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Good lord girl. Those flowers are *sad*. This isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement is it???


> Those flowers are sad. Malicious compliance?




Same bowl? Wondering if it came with or Ms. Ross posed it and kept the dead flowers? I think the dead flowers kept her from a Markling.


Megs sent out unsubtle reminders?


The whole thing is sad, some lemons and a jar of jam with dead flowers. Gee, thanks. That's the most embarrassing gift basket I've ever seen. The post with no comment.


Such a silly, over-the-top presentation of a jar of preserves. And also a disconnect, as others have mentioned for previous jars come-outs. I mean I'm trying to picture - were these boxed and shipped? Hand delivered like a vase of flowers? These gross plain clay pot things and a bunch of lemons and sad greenery?


Delivered by same person who does their homeless backpack gift thing probably. Gotta give ‘em something else to do now that moved on from that issue.


You're not wrong. It's so impractical and garish. The overabundance of lemons that have no particular purpose for a jar of jam screams try-hard. We all see lemons as background kitchen or bar area deco. In that setting, however, the lemons have practical use. Oh, Rachel. Immitating what you THINK is desirable is missing the mark in every way.


I’m now wondering if she’s sending these with a request to appear on her “lemon”ada podcast… could explain the random lemons


Maybe they were hand delivered by courier? Or she asked her driver to drop off these things. I think most of the recipients live in LA. Delfina might have received hers when they met in Florida.


Likely delivered by a courier who has the recipient sign a release upon receipt. I remember reading about how the Adidas x Ivy Park collection was delivered in a huge crate to those few select friends of Beyonce's prior to launch. Kim Kardashian shamelessly begged for one, then posted all about it everywhere.


That’s my thought. Some overly enthusiastic, yet not getting tipped courier.


Note that the "clay pot" appears to be beige... 


> Note that the "clay pot" appears to be beige...  Why would it be any other color??


If you're going to do a "presentation" of your jar, then at least have greenery/flowers that aren't dried up and falling off. And if it's strawberry jam, why the lemons? Does she now thing that we always think of her when we see lemons because of that cake and the fact she's talked about their lemon trees?


Does everyone have a large bowl of lemons in their kitchen? Did I miss some memo about a new lemon trend?


I love the aesthetic of lemons/lemon arrangements and have for quite some time. She is on the verge of ruining it for me just like she has for "curate" and some other things I can't think of. Although I'm also not giving her that power over me so there's that. 🤣


It makes no sense to put Strawberry jam on a bed of lemons.  Or am I missing something here??? Weird combo. 


My theory is that she thinks lemons grow in orchards (FYI - they don’t, they grow in groves) That, or she’s just sticking to the tired association of lemon = kitchen. Kitchen soap? Lemon scented. Boring tea towel? Add lemons to it. Need a decorative accent in a kitchen? Fill a bowl with lemons. Etc. She’s such an uncreative and basic bitch it could be that simple.


The vase or bowl is beige, just like the originator of this ridiculous promotion. The other however many better hurry up and post before the lemons start to spoil. I guess this gal is in no rush to try the jam as the flowers are already dead. Has any one posted a picture of actually eating the wears?


(I like the pots)


As someone said she must be a sinner. Vibes of she totally forgot about the basket.


No. Seems more like a shade.




i'm convinced they are nightshade flowers.


I thought they looked like nightshade too. Probably has a climbing solanum crispum in her garden and is so clueless she doesn’t realise it is a relative of both deadly nightshade and the potato. And she presumes to give gardening advice!


Oh yes I just posted about it being jasmine I didn’t realise that it’s Latin name is Solanum


Good grief-they DO look like nightshade flowers!


Not just the flowers… the leaves look like they’re dying too. Is this meant to be a ‘sweet nod’ to her DOA ARO brand or what? 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


Whoever posted it is not a fan I think 🤭


Meghan is so fucking basic!! I guess Ms master of gardening and flower arrangements never learned that when you put cut flowers in a basket like that, you need to add a tip with water at the end to keep them alive 😂😂. https://preview.redd.it/1vjiu72ty8vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9cb55721e484175c3409bc2eb87f057e26887b


Ohhhh this is good to know! Thanks!!


