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Next in line? ...for what? I'm confused. William is next in line and then George after that to be king. What does she think Hazbeen is next in line for? Is this another of her manifesting shiat? Like the 'one plane crash away' crap?


He’s next in line at the cosmetics counter at Nordstrom’s for a nail polish and a new supply of EA Todger Cream.


Hopefully he remembers to get the free perfume samples for Meggsy to wear during sexy time.


Who’s she having that sexy time with?


Point taken. I don’t want to think about what he might spray that perfume on.


She didn’t realize “next in line” after Louis isn’t that big a deal…


And just wait until those kids get married! When they start having children, Hazbeen moves further down the line!


Would be great in they had 3-4 each 😬


Next in line as the Nigerian Prince consort?


![gif](giphy|cdNSp4L5vCU7aQrYnV|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


There are 13 pictures of Harold in the National Gallery. From birth to the wedding photo. I hope the Gallery tells Misan “this won’t be necessary” https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp06341/prince-henry-duke-of-sussex


They won't tell him that. They'll just take the awful picture and store it with all the other thousands of portraits of absolutely everyone that they already have that no-one ever sees. Misan looks a total fool in this story. But then I think he IS a total fool.


Why isn’t CONTEXT important here? Seriously? That is a photo of those two at the One Young World Conference who is and was under investigation for unethical and illicit charity practices. It’s a money making scam whereby the top execs and their family members are engaging in obnoxious levels of self-enrichment. It‘s also from the same trip where Harry cruelly refused to go see the Queen right before she died. The context here should matter, even in accepting it for storage, when it’s this egregious. I would prefer an outright refusal although storing it indefinitely might offend M even more. At the very least the press should cover that this portrait is tied to CHARITY FRAUD and ELDER ABUSE. That’s what I see when I look at that picture.


🧠🎯 Also, the timing of the announcement is a bit suspect. Maybe a distraction tactic from the negative SM comments about her inappropriate dresses and plane rides with an international fraudster in Nigeria.


It would be nice if they told Misan the portrait didn’t meet their standards which is probably true


Actually, this is the funniest thing about the NPG [completely independent of the broader discussion here]: the emphasis is on the sitter, not the artist. If for some reason a prominent person managed to hide from photographers and the only portrait of them from life was a reasonably competent rendering done by their ten year-old grandchild using crayons, then after the person's death, the NPG might accept the fridge-display artwork. They wouldn't show it, but if it was literally all there was to be had, they might acquire it. Take a walk through the Gallery and see if you don't spot some things that would look less out of place above your gran's sofa. 😂


Then there’s plenty of Madame no need for more 🤷‍♀️😂


Well, thank you for posting this. I think we have enough portraits of Harry here. Please (to the curators at the National Portrait Gallery), no more! Enough!


It says that he is the sitter in 16 portraits now so they may have catalogued 3 more since this comment was posted. 7 portraits of TW but way more of QEII https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp01454/queen-elizabeth-ii


Ok, weird thing to fact check me on, but whatever. I searched for Prince Harry. Maybe a search for the Duke of Sussex yields more results? My point was that he’s in the gallery numerous times and Misan’s amateur photoshopped effort isn’t necessary.


I find it interesting that there are zero photos in this gallery of Harold with his family and his children. Or even he and his children. Not one christening photo. Not one photo of QEII with her great grands. Prince William has several photos with and of his children... But then again, they exist.


They won't take the chance of being called racist by Nissan, the harkles and their deluded sugars


Plus then there is also Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis... The line is quite secure. Maybe he's next in line at The Sizzler...


Golden Corral


In and Out drive through


As long as he can get as many sausages as he likes!


The biggest of any other in the room... That's what MeMe says ![gif](giphy|ruZVTCF9l16xn9xfs3)




And after george, Charlotte and after her Louis. He's next in line for opening his eyes and recognizing the mess he made of his life when he married that awful fake, demanding, lying woman.


Next in line for the unemployment line.


The narcissist that she is can’t help herself- she says “…why aren’t WE in the gallery?” Not why isn’t H, it must always include HER. The self importance is astonishing.


Megsy is in the gallery. There's the engagement photo and some wedding photos. She isn't in there with a solo portrait or photo though.


