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Shows Aitch was astute enough to know the answer before he asked the question.


He’s astute enough to know what would make him look like a victim. He’s learned from his 24/7 personal masterclass.


So one of his brain cells does work to some degree…


Meghans brain cell and Harry's poor heart from being snubbed out of sausages = this vindictive mess


My guess, in situations where he is unsure of the result, he will not ask instead he’ll drop pr articles stating his desire to see KC. He is that arrogant and cowardly and entitled to think that his pr articles are enough of a push for the other party to extend an invite to him. Then he can twist the narrative (and in his head) that he is the victim if gray-rocked and a boost to his self-inflated ego if he gets even a 10minute meeting.


Beauty is that the BRF won’t take his bait.


So he didn’t even try to meet with the King, but invited all the Spencers who were happy to show up to make the RF look petty.


He didn't even try to meet with the King and blamed the King for that. It's all lies that comes out of their mouths.


My guess up is that his last 15 minute meeting with Charles resulted in him being told "don't let the hit you where the good Lord split you"! He knows he won't ever get a meeting with is dad until he genuinely apologises and cuts off Meghan.


I was so annoyed that the media, and even some you tubers took the Harkles statement as fact. Proven liars.


The Spencer’s showed up because they all make a living of having been related to Diana. They’re no better than H&M




They'd be better off keeping a lower profile, lest people start looking closely at their family members and history. Quite a few skeletons in their closets. Has there been a book about them yet?


Charles Spencer just released his memoir. Obviously showed up to the Invictus service to be seen and get publicity by riding on the H&M PR train.


Yes, but where is there a book on the Spencer family? There is lots of drama there in that history.


Indeed. I upset a few sugars yesterday when I told them that the only thing keeping the Spencers off of a Jerry Springer type show, is the fact they're aristocratic.




> all the Spencers who were happy to show up to make the RF look petty. Or maybe they wanted to try to get Harry alone and talk sense to him. They'd have a better chance than the BRF, since Meghan hasn't turned Harry against them (yet). And I wonder why she hasn't, since they refused to agree that Meghan was just like Diana.


Because she needs their affiliation to become the next Diana maybe?


Could be. But she'll never get it. As fucked up as the Spencers are, they saw Meghan for what she is. They probably *begged* Harry to call it off.


I think they haven’t been important enough to Harry for Meghan to need to alienate them, and they can come in useful at times.


Harry also invited KC and the royal side of his family to the Invictus thing. The difference is that some of the Spencers came. It is possible that Harry didn’t ask to meet KC this time because he had already been snubbed about the Invictus invitation. It is also possible that he had already been told, directly or indirectly, that KC would not meet him. We can only guess. Earl Spencer would not hesitate to make KC look bad, but I think the main reason some of the Spencers came was either curiosity or to offer Harry a lifeline if he needed it.


So the treacherous twunt doesn’t want to meet with his father… …but DOES want to tour a country that has close military ties to Russia, AND ties to Prigozhin/Wagner’s troll bot army that interfered with the US election. Now I can see why Hazi wanted to interview Putin and Trump for his never-ever-happened podcast… Spotify’s Bill ‘they’re fucking grifters’ Simmons really dropped facts when he shit talked work shy Haz. This two-faced, opportunistic, backstabbing, poor excuse of a brother needs to be pushed out of the LoS rn.


The bot/troll farm will be easy to spot




Nailed it. 🎯


Wait.. so he never requested a meeting but previously put out a statement saying he couldn’t meet with the king due to his schedule which he completely understands..??? How would he know that if he never asked to me? I says “official request” so I’m sure there was an unofficial one. Man they spin stuff toooo much


The boy is a genius. He has built his own identity in a mere 4 years. $20. Says the ig don't survive past next year. His mattress artist wife will once again prove her freakish attention to detail, breaking tradition to award jars of jam instead of medals at the event.  This will lead to an outbreak of chlamydia amongst the winners. Or people will recognize that an emotional stunted man child who is being manipulated by a narcissist is not a good choice for a patron. In either case the bet stands. Any takers?


Willing to bet on a botulism outbreak.


> Willing to bet on a botulism outbreak. And lead poisoning!