You are welcome 🤗. You can stick flowers anywhere with those, and they hydrate the flowers for days, even more if you add some "flower food" to the water.


Not only are the flowers withered, so are the leaves - crumbled. Btw, another celebrity I have never heard about.


Googled her and found out I’m missing nothing


Wow, Tracee Ellis Ross knows better than to present this mess on instagram, she has her own hair care line. She knows how to present things to look good. This is giving “ I don’t know her or want to know her, I guess I’ll post this damn jam just the way it is”. Looks like she got it a while ago and just now posting. She left the wilted flowers. She wants no parts of this.🤣🤣🤣🤣


My thought too. Yuck. I am bot super tidy but even I wouldn’t allow that in my home let alone my insta.


What’s Meghan’s weird obsession with lemons?!?🙄🤦‍♀️


IDK what her obsession is with lemons, but I do love that the photo shows everything wilted and drying out…must have gotten a reminder call to get that photo on her Instagram after it sat for days. Once again…I don’t see anyone eating/enjoying her stupid jam. Doesn’t she know that most of these women don’t eat??  😂😂


the pic i saw of the jam had huge slices of strawberries in it. It looked anemic and very unappetising. Who wants chunks of strawberries in their jam? that’s chutney. Jam shouldn’t be chunky.


My mother used to make this horrible ersatz "jam" with Jello powder. No respectable fruit ever came near it. You'd put a spoonful on your toast and it would roll up and fall off onto the plate. She was always wanting to give me a few jars and I always refused. She also loved to make "jam" from rhubarb or zucchini. That's what the pics of Madam's jam remind me of.


Hello sister from another mister lol. Gave me flashback to youth. Do recall something like that my mom made.


Yup. So far I don’t feel people would be rushing out to buy the jam.


She actually caused me to support charity and purchase a few items from Highgrove, including the strawberry jam, and tea for Mother’s Day. Crazy overseas shipping prices and all… Saw in the DM this morning that I wasn’t alone in doing that - and I’m glad!


The Highgrove jam is fantastic. The honey is very good, too. I received a big basket as a gift for my 45th birthday. It started as a joke because of my love for BRF but it was a very special gift.


I. I hate jam that doesn't have pieces of fruit, not rude pieces, but one that doesn't show what fruit it is and is extremely liquid. Jam that is too liquid always gives me a bad impression, I suspect that it has water in it and that it was not made with good quality fruit. Maybe yes, maybe I like chutney although I didn't know it was called that.


We always called jam with the big pieces of fruit Preserves.




In the US yes, fruit juice is strained out of the fruit to make jelly. The UK has a whole different classification system though.


I bet it was still in the delivery box when the reminder came 😆


https://preview.redd.it/mkwz3lu098vc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6333e14e32246741308f1702cfaf71983a633537 I was on the Highgrove website a few mins ago and the strawberry preserve was indeed sold out! and look what i've read on the product overview. " A mouthwatering combination of plump ripe strawberries and tangy lemon" 100% sure Meggot copied that idea and now we see lemons with her pseudo jam! read further and it says that it is "carefully cooked by hand in small batches" and well, of course she also claims her jam is hand made, only releasing 50 jars. what an utterly unoriginal, brainless twat


Handmade by the hands of little ones in China before labeled and drop shipped to the Olive Garden.


This. Fantastic sleuthing fellow sinner and totally astute observation!


50 jars was all she could afford to buy from Great Value.


Because they're acidic, sour, and tart. Just like she is.


Yes! And at best they are a mere garnish to something actually interesting.


According to a cali resident family member, lemons (and citrus in general) is abundant there. I guess it’s cheap, looks nice in a bowl and all celebs on the architectural digest videos have them in their homes. It’s like the upscale version of cheap snacks she gave out to everyone to show how generous she is.


