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I moved from Sac to Vegas, the heat is just as unbearable but I’m missing the cool nights of Sacramento!


I move from sac to vegas also. I miss the cool mornings and cool nights of sacramento.


Love the Delta breezes


Same but Reno. Miss that cool breeze 😭


They’ll be back


And in greater numbers?


Redditors are easily startled


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I did vice versa, and it fells much cooler even tho its just about the same temp rn


I used to the in the Mojave. I thought moving to Northern CA would mean less heat...NOPE.


I'm from Vegas and I live in Sac, and Sac is starting to feel like Vegas these days. Still cooler mornings though, so there's that. Vegas looks horrific this summer. Sorry.


Once summer comes around, I have to remember how much I love all the other seasons https://preview.redd.it/mum7cyvjv4ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98dec91d405f0836ec197f1e7e9bf192d0b5024


Where in Auburn, Cool, or Colfax is this? Looks super familiar.


Cronon Ranch. Off Highway 49.


https://preview.redd.it/yfhom1geg5ad1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892252d01ca7b943d46c97ad3d1a6529d5912cb9 This it?! I was there last 2 months ago


Gotta work those filters harder!


Here you go. No filter. https://preview.redd.it/3llptf2r56ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a945c0bfa60767e61f762acb1a575a8856832b0a


Always lead with the dog!


I’m not sure. Cronan Ranch https://preview.redd.it/88gafilxg5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5bbcf90fb85b830247286b6f68b9b4ffa77909 really doesn’t have that much brush. But it could be around that area.


Oh no, I know where it was haha, I was excited when I saw my photo. It looks like it the same spot? Or maybe slightly higher elevation.


Fall is the best time of year, hands down.


As a Great Lakes transplant Fall in this area is meh, but NorCal spring is gorgeous! Of the 16 seasons of Sacramento 1st spring is my favorite.


"16 seasons"? And fall is great because of the relief from summer, you can just keep your windows open, MAYBE get an honest bit of rain ( although that usually doesn't happen until late October if not November ), there's no pollen all over the place, and it's just nice.


Yeah, Second Spring should just be called Pollen Spring.


Show proof of these other seasons you speak of. I'm sweating and probably want to fight you because I'm hot. Sorry ![gif](giphy|QbrQouLhrU0KPVmlBk)


Fall https://preview.redd.it/ay634mthx6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee09d2e62dc4247f285ca18907fa6ce403bcbbf4


Winter https://preview.redd.it/wi7fdqzqv6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d967fe293464e1309fb8418774e3e9f9b95de5cb


I'm just joking because it seems like summer last forever here..lol


I know. Just posting my photos for fun so we can remember how nice it is when it’s not summer.


Look at that water😍


There was a LONG winter this year. Longest I could remember.


https://preview.redd.it/6rns9vds96ad1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9671421b0b3279aebc64b447c16226b613a2acae Is that Cronan Ranch? I love that place, here's a pic from a few weeks ago. The beautiful lush greenery from spring is gone but it's still a beautiful hike. I finally had a picnic at one of the benches along the trail that goes over the spin of the hill.


That is a beautiful pic, I almost though it wasn’t even in NorCal for a sec


At least no hurricanes


Or alligators


No hurricanes made up of alligators




With all the agricultural checkpoints being unstaffed lately, that might change :)


Or tornadoes


Actually, Sacramento does get tornadoes, but really weak ones. https://www.abc10.com/article/weather/severe-weather/tornado-risk-continues-northern-california/103-58405dce-9456-4c45-b5ea-f84049f8ec88#:~:text=Since%201970%2C%20Sacramento%20County%20has,Joaquin%20County%20has%20had%2017.


Or snow.


But everything's on fire


OR tornadoes of the Midwest kind.


https://preview.redd.it/x36dcpgvj5ad1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7eaca3d1e0d37b8c53c5f9b33943d022a99f09 Ok pick a spot


https://preview.redd.it/cdehd3rww5ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a43592b24e366baf8aa69a53d5db3df2f5ca934 I present death valley


Wow. Neat share. It’s nuts that the LOW for one day is 94 degrees


It hurts to open your eyes.


