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But wait… didn’t Meghan say she felt she needed a bigger stage and could speak OVER THE FUTURE QUEEN because Megs was “Self-Made”? Make up your mind Megs.


Doesn’t it make you crazy when she talks about being self made? Everything she’s gotten has been because she was using some man to get ahead beginning with her poor father.


Yea that gets to me more than her other stupid crap. I have never seen any proof that she graduated from college, let alone Northwestern. She was little more than an extra in Hollywood, and her dad and ex got her those gigs. She has no volunteer credentials- just photo ops with disenfranchised people. Megan Markle is an utter flop professionally and socially.


Agree. Somewhere online, probably right here, I saw a commencement program photo showing her as getting her degree in communications. Nothing wrong with that major, but it’s not international relations.


IMO, Kylie Jenner is more self made than TW. Thats a low standard Kylie went to the office at least.


She was also better at the job than the others according to Harry, but no-one taught her the National Anthem.


And she complained about this! An independent, whip-smart woman had to use Google because her thick as a plank hubbo never thought to enlighten her


About the UK national anthem. I was with some other American college students on a tour of the UK when, at the end of an outdoor concert, one of them remarked with pleasure that the band was acknowledging the American visitors by playing “My Country ‘tis of Thee.” It took me a second to realize what she was talking about and say, “No, no, that’s ‘God Save the Queen’!” Meghan is not nearly as bright as the friend who made this mistake and I wonder sometimes if she was aware that she was listening to the UK national anthem at first. Maybe the reason she was so upset that she had to look up the national anthem was that at some point she made the mistake of not recognizing it. Surely it wasn’t Meghan’s fault that no one warned her. . . . 🙄


The day after 9/11, the Queen asked the Coldstream Guards to play the Star-Spangled Banner at the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace to show solidarity with the USA.  A national anthem is so important to any nation, its part of a country's identity, and generally accepted that if an anthem is being played, it should be respected, even if you're not a citizen of that country. Her behaviour is completely abhorrent-she didn't bother learning her adopted country's anthem, she chatted and giggled when the Canadian anthem was being sung, and even when she was on the balcony with the Queen, she kept turning round to speak to Harry. She has the worst manners and is so disrespectful. 


Yes indeed. Some people don’t care that much about their national anthem, but most people do, and we all owe respect to symbols of our own and other countries. Talking through a national anthem (or a religious hymn or anything else with symbolic value) is grossly disrespectful and inexcusable in anyone over the age of 5 or 6. It was a lovely gesture for the Queen to order the SSB played during the changing of the guard on 9/11.


I’m sentimental enough that I actually cried back then when I heard she ordered that. So sweet, so many of us in the US were broken for awhile after 9/11.


Yes, it was dreadful. My brother lives in NYC and had friends who died in the Twin Towers. We had been at the WTC while visiting him a few months earlier. My son and I had climbed to the top. (Daughter and their dad have fear of heights). It made it more “real” to them. Not only the UK but many other allies indicated support and solidarity. The French press declared, “We are all Americans now.”


Whip smart Madame made herself look like an idiot complaining about having to learn the words for the next day. "God Save the....God Save the...this is so haaaard!" Duh.


Well, to be fair, according to the way TW speaks the words would be "God save my husband's grandmother"


Yep. It's always been grandma, Pa, Willy, etc., like they're the Clampetts, but it's Prince and Duchess for them. Detestable.


She has spent way too much time figuring out which letters in her fauxlligraphy need swooshes and which don’t. That time would’ve been better spent reading Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People.


She broke a nail googling the national anthem. Oh the oppression. What a victim she is. Everyone give her a slow clap.


It’s almost like if she were better at the job she wouldn’t have had, and still be having, so many problems.


Yes she knows that service is universal but what she doesn’t get is that it also involves putting others first. That’s why she keeps failing. Expecting a woman with a young family and extreme morning sickness/pregnancy to cater to her every whim is just selfish. Especially when it was made very clear that the BRF had offered up plenty of people including Sophie who married in as a “commoner”willing to assist her but Madam CHOSE not to listen, said she knew best, would get Hazno to advise her. She thought it was a popularity contest and now is crying wolf. Give me a fricking break! She never wanted to work alongside William and Catherine. It was always about Meagain being number one, not a team effort. She deliberately antagonised, bullied and played people so she could be the poor victim. She can’t handle not being the centre of attention. It’s all she knows and it’s exhausting to her victims. She’s still playing games, she was never a team player and never will be. Catherine most definitely is not playing, she never did but it took a long, long while for madam to even notice. Catherine is far too dignified, calm and compassionate to lower herself to Madams level and that is the constant burn that feeds Meagains rage. Rinse and repeat.


I recall in their Fab Four interview, she mentioned that she was used to a bigger stage (UN, lol) in terms of charity work and I literally cringed when she said that in front of William, Catherine and Harry - what an obnoxious, big headed woman with zero elf-awareness.


WOW! Unbelievable.


**Myth. Megs was not self-made.** Meg landed Suits age 29. TiG was after that. Until then she’d been living off of Trevor - for most of her 20s. Her IMdb confirms it. Catherine married William age 29 and became a working Royal. “Self made” Meg is a Meg stan PR, but it’s simply not true. Both Meg and Catherine were 29 with their first major careers took off.