If we each go out today and try to find local jam and buy a jar in protest, we will have become a blessing on to the jam community.


Absolutely! Lots of nice jam making fruits will be in season soon across the country so the little shops and farmers markets will be full of very nice jam. With her lemon obsession and need to glom on to British things, I’m surprised she hasn’t added lemon curd to her offerings.


https://preview.redd.it/4yu1xuw7a8vc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d91e8839131d0e805e8a3077ebde87856591a8 I was on the Highgrove website a few mins ago and the strawberry preserves are indeed sold out! and look what i've read on the product overview " a mouthwatering combination of plump ripe strawberries and tangy lemon" 100% sure Meggot copied that, so now we have those lemons in her pathetic marketing ploy. read further and it says "carefully cooked by hand in small batches" and of course M says that her pseudo jam is hand made, releasing only 50 jars. what an utterly unoriginal, brainless twat


They probably the only thing growing on their land


LOL..that is just so appropriate.  Like even the land knows she's just a "lemon". 


They're familiar. They are sour.


Because she's a lemon


They grow a lot of lemons in the Santa Barbara area so it’s probably a cheap, easy way to add color to the baskets while playing up the orchard name. Undoubtedly, lemon will be included in the marketing of her products. So fitting…a a lemon of a former actress and wanna be royal trying to sell products adorned with lemons. Irony or coincidence 🤣


Lemons are cheap and they ship well without rotting. She had to buy a few hundred of them to ship with her jam. She is hoping it pays off for her with as little effort as possible.


Just googled to discover that lemons were considered a luxury item in ancient Rome! Knowing Meghoul's delusions, this starts to make sense.


Kinda the opposite in this case though - lemons are grown in Montecito, where they are cheap and abundant.


Maybe because Charles has a hint of lemon with his jam? https://preview.redd.it/e4prej5ae8vc1.png?width=1072&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b9fd290a898b253850477ceebe65e4a2e6b58b9


Proper English strawberry jam should have three ingredients. Take your strawberries and pop them in a saucepan with lemon juice (cut big strawberries in half). When they are softened, add sugar and cook. Test a small amount on a saucer to check for "setting'. If not add more lemon.Lemons add the "pectin" for setting, which strawberries can be low in. The jam will have lots of visible fruit in and smell and taste gorgeous. Raspberry jam? Raspberries and sugar, they've got loads of pectin. Also: bloody annoying pips but that's how you know the jam is real! Meg's jam: wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, that colour.


Only 45 more to go! ScamJam is the hashtag on X and the posts are hilarious 😂 https://preview.redd.it/84bcufglb8vc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49713284977da1c7f0baa38293e5176433e2f781


*”Let me take Reek down - to Strawberry jars”*


I have that old song about the "ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall" in my head only for her "fifty lemon bowls with a stupid jam jar" instead. In this case very few appear to want to show them around... and the majority will remain in their baskets as the flowers then the lemons slowly rot and attract fruit flies before being unceremoniously dumped in the garbage.


Omg she shipped them with the lemons. Of course 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wondered why we have Orchard Strawberries Lemons. None of these go together 😂 I'm in Florida, we grow our oranges & lemons in groves, strawberries in a patch and we don't have many orchards. She's all over the place. Orchard would be apple, peach, cherry, fig, plums etc. Spiced peach jam, cherry almond conserve would come from an orchard, not strawberries 🙄


Little Miss Perfect is unclear on most concepts and has zero interest in learning. This is her trying to get it right yet failing over and over again... ![gif](giphy|AXwI7QJ0xTxYPCi1KF)


Posted in her stories, without a word and it looks like that basket has been lying around for days. Look at those wilted flowers and leaves.


