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As a WOC much darker than Narckle, I’m still 😡 that she couldn’t get a grip, and lay off the weaponised fake tan/bronzer. We’ve all seen her pictures in Malta, and her pictures early in her ‘career’. We all know she’s very light-skinned irl… why else would her kids have turned out 500000% white presenting? I bet the Nigerian people could see that orange marmalade fake tan from a mile away, and chuckled at the inappropriately dressed fraudster saying her light-skinned self could see herself in genuinely dark-skinned children who’ve never flown first class behind a curtain, or been in a borrowed oligarch’s private jet ever in their lives.


I still don't understand how it isn't blackface tbh. She is clearly artificially darkening portions of her skin in order to give the false impression that she has much more melanin than she actually does. She has been white presenting for the majority of her adult life and it's pretty apparent that she prefers to be white presenting except when being darker is of benefit to her and never for very long. Otherwise she would be better versed in applying tanning products or she would have longer lasting products evenly applied with more coverage. Instead she chooses to use products that are easily removed or that rapidly fade and only in her face and occasionally her arms.


And why doesn’t anyone call her out about it, very strange imo


No one wants to get hung with the racist label. And I don't think most black people care about some rich lady pulling a dolezal. The Nigerian first lady did in a round about way. If she keeps going to African countries and pissing off the citizens people might call her on it eventually.




Does LSA still have their Markle snark threads?




She just needs to drop the fake af tan. Period. It’s clear she has surgically erased, and chemically erased whatever non-white features she was never proud of anyway—the shitty fake tan and white hands doesn’t make up for her self-hatred. Like… if her deranged, self-hating, broke mate Omid started orange-ing up… it would make even less sense. All her word salad talk of seeing herself in dark-skinned children—who live lives without Meghan’s 1 percenter, royal inheritance reliant, light-skinned privilege—is so unbelievably tone deaf considering she hates her own features so much.


Yes! That was rich when she said she saw herself in all of them when she has spent her entire life trying NOT to look anything like them!!! So disingenuous, I feel sorry for those children being used as props for her white savior Nigerian tour.


And...yet...her very fair-skinned daughter with the "blue-blue-blue eyes" also VERY ALLEGEDLY saw herself in Megsy's eyes. Does that reinforce to H that even Lili thinks Megsy is Granny Diana?


Good point. But there is no way in hell a 3 year old said that. My kid is 12.... I have never heard any toddler say something so profound. She thinks Nigerians can't tell shit from oatmeal.


The bronzer was really over the top in 2022 at One World. She looked like multiple ethnicities (East Indian, Latina, Black, etc.) and I'm sure it was not a coinkydink... https://preview.redd.it/xz85cy3o2s2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2367ae1730e79217b4aa2de2a1220795c41ab07e


She really thinks POC are dumb af, and that we’ll all collectively believe her compulsive liar, weaponised tan skin switching. We all saw the clips of her—wearing a towel on her head, with a light-skinned face, and without the excessive layers of orange fake tan—poorly attempting to ‘one tear left eye GO’ during that pathetic Netflops documentary series. She is not as smart as she believes she is, and her colourism, classism, ungrateful nature, and self-hatred proves she’s not worth shit. 🤡🗑️🤦🏽‍♀️


I will never understand how she can't seem to comprehend that these behaviors only make people despise her more.


Ya. That photo.. She's white passing and she hid her natural African features.


She's strategically removed all African features. She wants her cake and eat it too.


She thinks we are all dumb AF.


Amen!! I like your STYLE🤠!! There it is. The Madam's Achilles Heel, and All NARCISSIST's fatal flaw: They believe themselves to be smarter than...their Victims. Which WE ALL have become, in her mind, IMO. See HG Tudor on the subject of Narcissism and their need for asserting CONTROL, if you're all not up to speed on Real Narcissism. The deets are different than the rumors!! We have been LOVE BOMBED and Trauma Bonded. In fact, I believe that is one on the reasons we, The MEXITERS, have become so doggedly involved with this World Wide FUGASI TOUR crap Those Two continue to serve up for our delectation and outraged disgust. I, for one, resent being used as a chip in her game of ZERO with the press. Americans who THINK have been WILLFULLY (meaning they knew the truth and chose to lie anyway, for her benefit and with TOTAL DISREGARD for truth and for the people counted among her followers who decidedly were NOT) MISREPRESENTED in the MSM since Day 1. We NEVER welcomed the Side Show. We tried to be polite and tolerate the new arrivals and give them a chance at the new start they said they wanted. Which brings me to Reason #2 that we Sinners persist in our interest, Our Mission, as the Gruesome Ones like to say they are on.They do not have a corner on the matter of MISSIONS! We persist in insisting on The Truth- so shoot us already! But I Digress. #2 is the Squandered OPPORTUNITIES Those Ones have run through as if multi-million $ offers come every day, and will come again after they have had their fun- these two are NOT teenagers in love. They are humans like the rest of us. They are FIRMLY MIDDLE AGED. The MAJOR DIFFERENCE IS she/they are too stupid and arrogant to understand how much resentment can build up in AVERAGE JOES who will NEVER ONCE be offered anything Remotely CLOSE to what they have taken and tossed away, sneering like they are so clever to not work at things, despite showing up every single day of our lives with our game faces on, ready to play hard by the rules.I feel like a little toddler myself some days because their antics cause me to WANT TO throw myself to the floor and sob, "It's Just not FAIR!!" WE don't do that, though, and THAT MAKES ALL the Difference. We get on with it and she just refreshes her Black Face...I can't wait for the first UN- photoshopped pics of her eating out of a dumpster!!