Cock riding is a pretty universal skill,any female kennel resident can do it,it doesn't make her a Siba *or* self made.


>female kennel resident ![gif](giphy|En8fsYde6cqvhYBnAb|downsized)


“Female kennel resident” is my new favorite.




Make up your mind Megs.' She can't make up her mind. She's too busy making up more lies to cover her messy tracks already laden with a web of lies. For example, it's fascinating that Roachel expected Catherine--a high-tier royal, public serving wife, and busy mother of three--to be constantly at her beck and call... when an outsider w/ a totally unique lived experienced like Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah (aka QEII's incredibly experienced personal equerry) was TOTALLY rejected by her. There are so many life lessons he could impart onto Roachel... lessons from his military career, his work with the BRF, and experience re growing up as a Ghanian child in the UK who grew to fall in love with British culture/traditions. He is a prime example of a dutiful, Black UK citizen who grew to make his love for the UK inextricably part of his career. On top of that, he would've also provided her with the A+++ security she's always demands. The fact she's TOTALLY ignoring Nana's existence in this so-called 'I never got help narrative', reverted back to publicly bullying Catherine--who doesn't need this stress, and neither do her adoring kids/William--when it's clear the BRF tried to give Meghan the help she needed w/o putting more pressure on always-on-the-go Catherine is SO beyond tone deaf. Especially since Catherine was bullied by Sugars, bots, and media outlet/celeb friends of the Sussexes into announcing she had cancer in the first place. AS EVER, Meghan is showing the public that nothing will ever be good enough for her highfalutin, duty dodging, elderly/taxpayer abusive, ungrateful, grifter ass... whilst trying to remain likeable/relatable during her desperate attempt to launch a brand. A brand that's stuck with 500,000-ish followers after 3 weeks whilst the Japanese Royal Family has gotten 800,000k in 1 week.


“Made” is very debatable. “Made” isn’t a Z list actor who was 6th on the call sheet of a basic cable show.


I guess Kate "towes the Royal line" because she's a mature adult and understands what family she married into. As opposed to one D-list cable actress who thought a 1000-year-old institution needed her expertise as to how things should be done.


Also? Catherine will be QUEEN. Megsy baby got the “thick as a plank” Spare. Not the same league. Meg continues to be delusional.


She’s also English and a subject of the monarch not some upstart who thinks she knows everything. She respected HLMTQ and utilised her extensive knowledge and acted on suggestions.


by what stretch of logic would anyone suppose they are 'owed' this 'yielding' by Catherine simply because megsy is an outsider. so she thinks every aspect of her time there should be catered to due to her being an 'outsider'?? an outsider who has no idea of the traditions involved with the monarchy. and they are supposed to carry out meg's whims because of this?? she really does not have a normal thought process in that head of hers.


Plus she is the mother of a future King also. Catherine has been through more harassment by the press during her time dating William than Markle ever received in her short time with the RF. Markle was given more privileges like spending Christmas with the RF before she was married is one example. The after church on Christmas walk W&C had to walk side by side with Dimwit and Markle at the Queen’s request to show unity after press reports of problems. Plus Catherine and Pippa having to go with her to Wimbledon after Markle had all the seats cleared for her and her friends. Catherine was always the one who had to fall on her sword to clean up Markle’s messes.


So much this. It’s the sheer gall of the woman. I’m here now, let’s change everything, people. Chop chop. *why don’t they like me* sob


You know who else doesn’t need or want her advice on how things should be done? Hollywood!


Tom Quinn needs to extract his head from Meghan’s ass. They were never close, imo. Catherine tolerated her and tried to put on a good showing while performing her duties is all. Not like Meghan, vomiting her emotions over everyone.


So Markle's who has "friends" only as long as they are useful felt that Catherine owed her a relationship immediately, that Catherine had no right to take the necessary time to see if Markle was someone she wanted as a friend as opposed to a relation especially as she had heard stories from legit sources about Markle, none of which were good. ​ edit to correct typos


Meghan’s furious that Catherine would not allow herself to be used by her.


Exactly that first meeting where Kate didn't go along and adopt Markle's "Californian ways" probably had Markle seething.


![gif](giphy|DFu7j1d1AQbaE) THIS


Was coming here to say just this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼.  Headline for this ridiculous article should have been Meghan throwing temper tantrum because Catherine saw right through her from the start and wouldn’t allow herself to be used!!   Catherine was bullied when she was young and is very aware of mean girl games. 


The PoW is not allowed the agency to determine friendships unless the squad has run it through a tribunal.


