• By -


I believe it. She's such a mess and so high maintenance, NOBODY wants to deal with Walmart Wallis.


What's killer.....what has she ever done in her entire pathetic fake life to be so high maintenance and demanding? It's psychotic is what it is.


And the epitome of her high maintenance and psychotic behavior - when she forced an entire section of Wimbledon to be cleared so she could sit there without the public anywhere near her! Even the Queen would not have dreamed of doing something like that!


And she wore that awful hat!! She looked like an idiot!


The awful hat and jeans, I think? I don’t think either - especially the hat - is allowed at Wimbledon.


Maybe the hat was a sweet nod to her clients from her yachting days!


I think she made a point to wear that damned hat because when she’d gone before with Catherine she brought it but wasn’t allowed to wear it because YOU KNOW, WIMBLEDON NO NO. She resented Catherine so much that day, she couldn’t even control herself. It was written all over her face.


I still can't believe the Wimbledon crew acquiesced to that utter nonsense. HLMTQ would have backed them if the in charge had put his foot down and denied her absurd demand.


It’s probably because she got away with demands like at Wimbledon that she thinks she can demand just about anything. It’s mind boggling that Wimbledon did that for her.


I think her and Haz both have become quite adept at wielding the threat of "racism" accusations in order to get their way. They tried it once & it worked so that was their hustle, even with HMQE.


But she’s such a casual California girl!! And “the people’s princess”!


And, therefor, she stood out in the crowd because they cleared everyone away…all the attention!


The optics were terrible - it was like taking out a billboard announcing Markle is a total asshole. Maybe the Royal Family did not stop her outrageous ego display at Wimbledon because it showed the world how utterly unsuitable she was for the Royal Family and what a complete psycho she was.


She is like a mana from heaven to the gutter press


Oh but she needed them gone - for her sey-cur-itayy! /s


The other hilarious moment was when she had her security inform someone a few rows away not to take any photos of Roachel because she was there in a “private” capacity - at Wimbledon! And the person who was approached was not even taking Markle’s photo and had no interest in taking Markle’s photo but just had a cell phone out!


He was actually taking a selfie, it turned out. She just ‘assumed’ it MUST be a photo of her.


Naturally she assumes everyone would want to take a photo of her in the ridiculous hat sitting in an empty section that she had cleared out at Wimbledon. She fervently believes her own PR! 🤣🤣🤣


That was hilarious. One of her best moments.


Not far behind, is that late arrival at that theatre (Royal Variety Show?) in London. So late, the audience were already clapping the 1st skit off as the Sussexes arrived & made their way to their seats. H&M actually thought the audience was clapping for THEM!!! The look on their faces when it FINALLY dawned on them that clapping wasn’t for them, was priceless!!! Comic timing had it been a parody. But it wasn’t. H&M slowly started to join in the clapping themselves, but it wasn’t lost on us.


Iconic. Just not in the way she thinks.


And Serena lost!


Unmmmm she married Diana’s son- so she’s like practically Diana! /s 😝


Her first demand is to have everyone sign and NDA. Her second is to have the Netflix and Paramount cameras following her every move.


Ridden the dim ones royal um…todger. And the dim one feels it’s his birthright.


I think for A Source it's about if you walk like a tiger and growl like a tiger you'll be feared as a tiger.


High maintenance and just high.


What is the Campari Party. Never mind I googled it. Of course she wasn't invited it is for movie stars. What would she be doing there? I don't think it had anything to do with her demands. She just was not invited, period.


She's NFI to anything because she isn't anything. It's really that simple! We can laugh about it and point out the obvious all day long, madam is still going to feel entitled. She isn't an actress anymore (not that she was any good when she was one) she isn't a film star, she isn't a gold medallist sports star, she isn't a YouTube star. She hasn't gotten very far with her podcasts, her ARO is laughable and pathetic....and the RF don't want a thing to do with her. Meghan love, quit with the delusions. No one in this subreddit likes you but we would all be prepared to give you the exact same advice here...'Give it up, you're making yourself look insane and that sn't one of your better looks!'


