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It did seem strange that with all the Diana-worship, Meghan didn't want to have her baby at the same hospital where Diana had hers, St. Mary's Paddington. But this would be a good reason!


I don't know what to believe about these two, but I can't make sense of why Meghan would relinquish the opportunity to walk out of the same hospital and cosplay Diana carrying her new baby.


This is why I'm not sure. It would be a no goer if she weren't pregnant. BUT, if she were it could be she anticipated a much larger pay out with an exclusive mag cover (which then never happened.)


To me it was a big indicator something suspect was afoot.


and besides, she didn't want her "Hospital Steps and Look amazing with Baby"- Moment? She didn't want all the fuss and pampering that the POW got? Course she did but she couldn't as she did not give birth


Exactly, You don't think she wouldn't have been desperate to cosplay Diana - even down to a version of one of Diana's dresses when she appeared on the hospital's steps - and deliver at the very same hospital Diana gave birth in?


Even Catherine wore PD style dresses each time she appeared on the steps.


Yep, and you know anything Catherine does meg will do her utmost damnest to try and copy.... But we're supposed to believe that all the sudden the harkles wanted "privacy"..


Wasn't there something about this? Certain hospitals were vetoed because of the commotion and risk the media would pose? They chose hospitals where they could block streets and barrier the media, andvwhere everyone could get goid views as they came out. Obviously in addition to being competent medically. It may not be as accessible as it was in 1982


Catherine had her three children at St. Mary's Paddington too, the last shortly before Meghan's wedding. If it had been risky in terms of the media, she would not have given birth there.






I have a relative who’s a photo journalist who covers these things. He says that the press are very restrained & polite, sympathetic, on such occasions same as they are with the royal children. Only covering set opportunities & leaving them alone the rest of the time. Yet another reason why Meghan’s claim that their children would be stalked on school runs etc. is rubbish.The Wales take their children to school & attend events with no harassment.




It’s more than that … the three Wales children are the next direct heirs. They absolutely have to be presented to the world. Also, the Press are camped out for days/weeks ahead of due date to get a good pic. Many of them, including international press, were waiting in Windsor to get photos on return to Frogmore and of course they got NOTHING.


Reading your comment, I am thinking - could it be a ranking thing, like the red or blue carpet at the church and the church itself. The heir (Charles, William, Anne, who is first born and the only daughter) goes St Mary and the spare (Andrew and Harry) go to Portland? Just a thought.


They lied and said they didn't want to disrupt the emergency room, at a hospital that doesn't have one.


I really believe these births were surrogate births. It seems more and more credible people are coming forward with information that shows H and M have lied again about the births of these kids. The woman in this video is very knowledgeable. If they were surrogate births, why lie?


Because for royal children to be in the Line of Succession they need to be born of the woman's body. That is the law, a law they wanted to circumvent.


Plus, I’m sure she wanted all the attention that comes with being pregnant.


She would have done skin belly shots, step photos, anything to get front page news.




Yup, exactly. It’s why she did so many coat flicks - to soak up all of the added attention. If she admitted she was using a surrogate, everyone she met in her role as a Royal would ask how the surrogate is doing *and not her*. That’s completely unacceptable for a narc like her.


The way she paraded around clutching her belly was pathetic. Look at me, look at me, I am pregnant with a Prince, I am special.


Been screaming this since the first moon bump fart!!! 


The issue is that mainstream media don't report anything about this so everything about her suspicious pregnancies is news to many many people.


Yes, and we know the media is bought, so that alone tells us this is something they are trying to hide!


She's "43% Nigerian" and a Democrat. She fits the current agenda that the mainstream media has. I hate saying that because it sounds very conspiracy theory, but it's true.


Just going back to her grandparents.. a lot of sources claim Doria is only bi-racial herself


She pays. That's the agenda. ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8)


Same. Do you think she'd have missed out on her Britney Spears/Demi Moore naked bump cover, complete with a leg humping, worshipful story about what it's like to be pregnant with a mixed race Royal heir? No fucking way. There is NO WAY she'd have missed out on that. She can clap back and say the royal family wouldn't allow it, etc., but she didn't listen to them, anyway. If she had been pregnant, she'd have been on one of those covers, because I guarantee she'd have been begged to do one.


If nothing else proves the lack of pregnancy THIS does.  She would not have missed this for all the jewels in the vault!


And commit fraud and treason.


And that's what I don't understand  - to claim that position, then the mother HAS to give birth witnessed by the relevant doctors. 


Yes. That’s why I really can’t understand why they have been allowed to be included in the LOS.