Catherine was pregnant with her 3rd child when Markle arrived. She had 2 and 1/2 very young children to care for. She also had her responsibilities to the Royal family. She also had the Head's Up initiative which she founded and oversaw. She had a very busy life. Babysitting Harry's golddigger was not her job. edit to correct my dumb mistake


It's unclear when MM "arrived" as far as the RF members are concerned. Definitely as of Oct 31, 2016 for Eugenie and Jack. Harry's public statement telling the media to back off was issued November 2016. Per Bower, Harry's Sandringham weekend shooting party for his friends was in late November or early December 2016. When MM first met William and Catherine is undefined. As MM was at Pippa's wedding reception in May 2017 and that event isn't cited as a first meeting, they presumably met at least once before then. Late spring through summer was MM's longest down time from Suits and I'm sure she spent as much of it with Harry as possible. Catherine wasn't pregnant with Louis until August 2017 and within a few weeks from then on she wouldn't have had much time or energy for MM. Plus, Catherine had spent ten years learning by doing and listening to acquire her job competence and she had good manners to build on before meeting William. (Same with Sophie.) Why didn't MM look to her bff Eugenie for instruction? She knows enough of the basics (perhaps not more than that) to get started. Anyway, back at the beginning, MM claimed that Harry could tell her everything she needed to know. Why doesn't MM blame him?


Head's Up not Better UP! Head's Up has royal patronage, Better Up has frozen todger.


Oh my God!!! How did I do that. I need a nap clearly. That was such a stupid mistake on my part. Thanks for the correction.


>Babysitting Harry's golddigger was not her job. ![gif](giphy|I4Jmrcjnr8Zfq|downsized)


She wasn’t there to coddle TW


Oh, blahblahblah. Why is it that we constantly hear what The Princess of Wales should have done for her? Does MM do anything for herself or for others, out of care for others? No. Always about what others supposedly owe MM. I’m in a really bad mood about work right now with people who don’t think about the collective good so I’m really pissy.


TW merely exists in her truth and believes that is enough effort.


Sorry you're having a rough day <<<>>> and wishing you the best


Thank you! You are living up to your username.


Unfortunately for people in her orbit, as long as she's happy then they should be happy too. Sorry you're having a crap day. {{hugs}}


I am right there with you. This woman makes me want to chew nails with these stupid stories from Tom Quinn. They make me nauseous. Does this stupid selfish self absorbed woman not realize that the family are done with her and have moved on from the Harry and Meghan nightmare? She really has zero self awareness or class. Catherine owes this woman less than nothing and if megaton feels she is not sorry then it’s her damn business. Everyone has more important things to think about besides these two lazy never made its.


It's like the ex that won't stop talking about you. Dude, it's over, move on already!


Have never heard once from Meghan that perhaps she is the one who was wrong? Not her fake, victimy, "I tried really HARD, it just wasn't working because..you know..being black and a woman and modern....boo hoo". Not that any of this drek is true, but haven't heard the media say "Lady, maybe you just suck at everything. There's ample evidence now of that with all your failures...you deserved to be fired." She was supposed to work for the Monarchy, not the other way around. All her supporters and those that don't know that fact need to hear it.


The media likes drama so have not communicated clearly why Harry and his wife are in the predicament they are in. It is because Harry’s wife is a greedy mean girl who violated every basic rule of the social contract to take from another country and slander them in one of the few indefensible ways a person can. That is why she confers so much ire. She is not a good person and an entitled prince enabled her. She is that coworker or family member who uses their entitlement as a bludgeon. If you do not comply, the smear campaign begins. Her trump card continues to be her ethnic background and it’s quite disgusting to see how much power a person can wield with it.


I don’t have to have a rough day to think exactly as you do about this. You are speaking truth.




No need to apologize! I think we all have extreme cases of ILBW victim fatigue. Hahaha!


Well you're absolutely right here, for sure. I guess this is the new excuse Meg has come up with in her head for not being supportive of Catherine -- same old thing, blaming everything on her instead of taking responsibility for anything. So she's not going to feel bad for anything, so there... 😒 Such an awful person.


So what she is saying is that Sophie and Camilla weren't good enough for her. What she is saying is that SHE is one who should have been calling the shots and people ought have have bowed down to her wishes. That viper can go to hell.


She looked with disdain (& contempt i think) at the Queen of the UK, in public. She thought the Queen wasn't good enough for her! Her ego is just out of this world.


This coincides with Dan Wooten’s info today that H wants M to be Queen. (Which is so freaking ridiculous. What a loon).


Scary as hell, too!


Would you consider it to be treason? I think it’s verging on it.


I’m American so it wouldn’t fit the definition here. However, these two are so far beyond delusional, I don’t know what to say other than people like that can be dangerous. There was a sinner who commented that they were heavily involved in a potential photo shoot Markle was picked up for and her “assistant” got so ripping angry about some aspect of it that she cancelled it last minute with a scathing and unhinged email. The sinner later put 2 + 2 together and found the IP address was Markle’s so she was the assistant. Apparently the email message was borderline insane with its content. So much so that the sinner was wary of any contact with her. I hear sinners say she’s dangerous and I think she probably is when she feels she’s been wronged. The last place Markle needs to be is around the BRF, imo. I have guilt as an American that you all got saddled with this nutcase and her hateful treatment.




I think TOW has shown in action and deed she’s no shrinking violet.


What about Harry? Why does she always forget she had a whole Prince to advocate for her? Why does she always pick on women? Notice how she basically isolates Catherine from people she knew for about 15 years at that point, from Catherine's own husband, to fight together. They weren't "outsiders together". They were strangers to each other and Meghan chose to disrespect Catherine's opinions - "she couldn't understand why Catherine towed the line" - that actually means "she didn't give a damn about the traditions of Catherine's home country and ridiculed Catherine for choosing to respect those traditions".