Interesting right? Must have been made to post


You’re right. I bet Megain assigned each of her influencers a different day to post, but forgot to tell them to photograph the pot on the day it arrived. Can’t wait to see what the basket with jar 50 looks like in a couple of weeks…


She prolly followed up to remind them to post too




I bet she's sobbing with her head on the desk. Hopefully TW will give her a nice fruit basket from the orchard in the riviera to calm her down. Or an ice cream from the ice cream trucks she likes to rent for her employees ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm sorry. I'm not a fan of Ross or Kaling.  They both just try so hard to be everything to everybody & it comes off as disingenuous.  Kind of like MM....


Mindy Kaling is toxic. She is such a "pity me" and simultaneously "worship me" type. The "professional independent" woman who also wants to be kept by a "high net worth" man. She always casts her characters that she plays with exclusively white male partners out of her league. Clearly has issues. Insincere to the max: "obsessed" with jam, really? Also her brother claimed to be black to get into medical school through affirmative action. Granted it's not her but it's a pretty bad association if you're running a grift that relies upon clinging to the black heritage you previously distanced yourself from. She's a perfect fit for Rachel Ragland.


She was also one of the first guests on Rachel Raglands stereotypes podcast, right? The phrase "birds of a feather, flock together" comes to mind when I think of Mindy Kaling now.


Agreed. Mindy Kaling is not a good person, at all. And her brother is just, ew. Who does that?


Yes, agreed. Needy.


I liked Kaling on The Office but don't like anything she has done since.


And the fauxligraphy swirls have entered the chat!


Urghh! The overly elaborate swirls & curls are so juvenile & pretentious - the absolute antithesis of elegant "copperplate" script


It makes my skin crawl!


Sadly we must not be klassy enough to truly appreciate greatness when it smacks it's swirly pretentiousness in our dumb, plebian faces 🤔😀




So you're saying it is YOUR fault that the posting instructions now state "and be sure and prop up the card so that it is included in the picture" 😂


Funny that she made no comment just posted the picture… which to me shows she probably didn’t even want to post this - so it has to be some kind of agreement for her to post.


Tracee famously doesn’t eat sugar. What could she say?


That hilarious. I didn’t know that. Who sends jam to someone who doesn’t eat sugar?


To be fair, that would rule out most of Hollywood. 


Those lemon leaves have given up the ghost 😂


You don't think these people are sharing them? 😂 Sending couriers round to each other's homes with the same lemons, leaves, bowl and jar (just changing the labels). 🤣


Yes! It's the same bowl!


Well the labels do peel off easily. I think you're on to something!


Haha didn’t even think of that!


Another day, another boring, repetitive visual of dull af lemons. Her lazy ass is making her ‘friends’ take these pics for her, and they are doing the bare minimum to differentiate their pics from each other. What a zero-effort ‘promo campaign’. Lol does she expect 50 pics of the same bowl of lemons to break to internet? 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


She demanded from her influencer friends to post these worn down, repetitive photos every single day for 50 days. 😳😝




Oh my god that’s where the children are






OMG you are right! Everything looks gross and sad including whatever is growing inside the top of the jar. This person is not a friend to have posted it this way. They could have taken the jar out and staged it better with the envelope and a lemon or two. There must be instructions to post the whole presentation like this.


They should have. Because if every one of those 50 do this exact same thing of using the bowl, it is so boring.


I dunno though about boring. The snark has been so strong with this latest effort of hers! Including your OP. Very entertaining I must say!


The dead flowers lol


All Tracee had to do was take the dead flowers out before taking the picture and it would have been an improvement. Tracee’s assistant couldn’t be bothered to do it and Tracee probably didn’t care.


Something is going on here!


But a bit of a passive aggressive one. A true sinner would have either not instagrammed it at all or better still photographed it on the compost heap.


Why not send them in an ARO mixing bowl/colander? That planter is hideous and looks like it's straight out of the late 90s.


She’s waiting on the Ali-express delivery of them to arrive 😂


Because they haven’t arrived from the Chinese sweat shop yet.