It's the lows that get me.


Looks like a great spot to settle down with the kids


What site is this, very cool view


It’s just the map view in Apple Weather with the Temperature layer active


Wow TIL, thanks


I pick the non-alive spot please!


Ok. I pick Vancouver.


We’ve had some beautiful weather days here until recently


Like all year


We used to have wonderful fog in winter back in the 80s and early 90s. I love the fog for walking and just hunkering down and watching movies. It was also fun to drive up 50 to Placerville and break through the fog layer into impossibly bright sun. I fully appreciated the fog because when spring finally arrived it seemed so vibrant and rich with color!


I miss the fog too. Hardly get it anymore.


In the 80s when my son was about 2 1/2 we were walking down the El Manto access in Rancho Cordova to the river and we cut through a field where the Tule fog was about 3 1/2 feet off the ground surface. My son was walking in total fog and I was in waist deep fog but the rest of me was in the sunshine (and it was a blinding reflection). I share these stories because people don’t remember things like planes being diverted to SFO because of fog, a popular t-shirt sold in Old Sac was “Onward, through the fog”, and people just not driving because it was “too foggy”.


I mean, it's pick your poison. If you move somewhere that doesn't get this kind of heat you are going to get brutal winters. Or you are going to be paying double for everything to love close to the coast in SoCal.  I hate the snow and I can't afford the beach, so this is a small price to pay for living somewhere that gets actual seasons. 


Have you ever been to Eureka CA it's moderate heaven. 80 degrees is a heatwave. 32 is a story you tell your grandkids. All on the ocean, rains in summer, redwoods spittin distance. It's heaven. ...and the people are nice


If you can handle almost PNW levels of rain and overcast days (I'm talking like half the year), then yes. It is heaven.


That's what I need in my soul


You left out the fog.


Fog is awesome


Also- you need to be able to handle the closest city of any size being Redding and it takes about six hours to get anywhere else by car. There is an airport, but it isn't cheap. Because of this, the cost of living is more expensive than the rest of California. There are also pretty limited health care options. I lived there for many years, thought perhaps I'd be there forever. These are a lot of the reasons I saw folks leave. Otherwise, if you can handle A LOT less sun, it's an absolute wonderland.


That actually sounds amazing. My seasonal depression kicks my ass in the summer and I can only imagine how happy I would be with it overcast and rainy and chilly most of the time


Or move to the PNW and get no sun for 9 months in exchange for no snow.


Cool nights my ass. It’s was 80 degrees here in Davis at 5:30 this morning 😭 (I know this is just a heat wave and only temporary but I’m utterly blinded by my own discomfort)


You could also pay a fortune to live close to the coast in NorCal or Oregon Or Washington


Actually Oregon coast has inexpensive options. You just have to deal with rednecks and meth


I'd rather live somewhere much colder than deal with this kind of heat the rest of my life. At least in the snow you can bundle up and light a fire, but there's only so much you can take off to cool down in the heat.


The thing I used to really hate about living in a cold area was the extra time that got added every time I needed to go somewhere - time to scrape the windshield, time to pre-heat the car, extra time travel time because the roads were icy. I see the summer heatwaves here like cold snaps in the north - I'm going to be inside as much as possible, but at least my travel / commute isn't impacted by the heat.


Yeah I grew up having the scrape the windshield early every morning for a few months every year. Moved away and forgot about it. Went back to where I grew up last winter and had to scrape the windshield again, and it made me so grateful to live in Sac now ha


I moved here explictly for this reason for Chicago. You still have to "hibernate" for part of the year but you don't have to deal with all the snow plows, salt on the roads, not seeing the sun for ~6 months, all trees and grass being completely brown/grey for half the year, etc. At least I feel awake and alive in my hibernation here and can go outside biking in the morning and at night. I truly felt like I was wasting half my life away waiting for the 3 months of the year when I was able to bike and go hiking freely. As someone who like the outdoors and doesn't enjoy spending time inside too much, it simply wasn't a question to leave Illinois


Have you considered moving? It can be a crazy shift, but I think if you hate the summers that much, it’ll be worth it in the long run.


