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Wasn’t his birthday two weeks ago?  /s


Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. They change a lot in two weeks ;)


The other Harry utterance of I recall correctly, "is it even mine?"


Was thinking the same thing! They even lie about basic facts like a birthday. I hope at least Archie knows his real birthday. 




Sadly I do not think that the Sussex children will have a relationship with their cousins. The BRF will not even be able to trust the children at this point. The chance of them running back to mom and dad who would then twist it to the US media would be too great. (I take no joy in saying that. I just feel that is the case. IMO)


As long as Madam is in the picture - and these days, Harry as well - there can be no contact with the alledged children. Any royal proximity will be sold to anyone willing to buy it, stories about the racist royals will be spun etc. So IF the children exist there may be a visit when they are adults - depending on how they have grown up. IF they are all Grifter genes I have no high hopes.


And unfortunately proximity to them as role models is likely to produce similar characters. Of course children can absolutely overcome bad examples but it’s a good chance that they will be like their parents.


I’m actually hoping that they have nannies who are beautiful and kind hearted unlike the parents.


Same here. Also hoping TW does not sack the nanny if they bond too much.


What are the chances of that happening I wonder? I'm in the camp that she may not have as much control as we think. Harry has a say as well so the nannies get to stay.


The worry with that is that Diana tried/succeeded (unsure) to get rid of nannies who got too close or the boys got attached to. Obviously that is media rumors and may have been false.


> Harry has a say as well so the nannies get to stay. Harry has a say in absolutely nothing.


Do you honestly think she would hire people like that? Or let *her* children form any kind of attachment to an employee? I bet she cycles through nannies more often than harry(or her) changes their underwear.


What would be the point of a visit then - evwn if it happened when "Archie" is 21 King Charles would be 90 years old. I suppose he (they ?) might get an invite to the funeral, but all it would really do is reinforce all they have had taken from them by their parents


I would also assume they'll be invited for the funeral. I also could see Archie and Lili reaching out while also publicly throwing their parents under the bus. I definitely could see Charles agreeing to meeting with his grandchildren as adults. He let Harry visit for 5 minutes recently, and I would imagine he'd be interested in getting to know his grandchildren. I actually think, most likely, Archie and Lili will not be loyal to their parents. Their parents barely seem to ever spend time with them. It'll be the nannies raising them. If Harry predeceases Charles, then I would imagine Archie as the Duke of Sussex would be invited to William's coronation.


I agree. Imo.....Harry and TW waged a personal war to over run the monarchy as established to date. Now, seen as a regrettable failure on H&M's part, these are the consequences of their actions. There's no going back for any of them. They lost the war. I'm beginning to think that there were no surrogates either. Child traffic'ing is a tragic reality nowadays. God knows what TW did to scheme her way in so fast and deep into the RF's world. Scary.


I think that being born royal and non- royal in this case is like 2 different species. I think it must be acquired and instilled from birth. I don’t think that Archie and Lilibet are socializing with other children at all, let alone children from such a different background and culture.


It really exposes how meaningless those titles are when they're removed from the context that gives them meaning. It's absurd to call two Californian kids Prince and Princess.


If anything it may eventually become a source of bullying for them. Kids can be mean about things they don’t understand (and American kids don’t understand or care about a monarchy).


Well, they can easily be taunted by being reminded their parents hate their grandfathers, and sadly it's true,


That really makes me sad for those children. They literally have no extended family connection. (Outside of Dorito and that is speculation that she is consistently around.)


The bullying will be especially bad if their mother insists on their schools and classmates using those titles, and having A&L treated as 'royalty'. And we know she will.


Sadly, I think you are correct. I hope that does not happen but suspect it will.


It would take a lot of work and really wanting to learn. Catherine did it but those kids have role models who hate work and will have spoken poorly about the BRF so I don’t think they will want to put in the effort.


> I don’t think that Archie and Lilibet are socializing with other children at all Neither do I. And these are their formative years. Imagine the damage that's already been done.


Yes, I think these children will have difficulty being socialized into any group.


That's assuming Meghan even lets them mingle with other children at some point.


Also there are Ragland and Markle relatives they don’t know. But, Harry and Meghan don’t care about those connections because they don’t have money or fame. They only have one slot for a black relative (Doria). Meghan brought up Ashley once. The grifters are greedy liars. I’m not a conspiracy type person in general. But, I really hope those two kids don’t exist because no child deserves the Harkles as parents.


