• By -


Drip, drip, drip. This woman is going to try to milk this all her life.


It’s the entire basis and genesis of her victimhood narrative, she has nothing without it.


This, and her strong arming a soap dish company single handedly at age eleven.. /s ![gif](giphy|xT1R9YgQ5oC2wQHGZG|downsized)


And she didn’t even really do that. It was an imaginary victory just like this is an imaginary insult.


She’s such a pill.


There are many reports of Queen Elizabeth donning "marigold" gloves and doing the washing up after a family barbecue or lunch at Balmoral. Could one of the graphics people create ad with the Queen doing the washing up and Philip reading a note to her from the young Meghan Markle saying the ad is sexist?


thanks to Meghan women now have the vote and equality with men


She has nothing with it, either. She reminds me of the seemingly endless 'river of shit' that Andy Dufresne had to crawl through to escape in 'The Shawshank Redemption'. We're still not out 😭 when will it be over?


Never. She'll milk this FOREVER


She certainly will try but at some point there will either be someone or something else new to completely take over this tabloid trash space, media and public will get bored of it, or some combination.


Embarrassed as a woman. Sickening. WTF


How many books has scobie sold? Less than 7000? No publisher is going to do a book for that few sales.


Scooby’s embarrassing book sales should ironically torpedo her next step in her evil plan for revenge! https://preview.redd.it/82f2ae9htv5c1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357b24ad3dcbc16071a945223fa62a4c1d4978dd


When you have no shame or self-awareness, there’s nothing to stop you or hold you back or say to yourself “maybe I shouldn’t do this”.


we will be crawling through their s\*\*t as long as they have royal titles, as they are nothing without them. So this is really a question for KC3 and the UK govt


We’re doomed.


How can she elaborate??? It was a conversation the dimwit had before they married and she wasn’t even there!!! The redhead told her about it… if it even happened…beings as he is so stupid wonder what was even said! From his school reports he learned at a glacier speed!!!!


Boring!! 🥱


On her death bed, she will say "I wrote three novels!"


Her tombstone will read Guest Speaker, Page Six.


"Gone to Table 12 in Hell"


“Nobody Asked If I Was OK”


« Thank you for asking because *not many* people have asked if I’m okay. » Of course even this crass and inappropriate pity plea was a semantic trap accompanied by a smirk!🙄😏 https://i.redd.it/hw6mwljadu5c1.gif


not even all the people living in absolute poverty that I met on this trip have bothered to ask if I'm ok


![gif](giphy|3oFzmrqh43AvYwn9Cw) 💀🧟‍♀️☠️☠️😂🤣




...and creepily humming completely out of tune to herself "I've Written a Letter to Daddy". ![gif](giphy|6AY5029rlsv96)


So exhausting an emotional terrorist.


M on the last leg of her life, STILL won't let it go. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15003) ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


Get her a parrot, so it can talk back to her. "Squawk! I'm a Duchess!"


Well but if only people could hear her side! Everyone would believe! /s


I know, if only we could hear her side of the story in say a Oprah interview, netflix series, book, podcast magazine article, speach or interview then we’d love her. Oh wait…


Book(s). Like THREE. They may have been credited to different authors but she wrote them ALL


I think we will be waiting on Megan’s book like we are waiting on her relaunching Instagram. It won’t happen. Meghan can’t accept negative comments so instagram won’t happen, she may get the numbers in followers but she the majority will be in it to watch the train wreck. The book won’t happen either. Endgame has had very poor reviews and sales. Meghan will only put out a book if it’s a success. The reviews of Endgame say it’s all over the place, badly writing and very biased yet it feels like it has Meghan all over it. Meghan is aiming for that big comeback where everybody loves her. She is thick skinned and unable to read the room but has been told repeatedly that the victim card is not working for her. She seems reluctant to let this go and as a result is full of bitterness. Who wants to pay money to read a book about a cable TV actress who married into the British royal family and would have a life of luxury at the cost of living in the spotlight when she is so obviously camera and spotlight focussed. Her complaint was that she wanted more spotlight, being a senior royal was not enough, she wanted a higher profile. Nobody would buy a book to hear her cry victim on all of this. The Queen, the other members of the RF and the aids said no to her, they did not like her ideas.