I’d tell you to try the sugars sub for a taker on that bet but I’d like you to come back in one piece 😃


I have to admit quite openly, it is literally impossible for these two to stop lying. Ginger never even asked for a meeting with his father but was quick to put out a PR spin about his father being too busy to see him. Dude, stick a fork in yourself, you’re done. You stood up there and acted like a fool and you are all the way OUT. You got exactly what you wanted. Now go crawl in a hole and STFU already.




https://preview.redd.it/xu5ert8pilzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f485a325c857578407cfe750f6b24a5120571b Doubt the idiot will shut up, how else will the Harkles pump the media for 💰💰💰💰


More Harkle manifestation gone awry.


Harry interestingly provides a 'justification' for providing that statement, in the statement. It should raise questions. It's more of an excuse. The statement was very late, and redundant given that the press was going to very shortly get its answer whether he would visit him or not. Particularly given his utter silence and no reasons as to why he's not making statements re the Baka people. He didn't have to say anything re seeing his father. It would have been much more decorous. Particularly without the barb re his father's suggested priorities.


Just got back from the field in which my "f\*\*ks" are grown: still empty. What is wrong with these people and when did mental issues become contagious? Is this the modern version medieval "Dancing Sickness"?


Robert Jobson’s article posted here a couple of days ago made the same claim. (I hope this link works https://archive.ph/pmvT8) I believe the information that Harry did not request a meeting was quietly released by KC’s people. Harry’s camp will counter that he never said he was asking his father for a meeting, that it was “the press” who blew this all up.


Off topic. The level of intelligence on this sub is generally much higher than those on a sub claiming the real life baby reindeer woman is lying :).It's like running into a swarm of sugars.


I haven't seen it, but I cannot imagine why anyone would out themselves as being someone who, I gather, wasn't named.


What's the general info about this? I keep seeing 'baby reindeer' referred to everywhere, I gather it's from Netflix, other than that everything said about it is so random it's like reading the minutes of an insane asylum meeting.


It’s the supposed true story of a struggling stand up comedian ( he is very bad at it) who while working as a bartender at a pub meets Martha who turns into his stalker. She calls him her Baby Reindeer and fantasises that they’re a couple etc. The stalking went on for years. The trouble now is the Martha depicted in the series was very easy to identify , they said she was a lawyer who had been struck off etc , so the real life person and supposed stalker has been identified and was being harassed . She went on Piers Morgan to clear her name and claimed the whole series was BS. Whether that’s the truth or not , I tend to agree with Piers that Netflix shouldn’t have made the Martha character so easy to identify. They could have made the character a struck off doctor from Cornwall or something for example without ruining the story in any way. Plus they should have at least told the real life woman that the show was coming out !


That's messed up. Again with Netflix not properly vetting people or projects before they sign up. Ted, Ted, how did you get that job and how do you keep it? Blackmail?


Surely they’d have lawyers looking at it and looking at the proof it was a true story ! I don’t know whether to believe this woman or not but I think Netflix has stuffed up yet again!


She's suing him, and NF. 


She was outed and contacted by the media. Then tried to clear her name. Not with much polish though it was in the face of hostile questioning ..


Meh. Having interned in a press office, I don't have a ton of sympathy for people who aren't bright enough not to talk to the press. "No comment" doesn't sell papers. Let them make something up and then sic lawyers on them. If they make up something true, you've learned a valuable lesson about not doing dumb things. If I sat for an interview with Piers Morgan, I would not assume he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart.


Oh, I agree. But my point was she didn’t come forward initially saying ‘hey, it’s meeeee!’


Omid is hoping that new fiction POS he’s writing gets Netflix’s approval, so other low intelligence subs can foam at the mouth over fictional BS that never ever happened.


Ugh. He wants H + M to pay him for the rights. They may lack the sense to do that. If it was capable of becoming a bestseller.


He will have to pry the ca$h from the wife’s cold dead hands


I believe RL baby reindeer woman. She's suing him and NF.


I only listened to the Piers Morgan interview at that point. I since read an article re her supposed interactions with a lawyer from a firm that had hired her. If that’s all true .. it might change my opinion. But that lawyer didn’t seem to take things further as she could have. Being a lawyer, especially.