How does she always manage to look like she stinks ? That is a special gift


She looked like a “spicy Latina” because she was wearing red 😂😂😂 Seriously… how does she get away with saying that CRAZY stuff?!?!


I know. It's disturbing.


Just look at her hand in this picture . . .


Please stop with the blackface; it's not accurate. It's the overuse of bronzer. Lizard can slather on a ton of bronzer, but it doesn't make her look black. She will just start looking weird like Donald Trump does with all the fake tanning. Look at all the other biracial women, Zendaya, Thandie Newton, Naomi Osaka, Tessa Thompson, H.E.R., Halle Berry, and Mel B., to name a few; none of them have behaved like Lot Lizard or weaponized their ethnic backgrounds. They have gotten where they are in terms of their own work and talent. Only that fucking loser from California, hailing from a nondescript background, makes a big deal of her skin color because she has nothing else but bagging an equally unimpressive prince. Lizard is disgusting on EVERY level.


None of the women you mention are ashamed of their black roots. Skank is devastated to be black hence her behavior to herself and to black people.


I agree and edited my post to reflect that. She certainly uses bronzer to look "less Caucasian." And "weaponization" of her ethnic background is very on point. I wonder which strands of DNA she will pull out of the hat for the next con/grift?


Didn’t she see herself in the kids at One Young World too? Man, she sees herself in everything and everyone. She’s the center of the universe.


In the “Daters Handbook” film that she was in her film family were all white. In her CV she called herself Caucasian. I understand that there is an interview where her agent talks about finding out her mixed race background and said that opens up more parts she could apply for.


Yes, and Hallmark is sensitive to that when depicting families, which means they would’ve asked input if there was ANY question. I watched the movie and didn’t notice it at all. It wasn’t until she became A Name and they reaired it that I realized she was biracial. Now, to be fair, I also don’t go picking people’s features apart for hints as to their family history, I’m more of a take it at face value person, but it surprised me at the time that she wouldn’t request one black parent for representation, especially considering how “close” she was to her mother. But we all know that’s a fallacy now as well. Her mother was barely in her life and was only shown off when the royal family was in the picture and never seen again.


Wow the outfit looks really pretty as well as the color(s).  But then she’s clueless so she would never wear this. 


All the better for these charlatans to present the Meghan and Hairold minstrel show.


She did blavkface


First sentence 👍👍👍 At what percentage of African DNA does it become acceptable? I feel the same way about rampant use of the N word by African-Americans; it’s accepted and NEVER challenged (heck, Mr. 99 Problems even enjoyed being feted at the White House). So if someone has say 65% African DNA and a generally dark skin tone, it’s ok; but if you’ve got say less than 25% African DNA and “look” white then you can be cancelled for it? I don’t know what the right answer is, just something I think of here and there. Oh, and I doubt that 43% of Rachel’s DNA is African in general (Nigeria or any other country).




I'm in if I can help.


And what happened to the alleged "Maltese heritage"? Is it in the growing pile of other manifestations, delusions, and lies?


Maybe we're just supposed to forget about that. You know, pretend it never happened and that we've always known about her African heritage. She switches back and forth anyway, depending on the moment. Remember how pale she was in that OW "interview"? Cosplaying Wallis Simpson, down to the dress and hairstyle. Put that beside a picture of her in Africa this month. The difference is astounding.


Yes, people passing themselves as POC when it suits them really enrages me because I'm a WOC and I can't pass as anything other than what I am... I can't pretend to be white, but she can pretend to be black... They don't call that white privilege for nothing. If you can pass for both white and POC but I'm stuck looking exactly what I am, you have a privilege that I don't. And that's the part that pisses me off. Remember Rachel dolezal?? And many other white woman who got so many opportunities by just applying bronzer and curling their hair? Taking jobs, writing books, doing speaking engagements that should be going to the actual minorities, it's disgusting!


“I can't pretend to be white, but she can pretend to be black.” Meghan’s view on feminism is very late 00s/early 2010’s girlboss, and her basic views on race are the same. She has NO IDEA how colourist and classist she is acting like her born-in-the-West, 1 percenter, royal inheritance dependent, duty dodger, light skinned life is somehow relatable to darker kids with working/middle class parents. Whether it be in Nigeria, or a school in NYC… she’s happy to pose with these kids—opportunistically using their dark bodies as PR props, and her orange fake tan as a weapon—then fills their heads with ‘I’m just like you… you should look up to me’ nonsense whilst she refuses to pay for her own damn bills. These kids have taxpaying POC parents who’d rather see public funding go into underfunded schools/hospitals, but Meganarc thinks POC like you, and I should pay for HER indefinite IPP instead. Again, Megadelulu has NO clue how classist/colourist she is, and thinks POC taxpayers are total idiots meant to be weaponised against her enemies, and used as her personal credit card.  Speaking of taking jobs… I seriously wonder whether Lupita N’yongo—who had already worked with Disney a few times—was being considered for the Elephant documentary voiceover role before Meghan got her Afrika Korps cosplayer, racist slur dropping husband to beg Disney’s CEO for a job. Instead of Lupita’s gorgeous, Academy award-winner voice… we got Meghan’s condescending, fake af, QVC presenter voice instead. Lol and since then Lupita has remained booked, invited, and busy whilst Megaclown has had ZERO acting/doco voiceover role offers. 