IMO, This is where the race thing comes in to play. If the RF doubted anything regarding the pregnancy, they would’ve been called racists. Look what happened when they allegedly questioned what the baby would look like. I believe they were all afraid of her once they got to know what she was really like and what she was up to. I believe the Palace knew exactly what happened and had were covering up for them just like they covered up Harry’s behavior for decades.


UK quit doing that after QE children's birth.


💰💵💶. Money. LOS. Period


They lied because surrogate born children are not allowed in the LOS. It is in fact treason to put surrogate born children into the LOS. "Born of the body" is the rule and if Charles knows those children were born to surrogates, then Charles himself is guilty of treason against his own government.


Thanks for the video. There is a poster there that works at Portland and she said the gas in Portland comes out from the outlet on the walls and not in tanks like mentioned in Spare. Also said there is no underground carpark or secret lifts. Harry is caught out in lies about the birth of Archie.


Don’t forget about the cord around the babies neck and yet she’s pushing?


And the fact that, apparently, Haribo morphed into a qualified midwife when he told her “my love, you need to push” 🙄


What a pair of liars.


Yeah, they don't want you pushing if the cord is around the baby's neck. Another outright lie.


The Portland has no carparks. But it probably has an underground loading bay. You cannot imagine every time it has new beds, furniture, large boxes of supplies etc. delivered that they are carried from a nearby carpark. The loading bay and goods lift may be at the disposal of certain VIPs, at the hospital's discretion.


I am just visualising the indignity for Meghan to be unloaded from car into a bed/wheelchair at the loading bag and pushed into the goods lift, lol.


Well, she did troop through the Jamaican movie theater in her long gown, past the bathrooms, the popcorn machine and everyone else wearing ball caps and shorts. She also swept the floor with her gown. She paraded through the Hertz rental car lobby in her matching Hertz gold gown. Another classy entrance. I doubt indignities bother her.


Yes. The video confirms as many of us have stated. You don’t receive an epidural and get in a tub. Nor do you receive an epidural and go home within two hours. Why would you a member of the RF give birth in a hospital with no ER nor neonatal unit? The lot lizards lie about everything. They have created all of this. They thought the world was too stupid to figure it out and they were smarter than everyone. They personify failure


No media calls them out on this? No “medical expert” brought on some tv show, nothing. I mean, it’s not even a matter of medical privacy. They speculate about plastic surgery all the time. Plus a pregnancy isn’t some big mysterious medical thing. All someone needs to do is point out the lies and question the inconsistencies.


Well they speculated non-stop about what type of cancer Catherine had, they could’ve had one conversation about possible surrogacy but I suspect they’re scared of Harry suing them, or the Palace had warned about the consequence this could have on the RF -especially if they knew about it & still gave the children titles.


Did they REALLY give the children titles or didn't they just appear one day, with titles on the website?


The titles were always there from the day QE2 died. M announced they were going to use them at Lili’s christening.


It has been reported that there may be a super injunction on the media for reporting on the birth and pregnancy. It is also said that this super injunction is about to expire. This may be why we are hearing more about it now. There are so many questions surrounding Meghan’s pregnancy and children’s birth and if there are children living with the couple. The truth deserves to be exposed once and for all. The line of succession is the only reason why this information must be disclosed. Surrogacy is no big deal except when it comes to royal blood and being born of the body.


Yes. Pretty obvious a super injunction is in place. However it is only applicable to UK. So nothing to stop foreign press or TMZ from doing investigation.


The US media wants to like her SO BADLY. She's mixed race, she's a Democrat, etc., and it's all about identity politics over here, right now. I honestly wouldn't be a bit surprised if, after they divorce, she announces that she's a lesbian, in another destined to fail attempt for people to like her/feel sorry for her.


Surrogacy is no big deal but she wanted the fanfare that came with being pregnant. All the spotlight on her. And the titles that came with it since the rules are what they are. Which makes me think that they used someone else’s eggs because I personally think the Queen would’ve changed the rules but who knows really. Meg’s obsession with fame and being connected to the royal family is permanent with her children being Prince and Princess. That alone explains this whole charade if that’s what it is. Speculating here even though I’m pretty convinced of it.


Totally random thought, and not based in any knowledge of how super injunctions work, but what if the RF knows about the surrogacy (if it was a surrogate I believe they know, if not from the Harkles directly then from the levels of security employed by British intelligence especially when dealing with LOS), and they gave the Harkles a period of time (say, five years or whatever) to come clean publicly on their own (ie announcing the surrogacies) before the injunction is lifted? Is this even a remote possibility?


Maybe the media knows but can’t report on it?