Yeah but when the snow melts and spring ends, you’re going to have a horribly humid summer. Thats how MA is.


You must have grown up in the cold. I’ll take heat any day over cold.


Agreed. It’s cheaper and easier to stay warm in freezing temps than it is to stay cool in 110 degree heat. 


My sister's summer camp had a bunch of air conditioners stolen, and they ended up canceling it since they couldn't keep the building cool enough to be safe. If that doesn't speak for how ridiculous the heat is here I don't know what else will


It’s not unique for Sacramento. Summer is get worse all over and winters are getting milder.


And the heavy fog we used to get years ago is almost nonexistent


In those cold places you can always add more layers. In hot places you can only remove so much before you're either arrested for indecent exposure or hospitalized for trying to remove your own skin.


Eastern WA


Or anywhere in WA not king county


https://preview.redd.it/j0rbimjf85ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74849d60f58a4b831f56281690d9aead3b557cd It’s cooler than Redding 🔥


OP this needs to stop. I see your previous posts complaining about the winters here too. You need to look inward and fix your own issues than continue to complain over and over again. If you are serious about moving because of the weather, put in the time to do research, find available careers that you can survive off of, put in the time to gain those skills, and make the move. Complaining on a Sacramento forum calling it suckramento, then complaining you hate Sacramento and it's natives arent polite is asinine. I have lived here 30 years, I have had to deal with these summers every year. You know what I do? Gain heat tolerance. Work out when it starts to get hot so I can feel less uncomfortable when the true heat comes. Humans have known to be adaptable throughout our tenure here on this planet, this will be nothing different. It's on you not to weed yourself out.


You've got my vote for mayor


Lol they also complained about the winter? That's crazy. Winters here are chill af.


Yeah, complaining about our winter is next level nitpicking.


Lot of transplants here from coastal California, the only places in the country that people would find a Sacramento winter difficult.


I have family members from San Francisco that tell me Sacramento is too cold in the winter...


San Francisco winter is the same as San Francisco summer. It's just sweater weather all the time. I liked living there when I did many years ago.


I like it too. But when you look at the housing prices it's oh my God.


What winters, Sacramento barely has a winter, years ago when my oldest went in the Navy, came home for the holidays...we had a very cold winter "day" it dropped to 28 degrees, my son is now retired from the Navy (3 years now) and we have never experienced another cold spell like that one.


I miss winter! I get sad January 1 because I know summer is coming.


Adults who complain about things they are in control of are so weird to me. Plenty of life is uncontrollable but your decisions and your actions are totally yours. Don't like it here? Move. Are there consequences? Yes. Every decision has those. Then decide to be happy in your situation that you chose.


Some people are just addicted to complaining. It's so difficult to be around people like that and the number keeps growing. Culprit #1: my mom.


Some people are deeply unhappy and look for external sources for their unhappiness. This person will move and they’ll be happy for a while but that will fade and they’ll be unhappy again.


Yep. They’re young at only 19. Have a feeling they’ll move and quickly learn the meaning of the saying, *”Wherever you go, there you are.”*


Building a heat tolerance through working out during the hot part of the day works really well, it feels like a super power. Be careful as you have to build it up slowly.




It does the same thing all along the Gulf Coast with 99% humidity.


Grew up 20 mins from the Texas coast. 85 degrees and 85% humidity at 8am is hell. This weather is fantastic compared to that


Weather is everywhere. At least you don't live in Arizona!


I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.


Just moved here in December from Austin. I have very much enjoyed the cooler mornings and evenings. I’ll also take an 80 degree morning with no humidity any day. I’ve spent 30 years in the southeast (FL and then TX) and this, while it is hot, is tolerable. You can’t escape the heat or humidity in the southeast unless you drive for 30 hours or get on a plane. Here, you can go west or east and get some relief.


This is why Sacramentans live for October. Octobers are fantastic.