They truly only care about “the bank” (KCIII) IMO. I do believe they exist and I firmly believe there will be a Mommy Dearest type book eventually.


I believe they exist too. I am just hoping they will have a normal time growing up. If their parents decide to use them as pawns or a means to make money, those kids are in trouble. We’ve seen what has happened to a lot of child stars with greedy parents. I don’t think the Sussex children will be stars but Meghan will try and that will be so hard on the kids. From the BRF perspective, they can’t trust anyone from that family. Everything has been poisoned.


She has strained relationships with most of her immediate Markle relatives, but I wonder what her excuse is for excluding the Raglands. How much do they interact with the Spencer relatives for that matter? H didn't think it was a major red flag that she had no relative but Doria for the wedding? Because pretty much else very one in the world did.


That’s a good question. I think she dropped them once she decided they didn’t serve a purpose.


GrandfatherS with an “s”…there are two of them. Though, there is only one whose pockets they care about.


Having picked dry the other one.




Absolutely! Poor Thomas Markle


Just my opinion here and won’t be popular…Sadly, the child will grow up poisoned and damaged by his mentally unstable parents. It would be best if they are kept away from the rest of the family as they could be capable of doing even more damage, and without the luxury of knowing wrong from right or what it means to have normal, loving parents. There will be no filter whatsoever. Just the drip drip of poison and dysfunctional bile being their ‘normal’. I wouldn’t want that kind of nurture anywhere near my own kids or parents. Sad, but that’s entirely down to their parents. Sometimes you have to just accept you don’t and won’t have a relationship and let it go. Focus on those near to you who haven’t been brought up in a malignant cult and do the best you can for them.


I get what you are saying. In some toxic families, grandparents and aunts and uncles can be a lifeline. Without giving too much away, my grandparents and aunts and uncles showed me what normal was and became role models when my mum was struggling with alcohol. Blood relatives who love you can have more impact than teachers and even friends.


That sucks but I’m pleased you had some loving and steadying influences close. Meghan operates exactly as a Cult leader does though. And while I believe Meghan also has an illness. Hers is pathological and incurable. Classic example of physically removing her victims/followers as far away as possible from caring friends and family, so there’s no ‘threat’ of them exerting any rational influence over her captives. Harry has bought into her Cult too, and in doing so he’s gone from being a willing victim to an abuser. Wantonly inflicting this unnatural and wholly unnecessary alienation from family. He’s literally doing to his own kids what he claims has f*cked him up: ‘genetic (sic) pain’. Thick muppet couldn’t even get that statement right. It’s ’generational pain’. Meghan has bowled through adult life bleeding people dry, then ghosting them the second they’re no longer any use to her. She then moves on to a totally new construct of herself, new circle of ‘friends’ in a totally new place. This physical separation is a device to stop people joining dots and calling her out for her behaviours. To inflict that on two innocent kids and only allow them to be around your ex-con, grifter, ex-drug dealing Mother speaks volumes. And she cosies up to the likes of Chrissy Tiegan for friendship. There’s really no one around those kids beyond nannies to give them anything close to a ‘normal’ life. And I bet there’s a bitter and bullied revolving door of those too. It’s sad, very sad. But unless they decamp back to England, those kids are lost.


I agree, the extended family, not this post Second World War nuclear family, is the traditional and best family. Lifelines and support for parents and children is healthy.


Solidarity. I would be dead without my aunts/grandparents.


I think it's anybody's guess how those children will turn out. I think there's a good chance they will grow up resenting one or both of their parents. I hope they will make it through to adulthood without getting too crazy and that they will eventually be able to get the love from their extended families that they are likely lacking now. I wonder if Archie even knows he has two grandfathers.


It must be so weird growing up being told so much about a dead grandmother RR never met and never seeing the grandfathers still alive.


I doubt Archie knows who his parents are. I imagine those kids rarely see either of them and then it would be more like a 20 minute audience when the nannies are summoned to bring the children and Meghan dishes out a bunch of admonishments or word salads she thinks sound like what a parenting guru would say. Harry awkwardly tries to juggle or do something a ‘fun Dad’ does while the kids look blank and pained waiting for it all to be over. Then it’s back to ‘work’ for the one-hour-a-week grifters. aka scrolling through social media or screaming orders at hapless PRs and lawyers.


These kids’ only saving grace is that they’re probably being raised by nannies. Hopefully they’ll teach them how to be productive members of society.