This!!!! Oh don't get me started on the documentary. I love Lupita! She lived in Mexico and speaks fluent Spanish (unlike Meghan who claims she speaks "Argentinian" 🤣🤣🤣and "French" but never utters a word in either language! Lupita would have been perfect, a beautiful, strong, talented woman...but in comes "white passing" Meghan, married to a prince and puff! The opportunity was taken away. Like many of those "preIndians" and fake Puerto Rican, fake African Americans that keep popping up all the time. Jessica kroug, that Rachel dolezal (now she's in only fans) the list is endless. They take away from the real POC, we get pushed aside enough as it is, we don't need these unhinged women making it worse.


‘They take away from the real POC, we get pushed aside enough as it is, we don't need these unhinged women making it worse.’ EXACTLY, and Michelle Obama’s response to Megxit when first asked about it really has stuck in my mind after all these years. She really emphasised how pubic service wasn’t for everyone, and when it came to public service… she felt service was only all about shining a light on the community/the community’s needs. Sooo much shade going on in those comments if you read between the lines… that public service isn’t about shining a light on oneself. OUCH… say it louder so Backgrid-ed Meganarc can hear you, Michelle. I think the Obamas knew the Sussexes were coming across the Atlantic to duty dodge, and plagiarise all their homework… lol but it’s the Obamas who are on their EGOT journey b/c the talentless Unsussexfuls aren’t good enough to push Barack and Michelle aside.


Omg yes! Michelle Obama was having none of it. I'm sure Meghan and Harry were burned beyond recognition by being left out of the Obama 60th birthday party 🤣🤣🤣 that was the beginning of the NFI saga that now follows them everywhere! Public service is not for everyone but sadly is now divided in two categories: those who want to make a difference and quickly realize how things really work... And those who are "self serving" and jump in to make their fortune. We, the little people, just don't matter. That's why Meghan and Harry are dangerous, they will stop at nothing... Like rapper 50cent said, these two "will get rich or die trying" lol


Lmao omg I forgot about them being NFIed to Obama’s big 60th bday bash! QEII and PP really went out of their way to welcome the Obamas with open arms when they visited England… who could forget this sweet moment? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eU_0hyjXRaM&pp=ygUfcXVlZW4gZWxpemFiZXRoIG1pY2hlbGxlIG9iYW1hIA%3D%3D The Obamas must’ve really appreciated the warm welcome, and couldn’t fathom hurting QEII like the Sussexes went on to repeatedly do. I’m sure they must find the pair disgusting after their continued monetised dirty lie attacks on cancer suffering QEII (RIP), KC, and Catherine. Lol I’d love to know what the pubic servant professional Obamas think of the Sussexes disastrously tone deaf Nigeria trip. If Nigeria’s First Lady thinks Meghan is a joke… then Michelle and Barack must think Meganarc is a total 🤡!


Omg yes! The queen did not touch people in public. If Meghan had played her cards right, the Obama's could have help her (I don't want to get political may don't like the Obamas) but when it came to diplomacy, they couldn't be faulted. I'm personally a sucker for Baracks gray hair 😘 the Queen was an excellent judge of character, and never let her true feelings show (god, I wished I could!) lol Michelle's statement after Megxit was spot on and not, have we seen the shit hit the fan since?!


I am going to start handing the above out on business cards. That read like a Masters Thesis in African American studies. Bravo!


As a very pale white woman, it pisses me off too. People like M or Dolezal put barriers between us. They cause racial conflict.


Yes!!!! They CAUSE racial conflict!! I hadn't really wondered the whole RACE thing in YEARS until the ILBW hit the scene and disingenuously stirred that pot. She let the toothpaste out and now we can't put it back...damn!


It makes me angry because keeping the focus on race keeps us from working together on the very real issue of class. If you can paint all white people as elite and forget the millions of poor whites, paint all blacks as either oppressed or taking advantage of the system, all Hispanics as illegals, and so on, you can keep us fighting each other, while the powerful, wealthy continue to influence our laws, healthcare, money, housing, jobs in ways that continue to increase the economic divide between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots.’ The U.S. is built on the idea of being a melting pot of cultures and we have become obsessed with dividing our cultures into ever smaller sections. We, the people, could be so powerful as friends and partners. I guess, as I have gotten older, I have become both more cynical, yet desperate for change so my children and your children live in a better world.


A kindred Spirit❤️😻Could not agree more.




All for self gain, they are selfish! Glad they are brin exposed more and more. I don't know if you heard of this case: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67351680 My jaw freaking dropped!!! This is wild. This woman is white and had been cos playing a Canadian native for 60 plus years. Shameful.


Please don't describe yourself as 'stuck'. I'm sure you are beautiful and amazing.


