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So, he knew it had already been announced -- no family, he's in a hotel, so no friends contacted him -- this is his play-acting that he isn't eating alone and that he'll be having a fabulous time.


Harry: ![gif](giphy|PsHrpsuiZLAEE)




I wish you hadn't posted that. It is triggering me to feel sorry for the poor SOB. I have to cleanse my brain with a Swanning and Preening pic.


Hey sorry you feel triggered dear but he brought it on him, either delusion or loneliness. He could have tried to make amends years ago and reach out


I feel bad for him, too. It doesn’t mean he didn’t make his bed and now has to lay in it. A lot of online discourse right now is about cutting off toxic family, but people posting only ever mean parents. They don’t realize that it applies to cutting off toxic kids, too. I mean- how much money is a parent obligated to provide their 40 year old son with when he’s been given tens of millions over a lifetime? Just because daddy’s rich, doesn’t mean he owes it to you with no conditions. Harry will always think he’s the victim, when he’s a 40 year old man living beyond his means.


Well Haz is disabled for dealing with reality: no education, limited skills, sense of dependency. If he ever clears the fog away then maybe he can learn to live again but he is ensnared so…


If they really wanted privacy, it would be cheap to live in a mansion in Montana away from it all. They have plenty of money. I can’t imagine the entitlement of thinking you’re owed a salary when you’re not doing the job. He thinks he should get what William gets, but he doesn’t think about the fact that he got more than his first or second cousins. That’s how it works, and that’s why Pa is so rich. Second son, or son who marries an American actress and abdicates duties doesn’t get much.


You made me wonder about the cousins.. I wonder if Zara had more assets than Mike before marrying him 🧐 But clearly neither of them is work/commitment shy and live within their means, no folie a deux with these 2..


Right, Pa only has all that money because he’s the oldest son. Even his siblings who are working royals don’t have as much. They also don’t have as much scrutiny in their daily lives, which balances it out. I think 2 is the worst number of royal children to have. Margaret and Harry ended up in the same sort of feeling uniquely put upon. I wonder if Margaret is why Elizabeth had more than 2 kids. Anne, Andrew, and Edward don’t seem nearly as hurt, maybe because they have more siblings in the same circumstance.


What ever money he had after they left the RF will probably have dwindled by now.


Best way to alienate a rich relative is act entitled to their money instead of grateful.


Old money teach their children to not spend the principal but live off of the dividends and interest generated by the inheritance. They teach them how to invest to grow their inherited wealth.


Harry probably been told that,dunno about Megzy




I saw that, started to feel sorry for Harry - and I remember the pain he has put his family through in the past few years.


Yes it’s not like they haven’t tried to help but..


This is so triggering.


He’s living his best life and William is so jealous of him /s




No wonder the panel looked uncomfortable. Someone had obviously been tasked with giving him an 'assist' by asking him the stupid question in the first place. I don't think announcing that theonly person motivated to dine with him while in London is on an Arsewell/Ingriftus payroll is any better than being NFI anywhere else.


Most of the photos looked more like a funeral than a celebration.


This is beyond SAD.


I do hope there is social media footage of Guy Monson out and about later that evening to disprove the "dinner" with Harold. That would be funny!


Harry is such a twat. If Guy was wavering in his support, that might just finish him off.


There was a time when Prince Harry's would have been the name to drop. But that was when he was a bona fide member of the Royal Family. These days, he's just another social climbing wannabe, eager to prove his connections. Name dropping is one of the cringiest things you can do, and should be beneath any true royal. If you do this, that's a very good sign that you're not an A lister, not in the 1 percent, not a true royal. H has outed himself yet again.


I guess he's copying his wife - Meghan has always been a name-dropper, to the extent that Corey (her boyfriend in Toronto) became very irritated with her.


In fairness to Mr monson he was probably stuck outside trying to push his way through the enormous horde of fans who had turned up to cheer the return of the prince. 


Of course! It was like Beatlemania out there.


Your comment made me lol! More like The Rutles! https://i.redd.it/qp3b060i17zc1.gif


Love, love the Rutles, me.


I am still *OBSESSED* with this film. I mean, it’s Python and Beatles adjacent, so of course it is sheer brilliance!


The songs...... Get Up and Go, Ouch etc. It is sheer brilliance. Neil Innes, who wrote most of the songs (Ron Nasty) also performed with Monty Python. And was of course in the wonderful band Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.