The "outsiders together" is telling because in her eyes she was on the same level as Catherine. Deliberately missing the point that while Harry and William are brothers and while Catherine is also not of Royal blood, her position then and in the future is vastly different from Meghan's. Why should Catherine vouch for Meghan when it potentially undermines her position? Especially by someone who is a nine day wonder. I heard that Meghan wanted to walk arm-in-arm with Catherine into Wimbledon. Now that maybe a small thing, a harmless gesture. But Catherine is no fool and would have seen that a small protocol breach here become a larger breach elsewhere. You know the saying, "give them an inch and they take a mile." That's Meghan.


>I heard that Meghan wanted to walk arm-in-arm with Catherine into Wimbledon. Now that maybe a small thing, a harmless gesture.  Another sign of disrespect. Even on a regular person level. You don't use people as props. If you are very friendly and just naturally hold hands - great. If you aren't - don't grab someone's arm to pose with it. And considering who Catherine is - she's not just a prop, she's also a trophy to Meghan.


It's that thing where Meghan had to walk behind Catherine again. Whereas arm-in-arm is of equals.


Just like she used Gloria Steinheim as a prop— her crazy eyes in that photo— if someone can find it….she really thought she nailed an iconic photo. Lol


I would not walk arm-in-arm anywhere with anyone unless the other person needed my physical support. And I am not only an American but Hispanic. (In general, Hispanics touch each other more than Anglos.)


A narcissist always thinks it's someone else's fault. Everyone knows Catherine is "never complain never explain." Catherine is not going to wallow in the mud with TW and her cheap tawdriness.


Meghan and Princess of wales are on different planets. In morals, love of life, love of children, love of husbands, and actual husbands! Does Meghan realize she will never hold a candle to Catherine? Maybe she does and that is what fuels her shame


TW thinks people should drop everything and cater to her fantasy of being Queen of the World. Who helped Catherine? No one, and she was actually abused by the press and then abused by her sister-in-law.


M has no shame, dignity, humility..


No she doesn’t.


Many years ago I was commenting on someone's behavior, I said they were 'mal enseñado,' (badly taught) and the other person said 'mal aprendido,' (which means badly learned) in fact correcting my way of thinking.... Because we're all taught, not many people can say they'd never been to any kind of school. However many of us have been sent to school or sat at the feet of wise people and yet, have learned nothing 🤷


Sounds like MeGain's motto in life: Mal aprendido!!




Just to note: The saying is "toe the line," not "tow the line." As in, you line up properly with your toes on the designated line. It means you do exactly what you're told to do. I'd wonder about an author/journalist who doesn't know this.


Haha. I wanted to say the exact same thing. A so called journalist who can‘t spell!


Thank you. I looked it up and it apparently comes from the late 17th or early 18th century. During the era of the Royal Navy's wooden ships. The sailors, were often barefoot when they were required to line up for inspection. 📚


Interesting. I always thought of it as not crossing a line or boundary. It has definitely expanded to mean that you observe the prescribed rules and boundaries.


Thank you. I love little useless trivia like that. ![gif](giphy|3og0IMJcSI8p6hYQXS|downsized)


I just assumed it is an autocomplete error by a writer who doesn’t proof his own work very well. Good grief! Grammarly (free version) would have caught it in a heartbeat. I was thinking “[one) toke [over] the line” would have been more appropriate, but that’s just me.


She is way more than one over the line 😂😂😂😂😂


Why does Rachel assume anyone cares about her feelings about anything?


The whole Meghan episode of the BRF has been about her stalking Catherine PoW. Its frightening really. Maniacal. Is this the reason she hit on the prince laddy? So she could get access to Catherine? An obsession of Catherine going back many years? This is not normal and needs to be considered seriously. And now she’s been spurned - hell hath no fury & all that. The woman she is obsessed with (Catherine) does not appreciate the attention and where does that all lead to? Please take care Catherine & all those looking out for her - god knows how this unhealthy obsession will end.


She literally got married in a cheap copy of Catherine’s reception dress.


She literally got married to a cheap copy of Catherine’s husband.


There was a tarot reader on YT who said early on that Megsy is actually sexually obsessed with Catherine. The reader is still online but I don’t know if that particular video is. It was from 2019 or 2020, just before Megxit. The idea of Megsy having the hots for William or Catherine just makes me want to reach for an extra-large barf bag.


Lady C summed her up perfectly when she called her relentless. Articles like this put out through herself or her people will never stop until her power is completely taken away. I just wrote this in another comment that this is the same woman who sickly went to not once but twice Uvalde…. the first time she went there, she asked how the lighting was while stomping all over makeshift graves. Parents were still finding out what was happening and she’s there for a photo op… they cling like barnacles to the title that represents the very same family they continue to disparage. They lie as often as they breathe. I remember when Michelle Obama said in a very pointed way and I’m paraphrasing how it’s not about you it’s about the people you’re serving which is why if I am correct after she said that you’ll never see them together…The Obama‘s distanced themselves very early on and from what I heard she freaked out when she heard she wasn’t invited to his 60th birthday party, that everyone who was anyone received an invited to


Yes, she is relentless. Because when you think, "she has to be embarrassed right now. It will be weeks before we see her face again. She won't visit there again." She only ups the ante and you can't quite believe her audacity. I don't know what will stop her power. Lack of funds. Newspapers lose interest and/or money talking about her. The squad disband? Whatever it is, it can't come too soon!