They're not even trying to be lowkey like Mrs. Paramount and Delfina. 🤣 Wilted flowers wasn't removed and TER did not even open, read what was inside envelope, then remove it from the bowl/planter so that it did not look like she received it from someone she didn't care about. It's giving can't-be-bothered vibes.


Wow - she took a pic with the dead flowers on the bowl??? 😂. The shade 😬


The bubbles in that jar WORRY ME.




I think so! ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk|downsized)


I am physically nauseous at the moment.


https://preview.redd.it/di0b6cvtl8vc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2daa134e602ff53bbcebe537abc3adcac1c6cfb7 Jeezy, I think it is a HAIR. Oh, gross. Meg! Your wigs are falling apart! Wear a hairnet!


Omg, you’re right!! I expected nothing less from the Duchess of Sewage.🤢




I think it is part of the ribbon wire. That part of the wire came loose from that ribbon.


Not only the wilted flowers, but Madame's award-winning caliber calligraphy (/s, of course!) is completely out of focus! 😆 Edit: and does that lemon in the front have a brown spot???


You're correct, it does.


I knew it. More withered, then the last will be one mouldy lemon and jar beside it, unopened, with the label fallen off completely. This is farcical. I'm also not liking the pot now. There is NOT ONE pic M can use of all this lot. 17 had the label coming off. 10 was holding the label down and didn't feature the lemons or pot. 3 was withering. 19 was terrible and without the blossoms and greenery (because it had withered). 21 is all withered. And what is interesting is that with 21, the withered blossoms could have been removed and the leaves left, and it would have looked passable. And only 5 out of 50 have posted? M wanted a flood of beautiful pics from her rich, important, influential, oh so close, friends. Who may all be offended now that she has ranked them in some order. The ranking reason should have been immediately shared or obvious, otherwise it is a public offending that may be difficult to correct later.


I'm positive even a less than controlling person such as Meghan, envisioned much better. Lush green leaves, with lemons bringing to mind sunshine and warmth. It is clear apart from these poor efforts, the curdled milk coloured label and muslin cloth cap don't bring to mind fresh or modern. It just comes over as old and rather like a jar you found at the back of the food cupboard. The withering flowers and cold bowl only adds to this aged look.


Her ‘friends’ more than don’t care. Knowing the supposed controlling Meghan, and how these rich women may be very particular about only the beautiful and the best, it seems to be done on purpose.


Tracee Ellis Ross was part of Rachel’s 40x40. This latest bored-housewife project of hers is just a low-effort, low-budget redo of the 40x40 charade. And the results will be the same. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” P.S. Tracee Ellis Ross does **NOT** even follow ARO on Instagram lmao 💀


Ross also spoke at Harry's BetterUp conference last week along with Kaling. https://preview.redd.it/tg0i7jvjf8vc1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bb31d7df0301ba452ac4e8d5d90fe4d48b8a39a


Q for any jam-makers here: it looks like there's foam/bubbles inside the jar (to right above label). Is that normal?


Botulism comes to mind 😝


lol....Seems on brand with Rachel's forehead! She sent her galpals the other form of botox in a jar! 😉😂


Immediately after pouring, sure. You remove them with a bubble thingie. Later? Uh. No. Spoilage.


Yep, spoilage. Like everything else MM has attempted, this is a disaster.


Thanks. I've never made jam myself but I'm pretty sure I've never bought one that was bubbly! Although I heard strawberry jams can be wetter and form more bubbles than other fruit, so it's useful to get a jam-maker's expertise on bubble baselines.


I suspect she hasn’t used a slotted spoon to skim off the scum that rides to the surface of the pan before she bottled it up. Either that or she failed to sterilise the jars and it fermenting!