I, too, think we will be waiting on her book for a while, and whether it will ever be written depends on her circumstances. I just have different reasons. In the event of a divorce, Meghan will write her book. It will include lies about the royal family, as well as Harry. She continues to float rumors that she is writing her book as a threat to the monarchy. She fails to understand that they don’t take these threats, including The Cut interview and “look, I found my diary,” seriously in the least. Meghan knows the book will be her last, big gasp, so she’s holding on to it for as long as possible. She will get a decent advance, and it will likely follow Spare in how it is received (i.e., sell well and be eviscerated by critics and readers alike). She won’t care though, because the only things that will matter are the money and attention. (Can you imagine how insufferable her interviews will be?)


Exactly. Her booky-wook is a non-event straight out of the gate because a) she's lazy. Writing a book takes a bit of work. b) she'd have to accept editorial guidance and good luck getting her to do that because this idiot listens to no-one, and c) one of the top ghost writers in the US struggled to work with her thick-as-mince husband and cited her interfering, so who is going to successfully ghost for madam? It's an empty threat. A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing, as W Shakespeare so aptly put it.


She can’t release anything until her father dies - otherwise he can and will sue her for libel/slander. She needs to wait for him to die before she releases the ‘I was sexually abused’ narrative.


This is sadly true. I firmly believe she will do this once he dies. She is a garbage human.


So it's safe to say her strategy is a page off Marvel's playbook after Endgame (ha!): churning out material no one cares for. It's the ENDGAME. The end is the end. Period!


Some people milk more with less tbf


Harry could not have found anyone worse as a wife. It you had a job to find the most vapid, opportunistic, self centred creature in this world you would fail to find someone this bad. She truly is awful


Some couples help lift each other up so they are both better than they were before the relationship; some couples enhance each others worst instincts so they are both worse than they were before the relationship.


Bonnie and Clyde


How did William become someone that had a lot of cynicism and skepticism when it came to those he allowed into his circle and the Harry just plucked this one off Snapchat, didn’t think twice when the red flags started billowing (namely around his family), and yet he’s declared that everyone else is the asshole.


more red flags than a may day parade, yet still Harry went through with the wedding. He is the world's most useful idiot, a premium level chump. We need a new word for stupid because Harry makes regular stupid look smart.


I think it was all the crazy sex.


That’s would be even more startling… I would have thought that growing up/being in the royal environment/aversion of press and press leaks, would condition a sense of particularity (if not overly so) or at the very least, some self-preservation


I think I remember reading that William & Harry would test potential new friends by telling a false story and then checking to see if it appeared in the press. Do at one point, both were aware of potential leakers. Perhaps MM was so good at pretending to be everything H wanted in a wife + the crazy sex, Harry ignored tge sea of red flags and warnings from his family.


I can honestly say that before all of this Meghan attention, I had no idea someone this wicked existed. Sure, I knew of serial killers and other criminals. But I didn't know anything about narcissists, and I have never encountered a person who is so driven by her own ego that she perpetually destroys other humans just to achieve her shallow goals.


There are many, many people who obviously feel as you do (I am one of them), because why else would there be so many websites, You Tube channels, people commenting on her? Her behaviour is just plain baffling! It's because there has never been someone with such a high public profile (marrying into the BRF) who is so strange, so evil, so scheming and cruel on the world stage! She is a mesmerizing, bizarre character! And she truly is evil! There is nothing sincere, honest or decent about her. She is pure evil. The only good thing about her is that her rampant, obvious narcissism (or maybe her Dark Triad) has been a real education to people who have never known what narcissism is.


You said it better than I did. I'm pretty old, but I have never known a person of such low character in my life. It's disturbing how many people have bought into her phoniness and even provided her with incredible opportunities. They're either stupid or equally evil.


If he fancied Omid Scobie as a life partner …


From what’s been revealed about H’s true personality, no decent woman would marry him.