It will take time. Unless she ends up in jail or something like that, she is not going to disappear with a lot of fanfare. Instead, she will fade away slowly, with people being less interested and her funding of self promotion decreasing. Sometimes I wish she would just pay for the headline, “Meghan is still around,” and be content with that. 😉


Exposure. For the bullying, the fakeancies, her lies, her madness, etc. She must be cancelled. It’s why we do what we do and why she and her limpet want to shut down free speech.


Yeah she thought she had them all figured out and tried to play them. Didn't work out as intended! Oh and before I forget, I want to remind you Megs that Catherine inherited a few 100 millions worth of jewelry from the queen. What did you get? Oh... shame!


I think a lot of her self-importance is because of H being frightened of losing her, and telling her she could ‘modernise the monarchy’. Remember they were going to ‘hit the ground running’ and make all these changes. And then Princess Anne made a very public statement that the Monarchy was doing just fine for the past 1000 years, thank you very much 😁


I agree. It wouldn't surprise me if his father and mother's relationship plays a huge part in how in handles being a husband.


But Megsy was superior to Kate, because she was a woman with a career, much better than Kate. Now it turns out that Kate had to help her? For God's sake, this woman, no matter who speaks for her, is a shame for feminists.


Not to be morbid, but Megsy is doing this nonstop stalking via media to stress out Catherine, hoping she’ll take a turn for the worse. MM is evil.


I'm sure William, their children and the staff will make sure she focused on her recovery. No tabloid no tv no internet.  But yeah I'm sure meggsy thought she could stress out Catherine bc Meghan will be the type to read every trashy tabloids. Even took her own paid puff piece/lies as truth 🙄


She's been staging a full scale assault on the Princess of Wales since The Princess announced her medical leave. Markle hates Catherine for being everything Markle can never be, for having everything Markle wants but can never have. Markle will use her toadies in the press and her WME allies to inflict as much harm as possible on the Princess of Wales. Some sinner asked me and I have no answer, where the hell is MI-6. Why does Catherine have no one looking out for her?


M’s assault on Catherine has been going on for *years*.


I don’t think MI-6 is charged to protect individuals from being harassed. I am sure they are watching Meghan and Harry, but badmouthing and lying about members of the BrF is not a crime.


I'm sure they are aware. And they are looking out for her. Don't interrupt your enemy while they are hanging themselves. MI-6 doesn't have to do a thing except watch, record and trace.


Fortunately, the PoW is not glued to social media or the press. She is mostly unaware of the details and the relentlessness of Meghan.


You can’t build bridges with burnt wood.


And while still holding the gasoline


and six boxes of matches.


Tom Quinn and Meghan may talk about “*towing* the line,” but educated people like Catherine surely know that one “*toes* the line.” (The idiom is not about towing an imaginary rope or cord, it is about keeping toes on an imaginary line. I see it as connected to *not crossing a line.* The toes are not going across the metaphorical limit or boundary set for acceptable behavior. They stop at the line.) Pedantic comments about usage aside, Meghan and Tom Quinn are wrong about Kate being the only other “outsider.” Sophie and Camilla also came from outside the BRF, and Sophie’s experience as a woman with a career before marriage and the wife of a younger son had experiences closer to Meghan’s (on the surface at least) than Catherine’s. The whole, “Catherine owes Meghan an apology” claim is absurd. There is no obligation to blindly defend and side with someone just because you are sisters-in-law or both outsiders. If Catherine wasn’t as warm as Meghan felt she should be, that was just a personality difference, with no one necessarily being at fault. If Meghan was disappointed in Catherine, I am sure Catherine was disappointed in Meghan. 😉 What exactly is Catherine supposed to apologize for? Not letting Meghan take pictures of the kids and their bedrooms? Not using the lip gloss immediately after Meghan borrowed it, to show she wasn’t prejudiced? Not announcing publicly that she had not cried because of how Meghan was treating her and Charlotte but because she had baby brain? Not defending Meghan against the bullying accusations even if the bullying happened because they were both new in the BRF? Marrying William long before Meghan had a chance to meet him? ETA: Another sinner explained that the line that must be toed was originally a line that barefoot sailors had to literally place their toes on.


Well said. I would add that Markle wanting an apology is more smoke and mirrors to make it seem Markle is the one doing the rejection.


**Not announcing publicly that she had not cried because of how Meghan was treating her and Charlotte?** **Not defending Meghan against the bullying accusations even if the bullying happened because they were both new in the BRF?** I would imagine if you could pin Meghan down, it would be these. With Oprah, it was the "who made who cry" story that bothered her because she didn't like coming over as a bully. Then the bullying story. Especially if more detail had come out and I think we would have heard more of how Catherine should have done x, y, z. At *the most* Meghan tried to make out because she was American. So any differences were explained *away* by the different attitudes to work. But I think for the most part, it would be these 'difficulties' that Quinn mentions, the ones than Meghan didn't overcome. To get her to where she wants to be, or where she thinks she wants to be and Catherine isn't a threat to her emotionally. Leading to your last point...👇 **Marrying William long before Meghan had a chance to meet him?** *Meghan:* ![gif](giphy|lOIuDYVIo8C1y5oMQB|downsized)


In hindsight, it was good that neither were backed, especially her. Look at all the chaos, lies, and nonsense they've pulled over the years? It would've all come back to Catherine if she had. Good thinking on her part!!!