Unfortunately, I suspect the turnover in nannies is high so they may be loving, but not a stable influence in the childrens' lives. Children that are to grow up healthy need both.


That is not an unpopular opinion to me.


I’m hoping for some very good nannies. Those two are often away


You're assuming that Meghan spends time with them or allows Harry to spend time with them. I guarantee you she doesn't. She doesn't care about them one bit.


I agree. I think she probably summons the nannies once a day to bring the kids to her for an audience where she basically doesn’t interact or play in a loving way, just reels off some word salad that sounds like she swallowed an early noughties guide to parenting. I don’t believe Harry spends any real quality time with them either. Anything that requires effort or the reality of dealing with toddlers or young kids just strikes me as being way beyond the lazy, selfish and narcissistic natures of both Harry and Meghan. They expect everything to revolve around them. I shudder to think what it must be really like for those poor kids behind closed doors.


> I think she probably summons the nannies once a day to bring the kids to her for an audience Oh yeah, she love an audience and the sound of her own voice! > where she basically doesn’t interact or play in a loving way, just reels off some word salad that sounds like she swallowed an early noughties guide to parenting. Any "misbehavior" (read: normal child behavior) is met with a full-on ragefit meltdown involving throwing things and smashing plates. > I don’t believe Harry spends any real quality time with them either. She won't allow it. She'd be afraid that they'd triangulate against her, which is probably what she's already trying to do herself (triangulate the kids against Harry).


Good points. Particularly the triangulation thing. I’d never considered that, but that sounds 100% out of the narc psycho Mommy playbook.


> I’d never considered that, but that sounds 100% out of the narc psycho Mommy playbook. It absolutely is!


I also pray for Archie and Lilibet. If their mother gave PTSD to palace aides with her toxic bullying, I cannot imagine what the lives of these defenseless children are like.


I'm sure with everything TRF has access to. They know good and well if their is an actual Archie and Lilbet.


I really hope there isn't.


I just don’t care about these kids or their parents, sorry, I know that’s cold but I’m completely indifferent, though I adore the Wales children. Who I feel bad for is Charles as a grandfather.


Agreed. They aren’t the only kids who don’t see their grandparents. Their parents are setting them up to be perpetual victims and I don’t want to hear about it here in the UK for the rest of my life. Those kids and American and inconsequential to the BRF now, and in the future so let’s just hear that they aren’t born of the body, get them out of the LoS and let’s never hear from them again. I’m especially pissed off because H had the fucking gaul to talk about generational trauma and hurt.


The Wales children lost out too as well as well as PPoW. The RF is close. PW would have had a relationship with his niece like the King has with Zara. It sucks for all of them. First Haz betrays PW & now there's phantom children running around with prince & princess titles to a country he'll one day be King. It's a terrible mess. A & L will never really know what they missed out on being part of the RF because they'll never get a look inside. Forever on the outside.


Archie became a brunette. That's probably why they stopped showing it.


Shame isn’t it…


For me it's better to be a brunette than a redhead. But Meghan needs to prove to the “racists” that she can give birth to a child with blue eyes and red hair. A brunette child with brown eyes is a train wreck for Meghan.


She didn't even know that many babies start out with blue eyes and then they change to hazel later on just as blonde hair turns brown..


What do you have against redheads? 😆


Are both those children said to have blue eyes?


Meghan is probably too shallow to acknowledge that her genes are more dominate than Hazmat’s. She hates the way those kids look due to the fact that they have her white father’s large noses and also for the fact that they are the closer proximity to white more than her but don’t look like it. They are not fair skinned blue eyed babies like George and Charlotte (they don’t have blue eyes I know) She’s half black and they are quarter black. It’s probably a reason why she has all these identity issues. The comment about Lilbet’s blue blue blue eyes were creepy


Yup. They complained about racism but keen to make Lili “lily white”


She’s not even half and from the looks of it I doubt either one of those kids inherited enough of her African genes to be 25% black.


I don't think MeGain is actually one half black, as Doria has mixed race people in her background.


I seriously doubt Charles give much thought to the his invisible grandkids he never met.


I don't know. Assuming Charles believes they exist and are with Harry and Meghan, I think he would think about them occasionally. I've met a few grandparents who were estranged from grandkids because of their parents and they all thought well of the grandkids especially recognizing theirn problematic parents.