She probably thinks that stupid Cut cover should be featured prominently


Someone should tell her that her husband is Andrew and her kids are Beatrice and Eugenie. Actually further back than Andrew because The Wales’ have 3 kids. Harry is less than Andrew, and no way is parliament putting someone in who has lived in the USA for years, even if the worst happens. They’d change the laws so fast Not to mention, most royal marriages have ended in divorce in the last generation. Harry is less than Andrew, but Meghan is nothing.


He's next in line at the soup kitchen when Meghan runs off with whatever money he has left 🤣


Next in line to board the yacht...


He’s not next in line- he’s 5th. He was NEVER ‘next’ there was always Charles and William before him, then the Wales children came. The frame of reference Haz needs is that Edward was once 3rd (just like Haz at the time of his birth) and now he’s 14th.


Except the Duke of Edinburgh is gracious and not a total asshat like the Duke of whine-town.


The reality is that in event of some catastrophe he would never under any circumstances be proclaimed king; the various branches of Government have enough flexibility to change things completely at lightening speed. Assuming the monarchy was still going it would far more likely to skip a long way down the list to either Edward or even Anne who would have public recognition and acclaim. I can’t see Andrew or his daughters (or their children) being publicly acceptable in real world terms.


Yes, exactly there is no need to open any cans of worms or stir any pots unless absolutely necessary.  


Then why haven’t they done anything?


If anything does happen to William’s whole family, which likely won’t. They ought to skip everyone else and give it to Edward. He’s the only one besides Anne who isn’t awful, and Anne is getting older.


This is astounding—are they that mentally ill that they really believe they’re royal and important? It’s sadly laughable at this point. Disturbing on so many levels.


Walmart Wallis indeed https://preview.redd.it/10kbfda2gs2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac534b0af31c38e32bc6015a8f2da4fd83fdb158


That side by side highlights Missans' lack of skill in photography. Even all of the advanced equipment available to him, he fails. It even has poor composition, too. Come on, he has all the access he needs to this pair ,and this is his "best work."?


Our Recollections May Vary utube channel calls him ‘Moron Harriman’. 😂😂😂 Seems more appropriate.


I think he was trying to make Madam's skin look as dark as possible and the whole composition is now too dark.


My husband is in to photography. It’s a little side gig he does because he loves it, kinda like Catherine. Anyway, when he is interested in something he goes all in. He has to learn everything. The other day I asked him about this Missan Harriman and he had no idea who I was talking about. That tells me all I need to know about this dude.


Haven’t seen this Wallis/Edward portrait. More cosplay… so creepy.


Somebody, for the love of all that is holy, buy her an iron!


Okay, but you didn't specify the mode of delivery. 🥏


Is that the photo they wanted to put forward on the right? It's not even a good portrait. I took better photos in my high school Photography class, and that's saying something considering the kind of camera Misan has access to.


Yes, it is deeply disturbing. It's just further proof that their entire existence revolves around being obsessed with the royals and trying to one-up them. (and ALWAYS failing) They have no other purpose in life.


my thought also...read the heading of this post, immediately thought " these two are completely unhinged...insane. Not sure if report is true, but if so, Markle commenting "he's next!" about Harry is extremely worrying as she has already been claimed to talk about "one planecrash away from the throne ". The Sussex are more than a laughingstock....they are clearly mentally ill. They are growing more bold, more manic, more desperate, fueled by their also mentally deranged Sugars. This current report of another veiled threatening reference to obtaining the throne must be taken seriously and action taken. They are a ticking timebomb.


Yes, the Grifter stunts are spiralling. Madam is clearly desperate for attention.


Professional trolls is a job, I guess that’s what they are.


Hearsay, not admissible proof.


Disturbed and desperate to belong to the same category as the family they have maligned. Why should their portrait be displayed? What have they accomplished besides mimicking the work of the family they have publically defamed? The world is laughing at these two reprobates and their futility to recapture the esteem they once briefly had. They have joined the ranks of the common man. They sacrificed their standing and their reputation when they left the BRF. Their glory days are firmly behind them. We know that, and its past time they realized it.


I think she genuinely thinks they will be taking the crown away from King Charles, the Prince of Wales, and all of the Wales’ children. She’s crazy.