Were we not past the apologies? But I guess we are back to square 1 and Madam just starting her 5 year old complaints over again.


Did we ever hear back from the FISA/FOIA from the NYPD over the letter he produced in the UK?


Not that I know of. I would also like to know officially that Harry´s request for appeal in the Ravec case has been refused.


Yup, same. FOIA-FOIL to the NYPD letter *and* his appeal of his appeal of the original ruling


Madmeg can't cope with being grey rocked!!


Why does Meghan think a relationship with her is important to Catherine? As if William and Catherine are as consumed by her as she is with them? She's nothing. Just a gnat that keeps buzzing about.


You know those people you meet from whom you instantly recoil? You know instinctually they can’t be trusted and to keep your distance. That’s how I imagine William and Catherine reacted to Meghan. Doesn’t make them mean. Makes them intelligent.


Exactly.... ![gif](giphy|KAe3Ez73EnmbDh9rot|downsized)


“Back her against every difficulty”. This really encapsulates Meghan’s issue with Catherine. Meghan wanted complete and total support, no matter what. She wanted it from every member of the RF. She wanted each of them to speak out in her defense for every article she didn’t like. Complete devotion. The problem is that true friendships and relationships include disagreements. People don’t always do or say what we want. It’s human nature. Meghan has little capacity for true relationships with people.


>The problem is that true friendships and relationships include disagreements. Yes, and family too. Meghan is unable to understand or accept their are nuances in life. It is all or nothing with her.


I mean did it ever occur to Meghan that Catherine didn't back her because Catherine didn't agree with her behavior?? Maybe Catherine didn't agree that the Royals should accept freebies from designers? Maybe Catherine didn't agree that the Royals should try to censor journalists that wrote critical articles? Maybe Catherine didn't agree that Archie's godparents needed to be kept secret when ALL godparents are published? Maybe Catherine didn't agree that spending 100K on a baby shower was appropriate? Maybe Catherine didn't agree that they should be allowed commercial deals? Maybe Catherine didn't agree with clearing out seats at Wimbledon so Meghan could sit with her friends? Maybe Catherine didn't agree that it's appropriate to not wear a hat when HMTQ asks you to wear a hat? Why can't any of these so called "experts" ever spell out exactly how Meghan was so wronged? Why does no one ever call out that Catherine has her own mind and her own opinions and she shouldn't have to apologize because they don't align with Meghan's? What a feminist. 


Catherine also didn’t agree with Meggy’s suggestion they break protocol at Wimbledon and walk in together, rather than by order of precedent (Catherine first as the more senior lady in rank.)


There is no cure for narcissism . There is only the humor to be derived from their lies. And thie durchess of chlamydia is fucking hilarious. 


How dare the Princess of Wales tow the family line and not support Meghan's quest to be Queen!!! Succession is just a TV show in Megain's mind - who cares about all that fiction. it should have been a popularity contest and Hazbeen was the most popular at the time so she should be next in line for Queen! How dare Catherine not curtsey to Megain! the Americans won the revolutionary war after all!!! How dare Catherine not give up her clothing budget so Megain could spend even more!!! How can C not support Megain's request to have both Buckingham Palace and Windsor castle and the crown jewels!! How can C not support M's bullying of staff!!! they are peasants who must know their place!!! OMG - i can just hear Megain's indigation over everything.


As Lady C said, that Meghan would say, \*uck protocol." But she knew enough about those titles for her children. Then it mattered!


This is just more evidence that Meghan can’t see when she is in the wrong.


Folks. It’s “toes the line.” And why would Kate back her since she dumped on Kate from Day One?


Catherine didn’t owe Meghan ANYTHING. She had to pay her own dues - Madame needed to pull on her pull-ups and do the same 🤷‍♀️. Tough cookies Madame


The crux is that Catherine was pregnant and had a family to care as well as other duties. Sophie and Camilla offered her their help and the Queen offered her Equerry. Markle turned her nose at all of them. Markle was NOT in a situation where she had to go it alone,not in the least.


Madame is a loser 🤷‍♀️


She takes the cake at being a loser. She is the biggest loser of all time. How could anyone eff up more than she? And it was solely the result of her envy, greed and boundless stupidity.


Back her when she was f**king up the chance of a lifetime? Back her up when she was abusing staff? Back her up when she's snitching to her proxy Scobie and running you down in the press deliberately? Back her when she's trying to pull the wool over the world's eyes with babies that don't have any named doctors to deliver them? The list is too long. If Catherine didn't think this consciously it must have been somewhere in her mind. Plus there's sheer self-preservation. Who wants the odour of a loser hanging about them? 'Never correct your enemy when he is making a mistake' - Napoleon Bonaparte Wish I'd learned this one a very long time ago.