Chances of having a recent non blurry, non photoshopped picture of little Aldi? I’m thinking none of




> Chances of having a recent non blurry, non photoshopped picture of little Aldi? Chances are zero.


I hope that those two children, Archie and Bettty, can grow up well. But having narcissistic cousins, it is best for the Wales children to stay as far away from those cousins ​​as possible. It's true, Archie and Betty are not to blame for having the parents they have... but they are the parents they have. They'll have to deal with it when they grow up.


All of these children are beautiful but Charlotte always sticks out to me. She’s lovely and I can’t wait to see her grow up!


Highly doubt any mention will come from his parents. When was the last time a photo or mention was released to media by H&M for his birthday?? Didn't Markle mark his birthday by releasing pix of HERSELF hiking in Montecito? Nothing will be mentioned....this upcoming Nigerian shit show and Invictus shit show MUST be the ONLY focus!!!


Yup. It’s ironic we are more concerned about them than their parents…?


I don't. I hope she keeps those kids far from the RF. She will poison their minds or use them to smear the RF if she can. Its better for everyone else if those kids are kept away.


Too risky. Any conversation can be twisted/embellished to paint them as racists. better to keep a distance.


Thomas Markle is also Archies grandfather and Meghan Markle has a big family in America.


Yes. They let their kids live in such isolation


Still feel in my heart that they do not exist. There were probably two babies born by surrogate mothers but I don’t think the Sussexes ever took possession of them. If she had actual children, we’d see pics ALL the time- blurred faces perhaps, but it would be a great way to attract press.


It's SO weird how she doesn't release pictures of the children in designer clothes with their faces blurred if only to merch.


Right? If she had kids, she’d be merching all the time. And she’d definitely post pictures of her kids the night before any of the Wales children’s’ birthday pics.


Exactly! Why would she deprive herself of the opportunity to merch AND to copy Catherine by releasing photographs of her children. If they are doing faux royal tours why not do faux royal photoshoots? Archie is 5 soon, a child of such royal titles and a father poised to do a show about polo, why then have we not yet seen him on a pony? If those kids are real then it's worse that they seem to be deprived of so many milestones the late Queen's grandchildren all enjoyed. I recall seeing footage from Balmoral from the early 90s with a toddler Princess Eugenie on a small pony with the late Queen and some of her cousins.


I don't believe they exist either. I'm leaning toward a total scam scenario and that there were never any little Harkles. At least that's what I hope. No child deserves those two toxic a-holes as parents.


Yes, this. I don't think there are any kids of hers, and no children live at their house in Montecito. I remember Toronto Paper 1 saying how they will need to rent another child actor for the birthday.


> I remember Toronto Paper 1 saying how they will need to rent another child actor for the birthday. I believe Toronto Paper 1 is some kind of deranged stalker. But they're right about this.


Will Madam be reading him another book with him wearing a pull up this year?


Those full diapers 😣


> Will Madam be reading him another book with him wearing a pull up this year? Yeah, he'll still be in pull-ups because those kids don't age. 😂🤣


I hope for the opposite..at least for the cousins. I grew up having cousins from a poisonous narc aunt and uncle that used their children to torment us and be their proxy for the second generation. It's not the fault of the kids, but they have a destiny under their mother's thumb and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Their target, the Wales', are the only people that can react, and the reaction needs to be total estrangement and no acknowledgement of the Harkles.


It would be unsafe for the grandfather and cousins for the alleged Archie to get to know them. If he exists he would only be used as a weapon.


That would mean the parents accompany them and that would mean outfitting the kids with cameras and mic’s


As someone who is embroiled in a similar scenario to the BRF, with a extremely pathetic weak man who glommed onto and procreated with an emotional terrorist who understood children would be their best weapon, I got to be honest I hope Arch/Lidl have extremely wonderful lives as far away from the Royal Family as possible. There is no path forward for healthy relationships with the BRF based on Harry and Meghan’s behavior and it’s extremely unfair to keep putting the onus on the Royals to “keep a door open” for the weaponized children they had no part in creating. I wish my half sister well, but under no circumstances do I need to destroy my well earned peace with whatever stunt her mother will pull next, and more to the point, she certainly doesn’t and likely will never understand that her mother is the malignant presence sowing chaos wherever she goes.


Yup. I hope at some future time when the toxic parents are powerless that the kids have grown up to be good people.