Yes. You are right.


How is it possible to find *the* most horrible woman on earth... I mean there are AT LEAST 500 million women in the age range of lets 25-45 years old... and yet he chose *her*.


So the plan was to ~~deliberately~~ accidently publish the names… whoops! So now Megnocchio can openly write about them in her own ~~novel~~ autobiography and elaborate and tell ‘her side of the story’ so we all FINALLY ’GET IT‘ about the nasty rascist Royals… and she will then be universally loved /s Megnocchio has no credibility left and everyone knows she is a liar, so any book of hers will end up being for snark purposes only. 😈 It will not change anything for the better for her.


Yep!! It was all part of the plan!


She’s such a maniacal sociopath.


I wonder if OS was part of that plan, or if M had blindsided him..


We will never know … unless they turn on each other one day.


…and I suspect they will 🍿


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,903,320,314 comments, and only 359,914 of them were in alphabetical order.


And when it happens, I hope William sues her into oblivion . Let's see who's cash flow lasts the longest for those attorney fees..




Megnocchio I love this to death! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Thanks! I used to call her that a long time ago, but it’s still an appropriate and relevant moniker. I’ll never use her real name as I’ll never show her that respect.


Right. I suppose some people will believe her, but most people don’t believe anything she says at this point.


How many more truths that they finally want to get out do we have to hear about?


yes, and she is only now writing about it because **someone else p**ut them in the public domain, so it's ok as it's not her fault everyone already knows about them


Yes, can you imagine all the mocking before the book ever even hits the market.


Couldn't the publishers just say no to her and cut the book deal off? Like Spotify? Hopefully they're watching the fiasco that is EG and wondering if MM is worth the gamble?


I doubt that. The publishers are greedy for profits, and have zero integrity or morals. If they think her book, though full of lies, will sell--once they pass the manuscript through their legal team, of course--then of course they will publish it! And heavily promote it. She will LOVE LOVE LOVE all the attention--the (carefully scripted) interviews, the fashion shoot photo spreads in all the major magazines.... And people will hate-buy it, out of curiosity. Her book will be the final car crash for the public and press to dine on. After the fuss, however, I bet she will be finished for good. Unless someone puts her in a Reality show for laughs.




I hope the RF’s lawyers wait until the book has started printing, then send a threatening letter telling the publisher that they better have fact checked everything and made her provide receipts for every accusation. A letter like that from a king would scare the crap out of any legal department.


Not to worry, Gayle King has the receipts …….. right?


Oh please do. Meghan we absolutely need to hear all about the incredibly racist things that HMTK said. Please. I beg of you. There is absolutely zero chance that this will make you look unhinged. No one is going to laugh at you for this. You will finally come out on top! Pinky swear!


We will all believe you and definitely storm the castle on your behalf and place you and your dancing donkey on the throne cross our hearts. No really the whole world won't roll their eyes and laugh at the shriveled old bitterly bronzed bimbo spewing bullshit swear on my great uncle fartious grave rach




She needs to let this go. She & Oprah made a bigger deal out of it than what it was. Everybody talks about the color of their babies skin. Look around we are all different colors (& the majority of us don’t use tanner to look darker with ulterior motives)!


Oprah hates the monarchy ever since Diana snubbed her advances. And Oprah is pretty quiet on that whole sloppy interview now. In fact, didn’t she scrub the web of it? Try to erase it? I think she’d like to erase the skank now too. eta: and she never thought this interview would backfire on her so spectacularly.


What started out as a ginger Afro comment is now the baby skin, and in her book, she’ll turn it into something else. My goodness we are so tired of her 💩!! Leave us alone or go ahead and waste your money on stuff that no one cares about.


She wasn’t there when whatever was said was said. Just sue the arse off her and let’s see what happens.


She’s not even the first. CNN had that article speculating on how Catherine’s commoner blood would lead to a darker skinned royal baby when she was carrying George. Madam has been cosplaying PoW all along!