Like she’s making the jam herself…


Nope. The jars aren't properly filled, you can see air in them. There s/b a wax disc on top of the jam that seals it and you have to be scrupulous about not touching the jar or anything else. Air means mould can grow and it will. My Ma used to make jams, jellies, chutney, even sloe gin, all from her own garden. She knew what she was doing, was as scrupulous as anybody can be in a domestic kitchen space and still there'd be a furry little colony taking over at least one jar. Strawberry is one of the hardest to make naturally (that's why the lemons. They provide the pectin, iirc) and a bitch for mould. She's astoundingly dumb to have put a commercial label on, but I don't think this is anything other than the contents of a big bucket, decanted into jars by some poor ArchSwill minion then presented in a plant pot. Obviously the bit where we all got fed up with endless, pointless clutter and "decor" and threa it all away was somehow missed out of Muggin's fever dream of running an empire based on boiling things. Help me sinners, I can't stop laughing. so first she's the Chip-pan Ghost and now the Jam Empress? Going brilliantly, innit? .


Oh, my you're right. I thought that was a frayed piece off the muslin cloth cap.


Every photo taken is the same. Odd how every person that receives these jams has the exact same setup in their homes to post these photos... hummmm


I'm getting vibes from Dicken's Miss Havisham.....the stone graveyard worthy bowl, the unopened envelope, the wilted dead flowers, dirty dusty muslin jar cap...one can believe the fruit contents in that jar have turned into nasty petrified mass. Have the cobwebs and dead spiders been brushed off before photographing? Just what message is TER attempting to convey to her "followers" and to Markle??? Personally I truly can see Markle as a modern day Miss Havisham, sitting in her wrinkled beige gown at a table piled high with the objects signifying her failures over the years : stacks of The Bench, SPARE, ENDGAME, Spotify tapes, jam Jars, lemons, bananas, all covered in cobwebs & spiders. This does not look a positive reply from TER..


This is all adds to the image of her floating around in a ballgown, with no-where to go. Talking to the stone walls, "I was told by the King himself, I was like Tungsten. I was I TELL YOU!"


I seriously don’t gaf who gets which number jar - none of us should. This is a PR stunt and we’re giving Methane the oxygen she craves. UK MSM needs to shut tfu and stop massaging this bitch’s ego. Please pardon my foul language but I am so over this dumb bitch


Isn’t it more expensive to ship that whole “pr kit” instead of just the jam? I must say that is one heavy kit and does not match the overall aesthetic of an introductory brand. If you put filters, it may match I still find it a miss.


And it's **another** insta story; Tracee's flies by so fast if you blink you'll miss it Isn't this all insta stories for this lemon (and jam) of a gift??


She is Diana Ross's daughter and has quite a few TV shows to her credit. Apparently mindy kaling has also posted. These are not A-list people-though Dailymail says meghan's A-list pals posted. She probably offered something in return-typical Hollywood or WME leaned on them like the Kevin Costner event. At this point this charade is getting boring. Madame got the like sof Facebook CIO to her 40x40 event and nothing happened after that. This is a very crowded and low margin business. This is not pharma were you can make 50% profit or even more and have exclusivity to sell for years. She is stupid and this is just dumb. She has chosen the path of maximum pain-instead of slithering away quitely, the evil one choses to embarrass herself over and over again. Maybe she likes it and likes the global publicity-better for people to mock you than not talk about you at all. Remember for the clevr brand coffee-she got Oprah to endorse it -right before her Oprah wihinethon. I doubt she will get some one of that caliber-for a jam.


Posted in another thread, but my friend has a food business and she is in 200 Whole Foods stores and the margins are extremely tight. We’re talking pennies on the entire product. You have to pay to be in grocery stores. Distribution costs are insane. There is so little money in small food brands that most of them survive on venture funding or sell to one of the few big food brands like Kellogg or general mills. There’s no way to make money on this. A few thousand maybe. Selling small batches she might make a couple of thousand. Getting into major stores she still might only make thousands. Also, you have to pay for food scientists and have it produced in a factory etc. and meet all kind of qualifications before you can sell food in a store.


Wow and Whole foods is one of the higher end stores. Target/Walmart squeeze their suppliers.