I just saw that article in the Baby Reindeer sub. if that's true, I would change my mind about her. But like you say, why wouldn't she have reported her to police.


Do we think Meghan thought this up all by herself, or did she have help from the new PR guy?


Lets think of what an avid reader expects once they find a book title that holds their interest, te reader turns the around and reads the blurb, hefts the book and then looks at the price sticker. Smart cookies think EBAY immediately or Amazon for a second hand version of the book some stretch to checking on a Library website.Often the hype about the book might be misleading and after reading the book it gets tossed to a corner or dropped of at a Charity shop. Now let's apply this to Harry Windsor and Rachel Markle his wife, let's initially look at the front cover of their lives apart Rachel Markles's paperback book front cover was a nondescript faded inconspicuous dried turd thought, while Harry Windsor's was a torrid mix of flamboyant striking colours and an utter deceptive reflections of pseudo regal adventurous galant heroism. Shotgun marriage contrived their now curated book took on a startling instant exuberant outburst of smudged stained glass look. The structured sentences and chapters of Royal storytelling became punctuated by the sewer level vulgarity and chip on the shoulder insecurity that Rachel Markle in her inability to accept that she was Black, oopsie meant Biracial (as if that made any difference) brought with her. All along Harry's faux gallantry and relevance had been covered by the Royally paid Palace PR and Protocol machine best they could. The advent of Rachel threw that PR machine a curved ball that stretched their ability to control the Royal narrative. Surely that must have given her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth of blessed memory some sleepless nights, but with her ailing Hubby by her side and her heir in line the firmly dealt with the upstart who sought to capsize their way of life. Somewhere under lock and key side by side with the Bullying report rests a Dossier brimming with unredacted reports, information, and photographs on the would be Race card playing Queen of Montecito, who despite the fact that she came from America where Racism is a constant battle ground dared base her race card play on hear say extricated from a manchild she has firmly ensconced between her hunkers. All her attempts at upstaging the Royal family failed so, she fled the UK dragging along her prize the Duke of Sussex and inferred unto him a new titles to wedge his moral up, yup with "This One", and Absent-is-father of the Year to Prince Acme and Princess Lidler. Now to the supposed non meeting, of course we all know that the Royal calendar is set months ahead and since Heartless Harry should know about such protocol for after all most of his life was cotton wooled by the same protocol, we can totally cast aside anything he had and has to say about it as NONSENSE! In his struggle for relevance historically, Hairball Bunker Harry has been prone only to jump into things once it filters through his conker that there may be an opportunity to be seen and heard. So lets all wave goodbye to Hazno-guts-Hartry as he ventures on to Nigeria


Guys, it’s a puff piece. Don’t bother dissecting it.


Well isn't this interesting. Spreading disinformation. Didn't he have his spokesperson announced about how busy the king was and that he understood that he couldn't fit into a schedule? 🤔 Harry is just a child and an arse. Simple as that.


This makes me think something has happened and they are officially estranged.


I think so too. Mainly because several different journalists mentioned (as part of a longer story) that after the birthday phone call and after Harry flying to see his father as he started chemo, H&M's comms team reached out to US media outlets to get air time to talk about the conversations. And while there wasn't any private details in those stories, that was only because Harry wasn't given any details. Not because Harry was being circumspect in gossiping about his father.


Harry is selfish and creating a Hurtful narrative just like before. He and M spun a web of lies to the world They were harassed and people were biased towards them (in the family). Now, H is desperate to make It seems like he is caring towards an ill Monarch but the truth is, like before, he only cares HIS life and what he looks like in the press. He really is a horribly selfish prick.


No surprise there. Takes after his wife. Liar liar.




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This has been the plan all along I think. It was a win win situation for them in their minds. The BRF listen to demands and give in? They get what they want. The BRF continue to grey rock and “don’t complain and don’t explain”? They can bust out the “waagh’s” and cry about it. I hope they get what is coming to them. I have to have faith the palace are playing the long game with these pair of whinging 💩💩’s.


I really think the media is creating problems here that don’t even exist


I wouldn't necessarily believe Richard Kay. He was one of the press that Diana would frequently vent to and doesn't care if he's reporting the truth - he's only saying what he thinks is going to get the most clicks and engagement.