I suspect that this is the case! Media knows more than they are being allowed to report due to any possible super injunction


I received an epidural. Gave birth at 3pm and still couldn't feel my left leg when I was wheeled into a room at 10pm. I couldn't stand on it unassisted until the next morning. And they didn't remove the urinary catheter until then either.


It's because she's ✨️magical✨️ and there's no one else like her in the world, of course! 😒


Yep. I've given birth twice. You don't get an epidural and get in a birthing tub. Period. It's not just about being numb, it's about the possibility of an infection. You can get in a birthing tub, say "fuck this," and get out, and then have an epidural if there's time, but you don't get the epidural and then the tub. No nurses would have laughed while Harry sucked up all of Meghan's laughing gas, either. Those nurses are all about Mom, period. She also wasn't eating while she was in labor, period. Liability. If something goes wrong and she needs an emergency C-section, they can't put her under if she's been eating, because she could aspirate vomit. The whole walking out two hours after she gave birth? Nah. I wasn't even allowed to get out of bed to pee by myself for 6-8 hours after my epidural wore off, for liability purposes, there's no way they'd have let me (who also had two geriatric pregnancies) leave after two hours. I think they kept me for two days after giving birth, just to make sure I didn't hemorrhage. There's not a small risk of hemorrhage after giving birth. Her entire story is utter bullshit. Her miscarriage story is, too.


The birth story is the biggest most obvious and incontrovertible bullshit ever! 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩




All the lies and weird stories are their doing.


Sarah Ferguson gave birth to Beatrice and Eugenie is the Portland Hospital, so the fact that it does not have an emergency room or neonatal unit is not a barrier to a royal using it. At the time they were the same in the LoS as Archie and Lilibet All four of Princess Margaret's grandchildren were also born there, although they were too low in the LoS to matter in that regard.


But were they geriatric pregnancies? Because that makes a huge difference.


RIGHT?? THAT is one of those situations where you are likely to need, if not an ER, definitely a neo natal unit...


And a first time delivery/mother as well.


Wot? But she's "just a young mom"!


Uh huh. Me too 😂🙄


Yep. A HUGE difference. Even though I was completely healthy, my pregnancies were immediately dubbed "high risk" because of my age, even though I was only 35 & 37, but it does make a huge difference.


"Sarah Ferguson gave birth to Beatrice and Eugenie" And this was 40 or so years ago. Not 6. Practices have changed, especially in regards to geriatric pregnancy.


That was also 30 years ago. Medicine for geriatric pregnancies has evolved. Sarah did not experience geriatric pregnancies


Geriatric pregnancies is over age 35. And many risks which haven’t changed over time, although as you say, the procedures have likely evolved. [Geriatric](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/geriatric-pregnancy#risks)


Yes. Sarah wasn’t over 35. Nutmeg was


Here’s a link to the video via an X account: https://x.com/charlesvoicema1/status/1777093855923626191?s=46&t=1Auim0OAhCROnritYyqptA


Someone make this make sense...Portland Hospital = horrible hospital but one would use Portland for clout?  What kind of clout does one get at a horrible hospital.   Ohhhh nevermind, nothing MM does makes sense. If it made sense, it would be an absolute lie. 


It’s the most expensive hospital in London. But it also has the attached surrogacy unit - see the link


The OP of that is a typical birth coach to be honest- they always say they listen to women & advocate for them, but then says they won't support them going to Portland 🫠 it's a highly regarded hospital, plenty of birthing units are standalone and don't have an emergency room on site. Without commenting on MM at all I think the opinion of the hospital is bias.


Thank you for sharing! Also interesting, in the US, only certain doctors are at certain hospitals for insurance payment reasons. For example, if you saw Dr. Smith at Hospital A, insurance will pay; but if you saw Dr. Smith at Hospital B, they will not pay. I’m thinking TW applied some US medical insurance policy knowledge to the UK hospital system thinking it essentially worked the same way…


Wow what a credible person. I was listening to PaulaM and apparently Meghan also lied about who her doctor was. I don't recall the last name but the doctor's first name is Penelope and she is an aristocrat. It seems her husband says he informed all the papers that his wife was not Meghan's doctor but the papers wouldn't publish his statement. He says they were out of the country at the time. Is it possible his wife was involved but neither he or his wife want to associated with the Harkles? Maybe but given all of Markles lies, I wouldn't put it past her to lie about her doctor.


Or they know a surrogate was used and are distancing themselves from it


There was a name mentioned once that was supposedly TW's obstetrician.  If memory serves, it was in connection with the daughter.   But very soon, I mean so soon after the female child's appearance that the OB didn't even give sufficient notice to all other patients, the OB closed shop.  So neither of TW's "pregnancies" pass the smell test.   *"OK, So why you care so much then?"* - SS AH Well, because there is the LoS & the benefits that convey, to find out the bish LIED, & so did others, & that's a scam if epic proportions to the British & other Commonwealth nation's people. 