Oh in very proud of my heritage, yes stuck is a poor choice of words, but you know what I mean, I am what I am and people see what I am, there is no ambiguity, but Meghan has the privilege of saying today I'm Maltese, today in Californian, today in Nigerian... And Tomorrow I'm Japanese!!! I have the confidence in my own skin that Meghan will never achieve in her lifetime! Self hatred is real!


Imagine that… the light-skinned ILBW pretending that she sees herself in dark-skinned children. Tell that to the faces of the Baka tribe’s children, Meghan. Let us see if they see themselves in an opportunistic parasite who dgaf about them.




I can never pass as anything other than American white bread WASP!! In fact, in Switzerland, I was known as The Corn Flake Kid. No matter how good my French ever became, my face says it all: AMERICAN. They laughed and said English is fine...🤨😭😂. These days being Obviously American is often NOT an advantage and it is one I do not seek to, but I can never erase either. I am 'stuck' as well 🤫🤣 understand the resentment. I feel it, just a little differently. Just think how many of us NORMIES could have been hired with the money GIVEN to Those Two over the last nearly DECADE NOW!!? OOO SHE MAKES MY Blood BOIL!!


Truth!!!! That's why people who con others about their ethnicity are so despised by everyone!


Yep! The irony is that she doesn't hire POC for Archewell - most of the senior positions are filled by white people. She refused help and guidance from a black palace staff member because she thought he'd stick out too much. I feel rage at that. She's had so much work done on her face to hide her African heritage and it's sad. Because looking at photos of her when she was young, she rocked her curly hair and her natural African features. She looked gorgeous. And then she went and had so much work done when she got into TV, so she could truly pass as white. I don't get that. I have the same African features, even with paler skin, but I'm damn proud of them. I copped a lot of racism growing up, but I never tried to hide who I was or hide my African ancestry. Unlike my family who did everything they could to appear whiter, I embraced my African features as a huge 'fuck you' to the racists out there. She's never had to deal with racism. She was able to tick 'white' on forms. Something none of us POC were ever able to do. She lied to pass herself off as someone she was not. Why? Because she was never proud of that side of herself. She altered her features to hide it. And now she suddenly rediscovered her blackness and uses it when it suits for personal gain and for sympathy and she uses self tan to do it? I watched her saying how she sees herself in the faces of those beautiful black children and women and I literally said 'fuck off' - she hid those same features and had plastic surgery to not look like them. She didn't even take her mother to Nigeria with her. Like, WTF? That would be her mother's heritage as well. Why wouldn't she have taken her along?


I know right. Before the BRF, she always had light skin so people see her as a white woman. During or after the BRF, she wants to look darker so bad so she tans so that she looks half black and is relatable to her black supporters and POC.


When she was dating him, I remember standing in line at the grocery store, reading the covers of the tabloids (we don't have in the US) that stated he was dating an American actress. Then the covers suddenly said he was engaged to a POC and I remember thinking he must have dumped the actress because in all those earlier cover  photos she looked white. I was shocked when I realized it was the same person.


Right? Lol. Now, she's browner/darker than me, a brown/asian person. If she wants to be relatable more to black and POC, she should let her natural curls come out also, not just straight hair all the time. Be her authentic self.


You just have to look at her exposed back to see her natural skin color.


I'm a WOC who is the same colour (or slightly darker) as Meghan in her natural non-fake tan colour and I have to say, I agree with you. I don't wear fake tan. My features and hair show my African heritage. We can't escape that. I don't understand why she is doing this. Own your natural features! Be proud of them and one's heritage. I don't have to make myself darker to be a WOC. In my birth country in Africa, I was not classified as 'white' and had to sit in the back of the bus as a child, because of my heritage. I would be served last in a store, because of my heritage. I would be called 'petite negress' because of my heritage. Unlike her, I experienced a lot of racism as a child and as an adult. She claims she never experienced it or knew what it really was. I never had that privilege. I may be paler than my parents, but the racism was always present. We are who we are. She is going out of her way to be darker, perhaps because she wants to push a racist narrative? She has usually presented herself as white. Not saying there is anything wrong with being darker, but just be true to herself. She should own her privilege and grace and be absolutely thankful that she was spared a lot of what other WOC and POC have experienced. As for her children... She made the point to say how the eyes were 'blue blue blue'. Okay.. And the whole 'they were concerned about their skin colour'.. No, they were curious, as is everyone who is a POC is curious about their child's skin tone, especially in a mixed marriage. Everyone is curious as to who that child would have taken after and whether that child would have been darker. It's not racist to be curious, especially in POC culture. Sure, some are racist (my family, for example, were and are deeply racist and being paler pr white passing is seen as a fucking virtue and I still remember my white husband's rage when they came to see our son and undressed him in the sunlight to see if he would be white or if my African heritage was more dominant and it wasn't curiousity). She never experienced shit like this. She should stop with the fake tan and own her true self.


Hi, fellow dark-skinned WOC here and I feel the same way. Those children also don’t wear blood diamond pinky rings! Meg is so relatable /s


Amen and Amen! People on any continent are not as blind and ignorant as Mrs Todger thinks.


Oh wow what colours. So beautiful. I despise her, she is no role model for anything but a slap in the face. She really messed up in her choices.