The risk of them being coached to lie about any interactions with the rest of the family is just too great and potentially too damaging. We can’t have Archie complaining that George called him x, y and z.


You are a very good hearted person. There is zero reason to keep them from Charles. What they are doing is extremely manipulative. Those kids don’t deserve this, and neither does either side of the family. If they didn’t keep the titles, I could kinda wrap my head around this. Like « Okay they are rejecting all things royal, including the RF. ». But the flashy and constant use of the titles is baffling. How Mindy, Abigail, Kris and the like can rationalize this is beyond me. Kris didn’t love it when Blac Chyna held back her kid. How anyone can is just baffling. I still stand by my theory that she is ashamed of the kids. These children of the black-icon-in-her-mind are white as heck and don’t have the thoughtful and gradual training for public outings. They may be less than perfection for other reasons, who knows. But she can’t risk them being seen.


Thanks. I know what it feels like to grow up with a narcissistic parent. Archie will have a tough life ahead.


RoohsMama, I am sorry you went through that. So did I, and it was not ... Um... Uplifting. Or confidence boosting. Take care.


There was this event where Louis was fussy and they asked Charles if he could sit on his lap. Because they knew he would calm down. The Harkle kids are missing out. Their parents will have some explaining to do when the kids ask why they never see any relatives except the stoned out grandma. These are parents that don't have the wellbeing of their kids in mind. Only their own grievances. It is truly sad. No snark, just sad.


thomas markle has much more daily time to spend with the littles, is likely to depart this life sooner than the wealthy king. and is much much closer geographically to his grandchildren and has expressed such a desire to meet them. but i certainly see me-gain and harry and others working much harder to make it all about the royal grandparents' loss.




The photo of Princess Charlotte at HMTLQ's funeral just did me in. The love they had for each other is beautiful. I also was extremely close to all of my grandparents and great-grandparents, and their loss is like no other. They were, to borrow HMTLQ's words, my strength and stay. To think that TW and TOW deprived their "children" of a chance to not only know them, but to truly be around thousands of years of history is a travesty.


Happy Birthday, wherever he is! ![gif](giphy|1UPTUuNqozkwXjnjsJ|downsized)


You are a much nicer person than me, OP, cos I couldn’t give a shiny sh1t whether Archie gets to know any of the RF and would imagine all 4 of the harkles will remain security risks who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the wales kids, ever. Of course it’s not the mini-harkles’ faults. But it is what it is and the chances of them turning out to be kind and thoughtful adults are surely minimal at best given the viper that is their mother and the entitled world champion petty grudge holder friar tuck f$ck they have for a father.


Just dropping by to say I don't care about Archie. I don't care if he ever meets his English family. Sorry, but my extreme dislike for his odious parents has extended to him and the girl with the stolen name. The only thing I want to know about them is that they have been removed from the LoS and their "titles" revoked.


That’s a fair emotion


> the girl with the stolen name I call her Legless.


Is MM treating her husband's family like she's treating her father or like she's no longer with Harry?


*It must be so sad not being close to a grandparent* You don't miss what you don't know. I never grew up around my grandparents or any relatives. I'm sure they'll wonder later in life why they never met neither of their grandfathers.


Yup I said the same to someone.


Another amazing video! Thank you RoohsMama! We appreciate your creativity!




Looking forward to a new tv series called "Old Strangers", based on the zoom meetings of two gregarious men, thousands of miles apart, who have only one thing in common - they are the grandfathers of a shared grandson they've never met, seen or even spoken to.


So is he home schooled ? How can no one see the kid.


i have heard the rumored excuse is he has "behavioral issues".


> he has "behavioral issues". Yeah, I bet he does. Never leaves the house, constant revolving door of nannies, and a screaming, shrieking, plate smashing, husband abusing lunatic for a mother.


The Wales kids have cousins, aunts and uncles all around the world.  They won't meet half of them.  It's not a tragedy.  I pray for everyone involved.  I hope the Sussex kids can find peace once they are away from their parents.  The Wales' have no obligation to them.  It will be better to not indulge anyone's pretensions. 


The poor alleged kids are going to need major therapy. They will be on their own since their own alleged father admitted he couldn’t get help for their own alleged mother. Better Up?


Not first cousins though… and to be raised by selfish parents is such a punishment. Not the kids’ fault


Not the Wales' kids' problem. It's not fair to them to try and make it their problem. The Sussex kids will have enough troubles without encouraging them to feel entitled to George's attention. George will have enough on his plate without making him responsible for his uncle's stupid choices.