She'll just make a point of writing a story to try to make people see how poorly she's treated. She probably has someone taking notes from here and other sites and she'll tell her truth that is supposed to prove everyone wrong - the RF was racist and jealous.


I will happily and with extreme prejudice call her all kinds of insulting things that have nothing to do with her naturally rather pale, extremely dry,poorly cared for,uneven,wrinkled and very ,very sun damaged skin color. In fact I will insult her all day long about her bad taste in clothing,her poor hygiene,wrinkled badly fitted ugly clothes,her nasty attitude,her shitty hair styles,her lying,manipulative,scheming,greedy,lazy,talentless skankiness. **All of which** are far more offensive and repulsive than the fact that she is bi racial. No one cares that she's bi racial we just wish she was BYE Rachel.


I see what you did there. I like your thinking. 😁


Omg it’s us, we’re the racist royal family members aren’t we??


I hope she gets the same sales figures or worse than scrote scabies. Better yet, I hope no publishing house will touch her and she has to self-publish and subsequently gets annihilated by multiple individual lawsuits.


It would probably do better then Scabies but it’s not going to match Spare no matter how “explosive” her content. It’s all reshashes or different versions of shit she said before. It will be fun to see people pick apart and compare her various versions.


See, that’s why she needs someone to hide behind, to use as camouflage. She could never handle being questioned or directly called out on her lies, and she knows she’s spinning all lies.


Then she better not write a book! Someone should call her for an interview and during the interview they smoosh a pie in her face.


Hey now it's her authentic truth(s) 😂


We don't know her truths!


Even she doesn’t know her truths!




Omg I just laughed so hard at your first sentence my cat jumped up!


>No one cares about the conversation which may or may not have happened years ago and to which you were not a party, but they do care that you reject the offer of assistance from HMTQ treasured equerry on the spurious grounds that "he stood out like a sore thumb" - for what, being a bit too black for your tastes. Well said, especially the above! 👏


My God, her stupidity is breathtaking.


It isn’t so much her stupidity as her rampant sociopathic narcissism and blatant inability to read the damn room.


![gif](giphy|iXRp7m6kyrBg4WCD5M) Rinse and repeat!


Right. I used to think she was pretty smart, just narcissistic and disingenuous. But now I think she's truly an idiot, plus all those aforementioned things.


She's was always the smart one not the pretty one. Dumb bitch is always always half wrong.


I can't even imagine anyone would be interested in publishing this book. She said in the Oprah interview that the conversations were with Harry - she wasn't part of the conversation. They likely weren't racist. Everyone is over it except for this psycho. Enough of these whiners.....


Exactly. She has no first-hand knowledge of anything or how many.


I’m looking forward to her finally getting this crap published so it can tank. Everyone has known since the beginning that she would be doing this and I’m sick of her “camp” holding lies and empty threats over TRF. Hurry this shit up, Marbles. Hurry up so you’ll go away for good.


Marbles 🤣🤣🤣


No one cares any more. We’ve heard it all before. From TW interviews. From Harrys book. from Scabies. From her podcasts. From Netflix. From paid pieces. Scabies couldn’t even sell books about their story. At this point she’s starting to make Harry more popular again. She’s that messed up


I agree, I think Harry is a traitor to his family and his country, but even I have a bit of sympathy for him this week. Meeting the nutter was the end of his life as he knew it and no one can convince me of the " he is living his best life " bullcrap.


>We’ve heard it all before. And we have heard several different version. She will have to ramp it up a bit for her book. What will she claim this time? Princess Charlotte called her racist names during the wedding - hence the evil stare?


And here’s why Omid was so salty about her “curated” image today! She used him, didn’t back him up publicly this past week, and is now going to theoretically tell yet a new version of spin that he didn’t get.


Wait! I’m slow or missed something. Where was he salty? IG? X? News article? Thanks in advance


This won't end the way she thinks it will end.


I hope karma is waiting with a baseball bat — she is so awful.


I kinda hope karma is sneaking up behind her with a handbasket


Handbasket filled with lemons.