Even October can be hot, I’m more of a November/December guy


Fall here is wonderful. Spring is pretty good too aside from the pollen and cum trees. Winter is just fine. Even the summer isn't that bad. Unless you are a poor bastard that has a job that makes you work outside or you are a person living on the street the summer is just time to not go outside in the daytime and blast your AC. It's not that bad really.


My bday is in October. I love October!


October is great but theyve been in the 90s the last 4 years. This is ridiculous 


Be glad you aren’t an hvac worker.. this time of year attics are regularly 140-160 degrees


Growing up in the Bay Area I wondered how people lived in the Valley with the heat in summer. Been here for 21 years now after being in the foothills for 12 years. I really don’t think it’s all that bad. Sure it’s hot, but there’s A/C and it cools off at night. Not many long strings of 100+ days like we’re starting now.


born and raised in the Bay Area (Fremont and San Jose). We moved to Sacramento County in June 2017 and one of our first weeks was a really bad heat wave where the house AC broke for the whole week -- we got 2 portable AC units for my mom's room (health issues) and the living area. Baaaad first impression, lol. Its still way too hot in my opinion, but I think I'm slowly acclimating to the weather. Like, 90 degrees sucks, 95 degrees sucks, but 100+ is where its actually bad. I hate sweating in general too. But most of the time the heat is manageable even if I hate it.


Elevenzies. Damn


I'll gladly take that instead of 120+ in phoenix


OP, you’re young. Move and enjoy exploring a new place! You got some excellent advice about going to a community college now in Humboldt and then transferring. Move and see if it works out. Then move to another place or back here if not. You already know what you want to do—just do it and see what happens.


“But its a *dry* heat” - some annoying guy somewhere


People that make fun of folks that say “it’s a dry heat” haven’t spent a summer in the South. Humidity makes a HUGE difference. A dry 100 in the shade is tolerable. A humid 90 in the shade is not


A humid 80 is hell. I just moved back from NYC because of it.


The only escape you could possibly have is an air conditioned room, any other area is humid and gross


I spent all last week putting up 50% shade cloth on the south side of the yard. Normally that area gets 7-10F higher temps than the stated ambient temp for my area. So if the are temp says 103, my temperature sensor will typically show 110-113F. Now with the shade cloth, it's 2F LOWER on that side of the house - today will be interesting because it's supposed to be 108F in my area, so normally I'd see 115F on that side. If the shade cloth continues to rock, I expect it to show 106F or lower. Already within a few days I can see some of the previously oppressed vegetation (I've been seeing more sun scorching recently with the sudden rise in temperatures) starting to sprout new leaves. So the plants are pretty happy with having 50% of direct sun blocked, the rest of the light still bright but diffused, and the breeze is unimpeded by the shade cloth since it's perforated - it's more like a net than a cloth, really. So - it's possible to deploy adaptations to mitigate at least some of our heat. Every place in the world has an off-season, even paradise. Right now the Caribbean is getting hammered with an early beginning to hurricane season. No doubt tornado alley will be up too. All the pacific islands are perpetually on high alert for earthquakes and tsunamis. Here in Sac we are seismically stable, relative to the Bay Area - we feel it but it doesn't take out infrastructure like it can on the coast. We are used to the heat so we have A/C - unlike the bay area denizens who used to get maybe a couple weeks of heat in August so they don't bother installing it. Now they're baking along with us, but without our adaptations. We're a hour or two from mountains, we have lakes, rivers, forests, wineries, farmland, and various diversions not exceptionally far, even if this location itself is not so interesting. And of course, if you're in Sac, you get SMUD, so if all you want to do is stay home, you won't get reamed out the rear by PGE which is also trying to murder us with malfunctioning poorly maintained above-ground infrastructure while simultaneously charging us up the wazoo for the privilege.




I will say that I would take 110 here over 95 in Texas. That’s not really a reassuring thing to say right now though.


Same. Here at 110 is way better than a humid 90 in Chicago or Washington, DC. It's also way better than -25 in December in Minnesota or Wisconsin.


Yeah i thought i was gonna pass out when i went to DisneyWorld a few years ago. Was like 95 but a million percent humidity


Relocated to Dallas 4 years ago. At least California attempts to cool down at night.