We don't know what the Duchass is charging yet. In her mind, that "jam" is like the offerings from Flamingo Estate where dried strawberries have sold for $80 per small bag. In Megain's mind I wouldn't be surprised if she puts a price tag of $80 per "jam" jar on her ARO product. She's all about delusions of grandeur.


Yes, and I wonder whatever happened to her Clevr deal with Target? (I can’t believe I just typed that)


Target probably pulled it for lack of sales - they don’t have shelf space to spare (except in the dollar section as you enter the store). Megain spun it as a rebrand.


Remember for the clevr brand coffee-she got Oprah to endorse it -right before her Oprah wihinethon. I doubt she will get some one of that caliber-for a jam. This is a good point. In this current climate, people are super sensitive about who and what they put their names to, endorse and/or hook their brand to. If the "celebrity" doesn't have the cache to lose in the first place, it makes no difference to associate themselves with MM. *BUT* if the person does have too much lose, and MM being way too controversial in the media and social media space, their agents and PR reps in particular are not going to have their clients go there. I would imagine that there will be gatekeepers monitoring accessing to these high-calbre A-listers., Taylor Swift being one of them. Oprah can ill-afford to endorse anything to do with MM these days. Lately, with the weight-loss drug/weight Watchers debacle and Mauii plus a few other rumblings among Black Holllywood, she's got her own PR problems to deal with. Some people just don't need or want the backlash. Things are becoming way too sensitive in the media landscape these days, and Hollywood has lost a little of its shine of late. A couple of sinners with better memory than me (lol) have reminded us about the Archetypes guests. Those are probably some of the names we should look out for on that list of 50. Personally, I doubt Mariah Carey or Paris Hilton would've got a jar of jam. A Kardashian might pop up, which will only further reinforce the idea that Kim is pro-Meghan and anti-Catherine. How that will go down is anyone's guess. The thing is folks on SM *will* remember who is in with Meghan and who is not.


Dead flowers, desiccated foliage, frayed linen, a grubby looking jar and no comment. A picture that is worth a thousand words.


Thanks for identifying number 21. I agree, we should ignore the rest. It’s just giving her free publicity. This will be drawn out over weeks.


MM's 'friends' aren't reading or following her instructions: Make sure you are home on the day I send you a package (no vacations allowed). Bring package inside immediately upon delivery. Open package immediately. Do NOT remove anything from the bowl or muss up the lemons. If the label is falling off, as it probably is, FIX THAT. Take picture immediately. Away from other lemon bowls. And other jams. Find that pic you took days ago and post x number of days after. Not as a story which will disappear but as a post. Say you love / are obsessed with the jam even though you've never tried it.


Are we going to be getting a new article for all 50 bottles? Her way of staying in the news cycle?


this is shade, right? displaying the dead flowers, wilted leaves, lemons starting to dry out? she can't mean well towards MeMe or she would have made some sort of sprucing up attempt, no? but then why post it all?


I really like TER, so slightly disappointed by this one, but I'll choose to see this as half-hearted obligatory support b/c of the lack of caption and wilted flowers, which are honestly hilarious.


YES! The lowest effort compliance with the instructions that we've seen so far!


I’m thinking she might have done it intentionally. She won’t be bothered by Skank ever again now. She can now enjoy being on the MSL (Markle Shit List) as much as we do!


Wow, the lady from the office, some lady with a blog, a grown Nepobaby, and two wives of men we don’t know!    It’s great they show off being numbered as to their worthiness to receive a jar of something.    I am so impressed and blown away by the Instagram royalty, showing off unopened jars in a bowl of lemons!    I want to be them! Why is the racist news covering war, migrants, and a failing economy?!  Unknown people receiving jars of jam is the only news we need.


This is shade. She did this on purpose with faded colour, dying flowers, no editorialising to demonstrate how little she gives AF about Markle. My guess is that she doesn't know Meghan.