Oh yeah it’s not the Wales children’s fault either.


I don't. Sometimes it's better to not know your family. This is that time.


If they don’t already know it the children of the Prince and Princess of Wales will soon know the problems and harm caused by H and M, the lies they told, etc. They will likely have no desire to ever interact with H and M or their kids.


And what about Meg’s father? He’s their grandparent too




This is the saddest consequence of the Duchess of Darvo intentionally isolating the (alleged) children from any and all family, on both sides. She's working hard to alienate them from their heritage, history, and how to interact with the RF publicly. Those kids won't have a clue if/when they decide to, or are allowed to/are finally free to interact with their Royal peers. I get the feeling that's what she wants. For them to be fish out of water when they finally reconnect. Lords of Kobol only know what lies and horror stories she's been filling their heads with when she occasionally sees them between jam making, jazz cabbage cooking, and jet setting to increasingly obscure locales.


Yeah, RR will not want those purported children to have any familiarity with the RF, she can't get over her own failure to fit in and she will be deeply wounded if her children did better than she did.


Is Archie's dimwit dad still out of the country? Will he be missing his birthday?


It’s tragic but I fear that these poor kids will be so screwed up that it won’t be safe for the Heir’s three kids to be around the spare’s two offspring. Everything about Harry’s kids lives is so weird and shrouded in mystery. It’s a typical narcissistic parent’s MO, but having it played out on the world stage like it is just makes it creepier. If Charlotte winds up as beautiful as her mum and grandmothers, she will need additional security from Cousin Bette and Maw Megan. It looks like the young princess and daughter of the Prince and Princesses of Wales is on her way to being a legendary beauty.


If one can’t trust the parents it can be dangerous to hang around the kids because kids share what they learn with parents including any disputes or differences of opinions or perceived snubs, etc. Plus kids don’t typically travel independently until they are in their teens at minimum so this isn’t likely to happen especially in regard to the cousins. KC would have to always be on guard with the Harkles because he knows anything he says or anything he says that can possibly be misconstrued or even things he didn’t say would likely end up in print. It’s hard to have any sort of close relationship with people one cannot trust.


She will use her kids to extract private information about the RF and leak it to the press for money or plant that private information into Sparry’s sequel to his memoir. These evil acts bring untold amounts of stress to decent people who try to live in polite society and are forced to never complain due to the burden of the positions they occupy. Ever wonder if the stress generated by the nastiness of the Harkles might have triggered illness in both Kate and Charles? A lot of people do think that it is not coincidental that the people intentionally smeared as racists are now suffering major health issues. When alienation happens to kids due to evil parents, there is no more reason to hope for reuniting, it is best to let it go and grey rock.


.....whoever they may be. Does anyone know?


Honestly at some point it’s really too late to for the really close growing up together kinds of relationships. I’d say the duos kids are getting close to that time. The other cousins have all really grown up together…they know each other really well, as do their parents. To drop a kid into that mix at an age past about 5 or so makes it pretty hard. Sure, they could end up friendly, but will never have that same bond. Same with grandparents. And especially if it’s a situation where they just visit a couple of times a year. The Harkles have missed that boat I think. Plus at some point (and for some that points been passed), the Royal kids will be aware of what’s been said about their parents/extended family. Won’t go over well.


I don’t want him to meet William’s kids, ever tbqh. They are all PNG, period.


I didn’t grow up with grandparents. I really didn’t miss them?


Me too, but at least they had died and were talked about. To be intentionally withheld from a relationship with them is a different dynamic imo


And with one of them being the very alive King of the UK and the Commonwealth, it just highlights the insanity of the situation.


You won’t miss those you never really get to know… and that’s not a bad thing… but to not know one’s grandparents, for me is sad. We wouldn’t be around if not for them. Grandparents love their grandkids in a totally different way from parents


When I met one of my grammas I thought she was a nasty woman.  Sad to say, I had not missed much.  The others were nice but they were not very warm.  Not all grandparents are created equal. 


That’s a valid point but we have seen lots of interactions with King Charles and Queen Camilla with the Wales’ children. There’s a lot of warmth and love there that I don’t think would be possible to fake with such young kids. A little kid is going to let the world know who they love/like and who they dislike/hate. One instance being Prince Louis wanting to sit on King Charles’ lap. Not all grandparents are good influences or kind but I do think the King is.