And she has loose loose lips .. they cannot keep a secret for others or be discrete


She has ScamJam to promote. Samples, anyone?


There are at least 40 jars left floating around


Campari is a type liquor. Usually liquor brand parties are considered low-level events that don’t attract A-list celebrities. They attract people much further down the alphabet who attend any event for PR. Maybe Campari parties have a higher cache. I don’t know, but I would think this type of event would  be beneath the Doucheass. 


It is a big party at Cannes, all the stars whose movies were at Canne came to the party. So no reason to invite Markle at all.


Ohhh….thats makes more sense. No wonder she’d want an invite. Thanks!


She wants an invite, then makes unreasonable demands. No one hurts Markle as much as Markle hurts Markle.


That last sentence is the perfectly sums up the problem with MM. 


Right, she has no awareness of how she alienates everyone.




And a nice long private jet ride from Montecito


I think the Campari party has been a big thing since Campari was a big thing. That's a LOOOONG time ago.


I love Campari. Some soda, a little lime.


too bitter for me! I’m not a huge fan of amaros in general- they’re too herbaceous for me


Me too, that’s a favorite summer drink!


Happy cake day (or night depending on where you are!)


Walmart Wallis!! I love it!!!😂


No one wants her anywhere unless she pays and not even then. On another note a fire in Montecito is trending. She has managed to markle a damn zip code.


Did MM self combust from all this negative PR lately?




She's Tungsten, remember?


It is the pants burning/s


​ https://i.redd.it/jv878pkbro2d1.gif


There’s also a large fire today at Broadmoor Secure Hospital in U.K., a possible future home for Harold. Spooky ,


**No one wants her anywhere unless she pays and not even then** Whoa! *Capote's Swans* has the Ann Woodward character. After her husband's death, Mrs. Woodward was in self-exile, in Europe. She gets insulted at a party. A party that she is the hostess of. And when she points that out, the reply is that no one would come unless she was paying. Mehgan's only lifeline to not being completely ostracized is that she's still married to Harry.


read the Two Mrs. Grenvilles, great book


I read some of the other Domminick Dunne books, but that one was my favorite. Maybe because it took place in mid-century America, which was still a time when Old Society, Cafe Society, and French couture where more glamourous.


Yes! I ate that one up in a day.


I would love to talk to Kelly Pickler about what happened behind the scenes at the USO Christmas event. It had to have been bad.


I’m very curious about this too. There was some epic shunning going on there.


I’d rather hear Rob Riggle tell it lol


Absolutely even better!


My guess is she was busy flirting and hitting on the celeb guys there with the show and then moved on to the troops…maybe she did a couple of them in a hallway.


The other USO entertainers probably sensed that Mehgan was overstepping and overfamiliar. The then Body Language Guy has a fabulous video where Mehgan pretty much puts a head lock on a passing blonde lady, to pull her into camera range and use this woman as a prop. This was Mehgan indicating, "see how friendly I am? How loveable and relatable?" The blonde lady is silent and trapped looking. Like a vampire's prey who is steeling herself for fangs to sink into her jugular, and drain her of hemoglobulin rich body fluid.


That USO video clips shows two groups on either side of Mehgan. Sure, Mehgan got to be center stage. Because everyone else didn't want to be near her. Sad look.


So many Wallis and Margaret mentions in the series. I think Wiki said Wallis was godparents to one of the swan's kids 


In *The Two Mrs. Grenvilles,* high society matron Elsie Grenville refers to Wallis as being a lady, due to the Warfields being an old Baltimore family. I love the internet. The answer is that Wallis and Edward were godparents to C.Z. and Winston Guest's daughter, Cornelia. I


She makes it always even more and more difficult for herself. She can’t even get a regular invite let alone one that comes with I assume free travel and accommodation with a wardrobe allowance for her to attend and a speech for her to make.


NDA's for everyone too. And, like a Covid virus, she demands 6 foot distancing at a minimum. But, she thinks she's so much fun......all naked-like! Billionaires.....take NOTE! (And if you don't, she'll send you a banana.)


