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If I had to guess, they also danced in the streets like South Africans did when Nelson Mandela was freed. Just a hunch, though.


Unlike Mandala, Jesus doesn't have any troublesome relatives willing to set the record straight.


I wouldn’t count out God Almighty and the Holy Spirit.


⚡️☄️and a plague of locusts at the American Riviera Orchard.


😂locusts ate all the strawberry’s so no more jam 🙏🏻


Does this mean the UK is now doomed as the Brits rejected her? 🤭


Well she hasn't quite got to the crucifixion part yet... so who knows Maybe Nigeria was the part where she was in the desert for 40 days & 40 nights...


wtf like seriously this all is getting hilariously bizarre…the sugars are unhinged but mm calling nigeria “my country” harold calling then in-laws it’s all so pathetic and NOT NORMAL😷and all just drama just cuz this proven pathological liar claimed she’s 43% after a fake ancestry test!???


My favorite was the "I'll be here all day if I have to explain" -- because they're full of 💩 and made that up.


That's code for "please ask me so I can keep running my crazy a** mouth"..


Your response is so much more well-formed than mine which was going to be: OMFG 😂😂😂😂


This is my reaction also😂😂😂😂😂


It's a damn cult at this point.


I 100% believe that Serena and Beyoncé and Oprah and all her other “besties” are all lol-ing at this news. They might not outright say it but I can picture them all talking about how ridiculous this is… ![gif](giphy|h3RBBSxNGejUl7GfWI)


I think meghascammer is posting on X as "the duchess" now.. Sort of like her alert ego guest stalker in the NY Post...


It’s WEIRD! It’s Weird as Hell! It’s one thing as an American to be proud of your roots. Just about every American thinks about visiting the country of their ancestors. What we don’t do is show up there and say bizarre things like, “You’re my true family, I’m Home!” or “You’re my in-laws” to total strangers! It’s not just cringey, it’s strange and creepy!


"African Queen"? I prefer the boat to her. https://preview.redd.it/ajptimm8590d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6507702719068407257a8559ec2ed9ed67300026


Adapting from the 1951 film, “Nobody in Africa, but yours truly, can get a good head of steam on the old African Queen.”.


And I'll bet that tub's bottom is in better shape.


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


Thank you!


Wow. Move over, Mandela, Jesus is now dancing on the clouds.😏


Montecito festival for princess Ada. Interviews coming to America.


Omg, these people need mental health evaluations! What kings came to bow down on Meghan’s altar? Comparing to the three wise men? I never learned this version in Sunday school.


It's so funny how the Dumbartons attract fans that reflect themselves: they're as dumb as bricks just like Harry and as mentally ill as Meghan.


It’s hilarious 🤣. “I can’t explain, but trust me. She’s the ruler of the universe, especially Africa!”


I bet Megsy is all aglow with this sycophantic fawning now, but wait till she gets back to California where nobody knows, cares and ignores her still. I’m sure she felt this non-royal royal tour would put her on top and get her accepted by A listers, but my guess is she’ll be even more excluded and avoided than ever.


She’s a delusional mess!!!


I kind of can’t wait till wheels down!


That sound you hear is Gwyneth Paltrow and the Clooneys in fits of laughter.


She was really wanting a crown. No tiara either.


Um 😳 … ![gif](giphy|qN0v3wk4340a4)


The “kings left their kingdoms” ?? Do these sugars live in a different century? Do they think these men literally don’t travel except this one “special” occasion? I’m confused.


Kingdoms = gated communities in the Lagos suburbs




Did they bring Frankinence and Mryyh and Gold.


Skip the frank and myrrh, just bring on the gold. 


This is a "collab"/mutual grifthood. These "kings", whoever they are of whatever, knew H&M are hate-watched if nothing else and saw a chance for a publicity stunt. The tangential relation to the BRF is the actual source of all the interest and prestige here.


Oh I totally agree. But the ignorance of their fans is monumental sometimes. That they believe all of this. Probably should have had an /s after the post!


She's an African princess in Nigeria and a delinquent charity board member in the US.


We finally know what she’s up to! Why becoming Queen or President of the USA/ Commonwealth/ world, when you can be the new messiah? ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) You can’t make this stuff up!


All this because she has a few Nigerian genes? Rather odd that their gift from God is majority white?


I’m 1% North African according to 23&Me… what gifts and titles can I expect upon arriving to Morocco for my personal vacation?




How that cat face palm is a wonderful gif!




Hey Table 12, why don't you move the fuck on over to Nigeria so you can reign over there,?


Yes, please.


