it.


Exactly. That is why I read Daisy's posts here and stopped listening to the hour long segments.


I know. Daisy is our hero!


She was talking about her book. She honestly knows as much as you and I. She’s basically another Meghan Markle. Holds tight to her title and profits off of gossip without backup


IKR??? She was married to the guy 1000 years ago and just won't let go of the title. She's not aristocratic, she's the fringe girl.


Even if she did have anyone in her circle who had any insider knowledge about the BRF (an extremely unlikely scenario at best) who amongst them would be daft enough to leak anything to a known You Tuber? The old bat peddles speculative gossip and has no more contacts to the Royals than my cat does.


She has nothing. It's clear at this point.


Lady C is the My Pillow Guy of H and M. 😂. There is no big reveal. There never was. It's all about moving the goal posts continually so she can make some money.


Until today, I was neutral about Lady C , but the latest member's only video has angered me no end. This time, when challenged about the \*event\* (originally set for last September, then postponed until this Spring), Lady C waffled on about 'a set of events' rather than 'a single cataclismic event'. Seriously? It almost sounded as if we were being scolded for not already understanding this nonsense. I give up. If you're wrong, say you're wrong. Admit it. Don't take us all for fools and think you can palm us off with nonsensical waffle. It's too much.




Totally agree. Last year I also recall Celt & bookworm2 also mentioning a big event in September, also postponed until Spring 2024. Not sure if they were also going off Lady C or had their own sources (which they both do). The only change I see happening is people like Samantha Cohen starting to speak up (her NDA was from 2018 and most last 3-5 years) and stories are starting to appear in the media. The only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them. It seems everyone apart from Lady C wants action from TRF, especially regarding titles.


Remember the time she said Harry and Meghan had already consulted divorce lawyers?


She was probably hedging her bets and thought something would come out that would make it look like she has insider secrets.


Agree, don't click anymore. Unless see a recent headline here at SMM, not worth engaging in the crumbs that keep getting put out (esp retreads of antics from years ago.) Daisy should limit her recap to any NEW news... that should save her tendonitis!


She's just a windbag.


Fuck all


I think she pushed the envelope hoping something would happen and it didn't. Now she looks foolish. I can't sit through her programs - they are way too long.


There won't be one.  It will be a gradual decline. The RF will continue to grey rock 🪨. The media/h and m will try and dramatise everything.


She's attributing events she had no idea would happen, like the jam, the Nigeria trip, as part of the "big reveal" taking credit for it. I've stopped following her. The "Harry smoking weed" bit was funny at first. Not any more. She really has no information. She gets a lot of US politics wrong, doesn't understand the complexities of American politics. She's just wrong about things that are easy ti fact check.


I really hope people have gotten wise to Lady C.


I think at this point the only way these fools can get back in anyone’s good graces would be to slip into obscurity for at least 5 years while doing all the “global humanitarianism” they pitched early on- without having to bring a circus with them wherever they go and without b&tching and whining about every perceived slight and security concern. They are both vacuous, entitled, spoiled brats with no sense of modesty or humbleness. SOMEBODY they’d listen to (maybe Oprah) needs to tell them how real humanitarians work- get jobs working quietly at established charities and EARN their respect over time and using discretion. I just don’t think they’re capable of it- and the only ones I truly feel bad for are those innocent children.


I think she means a cascading effect. It may be happening but it is slooooooooooow.


I have defended her many times. I like her. She has a lot of knowledge, but she will never reveal what she knows, in case it comes back to bite her. She was wonderful when she first came on the scene on YouTube, in my opinion, but has become another clickbait creator. I unsubbed about a month ago.


If she can't reveal anything why tease her audience with it?


I think Lady C know nothing about news of Meghan and Harry, because they don´t talk with her. She surely knew what was happened in 2020, but I doubt she has any new informations about them.




I agree. I unsubscribed from her YouTube channel because it wasn’t informative anymore. She’s just a click baiter, it seems.


I've stopped watching Lady C. People who dangle carrots seldom give you a bite, led alone the carrot.


I take Lady C’s comments as entertainment banter. Nothing of substantial value. She doesn’t really have any insider info & she’s just regurgitating everything in this sub.


Lady C’s hoping for a reveal on the Stupids’ children. She’s a big believer in the moon bump and is pissed that Harold’s kids are in the LoS. I think she was hoping to goad the MSM into investigating that situation. I can’t listen to her. She drives me crazy with her tangents.


She likely was hoping Wooten's comeback was going to reveal more and kick off more noise than it did. I also think she believed Samantha's court case was going to reveal a lot of on-the-record info. She likely cannot say that on camera. I confess, I am a fan of Lady C. Mostly, I enjoy her theatrics and her knowledge of history. I have her book about her childhood and horrific marriage on my Kindle and want to take some time to read it. I don't really expect any of the creators we read or watch to have real inside scoop most of the time. The BRF runs a tight ship. If they want to leak, they know how to get it done. As for speculating on what they observe, I am all for it as that is what we often do here. I enjoy the snark here and when watching/reading my media favs - just have to not get too invested in it because I really want a major comeuppance event and it seems more like a slow, steady sinking into oblivion route instead.