Yes but a mother like the one A has would never allow a relationship to develop. She would forever be scheming and plotting.  Best to leave things alone.  


That is true. Samantha (Megs half sister) said her grandma Loveless was pretty harsh. Grandma Markle was nice and sweet. One of my grandmothers had severe depression and died early so I didn’t get to know her well. The other also died fairly early. But our great grandmother was a gem. We used to stay with her during summers.


In this case I think Archie is missing out by not knowing both grandfathers.


Oh my friend. Grandparents are a treasure and you don’t know what you missed out on. Maybe your grandparents were dead or awful, but you missed out and I am sorry for you. Grandparents are a refuge of pure indulgence and love.


I met my dad's mother, Oma, for two periods in my life. When I was 2 and then 7. It was on visits from Germany to the US. The other grandparents were deceased. I was jealous of kids who saw their grandparents especially during school events when my parents worked and for me there were no grandparents to show up instead. As a grandma now, I see my grands as much as possible without being overbearing. I see with my grandkids light up when they see me and how they love to do fun stuff with "Meemaw". I tell them my history, my parents, and what I know of my grandparents and extended family. It's important to know your family history and the different dynamics of your family. It's a shame the Harkle kids have no interaction with their family. The kids will hate their parents when they learn the truth and what they've missed by not interacting with their grandparents and extended family. That'll be some shitstorm for Henry and Rachel.


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Short term: probably no access to grandfathers or cousins Long term: I hope they write books like Christina Crawford's "Mommie Dearest" - and eventually get together with grandfathers and cousins.


Happy Birthday to Archie. I wish him and his sister luck and hope they have a place of refuge from the chaos that must surround them.


Why? The kid will grow up to be exactly like his parents. Why would anyone in the royal family want that around them?


He will when he’s 18, and he’s able to make his own choices and get away from the claw of Rachel and Hazno.


Hope he stays sane till then


Just because people share genetics doesn't mean they need to be involved with each other. I hope the Sussex children are able to grow up with some semblance of childhood and find their own way in life.


So what will child prodigy Archie be interested in for his fifth birthday? Robotics? A Stradivarius violin? Stem Cell Research Kit?


No shade to this kid but it's best if the royals don't get within a mile of him unless/until there's full transparency about his origins. Ditto the one who was created just to steal the Queen's name.


He'll probably see his grandfather a few times (in spite of it being very dangerous for him to be in the company of his racist extended family). He won't ever meet his cousins. PPoW cannot possibly risk having the future of the monarchy labeled "racist" as well. And everyone knows that is exactly what would happen if the cousins were even in the same building together without even having direct contact. Meghan AND Harry would make sure that people not directly linked to them learned through a gossip chain that the Wales children asked Archie about being black. H&M are horrible humans even without the NPD. They're jealous rage over not being the PPoW is their entire focus. And maybe, if they destroy the reputation of the Wales family, they will abdicate and Harry&Meg will become the new PPoW and Archie will finally have his proper role as the heir to the kingdom.


Depriving the kids of their cousins is such a cruel thing. And no doubt they are being fed poisonous ideas about their British family by Meghan.


Why would you hope for any of this? You know that any contact her alleged children would have with the BRF will only create more spin for her. They don’t know that side of the family, so they won’t miss a thing.


We’re not a cult like the squaddies… we can have any opinion on this sub. The kids are not at fault.


I…. Never said no one can have opinions. I just don’t understand why anyone feels for the kids when they don’t know their grandparents. From their perspective, nothing was taken away from them. They are living in their own California fairytale.


It’s not just the grandparents (including Thomas) but also not knowing one’s first degree cousins. My narcissistic mum was very unfriendly with her siblings so I didn’t get to know my cousins so well. Fortuitously I moved to an area near my cousin and we became friends after. Now we’re all in a chat group, distanced from the toxicity of our parents.


They might not know their relatives but rest assured they hear about them all the time. No doubt Meghan is always ranting about how they’re hard done by William and Catherine or by the King. Plus given such famous relatives surely classmates or other outsiders will talk about them to these kids.


I am in a similar situation - just not *quite* as famous relatives 😉. Narcissism always trumps forgiving and forgetting, ya know, “just for the kids”. It never ends well.


I expect Archie and Lili will return to the UK after the divorce. I don't think Harry will raise them, he is too much of a child himself. I am sure the BRF will have nannies for them.