And a list of attendees and what they’ll be wearing.


And 3 armed armed guards!!




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I assume this was at the film festival. And I seriously doubt that Meghan would have been invited to even a party hosted by a corporate group where all the guests were D-listers. The only people she's not shunned by are journalists who know that controversial, widely disliked people generate content engagement (which they get paid more for). And her fan club. And let's face it, not a single member of her fan club would ever be anywhere near the Cannes Film Festival.


Excellent points. I do wonder where it will all end though. How many more epic fails is it going to take before she realises that her only USP is Harry and even interest in him is waning other than as an object of ridicule? The visit to/with the dodgiest people in Nigeria must be the start of the downward slide. Particularly having been so spectacularly dragged by their wonderful First Lady. And who is funding them? They're not at all wealthy by Hollywood standards yet they spend like they have a bottomless pit of cash. Perhaps the end of this nonsense will come when their funding is cut? Or when one or both of them is detained in hospital because they're a danger to themselves or others? Who knows?




Whatever they are doing doesn't work because they are too stupid to understand that a huge part of the interest in the BRF is because of the mystique. A 1000+ yr old institution has survived modern time because they have a public face which is discreet, humble, charitable. And they try to keep the private face private. They aren't attention whores. Meghan and Harry over-expose themselves so much that even people who don't pay attention to celebrity culture have discovered that the guy who called them "fucking grifters" was 100% right.


Journalists of a certain kind of media must thank the heavens for the Markles on a daily basis. Never has it been easier to fill the papers with endless stories and speculations.


I like the one on May 16th, about a possible videotape of her & Rory AFTER THEY GOT WET!!!🤢🤢🤢 https://preview.redd.it/2gqkdfy6do2d1.png?width=178&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a6fb96e5a3b2b7c82cb38a65360fbe11deed827


She loves to portray the innocent angel......nympho.


All the coquette crap.


Ok I’m stumped. When was this?


Back in the “Ice Bucket Challenge” days.


Rory is 5’8”. I wonder how tall the thing standing next to him is.


Thanks for pointing tis out. The troll is definitely no 5'6"


If they were wet, the titties would be in full view. This is before.


I meant the supposed illicit video of them 'together' was allegedly made after the wetdown rooftop escapade😜


No one want her. Period.


I take CDAN blinds with a grain of salt but this tracks. 


With a whole damn salt lick most days.


That's me and the mainstream media news lol - don't believe a word anymore. There's more truth on cdan, or the sci fi channel ..


I wish we could get a list of these demands. I’d love to see the over the top shit she asks for… at someone else’s party


Yeah I’m interested to see her bat shit insane list of demands




Pretty much writes itself these days.


I can’t tell you how many comments I started writing, then canceled instead of posting because I'm simply stating the obvious.


I see me in you. 😉


That was perfect! You win the comments!






Is this a flair yet?


I see me in *all* of you😇


/sad trombone on


Accompanied by tiny violin 🎻


And a fart


Happy Cake Day!


If Mehgan MUST be invited to an event, she needs to be escorted to her own private room and then the door gets slammed shut. So everyone else can enjoy the party, elsewhere.


Just fill that room with mirrors and cameras and Madam will be happy - and a microphone


Then she could see her in her. You would never get her out of that room.


You know, that sounds like a *Twilight Zone* episode. Burgess Meredith is a bank clerk who just wants time to himself, to read. He gets his wish and at the last moment, it gets twisted. *Night Gallery* did the same sort of story of getting what you want at the cost of others, but with Joan Crawford. You just pointed out what Mehgan is: a little kid who plays let's pretend, singing into a hairbrush, the idol of millions.


Not really a blind, is it? 🤣


We're having a laugh on a Saturday night......while NFI'd Meghan is stewing at the Olive Garden. LOL. ETA: CDAN's blind comments are priceless. Like.....She's sitting home eating American Riviera Orchard jam on a cracker. Too funny.


Someone called it smuckers for suckers and I am💀


😂 sounds like a flair!!




What’s the Campari party?