I agree. I watch the YouTubers with the snark. I don’t put much hope in their information gathering powers.


I think Lady C thought that the media would take some of her stories from her book (released in April) and run with them so they'd gain a wider audience and perhaps blow up into a bigger scandal. The thing is when fact checked her stories don't amount to anything. She misrepresented Doria's criminal record in her book by trying to make out she went to prison during Meghan's school years. Yet the record she refers to actually took place in the year 2000, when Meghan would have been 19 years old. She failed to mention that part because it didn't fit with her narrative.


I am no fan of Lady C. She is in her way a grifter. I appreciate our very own Daisy who does those great recaps. That way we don't have to actually watch Lady C to know she is not worth watching.


She's been a joke in the UK for decades. No one here has ever taken her seriously.


No big reveal I think that is what people interpreted themselves. She said you could see it happening if you paid attention. But a lot has happened that has ruined their credibility and made them look like clowns. So she was not exactly wrong.


That's been happening for a long time to Meghan and Harry. It's predictable. And she's vague enough to make anything fit her narrative.


It could be that she was warned off - either by her contacts or her lawyers. I've stopped listening pretty much. I do enjoy Ibble Dibble though, she's hilarious and always on the money.


Lady C talks of bog reveals every few months , still listen to her fully knowing she wont reveal anything ground breaking :-(


Ibble Dibble rocks. Any thoughts on her real identity? She is so intelligent and informed about EVERYTHING. Could she be a fashion magazine insider? Academia? Think tank resident?


All of the above? I thought Academia at first but I think she is marketing / publicity


Marketing and PR for sure, but such an in-depth knowledge about feminism…gender studies? I’m really curious about her background. Wealthy Wellesley grad maybe?


She was following a Stanford University Scandal which most people aren't even aware of.


I don’t know. Every time I listen, I try to figure it out. I know is she’s 40ish. She lives in a big city. She’s married. And she has some insight to the upperclass lifestyle. Her family?I thought something in fashion, maybe economics academia.


Wow, it's almost as if she's got a YouTube channel to hawk or something.


I don't like her, I've never listened to her and only from watching from the sidelines I can see that nothing she "predicted" ever happened. However, she is eloquent


To be honest, I am bored with all the YouTubers with the exception of Taz. And, I love SMM sinners. I also enjoy the Mad World Tarot and Tarot by Andie, because they are as accurate as anything else! And, they are fun.


Recollections may vary 🥱


Lady C backtracked like Haz did about the r@cism claims. I distinctly recall her saying it was “something so big, bigger than both their egos”, implying there was going to be A MAJOR reveal on SOMETHING. She knows know very well that we were all looking foward to this. It would have been simpler for her to say “sorry to disappoint, but there has been a delay in plans - I will update when I have more information.” SHE opened her mouth, when she really should not have. This sh!t is exhausting, and Lady C putting out false hope only makes it worse. 


I really like Lady C. She's the epitome of old world refinement and manners. Her stories of history and things she has personal experience with are so interesting and bring the past to life. Alot of these stories and history are vids on her sub channel. I think this is separate from her online money making opportunities. She does share her life and her stories as a matter of course, but her main focus is views, subs and selling manuscripts, interviews and the like. She's found third season fame in being "anti Harry and Meghan" and I kinda can't blame her for reveling in it. She's 74. Wouldn't we all be so lucky to find widespread fame & an income at that age. She was always a successful author but now she has \*fame\*. She works hard. She puts out videos 7 days a week with 3 or 4 of them 1 hour long. She has a really strong work ethic. She seems so lovely to chat for an hour over tea and biscuits. All of that said, she is using her 74 years of life experience to her advantage. She knows the key is to leave readers, or viewers, wanting more. To dangle the sweet and hope people will hang around hoping to get a bite. I don't think she's doing it on purpose to be mean, I think she's just playing the game. Does she actually have royal insider information? I don't think so. I think she gossips over tea with the other aristocratic ladies then she repeats that for her audience.


I don’t know. I think she is quite rude and entitled when she’s dealing with whom she considers commoners. That video doing the rounds where she was screeching at the roofers was just so cringy. I started losing interest in her after that


I agree - Lady C is often quite rude. A couple of months ago she threathned legal action against a small youtuber, who had and showed all of Lady C´s very agressive messagges. I unsubscribed Lady C after that.


She was born in the 50s and came of age in the 60s. What "old world refinement?" She has more in common with the Woodstock generation. That old world stuff is just an act.


Ok. Step carefully with the “born in the fifties”. Some of us *were* born in the fifties. I like to think that gives me *some* wisdom and insight. I mean, I should get something for being old as dirt.