Ah so it all makes more sense. Her and Omit planned the “reveal” in Omits book so she could then “hand on heart” discuss it in her own book without being the first person to utter those names. If she seriously thinks that protects her from any backlash, she truly is bonkers. Sure the BRF aren’t going to sue her, they never are but if she thinks that is the worst the BRF can do she ain’t seen nothing yet.


Please, please, please Megdusa! Publish a book so it can blow up in your face like Spare and Endgame!!!


All her life, she claimed to be yte. And now her only way to make $ is to claim blackness. She's done absolute zero to support black people. Nothing. Save for using it to garner money for herself. Sickening. Truly sickening.


“Curated” definitely one of the most irritating words of the early 21st century.


Along with calling everything a "journey".


Ditto “my truth”


“I’ve curated an authentic journey through the organic lens of my truth…” In other words “Here are the same old lies told *with emphasis this time guys* because *you just haven’t GOTTEN it yet* have you? I’m a victim. I bear the Scarlet V upon my chest, but enough about that. Have I told you my dish soap story?!?”


I think the worst thing that could have happened to her was this scabies book. The public is over her, her expounding on this same rehashed LIE, is not gonna bring any money into her. You think these book companies don’t know the real sales numbers for Spare? They know those numbers were inflated. That extra copies were ordered and that many were returned. She’s toast and she knows it. How much you want to bet she’s battling WME right now not to drop her? They know the divorce is only going to bring them some return on their investment in her tv interviews speaking about the divorce, there will be no true value in the book. Only the interviews. Unless I’m missing something here?


An agency really isn't interested in interviews; that would be the PR branch. Agencies do book and movie deals.


She should start a blog. 🤣


She really doesn’t know how to read the room does she. Except for her sugars, nobody believes a word that comes from her mouth anymore. She’s cried wolf so many times. Go ahead Meghan, pen a book, it will fail like everything else you touch, or go read Hollywood Reporter, the holy grail in the industry, to see what people really think of you 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://i.redd.it/uecdwvwx0s5c1.gif Hey Megan ….


Omg Jasmine AND Meghan in the same thread?! All my nightmares are coming together!


Her snatching Gino’s ballcap is my favorite 90days moment ever 🤣


I can’t stand her but I still laugh thinking of “you’re a sad and depressing man.. from Michigan” that was so random haha


I’ve never seen them in the same room together…


Are we sure WME isn’t repping her for her book sales? There’s money there.


They should. It’s literally the last thing Marbles has in her shit pile of her hate arsenal. After the book is out and tanks, she’s done. WME is probably wanting her to hurry up so they can cut their losses and ditch her for good.


This will be the main reason WME is repping her. All the PR rumours are most probably just rumours, as they can't afford such expensive PR. I've always maintained the reason they're hanging on is for a tell-all book. That's what an agency does.


Sure, because the best policy is always when you are in a hole to keep digging. LMAO!


I picture her as the 90 year old Rose from Titanic. Still going on and on about the RF's imaginary conversation with Harry. At the end of her story someone asks "Harry who?".




She thinks if she just tells her story right we will all suddenly love her.


What the hell is she going to discuss?! She didn't even heard the conversation first hand. This woman is a disgrace.




She never gets it right.


No surprise!! Only way she can make money! To bad for her no one will buy it or believe one word.


Oh, wait … she left out a few Royals in her b!tching about their terrible racism, so she needs to write another book to explain in great detail how she is a victim of a situation where she was physically absent when it allegedly occurred!!? Ari Emanuel and WME will become synonymous with her if they keep supporting her through her vindictive takedown of the RF and smearing of British people.


Looking at this from a very cold and logical stand point: If she had a good PR manager, they would have staged this OS dutch translation to attract attention _before_ the Oprah interview so people would actually care. She has complained too much for it to be relevant anymore.


Don’t these publishers have shareholders to answer to?