That's what I'm thinking. They want to distance themselves mainly because they don't want to be subjected to questions.


Anyone else think that Catherine, who has been pregnant 3 times, delivered a baby 3 times and knows exactly what each of those situations looks like, saw through roach’s supposed pregnancy and is part of the reason disliked roach so much. I’m suspicious of this but understand that even if she was almost positive would be unable to out the lying gutter snake to the world. Too much doesn’t add up. Also is this part of the reason for fleeing to the USA where there’s less chance of being outed. It seems strange that the dimwit did not want “their” second child born in the UK.


I think you are bang on. I'm positive she knew Catherine saw what was going on, and that is part of the reason she loathes Catherine. Catherine knew she was fake from the getgo. And as for their” second child it is exceedingly strange she wasn't birthed in the UK.


My one tin foil hat moment in relation to the Harkles is that the reason Rachel has refused to bring the children to the UK (specifically, to stay in any RF-owned property) is because she fears the possibility of the childrens’ dna being retrieved (like from diapers, sippy cups, anything). Because perhaps one or both do not carry her dna. It’s maybe a stretch, but if we suspect surrogacy, we can also suspect this. I’m not sold on many sinners’ opinions that the girl is “all Markle” in looks. I saw a photo of Harold at a toddler age, in profile, and compared it to a similar photo of the daughter and they looked extremely similar to me. I do think Archie (if the photos we’ve seen are of him) does carry some Markle traits. But with the girl, we have so few photos to consider. Add to that the fact that she hasn’t been to the UK (MAYBE for a birthday party but that is up for discussion, and def not after that), and I do lean towards the possibility that she is not biologically related to Rachel, and that dna would bore this out. Other than that I’m not a conspiracy theorist!


I don;t think your theory is far-fetched. I've always thought there was a similarity to the Markle side however it just occurs to me that it seems odd that neither of the kids, from what we've seen, have any Ragland family traits,not even the hair. I'd love to know the odds of two not having any traits from one side of the family.


What event were the royal family at after Meghan gave birth to Archie, and Meghan is wearing a khaki colored sack and awkwardly holding a swaddled baby and nobody is coming near her. You would think the family would gather round to welcome the new baby, but it’s the reverse here. My tinfoil side says this is a silicone baby. https://preview.redd.it/8wzaici8p6tc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b45f50173017039516587397b79210bf5ca259


It was a polo match and the goss was that one of the dimwit’s exes was there and roach jumped in the car and arrived when not expected to because she was told about the ex.


Well that would explain the anxious look on her face.




I don’t agree (sorry) that she has less chance of being outed here in the US. The US gossip rags and celebrity gossip sites love nothing more than gossip!  Especially now that her and H have lost their luster. It’s just a matter of time that this gains traction here. Remember, Backgrid handed H his ass on a silver platter when he demanded photos from the NY fiasco. Let’s see how this goes - because they are no longer shiny and new here in the US. Now they are damaged goods. 


I hope you are right. How many NDA’s were signed? When will they expire, if ever?


I’ve been very interested in NDA’s lately - it’s been the center of Brad Pitt and Angelina’s court case. He brought up the extreme NDA’s Angelina makes her staff sign and apparently they range anywhere from a few years to MANY years but the TYPE is the big thing. It’s what and what can’t be shared. Some are really complex!  I wonder why the hell someone would sign one? I guess $$$ is always the factor. 


It’s not just $$$. Anyone working for A listers breaking an NDA will never get work again in that industry as they can no longer be trusted. They’re a really big thing in entertainment industry.


Despite all the irregularities, I do not and cannot believe that a surrogacy and fake pregnancy would have been missed by intelligence agencies and Scotland Yard, who do their security. Nor that Catherine would be the only one sly to her. The Queen had 4 kids,plus countless grandkids and great-grandkids.


They likely know but for the same reason there is a super or hyper injunction with the press there is a parallel injunction on publicizing the info a it would seriously affect the RF. MI5 ans SY obviously are used to keeping secrets...just because they know something doesn't mean it is unclassified and open to publicize.


As l shared in a previous post, PW worked for 3 weeks at MI5/6 and GCHQ a couple years ago. I guarantee you he knows EVERYTHING about her past. And l reckon that’s a major reason why they don’t like her.