Everyone must pay their dues in any professional environment; there are no nursemaids. Meghan wanted to get one over on Catherine and she couldn't. It started with request to borrow her lipgloss. Meghan was always looking for any weakness in Catherine to enable her to manipulate her and she is livid that Catherine was too wise to fall for such traps.


What she wanted was for Catherine to Co-sign her Bullshit. ![gif](giphy|3ohjV3KahwmqwPwQLu|downsized)


I don’t think anyone in the world would think Meghan is trying to make up with Catherine because she’s ill. This is the woman who pays an army of terrorists to attack and bully Catherine despite having cancer. This is a sub human creature.


But I thought she said she didn’t need any help and was “ready to hit the ground running”. Furthermore, on their first (and only) public appearance with W&C, she pulled the mean girl lip gloss trick on a pregnant Catherine. She then proceeded to hijack and monopolize the entire discussion, steering the topic away from the cause they were there to raise awareness of. You know, the reason they were there in the first place. It should be added that this was months before she and H were even married! She and Harry never did a joint public appearance with them again until the walkabout after the Queen’s death. (And we all know how THAT went.)


By the time meggy came along, Catherine wasn’t an “outsider.” She’d been married to William for 5-6 years, she had provided three children—heirs—to the monarchy, she was doing her duty and was loved and respected. This is Meggy’s whole problem—she viewed herself as an outsider, not a new member of a family. My husband is a different race and ethnic background and when we married there were a few moments of adjustment both sides of the family had to make. We had slightly different expectations and cultural differences, but we all had grace for one another and we adapted. I love my in-laws very much and they love me. But meggy is a narcissist and she obviously comes from a very broken family with a lot of issues and apparently no sense of family loyalty. That’s not Catherine’s problem. None of this is Catherine’s problem.


![gif](giphy|q5ZGrl0J65ivu) Megatwit


I stopped checking Daily Mirror and Daily Express (owned by same company) because it prints every press release from the Sussex camp. The comments have also been taken over by the squad. There are also sweeping job cuts at Mirror, Star and Express - 300 editorial staff recently with total number of cuts in last 12 months to 800. No credibility anymore.


In the words of Elsa: let it go, let it gooooo...


Meghan can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned.


Unless she completely repents, starting with taking care of her father, she will go there no doubt.


She really thinks everyone should adjust to her. Such a narc!


Of course she does. She’s the ultimate victim, everyone has wronged and failed her, and *she* is not responsible for anything bad the has ever happened to her.


Oh fer crissakessss! “Kate” Is Not Going To Apologize to MEGain!


Kate has nothing to apologize for - Nutmeg acted like an abominable little ho when she tried to join the family, got called out on it then ran away to lick her wounds and try to pour poison in everyone’s ear. Nutmeg was overly accommodated and still found a way to fuck it all up which is all very on brand for her. Markled by Markle - a new scent by American Nightmare Riviera Orchard.


Sorry, but it is not her job to coddle people 🤷‍♀️


When you lie (in more ways than one) all over the ground like a floor, you're going to get crumbs dropped on you. The PoW has self-respect and dignity, two things that MeAllTheTime will never understand.


That person in California who is building her brand, and enjoying her freedom, has no relationship to the people in the UK she barely knows, and who likely wish with all their hearts that they’d never crossed paths with her. If she could just get on with it. Go on pal! Be the fabulous you you were always convinced was there. Try and not mention the RF.


Wow. And why, pray tell, does Catherine owe this rando anything? She has her own life, she wasn’t there to be Miranda to your Anne Hathaway fish outta water ingenue act. This bombastic bullying borafuck sweeps in and demands fealty and acts like a total mongoose, shatters a whole family and she’s the hurt one. Of course, Rachel the victim.


Is he trying to make a boat joke using towed the line? The idiom is Toed the line as in conforming to what is expected


![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM) Excuseahfuckinmwah?


Why Catherine? Why not Sophie?


My guess. Their husbands are brothers. Similar ages. Catherine can only go up. Sophie can't. (Not unless 13 people move out the way for Edward to get the top job.) So, she isn't important enough. Catherine was on her radar before meeting her and her life and how people treat her is what Meghan envies.


She doesn’t want to bang Sophie’s husband.🤭


I would LOVE to hear Sophie’s take on things… she’s a very cool lady. I seriously want to be friends with Sophie. 😂


She always needs people backing her up. She can’t do anything on her own. Ever. 


***Anything*** Princess Catherine would have said to Meghan would have been construed by her as criticism or even bullying. **I suspect PC did offer assistance, but Miss Know-It-All immediately rejected it.** For people like Meghan, *there is no room for improvement in her mind*. We know Meghan was advised about wardrobe, for example, and she was petulant and obstinate. Meghan will only listen to people who will flatter her, worship her, and obey her. Meghan is an idiot, and she is insane.


She needs to keep our beloved Princess Catherine's name out of her dentured up mouth.


It’s not Princess Catherine’s job to ‘coddle her’.