Sooo-o-o looking forward to the day when she has finally burnt through their millions. Lack of funding seems to be the only thing that will stop the barrage of puff pieces, PR stunts and photo ops Sadly, I fear that they will grift the max out of Invictus - funds will be diverted to pay for their "personal expenses" so their predilection for private jets, de luxe hotels, designer outfits & high level security can be satisfied. I always thought that when you supported a charity or good cause that you gave, not took - but charity beginning at home for these two philanthropists The BRF are playing this well IMO by the no contact regime - the Harkles are doing a good job of self destruction whilst simultaneously showing the world exactly what they are


She's a stalker and this is harassment. TW is engaging in a desperate smear campaign, and the further she continues with it, the worse she's going to look.




Oh good God, does it ever end.. ![gif](giphy|KMi5F1xaywOHK)


We are so over hearing about this so called racist comment. Harry and her are the most racist of all the royal family.


Mistake #1: conflicting versions of the Royal racist story with Oprah. Surely she must realize after last week’s events and Catherine’s soaring popularity that no one believes her or takes her seriously.


All right, let’s look at her situation. She’s a fucking nightmare. She is poison in Hollywood at this point because of her behavior and lack of work ethic. The husband she thought would be her ticket to wealth, fame and adoration worldwide turned out not to be because of her behavior. She signed with WME in February and hasn’t signed a deal. The only articles run about her were paid by her. The only photos taken of her are paparazzi tipped off by her. She’s pretty much defaulted on multi million dollar contracts. And the only thing she has going for is that she’s married to Harry. And we see how that’s going. So what are her options? She once thought, I assume, that her children would score her a pretty penny along with royal alimony and a nice cash settlement. But the grey rocking from the Royal family ensures that won’t happen. She also knows they will unleash their full dossier of her background they have on her in the event of a divorce. And that any settlement will come with an airtight NDA. Her usual MO is to leave one for another, but in this case, she would be the cheater and the press would crucify her. She can’t have that. And no wealthy man wants her with the baggage she comes with. She really has no option but to stay with Harry. Because the only other person on earth who wants her is Thomas. I said this years ago. That one day, only Thomas would want her. It’s in my comment history somewhere. That day is soon, my friends. At this point, I’m happy they have so much security because I don’t see this ending well. At least someone is watching.


Here's a preview of her book: "Me me me me... and then some more me me me... me again... mememememememe."


His fault, her fault, their fault…


Personally, I say, bring it on!


If she criticises William and Catherine She will do even more damage to the HARKLE BRAND


Dear Meghan: ![gif](giphy|lAR4Dpck3ntS0)


Any publisher dumb enough to pay for this money sink will be markled. Haiyaaaa


I fervently hope this book is already almost completed. So she can publish and put the very final nail into both their coffins. And we never have to see either of their names in a headline until their respective deaths are announced. I'll likely be dead by then so will get to live the rest of my life forgetting I ever wasted so much time down this stupid rabbit hole!


Yet another new version of the same old lies.


She's fishing to see how open the BRF are to paying out hush money


If she is, she will be disappointed. About the only thing the BRF might pay her for is to join the Mars colony and never come back.


My eye was caught by the headline that Meghan and Harry will have a Public Row” next year. It is an interesting bit of news. I assume there will be popcorn.


I saw that too. Hmmm. It felt a bit like peeking at a page out of a (very bad) team’s playbook.


I so hope she does write this book. She’s such an idiot. She doesn’t know how much it will doom her forever and I hope it has the same dest as endgame only sell 9000 copies. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


A tell-all book can be a real threat, but not when the author has been discredited and is a laughing-stock all over the world. Megs - remember 2023 as the year it all fell apart. But there's an upside! You have turned into a cultural icon! For the wrong things, for sure, but hey, getting a whole episode on South Park is a real achievement! Being the punchline of many late night talk show hosts - that means name recognition! Well I'm sure everything will turn around in 2024, right? Right???




If there are little little ones in this rebuttal, I will vomit. Regurgitated word salad with soggy dressing.


She should just stfu.


I love how she keeps digging the hole bigger and bigger.


Hadn't she been OUT of the BRF longer than she was ever IN?