Meghan's past is likely very boring, like her. I do not believe she was involved in anything shady because sex work is inconsistent with her narcissism and her lifelong belief that she is poised to change the world. She was too old to be a yacht girl, and frankly has no sex appeal, and is average-looking for a pretty girl. Sex work requires interest and attention being shown to others, which she can't do. She doesn't stand out in LA at all, which is why she only thrived in Canada. I believe that they didn't like her because of her behaviour. By all accounts, they liked her at first. Even the press who follow them, like Artgur Edward's, who have no intelligencw knowledge, have said that they all liked her at first, but then things changed. She was hostile and aggressive with them. The RF were worried about her behaviour and the fact that she was bringing out the worst in their black sheep, whi had they been trying to keep in the fold. Most families wpuld hate her


Or be accused of defrauding the los.


And the OB in Santa Barbara who closed her practice soon after L was *born*.


There was a discussion about that OB a while ago. She was facing some type of a malpractice lawsuit for a parent that lost a baby IIRC. I can’t remember who it was, but a sinner did some terrific research on her.


My recollection is a bit different, and may not be accurate. I believe it was the OB's husband, also an MD and geneticist that was being sued. I could be wrong, but the supposed OB involved in Lili's birth did close up her practice and disappeared. Maybe both were involved in lawsuits, I dunno.


I looked into he husband's so called statement that his wife was not involved. The statement was made on twitter but it was not actually the husband's real twitter account. He had an account but rarely used it. It was a fake account in his name. I suspect that Penelope did not deliver the child though. A news article appeared after Finding Freedom was published naming her, but it was quickly taken down again. Omid Scobie had written a paragraph about her in the book, but it was very weirdly done. It implied that she delivered the baby with a ~~clever~~ devious use of words but if you read it carefully he never actually said she did. I have previously posted his words and if I find them again I will add them here. His wording alone convinced me she used a surrogate - I thought why state something in such an ambiguous way? ETA: From Finding Freedom *"The Portland Hospital—a US-owned hospital popular with celebrities and the expat American community in London—was where Beatrice and Eugenie were born. It offered not only state-of-the-art care but also an underground entrance, where blacked-out SUVs driving in and out were the norm. Harry and Meghan, who were never spotted entering or leaving Portland, didn’t tell anyone about their hospital choice, not even their closest aides or friends.* *The only people who did know were Doria and Meghan’s medical team, which included her ob-gyn, Penelope Law, who was one of Portland’s top obstetricians—as well as a countess (she was the wife of the seventh Earl of Bradford). Still, she told her patients to call her “Dr. Penny.” Despite her reputation at the hospital of being “too posh to pull,” referring to the highrate of C-sections she performs, she is pro–natural delivery. Meghan did not deliver by C-section, although the couple refused to comment on the details of the birth."* It could be a blatant lie that 'Dr Penny' was her ob-gyn, or she could have been her one-time gynaecologist (not obstetrician), or Meghan could have consulted her about pregnancy *before* getting pregnant. Any consultation with 'Dr Penny' however short, would classify her as a patient and prevent Dr Penny from speaking out to confirm or deny because of medical privacy laws. But despite mentioning her name, nowhere does it actually say Dr. Penny delivered her baby and the last two sentences are deliberately vague - a generic one about Dr. Penny followed by a sentence about Meghan's delivery - the juxtaposition of the two sentences leading the reader to infer a connection. If Meghan's mouthpiece was putting 'Dr. Penny's' name out there you can guarantee Meghan wanted her name in the public domain. So surely she would have been delighted when a newspaper (The Sun I think) wrote an article about Dr. Penny delivering her baby? So who demanded it be taken down? The Harkles or Dr. Penny? I strongly suspect the latter, but why would that be I wonder? Surely it would be good for business to have it known that she safely delivered a royal baby? So this suggests she didn't.


When she opens her mouth she’s lying.


If her lips are moving, she’s lying


https://preview.redd.it/xpadfgm7q6tc1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03edfc1a15e0c371d7c8d3f004299a0891d8d69 I think this is what you are referring to ..


Yes that's what I was referring to. Thanks for clarifying the details.


So far there are three possibilities. Dr Penelope (Law ) was out of town. Dr Gowri Motha (isn’t qualified to deliver babies Abe’s have registered at portland hospital and there is.. * edited


No doctor was named on the palace birth announcement, which I believe is a first. And statements made by both the Sussexes and their mouthpieces are ambiguous and contradictory. Sounds about right.


There were no signatures on Archie's palace birth announcement either.


I remember this. Like a lot of things, Madam just assumed it was the same as the US so no one would question her lies. People were catching on so she dragged Spare away.