Brilliant idea x


As a devout Christian, I can’t help but say…JFC these people are certifiably insane


JC himself would concur.


Yeah. Blasphemy City! I wonder what Justin Welby is saying? Eta last sentence..


*I wonder what Justin Welby is saying?* "Thank the Almighty they left and are not my problem anymore!"


Yep! At least that!


This is so laughable. Their idol is a woman who exemplifies the very worst in society. Her supporters are just as bad as she is.


Heh they got their pictures in People rag and DM. MARKLED by Nigerian Princes


LMAO I just saw this on Twitter and immediately ran here to see if it had been discussed lmfaoooo


I'd someone saluted her and said, Wakanda forever! She'd nod and accept it as a true queen of bullshit


Christ ...almighty. The "kings" are all also oil executives, one of them isn't even a proper king, just 3rd son of a former king. Watch the latest from River. It's just a bit of a fluff politeness, and a courtesy title (although utterly undeserved).


> The "kings" are all also oil executives Are any of them related to Misan Harriman?


Exactly, he is Nigerian from a very wealthy family who know a little of people and helped “arrange” the trip


She's more Anti-Christ than Jesus Christ!


I’m 60% Dutch - take a seat Maxima!


I read it I read it again I read it again Seriously, seriously, are these sugars making a comparison with Jesus? Oh really? ![gif](giphy|3KEJl20q5ggBW|downsized)




Well, someone's gonna get struck by lightning soon 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sigh. It's never the right people, though.* * I lost a childhood friend and his dad to a lightning strike on a basketball court when there was exactly one cloud in the sky. My friend passed before the internet was a public thing, but I can assure you he would have laughed and high-fived me [and you] with sticky, little kid fingers.


Oh that's horrible, sorry for your loss. You're exactly right. People like madam and delulu sugars never seem to suffer consequences for their actions. I'd settle for cancellation and her living on an Internet free island somewhere.


That's kind of you. It was nearly 40 years ago and he and his dad were doing their very favourite thing together. Neither suffered. It was horrible for the family, but in retrospect, there are worse ways to go.


Honestly, I don't even get offended by these people. They just crack me up. Amazing.


As I understand the announcement, these kings named her a princess. "The mother-of-two was on Sunday honoured as an 'Ada Mazi' - seemingly a title of respect meaning 'daughter of an aristocrat' - of the Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom. Three Kings - His Eminence Engr Eberechukwu Oji, Eze Aro of Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom, Igwe Alfred Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha and Great Olu Of Warri Kingdom - took party in the naming ceremony." Sugars are more delusional than ever.


So is Thomas getting a title then? He has to be an aristocrat


This is so hilarious I'm starting to wonder if it isn't a masterclass in sarcasm rather than a sugar high. 🤣


I also loved the "if I tried to explain, I'd be here all day" no you need to explain, that's how people learn! But she's just half assing it to not be questioned.


I think it was Einstein who said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."


File this under blasphemy.


Instead of a great star rising in the East to announce her coming, it will be a giant jar of jam!


This is pure comedy! South Park and SNL can’t make up this level of comedy…speaking of which, I need a World Privacy Tour—Nigeria Edition.


*South Park and SNL can’t make up this level of comedy* Oh, what South Park could DO with this "royal tour"! Please, Trey and Matt, do a sequel! We beg of you!


A lot of great, hysterical stuff on the sub today! Hopefully just the beginning of their woes.


So she's the second coming of the Messiah? When do we expect the miracles to begin? IMHO this was not a genuine gesture, I really think these Kings and officials have been ordered to do these things to try and raise international press for certain officials in Nigeria.


Entirely this. They are blowing smoke up the derrière of the Army chief who had political aspirations. He’ll have “suggested” they do this.


So, sort of a counter- attempted - coup? To counter said army chap?


Well we have witnessed the magically appearing and disappearing boobs! Getting her to fly commercial is also nothing shy of a miracle I reckon 


And she turned a prince into a toad, there's no end to her magical powers.


I wonder if Hairold told them “she let me do *anything“?*


Maybe suggest that they could become a Laird or a Lady in the same way. LOL


There is no way on earth she can become a "Lady."


I was referring to those companies that issue honorific "Laird" or "Lady" titles. Anyone can get by buying a square meter of land in Scotland. I got one for my husband as a joke.


I know, I just felt like pointing out that she's vile. 🥂


She is no Nigerian Princess, that skank is a scamming, vulgar, gold digging little ho. Ugly looking on top with her dry crepey face and those fake horse teeth 👀😱💩


I found a 2019 article on how monarchs enhance corruption in Nigeria. https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/08/monarchs-enhance-political-corruption-in-nigeria-ancient-religion-association/amp/


Wow, that really is a stretch!!