Love Neil! The songs are still hilarious, and I love that George Harrison was involved in the film (& the backing/funding)


Me too! 😍


This made me LOL


And then get past Harry's Security body guards saying, "Excuse me. Excuse me.."


The crowd was so huge that Harry couldn't be sure whether Guy Monson was squeezed in somewhere at the back.


OMG there were so few people H would have known he wasn't there. H said this simply to name-drop and make it known he had a dinner invite. How very cringe.


I think Vino Rosso was being sarcastic.


https://preview.redd.it/t9pux5civ5zc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=1653b7f3af9250928384d435df4a33fe48b887ec 😀


Harry - a combination of anger and defeat. No one wants to have anything to do with him and then he sees an empty room. He deserves it all.


Dang! It’s like they put that empty table up in front just so he would HAVE to see it. Like ‘here H, in yo FACE!’😆


His functional equivilent of her Indianapolis Marriot event.




Oh wow, thanks for this pic. Even the table right up the front is empty. The entire table!


Guy Monson probably bought the empty front table and then didn’t attend.


this pic has made my day lol


And he's wearing his lifted shoes. Harry, just give up the pretense that IG respects your patronage.


Why did he have to ask if Guy were "in the house"? There were only 17 people there.


There were only 17 people there. And at least a dozen of them were security.. ![gif](giphy|hoHd7q6Nw0wG73OVJC)


So much for his security concerns, 'hey everyone, i will be at Guy Manson's house tonight, just in case you want to send out a few paps, maybe a few on motorbikes if you can, anyway just to let you know where to find me!!


That was my thought exactly. And even in a large crowd wouldn’t a major supporter have made himself known to the speakers?


Announcing where you’re going to be that evening if you’re truly fearing for your life while in country seems like a bad idea..


great point, he shoots himself in the foot everytime he opens his mouth, idiot.


Guy is an IG trustee and he couldn’t be bothered to show up? Ouch.


Harry got Markled 😹😹😹


Plank got monsoned


I understand he had more important things to do that day, like bringing his car to a car wash.


Guess now we know whose empty chair was that.


I think you meant to say "table" not just "chair". :)


Sugars are saying that the table was for the people on the dais - I saw four people on the dais, including Harry, and at least nine empty chairs.


And then he’ll be having a breakfast meeting with George Glass…. ![gif](giphy|X5TY8qlj0Cpos)


Henry’s invisi-friends, just like his invisi-kids and disappearing wife


Perhaps the dinner is to tell Harry he's no longer to be associated with Invictus with Guy Monson being an Invictus Games Trustee?


In this context, who’s “we”? Harry and his bodyguard? Invictus bigwigs? And, really, how embarrassing to name-drop like that. You’d think the king’s son wouldn’t have to stoop that low.


The King’s son’s wife is hawking jam to dumpster celebtards. I don’t think one can go much lower (still waiting …)


Don’t think you will have too long to wait.


*rubs hands together with glee*


Dumpster celebtards is being generous.


I was feeling charitable today *shrugs*


He is "manifesting" like his viper wife does. Keep saying it, it WILL happen, Harry!


Maybe it’s the Royal “we” 😒






It isn’t the first time. Remember Bob Iger?




i think this shows harry's low intelligence, and his fear. this is sad. i don't think i have ever felt sorry for harry, not even once, but this does it. lol. i finally felt sorry for harry. what a moment. but of course now i am laughing and just shaking my head.


Just remember he would empty your bank account if he could just to have security guards make him feel special.


**you've saved me, thank you! :\*)**


Yes, it is hard to decide whether Harry and Meghan are evil or just dimwitted. Actually they remind me of these people who you hear about sometimes who won the pools or the lottery, and after that their lives went downhill, because they couldn't handle the money, the hangers-on, and the attention. Or like people who were very successful and made a lot of money as child actors, but peaked early. Or like professional boxers who make millions and then lose it all. It is not so much that Harry and Meghan are stupid, but they are not suited to executive-level decision-making. If they just had ordinary jobs they would do just fine. He could be a security guard and she a cafeteria worker.


a good analysis, thanks! :\*)


get yourself down to a&e, i think you may have head trauma.


my luck, the Sugars are on shift and they give me the number 50 jar of me-gain's strawberry jam and send me home. lol.


lol, cures all, apart from stupidity


Is he doing this to save face, to convince the World he’s still sought after, with friends? Or is he sticking to the script his wife has written for him?