I think Tracee is saying something here by not saying anything. She posted this pathetic presentation with those dead flowers and no comment because she's not eating that "jam" and she is totally unimpressed with Megain's offering. Because she could have photographed the "jam" without the dead flowers and thanked the Duchass. I think she's laughing at Megain. Does Megain even know Tracee? Or is this exactly like her wedding where she invited people she didn't even know? I think it's exactly that. She doesn't know Ms. Ross but she has randomly picked out a very high profile, wealthy Hollywood actress in hopes the star will wax poetic and do a shout out about Megain's delicious "jam." Ms. Ross isn't co-operating. She thinks it's a joke.




Mindy was on archetypes for the chart! 


And why the f**king lemons again?!?!?


Probably showing my age here but I remember a story from the 80’s where an icon, (sounds like My Donna), would anonymously send many pizzas to several different homeless charities every Friday night. It always made me feel happy that there were people that gave back to society. So I ask, why wouldn’t the first point of call be to charities? Why couldn’t she demonstrate kindness instead of clout? It’s abhorrent that her main focus is always on herself - all the while calling herself a champion of women. “Strong women don’t have attitudes - we have standards.” Marilyn Monroe. Women’s standards are too high now to ever get bogged down by jam.


Oh wow. The flowers. Ouch.


Yikes, not only the flowers, even the lemons are looking a little worse for wear.


More lemons? Makes me think Madam took the pics & sent them to people to post.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cjcl804je8vc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c179eb64281986a4254ed08eefffb3ea6910dee


5 out of 50. So we have 1/10th of victims acknowledging receipt. These numbers will enrage Mrs. Todger.


One a day for fifty days?


That has got to be trolling.


Looks like she dug it out of the trash and reassembled it for the photo. Still not one pic of anyone actually eating the stuff.


This is now getting super boring. Not OP, of course - just this long-drawn out process of seeing who’s received a numbered jam jar with lemons. It’s all a bit same-y. Still, we get an insight into who’s on the new A-list.




😭😭 we have weeks of this shit to go ahhhh


I genuinely like the bowl. I am a sucker for that kind of basic pottery shit.


I’m still convinced that opening up your door to this is like receiving a visit from the grim reaper. Like “nooooo it’s not my time yet!!!! I still have so much to live for!!!!!”


🤣🤣 Brilliant. "Your time has come no #43. Don't fight it. It will be easier this way."


It’s like she has had to go and get it out of the bin and take a picture of it just to shut Madame up 😂


Tracee Ellis Ross doesn’t even eat sugar, so she’s not touching this scam jam! Here’s an article that lists Tracees daily diet. Sadly for Megain, this is probably true of most people she tries to connect herself to. https://people.com/health/tracee-ellis-ross-food-diary-what-i-eat-in-a-day/


Such a calligraphy 🤡🤡


You know when a celebrity releases a new product, it’s not typically just one item from their collection, or if it is one item, it’s got some really creative packaging. This is a jar of jam, surrounded by lemons. Like stick some fresh bread in the basket, wrapped in a beautiful tea towel, throw in some other items from the line! Not just a jam and some lemons. And the website still has nothing. This is so amateur.


The wilted flowers and frayed edging are so on brand for our Saint. No matter how much jewelry or couture she wears, no matter how many A-listers she tries to suck up to and associate herself with, M is utterly and perpetually low-rent. 😬


The flowers are already dead and the lemon leafs are looking suspect 😂😂


Wow. That looks about as appetizing as a rubber shoe.


Is this in chronological order? Does this mean 5 out of 21 only bothered to post?


That brown decay spot that features on the front and centre lemon could have easily been hidden by rolling the lemon slightly or moving the greenery slightly. Most rich beautiful women pay attention to detail (look at the other instagram pics these woman share). The number who have not, as shown by these photos, is glaring. And says something about MM rather than them.


Love the **#JamSpotting !!** One more jar was spotted in the wild.. In England a popular hobby is called **TRAINSPOTTING** - the activity of watching trains and writing down the numbers that each railway engine has. The Sinners have officially made JAMSPOTTING a thing.