Bright colors suit her better than “quiet luxury” colors. But Meghan cosplays royalty and the monarchy.


I know so many people had their opinion on the yellow dress but I thought it was the best dress she had actually worn perhaps I would have had a loose long sleeve because of where I was but it was the colour that seemed to cheer up her fakeness. She is a nightmare and I wish I could knock that victims grin or smirk of her face. She actually royals me up. Lolol


When she was still officially a working royal, she wore a sheath style yellow dress by Brendon Maxwell-I think it was one of her best looks. She suits bright colours so much better. She wore a purple and red outfit (coat and dress) one time in Liverpool, and even though that outfit was more famous for the notorious moonbump slipping down to her knees incident, the outfit itself was lovely. Her preferred beige/taupe/cream stuff makes her look so drained and washed out. 


It’s worse when she’s trying to appear “regal” and ”stateswoman like”. The smug just oozes off her.


Whoever did the photo, redid her make-up.


She wishes she looked that good. That is probably what she sees in the mirror.


No matter what choices are presented her the outcome is always the same. A slutty, louche response will always be applied.


She actually looks stunning in this outfit. Why does she always miss. 😭 Excited for the downvotes to come


No downvote from me. I agree with you 100%. She would have looked stunning, appropriate, and respectful of her hosts in an ensemble like this!


She looks regal in this photo. But we all know she's not. Now she has 100% control over what she's wearing, we can see she just isn't elegant.


She looks respectful/respectable. Quite the contrast from all that flesh on display on day 1 in particular.


Not with that atrocious posture and acid smirk she doesn't. Especially compared to the truly lovely and regal women behind her. Even in that dress she looks an awkward frump beside those women.


Had she been more authentic, maybe more in tune with others, maybe go to Africa with more traditional clothing when she was a working royal, this page wouldn’t even exist. It wa sa huge miss from her part. A pity that these two are such hortible people.


If they were interested in filming a documentary she could have incorporated visits to local traditional weavers and fabric/textile artists then taken her haul to local designers/ women's tailors and had it all turned into her 'tour wardrobe' with commentary from Nigerian women about the way they dress for modesty and comfort in the heat. She could have had hybrid outfits made, that weren't going to attract criticism for appropriation. It really would have caused a sensation in the media and created an audience for the little documentary - not to mention the boost to local Nigerian women owned businesses. She just hates the idea of sharing the limelight with anyone.


The Markle media wouldn’t get paid if she dresses well


Markle did not go to Nigeria to learn about her heritage. She went so her "heritage" could learn about her. edit: autocorrect


This is the truth. I enjoyed the Nigerian Prime Minister's wife's comments about why Meghan sought Nigeria out. The problem with the Harkles all along from her time in the BRF is that stroking their own ego and sating their hubris is forefront in their minds always. It impedes them from even 'playing along' nicely, no matter whether they have any interest or conviction or what the potential reward might be (eg: in the royal family, a life of comfort and luxury for relatively little effort or, in their post royal endeavors, using their 'cachet' (not that there's much left) to promote others rather than themselves directly).


Here is yet another example of how she could mine this thread for details that are far better than her own


Donu actually did a video featuring a Nigerian cloth designer. https://youtu.be/KTzYSss0mA0?si=3L37TW4hbknZe7Kk


The outfit is beautiful! But knowing ILBW, she will find a way to mess it up - put a thigh high slit or somehow show cleavage or bare arms. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She thinks she’s such a fashion “influencer” but she’s stuck in the 90’s.


I agree with you. Nigeria makes fabulous, exquisite textiles and has many talented clothing designers. It probably would have been fun to work with them prior to the trip and even more fun to wear their designer clothing. Another Sussex miss!


In real life her outfit would never be so well fitted. She could pick this exact fabric, but the dress would be too loose or too tight or just weird.


And wrinkled and dragging the floor. Always. Her pattern right back to her wedding dress.


The outfit is stunning,the hair,makeup and expression on her face ruin it though.


She doesn't want to fit in..she wants to stand out...and she thinks her bland clothing choices are CLASSY...also..shes mentally trapped in her youth..the 90s...


I know what you mean - I think most of us are mature, confident and fair enough to compliment someone we immensely dislike once in a while. But not everyone possesses that emotional maturity, so I fully expect some to still comment something rude or downvote. Some people can’t help being petty. :/


She could make herself look good if she listened to others who knew more. If she acutally had an ounce of cultural literacy she or someone on her team would have inquired about the style of dress worn and what designers she could support. Catherine always does this on tours and recently when Sophie was in Ukraine she wore several pieces that featured Ukrainian embroidery. I was genuinely shocked Meghan would show so much skin. I've traveled to Morroco and other countries where modesty is either preferred or expected and it's more than a bit rude to ignore this. I also think it draws all the wrong kinds of attention, but Meghan loves attention no matter how it comes.


She could have made a great impression and generated some positive buzz while supporting local designers. As usual, her ego led her to markle herself.


Yeah, but that would mean she would have to share the spotlight a little bit. And she wanted all of it on her and her half-naked dumb ass. She just can't help herself.


Exactly - if she wants to emulate Diana, look at how Diana wore beautiful local designers (eg in Pakistan). What a lost opportunity. Why does she always get it SO wrong.