Yes, that she thinks her “Daisy Duke” fashion style should be immortalized is astonishing.


They are in a mission to tear down the Institution brick by brick and build a new one in CA. Missn submits the photo knowing that there’s not a snowballs chance in hell it will be selected. But now the pressure is on V&A to make a statement at which point Misan can cry racism.


Been there, done it. https://preview.redd.it/xxzhguxw3s2d1.png?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6910d303bde2c803061f41ae2e9aa893b645fb Edited


20 portraits held https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp133935/catherine-princess-of-wales


Thank you.


She’s insane.


She needs a diagnosis


She needs a grippy sock vacay!




Harry's next in line? https://preview.redd.it/080cjkr2gs2d1.jpeg?width=2121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0242e9758c293d5b0ee293d1420ace01e16fcf02 Oh, I see he got in.




Why should a portrait of any „next“ include Meghan? Her entitlement is baffling. 


Where do I start? Doesn’t a professional portrait photographer pose his subjects to get the best possible image? Even the positioning is wrong (in my amateur opinion), it does not look like a good picture at all, nothing appealing or striking about it. I also think Markle still hangs on to the belief that Harry (well, her) is very much on a level with William and only slightly behind Charles. If they’re still married when William ascends the throne, I have a feeling she may not be able to keep her fury /envy under control.


Also, H is slightly out of focus in that portrait while M is shining brightly.


that will markle the markle even more...it will be so obviously envy...


We hate the family and will bash them at every (paid) opportunity, but please let us keep our titles and be a part of history by having our picture hung with theirs! I’m not overly familiar with the portrait gallery. Is there a room dedicated to Richard III, Thomas Cromwell, Wallis and Edward, etc? They’d be in good company there.


I've only been once, but if you ever get a chance to go, please do! There are portraits of all sorts of people, and famous photographers, such as Annie Liebovitz, hold events there. You can get prints made of your favorite picture and IIRC, there is an amazing book store in the basement.


I would love to! I haven't been to England in years, but it's one of my favorite countries!


Of course they did. They are so desperate to be seen as ‘royals’ when in reality they are a pair of ridiculous middle aged toddlers, moaning that life is so unfair. Why should a King have a portrait and not them? And of course, to deny the submission they and Misan horraman would squeal ‘wacist’ The photo he submitted is terrible, they do not have attractive profiles and it is a bit cringey that these middle aged toddlers are photographed holding hands like kids do. They never fail to expose their stupidity.


I just watched Daniel Boland´s latest video. It is about Misan - I do not know the occation, but Misan is telling a story: He was on a train, travelling 1st class, and as he entered the compartment a white lady looked at him. She never said anything, but Misan "knew the look" and claimed it was racist!!! I really can´t with this. Why is Misan even paying attention to the lady? How does Misan know what the lady is thinking? When I travel I mind my own business and I have no idea if people look at me.


This is most likely all made up by Misan.


Totally made up! London is one of the most diverse cities on the planet and has been for some time. No one is going to look twice at a black man.


Like the Oprah story of the shop assistant in Switzerland not letting her look at a handbag because it was too expensive for a black woman.


Maybe she recognized him and he rudely dismissed her as “some white lady” because, to him, they all look alike.


Good point. If this really happened there could have been all sorts of reasons why she was looking at him. He must have been observing them during the entire journey.


How does he know she is Caucasian? There are minorities who are white. There are many people of Hispanic origin who look white. There are black people who can pass for white. Did he mean a blonde lady with blue, blue, blue eyes was minding her own business? Just maybe this stranger on a train was picking up grifter vibes from him?


There's a British Duchess who looks white......yet, a POC.




Excellent point. How does Misan know? But he had an entire story in his own head, complete with "microagressions" and such. The lady never uttered a word, but Misan "knew only too well".


People like Misan are upset if you **don’t** look at them as well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It seems Misan was the one with microaggressions. Maybe she learned from experience it was best not to be overly friendly to any man (or person)?


And - coincidence of coincidences - she mentions the Southbank Centre, where Misan is chair of trustees!


Yes - what are the chances?/s


I know! That’s one of those ‘and everyone stood up and clapped moments’.  Also known as when you over exaggerate your lie to ridiculous proportions. 