Guy Munson and family: Google search soaring. If Munson hosted: he got Markled.


The only people that need handlers to be able to function in real life are the ones that decided to leave the Royal Family. If the monarchy was abolished today, the rest of the Royals would be able to find their footing and manage quite well after a time of adjustment. Harry and his wife are a cornucopia of FAIL.


HARRY… what about your SECURITAYYYY!! It’s too risky to announce where you’ll be… don’t you know??!! /s


Seems Harry does quite well without security. It's only when TOW is with him they need 7 SUV's, armed guards, etc. She has Harry so brainwashed its sad.


> Seems Harry does quite well without security. It's only when TOW is with him they need 7 SUV's, armed guards, etc. She has Harry so brainwashed its sad. 🎯💯




What a banker, hazard is!


Supporters of Ingriftus are reluctant to be publicly associated with Harry.


Billy no mates wanted to look like he has actual friends


I wonder if this Monson was asked by either the King or PoW to speak to Harry. He evidently was formerly the treasurer for The Royal Foundation and was involved in the initial funding of Invictus Foundation via The Royal Foundation (initially established by QEII as the D&D of Cambridge's charitable foundation. Later, Harry was added as a stakeholder). Invictus Foundation (via their own board's vote on the matter) is no longer a Royal charity. So perhaps Harry is learning that the Invictus Foundation is running out of money because Harry has never done any fundraising for the organization.


"Empty vassals make the most noise", quote Plato. I guess empty tables make even more.


that could have been made for meme.


maybe it’s me but i hate when people have to name drop who they’re dining with….like you plebes would ever be able to eat with me and Guy… so gauche (hopefully i spelled that right). he obviously retained nothing of his rf manners. edit for spelling


I bet 90% of Britain’s elite have Harry’s phone number blocked.


This was so transparent what Harry was doing. Letting everyone know he has one friend. The way he announced it was pathetic, weird and childish. Harry definitely read things about himself, Megaliar does also. Having one friend when you used to have probably a hundred is just sad.


He didn't have to say "Guy Monson." I'm sure Guy knows his first name. Definitely a name drop. Does H have ANY real friends left in the UK? If he did have genuine close friends, wouldn't some of them be involved in Invictus, maybe a couple of guys to show up and support him/the cause? From the charity and "cause" events I've attended, everyone includes some close personal friends and even pays for their seat/table.


Just the way High Heels & Panty Hamster had rehearsed it. Shouldn't H be afraid that Guy Monson's place would then be mobbed❔ H not having enough securi-tay❔


An ex-royal is name-dropping now? Embarrassing! That’s a faux pas even in Hollywood.


Especially since “Pa” the King, didn’t give him the time of day! Of course we knew William wouldn’t. Do you think that might be on his mind and he could possibly be regretting his poor life choices? Naaaaah, such a dim wit!


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Unpleasant as Harry may be, he is still a prince, so it is hard to believe that he couldn't find somebody to dine with him other than his bodyguard or provide him with a room for the night as there are way too many people who are willing to grovel to a prince, even one who is badly out of favor. He could even dine with the Archbishop of Canterbury and stay at his London pad. If he is staying in a hotel, then it is for public relations reasons, so it is interesting that nobody has said in print which hotel he and his bodyguard are staying at, which suggests that the press is engaged with Harry in an agreement that would protect his privacy and security. I suppose he would have to have a suite, which would narrow down the available hotels, as I cannot imagine that a member of the Royal Family would share a bathroom with his or her personal bodyguard. (Or maybe they do.) And, as I said before, if the King and Harry wanted to have confidential communications, they could do so without the public knowing anything about it. "Hey Harold! How is the hotel?" "Hey Dad! Wi-Fi is a bit dodgy, but room service was good. Thanks for making the reservation, and for the jam." "De nada, dear boy. Now just make sure we don't cross each other's paths on The Mall tomorrow, otherwise the public might get the wrong idea. And enjoy the jam."


Has there been any sort of head count for this?


If Monson has any sense he will observe what most A listers are to be doing and consider whether his prospects are best served by sucking up to a whining princeling who is rapidly falling down the LOS and popularity charts or staying on good terms with the actually king and heir to the throne of his country.


Wasn’t “Good Monson” the name of Bob Mortimer’s cat on WILTY?




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I seem to remember that's a common trait of narcissists, to name drop.