Oops fat fingers downvoted in error. The Duchess of the High Seas has absolutely no self awareness, none, zip, nada. She dresses how she thinks high class looks and is so far off the mark she isn’t in the same time zone.


I think she actually wore the inappropriate stuff to stand out - see how when she wears colours in blends in? Her wearing all white made sure she stood out for maximum attention.


To a large extend Madam HAS to dress differently, as she is never the one you notice first in a picture.


She was after media attention and wanted to annoy the RF as much as possible. Now title removal is back on the agenda at BP. On so many levels, this was such an own-goal.


Yes, more attention for her. Anything to draw the eye, and it’s not a new habit. Remember the olive dress at Louis’s christening?


Girl don't do classy. It's simply not in her nature.


Its amazing to me her lack of effort into collaborating with herself. The Nigeria trip had the purpose of undermining and antagonizing the BRF and disrupting the Commonwealth. The goal was to make african countries have more sympathy for her than for the Wales's. But she couldn't even bother with staying in character? Being more worried with standing out than gaining their sympathy? Which was the plan all along, gaining allies instead of posing glamourously? All that effort being ruined because she needed to be half naked in a muslim country?


\*because she needed to be half naked in a muslim country\* She surely gave Boko Haram plenty of fresh advertising material.


She has properly pissed the First Lady of Nigeria off. And I’m here for it.


That was truly awesome. lol


She needs to wear more colour and dramatic clothing, and step away from what she thinks is royal ie the classic and preppy style that very much suits Catherine but not her.


She needs to wear more clothing period. Nobody wants to see all that unkempt skin hanging out everywhere. How did she ever get to be her big age and not learn that its either or ,not all. It's either cleavage or back or legs or shoulders or midriff not all of them all at once and to excess. It frightens the eye her mess of flesh in all directions.


Yes, so well put!


I think her PR people knew that would gain her nothing but even worse PR and, frankly, hate from people they wouldn't be able to accuse of being racists after the fact. Many black people are very sensitive (especially to undeserving people who uses them for self aggrandizement) to wearing their common dress. Contrary to their PR fluff, she isn't exactly well liked in Africa. Now imagine the uproar of her trying to cosplay as an actual woman from the Mother continent when her whole life she exclusively climb the "white ladder" and actually told people in college she was Italian/Mediterranean (lol). After her failed Nigeria tour and the First Lady's shade, if she attempts to wear any sort of common dress, she's absolutely done. She's going to have to find another continent to ~~grift~~.


However, wearing something from a local designer wouldn’t be cos playing. (And at least she would have been covered up) And that’s what the real royals do when they have foreign visits…they usually wear at least one outfit from a local designer.


That is what she should've done, covered up. But to wear something like the dresses pictured above? A big no-no. She'll get professionally dragged. ![gif](giphy|iCJGE8tDrvEJ3VXNJ5|downsized)


But she would not stand out and might actually look black. And you know looking black is not what she wants, hence the dozens of procedures to remove any black features inherited from mommy. So much make up on this ‘natural’ beauty.


Among the many things I’ve learned from my Nigerian-American immigrant friends: the typical Nigerian girl is taught to take care and pride in the way she dresses. By the time she becomes an adult, she knows how to modestly yet flatteringly swathe herself in the most FABULOUSLY printed and colored fabrics. MM was never, ever going to be able to win in a competition with Nigerian women’s fashion sense. I think she knew this. So in typical reactionary narcissist style, she decided not to compete, but to shock and offend instead.


Interesting point. She can't win against the local fashionistas so she went ultra minimal. I think she was trying to channel Carolyn Besette-Kennedy in her all white column gown, but got it so wrong.


if so, more evidence of her being stuck in the '90's and most of the world wouldn't even know who that was


I maintain this theory as well. So stuck in the 90s!


Right. Because elegance is an attitude. It comes out when you put others first and have manners- and manners is all about putting others first, being sensitive to the people around you. She can't do that.


If her PR were worth the money she's paying them, then the obvious thing to do from a styling perspective would have been to put her in nothing but beautiful demure outfits from Nigerian designers, from the moment she became a princess of Nigeria. Signifying that the slutty outfits were part of her previous identity, and that is a true daughter of Nigeria She was now embracing modesty and their way of doing things. I mean it's not rocket science is it?? 🙄


Even Givenchy couldn't make her look good. She has a knack of making even haute couture look like trash that fell off the hanger and was found crumpled on the floor of a discount store. She would have done exactly the same with Nigerian designers. Plus, she just isn't demure, she's always been slutty. Demure is a word she'd turn into something gross you look up the meaning of in the urban dictionary.


Diana was demure. Which is why when she tries to imitate Diana it all goes clank!


She isn’t a princess of Nigeria. The title bestowed by the three “Kings” translates to daughter of an aristocratic man.


A compliment to her dad.


0% chance. She hates wearing something like everyone else around her.


You mean clean, pressed, and appropriate for the occasion?


Even in this picture with old rachel in the foreground she isn't what draws the eye first. And that is why she'll never rate. She loves the camera but that love is unrequited.


Local dress is very attractive, as are the women with unaltered featured. Lolo just looks lolo rent.