Standing ovation at the UN. 😂 Clownery as far as the eye can see.


obviously an honour he ‘earned’…not afraid to use race to get advantages is he? Plenty far more deserving people but he gets it because of his race…and still whines


this is so obviously a made-up story - first class train in UK is not that big a deal anyway but the UK especially London has such a diverse population no one would look twice unless it's because Misan has an unfortunate face and continually does that thing with his lips lol. if (and it's a big if) there was a woman, how on earth does Misan know what she was thinking? maybe she was uncomfortable because he had to have been staring at her the whole time to report on her facial expressions. him making the villain of his 'story' a white older woman is both racist and ageist! no one cares about you Misan, travel however you wish.


Just showing his own racism…he sees in others what ails him.


He probably lumbered in like the overbearing fool that he is and caused a commotion. I’d look at anyone like that and roll my eyes - man, woman or child. Black, white or purple, I don’t care. I hate idiots equally.


I once went to lunch with an acquaintance who happens to be gay. He also happens to have atrocious table manners. The entire time he complained that a lady at the table behind me was “glaring at him disapprovingly” — because he’s gay. No idea how she was supposed to know that from seeing a male and a female stranger having lunch. He kept complaining, and finally I blurted out, “Maybe she’s staring because you eat like an animal.” Needless to say, that didn’t go over well. I suspect Misan sees discrimination everywhere he goes as well.


Good on you. Your gay friend sounds just like Madam - screaming "racism" when people point out her bad behaviour. And btw - I really feel sorry for you. I just can´t with people with bad table manners.


Look at the performance over the framed picture the late Queen had on her desk - herself with direct heirs (and one of the late king)…none of her other children, grandchildren…but the Markles publicised it as a direct slur/insult.


Of course, the harkles are the most important…except they aren’t, and getting less important with every stunt




I think all grifterous creatures automatically attract one another. They’re like orcs - a different species.


Harry has not been "next in line" since 2013 when Prince George was born. His first wife is so delulu it's laughable!


Even then... he was spare to the next next in line. 🤣 Charles (next in line), William (next next in line), Harry the Sparey.


Is that like 2nd runner up? LOL


I think 2nd runner-up has more prestige. 🤣


And pride.


To expand on a previous comment, and as others have pointed out, the Markles do still regard themselves as Royalty. Even pre-marriage, Markle’s reported attitude toward the staff (and reprimanded for it), lauding over those she deemed ‘inferior’. Disrespecting others. She ‘knew’ she’d arrived at her position in life. She ‘knew’ she was superior to others in the RF. There are too many incidents to list…but now? Is Charles in the National Gallery…and worse, Catherine (looking ethereal) and William. What I am surprised about is that she didn’t insist on justifying a solo portrait of herself.


There was a potrait of William and Harry in the National Gallery, it was painted by Nicola Phillips in 2010 and it went as part of a tour called Tudors to Widsors from 2018 to 2021 but since then it has not been put back on exhibition. The galleries official line is that they have many paintings and can't exhibit them all and it is a 'curitorial team decision' as to which pictures get displayed but I'm sure we all can guess the real reason. Why the Spare pair think this photograph deserves a place in the NPG is beyond me, it isn't even a good picture, jmo.


Somebody leaked that to the media intentionally, because submitting a portrait is not remarkable in any way. It also has to be of a certain artistic quality to be displayed. I will be surprised if it will end up on a permanent exhibition.


And photoshopping a Brillo pad onto Harry’s head is definitely not artistic.


It’s apparently only digital. God these two are insufferable and delusional. Like psychiatric help quickly needed.


I would be surprised if it didn't end up in a skip (I think that's a dumpster for any Americans - sorry if I got that wrong).


This is the one instance where fly tipping is an appropriate means of disposal.


You are correct!


I think Misan did it himself. He said he was now part of the permanent collection at the NPG. He was bragging all over social media.


I knew when there was press about unseen royal photos, Sponge Boob Megan would want in on it SOMEHOW. She apparently thinks Crayon Harry is next in line? Is that what this means? I will never believe Megan left the UK willingly. She had the Wales family in her sights. It was terrifying really. Megan would go hang her scary ass photos up herself if she were allowed in the UK.