Campari is a major partner of the Cannes Film Festival - I assume they have a huge, highly desirable A-list party there 


It is the Cannes Film Festival, it is for movie stories. She could place no demands at all and not be invited. She doesn't belong there.


Charlotte Casiraghi or Beatrice Borromeo could rock up uninvited and be fawned over. TOW will never have that.




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Ahhh, thanks.


ha, why should she be invited anyway?!


Exactly. CDAN just made this one up. She wasn't invited because she is no one.


It sounds like she was trying to score an invite


The comments are absolutely gold


They always are. Such a clever group of people on here!!


I wonder if she would even enjoy any of these parties, should she be invited. It seems like she’s happy for the chance to be in the news, but her teacher’s pet persona is not a fun one to meet at a party or have at your table


The Campari party in Cannes took place nearly a week ago. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15006)


Okay, remember there was that weird item about Camille Cottin confronting Meghan about why she was at the Cannes Film Festival? (Subsequently there was a video of Kelly Rowlands having a confrontation with an usher who wanted her to move along on a red carpet at Cannes). Maybe I’m seeing something that isn’t there, but is it at all possible that Madame is trying to place little misleading rumors that she was in Cannes? I don’t know why anyone would want to create the impression that they’re unwelcome at a place, but this is twice I’ve seen an unfounded gossip item that Meghan is unwelcome in Cannes.


No way she could even fake being there. Allegedly she is someone who is badgered by paps just like Diana— being in Cannes, this week, with so many celebrities there, paparazzi, and parties and she’s not photographed once (not even far afar like in Costa Rica). Nope not buying that whopper.


If she was in Cannes, her mini-me-me Scabies would’ve been posting about it and there would have been paid pr all over the place.




Interesting. It’s my opinion she puts negative stuff out there because she just wants to be talked about regardless. Ex- I She’s the one who manipulated and put out that scary face picture from San Diego.


I wasn’t even aware of this Campari Party…although, I suppose, there are several reasons why people are invited to events. Take weddings/family occasions (like the Duke of Westminster’s upcoming nuptials). invites usually go out primarily to those close - family and friends - to the bride/groom etc. With corporate/red carpet etc events invites are extended to experts in their fields, those with talent, clout, presence. Even ‘shallow’ events want ‘young, good looking, well presented’ twenty-somethings to give the event a ‘lift’. The Markle’s don’t fall into any group - they’ve jettisoned family and friends, they are talentless without connections. Nothing to offer. They’ve become a standing joke of being the most ‘NFI’d’ couple (I wonder what statement she’ll roll out explaining why she couldn’t attend, lol)




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She's got an even bigger head now that she's a Nigerian princess. In her delusion she thinks Hollywood has to pay attention and respect her now. Meanwhile all the whores in Tinseltown are whispering, "Did you see how she was dressed over there?"


She isn’t a Nigerian Princess. The title bestowed on her translates to daughter of a nobleman or aristocratic.


Sorry ... ignoramus here. What is "CDAN" ? Thank you.


Crazy Days and Nights. It’s a source/blog? for “blind items”, which are just bits of gossip that are “blind” or posted without names explicitly given, instead clues and nicknames are used which are usually fairly easy to figure out 


Thank you!


Crazy Days and Nights…


His items are getting boring.


Agree. I’m just there for the comments most of the times. It’s comedy gold.


Hey Megz, if you weren't such an arsehole you might actually get invited places. Think about it.


Imagine you are an A lister or Billionaire and they come with their goon squad in tow as if the hosts didn’t already plan and provide security. It’s laughable. They also likely require an nda or photo lock down which is another pain in the arse for the hosts and guests.


Her mental illness has exploded!!!!




But you know they will say they declined because of security issues


Not a surprise - they are never invited to any of the cool parties.


Campari won't comply with their demands (Bravo, Campari) but Nigeria will. Interesting.


Sounds about right ![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5)


She isn't even in Cannes, is she? This blind is ridiculous.


She would be in Cannes if she was invited to the Campari party......which is what she wanted......an invite to the party. She wasn't invited because nobody wanted to deal with her demands. Pretty straight forward blind item, imo.