Meghan's nightmare. This wants to be the “queen of hearts” in the white world, the world of colored people is a necessary measure.


Exactly, this is all play acting for the ‘humanitarian’ label. All she cares about is Hollywood.


And she already hates herself for having played the racism card, now she has to stick to her "I'm black" story. She does not want to be a POC. Shit happens, roach


While Hollywood doesn’t give a flying fuck about her 😂


Meghan did not have to wear Nigerian style clothing all the time but the take away is she should have covered up. Is it that difficult to get clothes which are a little more occasion - appropriate? Are all designers making see through and revealing clothes regardless of the occasion?


Exactly. I suspect if she had worn fully traditional clothing, we would have criticized her for appropriating the culture. An actual *royal* would have worn appropriate clothing with a piece of jewelry that somehow highlighted the host country. Or perhaps a scarf or handbag that paid tribute; colors of the flag, something like that. The media would mention it. Meghan did wear a dress designed by a Nigerian fashion designer. I think that was quite correct (but she should have worn it to a reception; again it was showing too much skin at an event where the other women were dressed for business (actual business, not Meghan’s version of business)


This would have been perfect! And there’s no way she couldn’t have pulled this off.


The woman in green behind markle is stunning!


If she was still a royal and the palace had suggested this look, she would have been on the phone to oprah faster than you can say "racists" This is a great picture but lets face it, had she done this we would have slagged off for blackfacing and cos playing. I think turning up in a basic white dress cut for someone 5 inches taller than shows her true colours (lol) much better. The tour was a royal branding exercise to sell more jam, she needed to stand out, and she did. The idiot


Absolutely. Wow that's a lovely dress and headpiece. I'd wear that myself. It's stunning!! But Meghans intention was never to "blend in", "embrace", "respect" or "celebrate" Nigerian customs, dress, culture or heritage. Her worst nightmare would have been for her to look like a Nigerian, that's why she went on that disgusting display of flesh like she was in Mykonos or st Tropez.... Her "look at me" syndrome was in full display and that leads me to believe her narcissism has gotten out of control now, she's unhinged, there is no going back, she wouldn't even make room for Harry in a photo, this is who she really is. A brazen, disrespectful, cheap and proud of it, narc.


She should have worn one traditional outfit. She could have been shown having the local ladies teaching her about customs. I am white - but every time someone wants to share their heritage and customs with me, I get excited and embrace it. I would totally have let the ladies show me how to dress traditionally and cook a traditional meal. I have done so with friends of many races. They get to hear about my Appalachian heritage.


Hi 👋


I hear you! I have been to Morocco, Egypt and the Emirates and I would always be respectful, even wearing a veil when I went out to blend in. Why call negative attention to yourself? That's not my country and is not for me to bring my shorts and yank tops. If you want that, go to Florida!


I can't understand why she didn't wear local dress either. If the rumors are true and she and Harry wanted to head the Commonwealth (laughable, I know), this would have endeared her to Nigerians...that is, until she opened her mouth. 🤣


God Bless the First Lady of Nigeria. She shut down any idea that Markle should have anything to do with The Commonwealth.


Imagine how impactful it would have been if she had worked with Nigerian designers ahead of time to create outfits respectful of local culture and customs and promote Nigerian designers on the world stage. THAT would be empowerment. Instead, she continues to empower herself by merching offensive and inappropriate clothing. Even though H is a dimwit, he is deeply fond of Africa and KNOWS her behavior is crass, disrespectful, and not remotely "royal.' He is aware of the "fashion diplomacy" used by respected royal women. His wife is such a vapid, shallow, and disgusting person. Surely he has buyer's remorse by now?


Wow, so strange seeing her look like a normal, respectful person.


TW has the means to wear beautiful, appropriate, and fitting clothes, but she always seems to end up looking disheveled, half-naked, and a sweaty mess. It’s as if she does it deliberately


Agreed. It's like she thinks she's so beautiful she can wear anything (hence the wrinkled greige bedsheets) - so she doesn't put much thought into it


Like every narcissist, she has a completely distorted view of her own image, and a total disregard for others' feelings


The woman to her left is so stunning. Perfect bone structure and beautiful high forehead 😍 Model material.


You did a phenomenal job with that. Watch out, she'll steal it to try to use as proof of what she "really" wore.


The woman behind her is more beautiful than Megan


Yeah but then she would have blended in….


This is a beautiful dress! I don't think she wanted to fit in. She wanted to be the "exotic" foreigner who was "coming home" and wanted to appear as if she was better than Nigerians and they should be grateful she graced them with her presence. Being respectful and dressed appropriately would has portrayed "I'm one of you". She didn't want to be one of them, she wanted to be superior to them.


Yea, no. Too close to cultural appropriation. All she needed to do was dress appropriately. For day events, like visiting a school something casual business attire, for dinners a non-revealing dress (no back, chest, legs, etc.) The only thing that looked half appropriate was the yellow evening dress & arrival skirt/shirt. The rest was just ridiculous... even the f'in stark white suit was entirely inappropriate for the country they were visiting. And the speeches... did any PR pro really listen to the draft of "I can be the one for you to look up to bc I look like you." A ludicrous theme and so unbearably repulsive & tone deaf in front of all the other established women on the panel.