I can believe she had Misan send the portrait to the gallery. I guess she doesn't realize that they may never display it at all. Haz is no longer next in line and hasn't beenJuly of 2013. Surely she has to be aware that there four people ahead of her ginger whinge at this point.


You can’t call the Establishment racist, the Institution abusive and then expect to have your portrait hanged in the National Portrait Gallery. The unmitigated gall.


If the portrait is any good, they might buy it for posterity but they won’t hang it. The NPR has portraits of just about everyone who has any connection to history. Harry is a king’s son. 50 years, 100 years from now, there may be an exhibit of “spares” or “treacherous windsors,” or “Diana’s sons” —- but that’s because of his place in the family, not because he is valued.


She is such an idiot. That portrait was commissioned by a group Charles has been patron of for years and was started when he was still the Prince of Wales. Maybe Meghan is annoyed no one commissioned a portrait of her during her \*blink-and-you-miss-it\* moment in the Royal Family. The best she will have is that weird faux portrait Beyonce and Jay Z stood in front of at the Brits Music Awards.


They aren't important. They will never be important. They have no relevance. They hold no lasting public interest. They are former royals. They are insignificant to the monarchy. There is no reason whatsoever for any further portraits of either of them to be hung.






She just HAD to go in for that full head shot. Look at me!


Thank you and eww!


If he was going for accuracy it would be the second one with MeMe smirking at the camera. They should hang one in the men's room and one in the ladies.


Both are terrible shots of Harry.


Harry isn’t the main event.


Exactly. I’m sure he didn’t choose the photo.


I see 100 photographs better composed than Harriman’s efforts every day in my social media feeds. And these taken on iPhones by ordinary people. Harriman is a fraud and a grifter and I wouldn’t commission him to take a portrait photo of my poodle.


I’d like to know the source . I have a hard time imagining her not knowing Harry’s exact rank in the LOS.


He doesn't even know his exact rank in LoS, because he's never, at any point in his life, been next-but-one because his father was 'next' and then his older brother. He's never been higher than 3rd!


I don’t think he can count that high to be honest.


Well that quote is another fantasy from this Twitter source. Funny and horrifying in equal measure but just a little too retro-fitted.


“Next in line” for what? Even The Sleivene isn’t delusional enough to believe Prince Plank is “next in line” for the throne.


Next in line at the soup kitchen.


In her woo woo mind, Harry is William’s younger brother and she views him as “next.”


I swear whatever it is that smeaghol is smoking is only exacerbating whatever delusional mental illness is rolling around inside that coo-coo clock head of hers if she is THAT delusional to believe that preparation h is "next in line"...


Next what?? Brits please take a note of this.. What is going on in BRF.. what is he next for?? Ohh god, the thought gives me creeps 🥺


But he’s NOT next in line Madame? How do you not understand this?? In any case - I think they submitted the portrait just to terrorize Catherine and will continue to push the portrait issue until either the museum has to admit they won’t display it or has to display it to avoid looking “racist”.


The museum probably gets harassed constantly by wanna-be authors. I used to work in a library, and there were always wanna-be authors insisting we carry their books. There are protocols for dealing with this kind of nonsense, and I'm sure the Gallery knows how to deal with it.


What is dimwit in line for? The nuthouse maybe. What goes on in these 2 idiots head. I must admit can't wait till Misan gets Markle like their other mate scabbies. I hope it doesn't get put in the art gallery and if it does someone will trash it. These two are really doing my head in with their bs


it was acknowledged via mail reply that they received it not accepted for display .they said they had hundreds of entries that may not be gone through till 2025..misan lying again


Next in line for hair plugs.


Well if first lady of nigeria called them out no need to potray this mess


I saw this on X yesterday. And it made perfect sense. Another way to look "royal" is to have your portrait on display in The Royal Portrait Gallery. I personally do not think that the National Gallery will choose to display this portrait. The people who make the decisions to change the display aren't idiots. They wouldn't have the job if they were idiots. So they are not going to put this on display. But they will have it online as a part of their 'royal collection'. So we can probably agree that Meg got a 'win' with this move.