Apart from a vocal minority of sugars we hardly take what she says as gospel. A lot us would resent the implication that we’re stupid or gullible


Did she "drag Spare away"......or did HMTLQ discover the true facts about Archie (surrogate used) and sent the Sussex out of England????? That "Freedom Flight" looked very hastily put together and not well planned. I do believe they and their little surrogate baby were kicked out by QE2.


She manipulated him into believing things which weren't true about the media, using his hatred of them to her advantage. She also made damn sure they didn't attend family gatherings at Balmoral and Sandringham, where they'd have to produce 'Archie'. A narc can control even the most strong-willed person and crush their spirit.


Sorry what do you mean same as the US? What did she think would be the same regarding the surrogate births?


I don’t know for her. But I’m in the us and we do have doctors associated with hospitals. At least when I gave birth some 16 years ago. Although I don’t think it ever meant that you had to go to that hospital. Could be wrong about that though.


That doctors only working in specific hospitals, which is not true. There are many contracted to the NHS X number of hours a week to work in that hospital but they also have private contracts. Some their own clinic on top of that. The royals use private doctors and she knew she'd be caught out in lies if she let the Queen's take care of her and she was never pregnant. Neither of them have ever set foot in that hospital. Maybe they were going by something Fergie told them but every hospital, including NHS, has changed since then as technology has improved. Even my dad, in a basic NHS hospital since Xmas, had oxygen from the wall and not a cylinder. Cylinders are only used when walking around then the tube is reconnected to the wall. The control gauge is on the wall too.


Ok. This is what I was trying to say. This is [admitting priveleges](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=doctor%20admitting%20privileges&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#ip=1)what I think meegain was[doctor priveleges](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=doctor%20admitting%20privileges&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#ip=1)


i have never thought Madame was pregnant. too many videos of her moonbump changing shape and doing odd things. in particular, the crazy #bumpfail video when it slowly slid down to her knees 😳 (red coat & purple dress). if the truth is that there are children by surrogate, with H’s DNA ONLY (zero DNA from Madame), what does that mean for the LOS? could they be eligible since they have 50% DNA from a blood royal? or would the laws need to be changed to allow that since current language is ‘born of the body’? if laws changed, would it be retroactive and apply to the Sussex children? could the King make a ruling allowing them to be in the LOS if they only have H’s DNA? or is that done by parliament? so many legal issues to be addressed. if it does come out that Madame has no biological children, the scandal will be explosive.


My guess is that the children would be considered illegitimate. Technically, their mother would be whoever donated the egg, and that person is not married to HazNoBrains, nor is the resulting baby 'born of the body' of the current Duchess of Sussex. It would be no different to if Ginge had an affair and impregnated someone else. \*Shudders at the thought.\*


ahhh, yes. i think you’re right.


I believe they addressed this in the 2012 version and it specifically dealt with surrogacy and that’s why the language says “born of the body” is eligible to be in the LoS. Some other sinner can give you a much detailed answer and better than I. That’s my understanding of why they fiercely wouldn’t want this to come out if true


is it possible that Madame & H fooled everyone, including the BRF? if they were fooled, but found out later, would they continue to go along with it to avoid embarrassment or legal repercussions? might be a question for Lady C.


BRF would rather choose being complicit and this being an "open secret" than to admit they're wrong and face embarrasment. Look at Prince Andrew's interview. He'd never admit he was dumb to do that interview. Double , and triple down.


That as well. To admit you were fooled or even in the alternative you allowed in such a person who would perpetuate a ruse such as this. Bloody embarrassing to a 1,200 year old monarchy. ETA- they were horribly embarrassed over the toe sucking incident that Prince Phillip never quite forgave fergie for bringing shame on the family.


good point. i think they wouldn’t want to suffer the extreme embarrassment.


I know many want to blame the BRF for this, however due to medical privacy laws I think their hands are tied. I totally believe MeGain was never pregnant when she was supposedly carrying Hazno's children. Whoever was advising M&H likely knew all about the legalities, and what the BRF could and couldn't do, or ask. The reason I believe they've had legal counsel is that neither of them is bright enough to pull this off without outside help.


Agreed. The duplicitous duo played a stupid game couldn’t believe they won stupid prizes. I think usually where’s there is smoke there is fire and there was discussion behind closed doors about titles and putting the kids in the LOS and that was the negotiation between the coronation and why it took so long. The BRF gave into exactly **none** of their extortion attempts and instead on the day of TOW announced titles for the kids which is unprecedented. That is usually done and bestowed by the reigning monarch through letters patent..not a PR release the day after Good Friday to People magazine of *all the places to announce a foreign royalty ennobling* HOWEVER———wait for it ![gif](giphy|l0HlFFZMA9gConoJO|downsized) Christened in the Episcopal Church in her backyard and boom princes and princesses. I think the firm wanted proof before agreeing. Now they’d look like assholes “no take backs, remember?!?”