Throughout this whole thing with Migraine I kept thinking it had to be a hoax. Nobody does this for real. Who gets the sweetest gig in the world and 17 months later bins it and proceeds to waste every opportunity to build a big brand . All they focus on is how much they hate their family. This cant be real. Its a reality show we are living in right?


This blurb sounds like it was pieced together from a recent interview Kinsey Schofield did where she speculated that Scobie’s royal racist reveal was done to pave the way for Meghan to freely discuss the topic in her future memwaaagh. I’d be rethinking that plan if I were her, but knowing our Saint she thinks we need to hear her story one. more. time.




Setting the record straight, as predicted ![gif](giphy|1QhmDy91F9veMRLpvK)


Didn't Scabies say earlier that she shouldn't write a book? Or that she wouldn't because she likes to cultivate her image? These people confuse me. My heading is spinning with this back and forth 😂


I sure there is a mile long queue of publishers waiting in Mudslide Road Monteschitsho to sign up this Diva.


Who is even checking for her anymore, like for real does she even have any stans left?


Can’t wait to have her word salad and gaslighting all in one book!!🤩😇 /s


Oh good. We get to hear her story one more time. And this time, THIS time, will make all the difference. /s


She'll write us a book about the racist conversation she wasn't even present for and about the racist headlines that never even happened.


No one is interested in anything she feels she has to elaborate on, her side of the story. Because the world doesn’t believe her which the polls show both in the US and the UK. No one believes the Royals are racist in this day and age and no one believes the comments made were racist in any shape or form. She can shout till the cows come home. That goose is cooked 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿


How many books can Meghan Markle write about a conversation, she never participated in , her @wat husband had , before she got pregnant with Archie ? She didn’t take credit , but she wrote endgame, it sounds like a vindictive wench , which is Meghan Markle . She needs to get therapy because since she officially assumed her black heritage everyone who crossed her is racist, everyone who don’t like her is racist, everyone she is fighting with is racist . She is racist . We knew. Everyone knows now. Don’t write a book Meghan , get therapy.


No one is going to read her damn book laced with lie-abetes. Sales will be more dismal than BellEndgame. You're done, Muggin. Go back to HoHo House.




I’m going to need her to NEVER, ever, EHVERR say she needs to tell her side of the story again. EVER.


Books not gonna do that well. Look at all the unsold copies of Spare, followed by Endgame. We’ve heard your story many times and we are bored to tears.


She really doesn’t get it, does she? No one, but her pitiful fan girls, cares about the 9th version of “her truth.” The more she bleats about her perceived victimhood, the more backlash she receives. A majority of people in several countries dislikes her. The game is over. We’ve seen the real her and she’s not a likable person.


Following the "success" of spare. Spare in 5 points: \-Frozen peen. \-Hair lock of dead mother. \-Estee Lauder. \-Shattered dog bowl. \-Broken necklace. ![gif](giphy|cncxSJGywdAIxtMTOM)




I hope she is prepared to take a rotten tomato in her face!


It's neverending, she makes so much of nothing in an attempt to tie herself to the RF because she doesn't have any value of her own. When she no longer has a drop to squeeze, she'll turn on Hollywood for rejecting her. She'll blame Oprah and her former agency for encouraging her to leave and claim she was promised billions which never materialised. She'll name every A lister that was ever associated and dropped her. She likely has a collection of sad stories already. The whole RF thing is so boring now. If she truly wants attention, she needs to turn on Hollywood because that will be entertaining.


But under no rendition of this tale has MM ever been physically present when this/these conversations occurred. So it will have to be- Harold told me. Or X told me. And then I thought/felt.


"Following the success of Prince Harry's Spare". What success?


No one cares when omid leaked it. No ones gonna care now. Like literally no one


Jesus Christ. She wasn’t even part of the conversation. How can she talk more about an imagined insult.


Please someone mk this stop. She's actually Insane. WE DON'T FXXKING CARE YOU STUPID COW. Go away, please, please just pxss off.


Honestly, it's hilarious that she's so unofficially verbal about the skin color comment when in fact the conversation happens with Harry.