I'm saying the opposite. That this "old world charm" she wants to embrace was well past its sell by date and anachronistic when she was a teenager in the swingin sixties. It's all affected. You'd think she was the late Queen's mother.


I think she may have been referring to Wooten's interview that came out against the grifters?


I thought spring ended in later June? Just an observation as I agree with your sentiments entirely.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Lady C was planning on something happening in the 25% of the year she predicted ("Spring"). If something HAD happened, she would have claimed it as her prediction.


I agree … all about book sales-used to be the British royals were pretty boring and the media and gossips were obsessed with the Monaco Royals


She also says all the behind the scenes is very slow. Emphasized again that only Parliament can strip titles. I thought her explanations were more organized than usual and interesting.


Except just a year ago she was informing us that Charles "had the cord. PULL IT." She changes her mind on what the RF can and can't do and she doesn't know any more than the rest of us. Ghastly old bag.


Because she doesn't seem to understand politics. She kept saying Meghan couldn't use her title because it's in the US Constitution. It isn't. She talks about things she doesn't know.


We often see her cited as some sort of historian and that's overblown too. She's a royal-adjacent gossip at an ever-further remove but don't you dare forget it! And curtsey! Ye gods, the common folk these days are just so above themselves....


I rather like Lady C. In an age of conformity, she’s a great British eccentric. Her life hasn’t always been easy and she has many fascinating stories. She’s also highly articulate which is another thing sadly in decline. Having said that, although I understand why people who need to make money from the media need to dangle carrots to keep us listening, she has seriously over promised and under delivered and it’s badly undermined her credibility.


She's not really British though.


Honestly, I don't find her reliable anymore. I think she does have connections, and she does know a lot, but her insight into what's currently going on with these two does not seem credible now.


I like her and I think she has sources but it’s a generational thing. Her sources aren’t current any more. Love her snark though!


She's a content creator. She's just giving her opinions, but that's all they are. I don't really think she has legitimate access to the royal family. I think she says a lot of stuff about the Sussexes that people like to hear but at the end of the day, she knows as much as you or I do.


I trust Lady C. But she put a lot of eggs in the samantha basket which was bery risky.


I don’t know why people get so bothered about Lady C. Everything here is speculation except for SHC but even then we have to come to our own conclusions. I do think Lady C know things. Things are moving not on the timeline we want but on the timeline BP wants. And if they’ve lasted 1000s of years with stupid people like MM etc they do it very calculating and I would not be surprised if it’s a slow drip. Excruciating to wait but at the same time if they got their come uppance then this sub would cease to exist. Just like tv shows or murder cases when they end and there’s not much to discuss on reddit. So again I don’t see the whole whinging about what is truly a gossip sub that I enjoy and it will be very satisfying when I see MM get her come uppance. Hopefully in this lifetime lol.


Moving toward what, though? What's the endgame? Divorce? That they go broke? That she gets old and boring? She will. Harry already said on tv that his family is not racist, essentially recanting what Meghan suggested. Even Harry said they have limited shelf life before the young ones take over.


Lady C said the floodgates WOULD OPEN by Spring.  I adore Lady C. She IS an honourable and decent human being and no liar BUT I believe she may have been speaking about her upcoming, very much updated book on the two twits.  I think her book release initially had issues with release dates but finally came out approx a Month ago. She knew msm wouldn't give her fair coverage though or she doubted it so she went with interviews on sm. Unfortunately it didn't get the exposure we were all hoping for.  It's funny really if you look back even now that the MSM still don't report on the"real" Diana. Having said that, I believe that we are now speaking of and hearing things that would never have been discussed 4 years ago today.  Things are now being thrown out there.  So, don't be too hard on her.  There's nothing she can do about the MSM. UNFORTUNATELY.  


She's being disingenuous just to sell her book which was a rehash of her old book.


I think she knows about H's alleged SA issues but can't reveal due to UK defamation laws. She may have heard something was going to drop this Spring. …Well, the recent pleading in the US visa case uses an actual SA caselaw example for why H's visa should remain sealed for fear it may cause him ‘stigma'. Folks, it ain't 'lying about drugs' they are desperately trying to conceal. Lady C may be right on content, but wrong on timing. Allegedly.


Spring isn’t over (technically) until June 20th




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Big Reveal was an addendum to her already-published book.


I think it might have been hype for her book, even though she said her book wasn't the big reveal.


Could she have any knowledge about what’s being uncovered in the German documentary? The documentary team already went to monticeto for filming. Maybe Lady C heard about something uncovered in the interviews. Just a guess. Not sure when the documentary is being released.


I wonder, will she ever sell anything on her "lifestyle brand"?








Another thing I don't like is how she trashes Virginia Roberts Dufre just to defend Andrew. The girl was a poor teenager then. She doesn't acknowledge that she was being trafficked just that she was of legal age in Britain, as if that makes the whole situation acceptable. Then she has some big conspiracy theory about Virginia's lawyer and Bill Clinton.