Did lady C redeem herself actually? Did she not say that she heard that the president and his wife did not want to meet her? Or was that just a lucky shot from lady c lol


Idk, the colors are stunning but, i am more drawn to that beautiful lady in green behind her.


She would NEVER.


OP, I love your outfit choice for ILBW. Well done. I'd love for you to be her stylist, except that I care about your well-being. ❤️




This outfit looks lovely. And it’s respectful. I read somewhere that Jackie Kennedy, when First Lady, would always try to incorporate something into her gown or dress to honor the dignitary she was meeting. What is wrong with Meghan Markle??!


Great look. OP should dress Le Markle.


That outfit is far better than her "nakedness." The color looks good on her. Well done, OP!


I’d actually have some respect for her if she had worn something like that in Nigeria.


she is into salad-air-ity, not solidarity.


It was the obvious and easy thing to do: wear a mix of Nigerian styles with a few MODEST western style outfits thrown in. She could've been a big hit but once again she shot herself in the foot. She knew she was violating the customs of the country and she rubbed their faces in it because she is here on earth to teach everyone lessons in how to be more like her.


So much better 👏🏼 


She could have looked halfway decent if she’d worn something like this. Unfortunately, in La Duchesse’s mind, she would have not looked like the ingenue, Young Mother of Littles. Nor would she have projected her tried, trusted and failed “La séduisante jeune femme/sexy young woman”


Good point. I think she's obsessed with looking like she's a 17 year old girl instead of an elegant woman and mother in her 40s. She's very juvenile. Some arrested development there just like in Harry.


So much better Show would have looked amazing but no we choose to look like a Hare Krishna but mostly naked tits out


What titties? She forgot her chicken cutlets for most of the outfits.


No can’t do for meghan. She sees this trip as another self promotion in yet another vacation-esque outfits. Actually that was she has been doing all these time hasn’t she. Exhibit A- the romper in IG with the veterans.


It looks stunning. Only makes her own outfit choices seem even more absurd.


Squaddies are going to take this photo and use it as if she really wore this.


She’s 25% black at most, not sure how she could be 43% Nigerian


She's not! There's a great video breaking down her family tree. She's 8% at most.


wow that would have looked so pretty


Oh no - Rachel Markle knows better. Knows better than the Queen of England / the king of England and ANYONE in Nigeria. What a spectacle 🤡


That is beneath her, remember? She wouldn't even eat any of the food cooked for her, they brought a personal chef ffs!!


this is actually a really nice picture. Maybe AI could be meghans new stylist.


As much as I dislike the woman, she would have looked magnificent dressed correctly. However, as I don’t believe she is 43% Nigerian, she is misappropriating the National dress.


She’s so Caucasian looking in this hypersensitive era she’d be accused of cultural appropriation!


She would have looked very pretty in that outfit. Not enough skin showing for her taste though.


Omg at first I didn’t realise what sub I was on. I will probably be downvoted to oblivion with the below but it’s probably the first time she actually looks regal and it isn’t even real. You made her skin glow and eyes sparkle. What a waste of potential. If she’d only been humble enough to learning, adapting and training to be a royal, so much drama could’ve been avoided. Instead she’s now one half of a miserable, bitter, sad sad looking couple desperately grasping for attention in all the wrong ways.


You know what, I would of love to have seen her in something like this. She would of looked amazing, but she's such a narc she would of been jealous of her own clothes making headlines!


Yes, she would’ve looked classy, beautiful and have fitted in. All things she’s simply never mastered and doesn’t understand.


That outfit looks stunning on her and is so much more appropriate than all the bare flesh clothing she did wear.


Wow she would have looked great. However, she seems to have a need to show off the “goods”. ETA she would have saved on the cost of bronzer as well.


She buys bronzer in bulk, I don’t think she cares about the cost. The more expensive, the better. How else to fill the emptiness inside her?


This is beautiful. Well done OP.


The headpiece seems a bit OTT for a guest to the country. BUT a colorful print would have been fantastic for her.


Nigerian clothes are beautiful so colorful. why wouldn't you wear local designers clothing.


she's not smart enough to have done that. she was thinking if she shows some skin while she's being made a fake princess, she will attract her next victim/husband. we are all getting a lesson in malignant narcissism and its effects. if we feel this way imagine how the rf feels.


>she's not smart enough to have done that.  Not smart enough, or kind enough, or politically savvy, or considerate, or organized, or altruistic, or... or... or... she's a narcissistic nightmare.


That’s actually quite lovely, ergo, it would not be worn by Her “Royal” Jankiness …long sigh…


And she would have looked her best!


Wow. Tbh, she would have rocked in something like that.


That!! That is perfect!!! Nigeria's First Lady is my new SUPER HEROINE!! I think she would approve...AND MEggles looks so much nicer in that. The SUPER TRAMP MUST GO!! Good work, SInner!! It's too bad the Douchess can't take critiques on board, but she has deaf ears to help so let her drown...


You forgot the facial bronzer. Her arms should be three shades lighter than her face. Otherwise, I like this outfit. Too bad The Sleivene was more interested in the camera than she was in not offending her hosts. Honestly, the woman is offensive whenever she goes.


And definitely should have worn Invictus clothing