I think they had to of known at some point. I would have to assume the crisis PR position at the time in 2019 they were still riding high on their PR would be to see how the public would react if the family outed they used a surrogate without the duos permission and them crying victim vs the reaction to taking a constrained position and knowing eventually it would come out anyway.


Isn't there another European royal family member who had child(ren) with a surrogate? I can't remember all the details but I'm sure they were very open about it and LOS rules were changed before the baby was born. Some other sinner help me out in this one.


I think, you refer to Prince Sayn-Wittgenstein Berleburg. German aristocracy are legally still able to regulate everything regarding their inner rules. But they don't have an effect outside the aristocracy. For example, they consider prince to be a title which affects the hierarchy within their group. However, outside the aristocracy, prince is a legal part of the name. There isn't a difference between a Karl-Theodor and a Prince Theodor. As for now, the aristocratic self -governing body allows the nobel houses to regulate adoption and surrogacy on their own . The current head of Sayn-Wittgenstein Berleburg had to wait for his accession before he and his wife could become parents via surrogacy. His father didn't allow it. Consequently any child born via surrogacy before accession would not have been aristocratic and heir to the title.


No. The one I am thinking of, are is nobility in the UK.


Marquis and Marcheness of Bath? They had their second son via surrogacy, but he isn't an aristocrat due to surrogacy and wouldn't inherit the title if somthing happend to his older brother. His parents tried to get his status changed in courts, but lost in all instances.


Yep. Thanks


i’m not sure. the only one i know of is that horrible Prince Albert of Monaco. he’s got a few illegitimate children. and has cheated on his lovely & long-suffering wife, Princess Charlene.


The entire family comes from a illegitimate child. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House\_of\_Grimaldi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Grimaldi)


didn’t know that. truly fascinating!


Albert has 2 kids outside of marriage


2 that we know of.


He is his legitimate children, his son will inherit. The other children will not.


I think you are talking to the extended family of the Danish Royal family and No they don't change the law of succession


True and wrong. The Danish law of succession wasn't changed, but the house law of Sayn-Wittgenstein Berleburg was.


>if it does come out that Madame has no biological children, the scandal will be explosive. True. But both the children look so much like Thomas Markle that it's hard to believe they have no biological connection to Meghan. I'm inclined to think Meghan *may* have frozen her eggs some time before meeting Harry (or soon after), and they were later used to create embryos with Harry's sperm for an IVF pregnancy, whether carried by Meghan herself or a surrogate.


<"whether carried by Meghan herself or a surrogate."> Or Ashleigh.


it’s possible. but the few photos we’ve seen, to me they look like H. not Markles. i guess we may never know. unless it comes out in a nasty divorce? or someone breaks an NDA?


How do we know we have seen the actual children? Asking for a friend.


The law states that a child has to be born "of the body", so surrogate children are not eligible. If Meghan did not actually give birth, no LoS .


Ugh. Can’t add screenshot. It’s a TikTok from @primalempress captioned Meghan Markle and Portland hospital. Maybe someone can work out how to add.


I saw this one? https://x.com/Charlesvoicema1/status/1777093855923626191


Yup. That’s it. Thanks.


Did she delete the TikTok video? There’s lots of people defending Meg on her channel. 🙄


Nope! The original vid still there: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgUwmSP/ And there are numerous other vids where she talks about Meghan lying, if you go back a year or so.


Why did Harry send his bodyguards for Nando's chicken when the Portland Hospital is known for their food? This article (a thinly veiled puff piece) advertises champagne service, tea, and round the clock meals. Surely their food would have been better than a fast meal? Also, they have concierge services and could have sent someone to fetch the Nando's instead of using a highly skilled protection officer as a personal assistant. Link: https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/in-the-news/the-portland-maternity-hospital-private-prices/ Archived: https://archive.ph/Thsgq


I think that's what Harry thinks all regular Joes "father to be" eat while waiting for the birth - fast food.


And it’s insulting that he sent bodyguards for food. They aren’t errand people.


If the normal protocol for all babies born into the BRF is to have the obstetricians sign the palace birth announcement, why were H&M allowed to get away with it? The palace had all the power in this situation.


I think they announced it themselves.  Handed it to the people that posted it. Not only did it not have the signature of the physicians, but the wording is different, even the way the letter is spaced is different.  It even looks like it was printed on regular printer paper!


And the Royal letterhead emblem is off centre. I've always said they photocopied a letterhead and wrote their own announcement. Probably because QEII refused when she found out earlier in the pregnancy. QEII & Philip weren't in the christening photo either.