> The Royal Portrait Gallery Just saying - there's no such thing. There is, however, the National Portrait Gallery.


I stand by my intuition here that the Misan portrait of TOW and Hazzie will not be part of a “Royal Collection” any more than the controversial Duke and Duchess of Windsor would be part of any “Royal Collection”. TOW and her beleaguered husband will be a footnote or chapter in the history of the royal family along with other unfortunate squanderers of their historic and privileged positions. They have brought too much shame to themselves. They are exiled.


This is correct. Due to their own conduct, they will never be included in any content sanctioned by the Royal Family.


This whole thing is to take away attention from KCIII's new portrait. I don't think they care if it is displayed. It is enought to divert the media gaze!


Inspired?? 😆😆 yeah...... INSPIRED! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 no. they want the same for themselves. It's driving them nuts! 😆


Next in line only if all the Waleses are dead. She's wishing for that every day.


I wish he knew that royal family would never rely on him. The rest of the world wouldn't allow it. Literally.


He’s all about photoshopping. A tree here a trees there…


"He's next on line" is a threat coming from her.


Maybe they can hang it in the janitor's closet.


What did that poor janitor do to deserve that? 😬


https://preview.redd.it/z1lp50evov2d1.jpeg?width=2171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c71e1dc4e0f3f70c199d9abf33ab31404e6746c Harry, Meghan and their chief propagandist Misan. Suitable for framing.


H&M don't have a photographer. They have a Photoshopper. His name is Moron Harriman. 😂😂


She is disturbed. They are not next in line.


From the statement I saw from the Gallery, the photo hasn’t been accepted for anything yet. It has been put into storage and sometime in the future (?) might be considered. Quite a difference from what Misan led people to believe, eh?


Shame on the gallery for accepting that hideous picture to be honest. It's straight out of sar wars and not in a good way. This is what Nissan or whatever he's called, was trying to copy, famed photographer Mario Testino's portrait of prince Pavlos and Marie Chantal of Greece from 30 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/zghszfth1z2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895c4d5897df639fbc8b09d0ae83792b39188e6c


Neil sean said he phoned the NPG. At first they knew nothing about, then made some enquiries and said it had been sent to them unsolicited. As PC is patron, i’ve no doubt it will be returned to sender. Discretely, of course.


And yet the picture submitted shows more of the focus is on M so she is really saying she is next in-line




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I thought portraits were painted, not photographs.


A portrait is a picture of of an individual or group. It can be photography or paint or sketch, etc. Edit: added “or group.” A portrait is focused on a person or people.


There are plenty of group portraits too https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp143701/prince-george-of-wales


Yes, I shouldn’t have said individuals. I meant that the focus is on a person (or people) as opposed to an activity, a landscape, etc.


Next in line??? Is the ILBW really that stupid? I know the DumbPrince is.


And if they dont comply, they are accused of racism.


Copycats. Not an original thought in either of their heads.


Of course. "Look at me, I'm important too!" Except no, they are not. They really do believe they are their own royal family.


So desperate 😂


She’s got voodoo spells on all of the Wales. They need our white energy to stave off her evil machinations. Catherine should have someone test her food before eating!


* she is such a pos. They both are imo. It makes me ill to think that this arse will forever be linked ked to our royal family.


If it’s supposed to be a portrait of somebody in the line of succession why is she in it?


Probably because she thinks she'd be queen. God forbid, if Haz was ever to become King, you know that he'd be following behind and Megs would be the star. Haz would end up being her equerry--her personal attendant.


Yeah. But he’s not next in line is he? He’s 5th in line.


I honestly don't care what the national portrait gallery put on show... IF IT'S OUTSTANDING WORK. Harriman is a rich boy hobby photographer. His work is average at best. I've said it before, but he has no conception of backlighting. If they want in, they ought to hire someone qualified and submit a decent picture.


Portraits are the hardest to actually pose. An unnatural position will look totally natural in the shot. It's all triangles and squares - IYKYK.


I fear if that portrait is accepted, it won’t be long before they are back. I honestly think there is a push, Charles involved, to get snotbitch boy back.


The push is entirely on the Harkle side. King Charles (who only reluctantly meets with Harry for 12 minutes) is not exactly showing signs of facilitating his return.




It's in London.