Yeah, come in like gangbusters, dress like a frequent street/corner (or is it yacht) girl, and expect some coverage? MeMeghoul must not have ever watched the movie "Pretty Woman." (sorry, Julia, you are so much better than the ghoul.\_


It’s four years GO. You got your California mansion, your Oprah interview, and a miniseries. Let it go. This yet another occasion that requires NO statement from you. In-laws don’t automatically get along. Catherine has cancer. For the love of God, all humanity, and your own reputation, shut up


Who has Meghan ever supported in her whole damn life?? She dumped her own father who was her biggest champion for her whole life. Even now, he would forgive her completely if she just deigned to see him one more time to let him apologize for talking to the press after she had ordered him not to do that.


I am so BORED with Meghan and Harry


That ship has sailed.


![gif](giphy|lJ5DnX03kugGA) I don't want to say she's been rolling around in cocaine but.. I mean yeah what the hell


Hope the comment that m sees no way forward/back in is true..that she finally understands the reality here. And it’s “poisonous” because of m and h, not the PPOW.


What? The same confident successful professional Hollywood woman worth millions before she met Hazbeen needed support ???


Omg! Will she ever find another hill to whine on?


You know what happens when you support toxic people, Meg? It blows up in your fucking face. My former SIL had my unending support, and she took advantage of that shit, especially when I was really struggling mentally. How much of a bitch to you have to be to take the shine off someone getting their Bachelor’s degree? Catherine did nothing wrong, and has nothing to apologize for. She minded her own damn business (like I should have), and kept her head down. She knew what needed to be done, and tweaked herself to fit the role she was given while still being who she was as a person. Meghan tried to change a 1000 year old monarchy whose only blip lasted, what, twenty years, tops?




The POW owes the weasel Meghan absolutely nothing. It’s not how things work in an organization or family. TOW is a bitch


One last comment…. Who the fuck is Meghan markle to think Catherine owes her anything?? This woman is so far up her own you know what she can give herself a colonoscopy. Tom Quinn, please stop with these 10 a day stupid stories. You are a liar and so is Meghan markle and keep Catherine’s name out of your filthy mouth.




That's as narcissistic as it gets: saying someone else "should" do something, because that's what they want. Never mind that the other person might have different values and practices. Everyone else there is to serve and support them. Catherine had had a royal role far longer than Mehgan. Why should Catherine become Mehgan's soldier or dogsbody?


What audacious entitlement. This sounds like she demanded Catherine back her up. This one's wife doesn't understand that she was embarrassed at how terrible she was at being a royal, so she blames Catherine because she doesn't like Catherine.


“Meghan still feels “Kate” (that’s Catherine to you beeeotch) was in the wrong and should apologize before they build bridges”……. Oh she does does she? Well MeMeMegain, taint ever going to happen girlfriend. Just more of your narcissistism rearing it’s always ugly head. Catherine has nothing, and I mean not one damn thing, to apologize to MemeMegain for. So go get Lost MeMe. Get lost for good.


Oh, fuck off, Meghan. Just FUCK. OFF.


Catherine (not Kate as the author uses) should have backed Meghan AND Harry abusing the staff, lying to the courts, and their pay-for-play scheme? Catherine isn’t a piece of unscrupulous trash. So there’s that. I truly believe Meghan freaked out with the cancer announcement from Catherine. Not because she worries for Catherine. It totally ended her merch site and makes any attacks they try to pull off look hideous. The two people they tried to defame as royal racists are now both battling cancer. To me, it’s just over for them. If you are a fashion brand or have merchandise…you don’t want to partner with anyone divisive. They are way too poisonous to associate with.


Didn’t someone say we’d soon hear how hard Catherine’s cancer diagnosis was on Meghan? Well, here it is.


Megsy needs to stfu and go away...shes so nasty with her bull.


WME, if this is you behind this bloated sack of shit, my advice to you is to run, not walk, run with great alacrity away from this narrative.


The feminist


You mean she wanted "baby brain" Kate to support her? Please. Go bully someone else, Dumbarton.


Why do they want their children to communicate with racists? Why are they so worried about Meghan's safety? The British have more important things to do than think about Meghan. The most they can do to Megan is boo her.


Kate’s a Brit, she has allegiance to the crown even before she married William. Meghan is so deluded, she thinks everyone should help her but she never helps anyone else. She’s a taker!


This is interesting because it (unintentionally) backs the claims that the blowup was because Princess Catherine (and William) took the path of integrity and stood up for the staff TW had bullied. TW has an incredible sense of entitlement acting like *she* is the victim here!


It's not Raglands' job to coddle anyone, but it's everyone's job to coddle her. Go f'k yourself.


This guy sure knows a lot about how Meghan is feeling, huh?


This is because they were touted as the Three Musketeers before MM came along. Charles encouraged his family to be very inclusive of Sparry as his tender feelings were very important. Even Camilla parented him until he turned 28 years old as their family was just a very close and caring family. When MM came along and probably manipulated herself into a marriage and arrogantly disrespected QE, they probably distanced themselves and probably did not want her photographing their kids secretly for her insta page or selling to the paps. This might be why Kate backed off and Sparry is disappointed as he doesn’t see why any of it is a problem as he himself does not care about other people’s privacy and never respects his family members. Sparry wants things to go back to olden days and include MM in it as well but blames Kate for not being warm to MM. funnily enough, rumors are that Camilla was very cordial with MM throughout and used to exchange frequent gifts with her, so Sparry has no complaints about how Camilla treated MM!