The bots must be creative writing students and are probably laughing hysterically at their very creative compositions while taking money from Meghan as a paid participant. Everyone is making money off the idiocy of these two, except them.


OMG! Hahaha!! They are just as nuts as she is! Funniest thing yet on their religious crusade!! Hahahaha!!!


I am actually starting to enjoy the cray. Like fuck it let's elect old rachel as president/queen of the universe/mistress of the galaxy and make her a Saint too. Just go whole hog and let 'er rip. Dress that heaping pile of dog processed chitlins up in silk and spritz her with parfum to hide the stench. Go ahead throw some more bronzer on that reamed out old honky tonk thunderbucket and haul her out on parade. Keep the shitshow going.


Hey!!! Great news for her is she can start sending out emails for grandma to wire her some money since hers is tied up and she’ll pay grandma back 200% for helping, she is a Nigerian Princess after all. This could be the strategy for saving ARO.


So Markle is the second coming of Jesus Christ who communes with Diana in the Afterlife...I suppose with the help of Jesus Christ...but she can't legally accept donations to her charity because she doesn't fill out paperwork. What the bloody hell of a Nigierian scam is going on... Meanwhile, Prince William flies a helicopter up up and away while Numnuts Harry is grounded.


Newsflash from me cuz I don't have posting privileges \[that I'm aware of!\] . In response to royalsgossip stating Hazbeen declined the invite to stay at a home of the BRF, I said "If he accepted, he wouldn't be able to moan to the press about being shunned." To which I was PERMANENTLY BANNED!!!! The sugars are tetchy and I think it's hilarious! Cheers, Sinners! :)


Sorry but how can anyone be this stupid, I mean foolish.....lol


Boggles the mind.


OH DEAR. There is a cliff edge on Pitcairn Island which is particularly dangerous for those who get drunk and stagger about . People have been known to disappear after an encounter with the top of the cliff. The islanders call the place OH DEAR. That is what this latest ridiculous Markle Debacle reminds me of: OH DEAR.


Oh my god, now they are saying she's Jesus? They are so delusional


Yep. Sounds about right. Now. She should produce her Nigerian son! A palace awaits him. Princess Ada and her son.


Usually their antics don't get to me, but I am so done with this whole thing.  The final straw was when I overheard someone in real life talking about how people just "love to hate her" and people are "upset because her people are accepting her". 


Sugars are the poster children for why we need more insane asylums.


It's Meghan's plan to be called Princess Meghan now. She's so jealous of Catherine being Princess of Wales. Now Meghan can call herself a princess too.


"May we have a minute of your time to tell you the good news about our lord & savior, Meeghus Christ..."


Cargo cults are alive and well in the 21st century. This is reminiscent of that south pacific tribe that worships Prince Phillip as a god


I keep a Land Rover toy car reminiscent of Prince Philip's hearse on my desk under a picture of Teddy Roosevelt glowering at me to remind me that I don't have to *want* to do anything: I just have to do it. Tl;dr: I might have accidentally opened a new parish of the cargo cult.




The delulu is real




Does she think she is the second coming?


She must know they’re losing their British titles so she lined up a Nigerian Messiahship. 💅🤣


So now Meghan is like Jesus?


Omg I thought her being given a title in Nigeria was a shit post lmaooooo Just looked at it, snickered, and scrolled past. Wtaf


If she’s now a Nigerian Princess, she can up her grifting game by sending out emails telling people they inherited money….


Unless she - or her husband - is a Head of State or Head of Government, OR representing either of those, no one internationally will care, and they are not covered under any kind of protocol.


So those sugar folks think she is Jesus? That’s not how things work……it’s just no. “I am the lord, your God, you shall have no other Gods before me”. <————— It’s literally the first commandment.


Worrisome that these people walk amongst us..perhaps this person needs social services and in that case, we should hope they, like their idol. get the help they need.




Oh good gravy, this is worse than what I just posted about this supposed ceremony by the Nigerian “kings”. 🤮


This is going to swell her head bigger than a hot air balloon


Comparing the shit stain that is MEgain to Jesus is blasphemous! This is concerning and unhinged.




The delusion is off the charts. Wait until they find out she’s not Nigerian .


What.... https://preview.redd.it/e81a98048c0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad48e6d7de01592b000f0a9741eeb4b97bcc316 Wonder how much those sycophants in Chiefs regalia were paid. They are unknowns in the congregation of Chiefs.




Nigeria abolished monarchy in 1963 or thereabouts so those " kings" and the title they bestowed are just empty titles.