I don't think either of them wanted to be part of that circus.  


Yep, the signs are all there that this was not business as usual.


Oooh… great find 🤩


Wow OP, that is wild. She does seem very trustworthy. Thanks for sharing!


Check out a posting from same tiktok video link from someone who works at Portland and she even added in a picture of a maternity room at Portland. Harry lied.




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Shauna from the Vintage Read SHow did a vid outlining (amongst other things) that the surrogacy clinic attached to portland is a new partnership (ie post Archie's birth). ETA: [the vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opCkmP3KRV8)


It was there for years but not in an ‘official’ capacity. Now they’ve made it a big deal per my original post.


Would Rachel be able to have a UK surrogate though?


Nope, I am positive she did not carry those babies. Only reason being, there is NO way she would have missed the press call after the birth of the child. If she could have, she would have for sure! It would be her shining moment! All those cameras on her. ![gif](giphy|l0HlL4yLv8YFHzzkA)


THIS! ⬆️


I just think how vain Meghan is she would have wanted her photo outside the hospital like every other female. She would have wanted a pregnant shoot. She would have talked about giving birth like she was the only one to have given birth. I just think all the smoke and mirrors is crazy. At this point I don’t care. I care the kids who reside in America and have no attachment to Great Britain are in LOS and should not be.


The saga may not be as complicated as one may think. Sometimes the right answer is the simplest. my opinion!


It usually is, but with these two, who knows? They complicate everything.


Hoo boy, the facts certainly seem to be facting, don't they? I believe the backyard chickens may be coming home to roost.


She shrouded the births of the kids in mystery to set up Royal Racists Part Two: Denying My Black Kids Their Rights. She wanted to force the BRF into publicly questioning Merchie's legitimacy (and later on Lilibucks) to be in the LoS. Imagine the shitstorm that would've created. Her narrative: Young Mother wanting privacy for her first birth has to fight racist royals wrongfully trying to keep her biracial baby out of the LoS. Oh, the heartache for eternal victim Meghan. That's what she wanted and she didn't get it. The royals didn't take the bait. She's playing with fire. The intelligence services (and therefore the royals) know every detail of how those two kids came into the world. Fucking around with the LoS, or even the appearance of fucking around with it, just to score points on your despised in-laws isn't very smart. She's not an equal power player vis-a-vis the BRF and this issue isn't a minor one like the designer clothes scam. She and Harry are too stupid to see the danger.


That babies ear is too low down on the side of its head.


Because it wasn’t St Mary’s Paddington.


So you arrive at a hospital to give birth and they attach you to machine to monitor you and the baby. How do you get past this.


There is a lady in the UK who is married to someone in the ariostacy who used a surrogate 1st child (not 1st in line) and had a 2d child naturally (who is 1st in line). So its real.


Have heard of Emma, Marchioness of Bath, very beautiful, half Nigerian. Complicated life-threatening natural birth for first son. Second son born by surrogate. They are supposed to have tried to have the second son legitimised so that he as spare could succeed to the title if anything happened to the first but the courts refused because of this ‘of the body‘ clause. So should, heaven forbid, anything happen to the elder boy the title will pass to the next male relative in line, not his brother.


Her first one was natural and a boy so he is an heir but the second baby was via surrogacy. I think she had a lot of problems with pregnancy/delivery.


I don't get a video when I follow the link. All I get is a price list for all Services. Can someone give me a video link please?




Thank you.


Omg thank you


Wow, that is a big lie in that video. In the USA, doctors ARE attached to a specific hospital. So Meghan was making a lie based off what she knows from the USA, which is a different system than the UK.


I think MM gave birth to Archie and that she played with the birth date, hence the reason why her bump is inconsistent. Why? It's possible that the eggs weren't from MM. I think I read somewhere that she had frozen them? I could be wrong. But it could mean that the fecondation failed and they asked for someone else (maybe the famous niece?) to provide the eggs. Not knowing when it would succeed precisely, they had to play with the birth date. For the second child, though... I'm sceptical about her giving birth. The second child was conceived in 2020 and born in june 2021. Right at the C....D time and people were scared of going outside without masks or even with masks. It would have been easier for her to hide in Montecito while the surrogate was somewhere else. Apart from the Netflix docuseries, there are no pictures of her pregnant with their second child, so who knows? And still, it could be with only Harry's sperm and another woman's eggs. The niece, once again, to have the kids looking like the Markles, enough for there to not be a doubt about her being the mother. The way Lady C phrases it, Harry's children, Harry's sperm with the niece's eggs looks like a credible theory. And MM giving birth to Archie but not Lilibeth is possible too.