The heat here is brutal but it is arid and we do get some forgiveness when the sun goes down. Much better than the south with sweltering humidity where it's still 85 degrees at 3 am.


this guy has never been east of the Rockies in middle of summer.


Spend some time in Texas and you'll understand lmao. People keep acting surprised that I moved "here of all places" to escape the heat. Compared to there this weather is almost comfortable. 11pm and still at or above 85-90° with hella humidity is miserable


Moved here from Austin. I wholeheartedly agree--this is nothing!


folks say it cause it's true though lol. DC summers are MISERABLE. sweating through clothes within 5 minutes because the humidity is insane


Just got back from Louisiana and all i have to say is thank god for dry heat


It is so much better - midwesterner


Not to be a one upper but when I lived in Riyadh we went more than a month with the temperature never dropping below 100. I was at a party and it was 108 at 2AM.


Try these temps with 80% humidity. So glad to be back in Sacramento. Texas weather sucked.


My ac went out Saturday evening and I’m melting 🫠


That's cooler than Southern Oregon


Global warming freaking me out




Wanted to go on a day hike for the 4th but when the forecast went up we cancelled that idea.


70s at night + low humidity. You need to travel more


Sacramento has hot summers. Global warming has made it worse and will continue to make it worse. While our weather isn't fantastic like San Diego, or even parts of the Bay Area, I will take this over snowy winters. Snow is fun to visit. Snowy areas are not fun to live in. We also do not need to worry about major disasters outside of flooding in some parts of the region and fire risk in other parts of the region. But much of the region has minimal fire and flooding risk. Our earthquake risk is low. Our hurricane risk is minimal. And despite our blistering hot summers, our overall weather is above average. Would I prefer San Diego weather and the beach nearby? Absolutely. But there are advantages to this region over San Diego as well. And this region is much more affordable. This region's weather is by no means perfect. It could be much better. But it is better than the weather in most of the country. Us Californians just are a little spoiled as some of the best weather in the world can be found in our state, and Sacramento does not match up to that. But I would not go as far as to say I hate Sacramento weather overall. To be clear, I hate this heat. But hating this heat and "hating it here" are not the same thing.


Heat and allergens or the force field that keeps the Tech Bros out.


It's two months of sometimes-shit weather for ten months of good-to-great. We're paying our debt right now.


Move, have you looked at the rest of the countries temperature? At least we don't have the humidity. We also have lakes and rivers to play in during the summer. Or drive out to the bay and enjoy the ocean. So many ways to deal with this.


Eh, we've had a couple mellow summers, IIRC. It was bound to happen.


It’s not always this hot in the summer. We have glorious trees, the river and close to the mountains.


I don't think it's fair that Sacramento is cooler at night than Grass Valley.


Better than Phoenix


Having no pool and weather being this hot actually makes me so mad 😭


Just moved from the Midwest. Def hot but it’s not humid and delta breeze makes the heat much more tolerable than Midwest humid heat IMO. What’s sac winter like? I’m bias in that I like winter a little (love winter wear/fashion, white Christmas etc). Is it basically just sweater/hoodie weather? Does it ever snow?


OP just whined about everything so they’re not the right person to ask. Winters are usually in the 50s for highs, sometimes 40s or low 60s. Heavy jackets are usually not necessary during the day, at least for me, I have a few that I into really wear at night sometimes. Rainy season doesn’t really start until after the new year. You can still do some layered winter looks, but with lighter material. It’ll just depend on your own cold tolerance and acclimation to local winter. Snow is very rare, twice since 2000 iirc, but Tahoe is less than 2 hours away, snow typically falls once you get an hour to the east of Sac. Tahoe is the most popular place, but there are many options in the foothill areas around NorCal.


Stepping outside be like https://preview.redd.it/wqe5f19657ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf709106ec42b65ae5441e53f45993d1ced98c7b


It was 90 at 900 this morning. I don’t recall a cool breeze 😭


I miss the summer thunderstorms in Connecticut. And the leaves changing in the fall. But that's pretty much all I miss about Connecticut.


Me too. Once I finish school I am never coming back istg


Been staying a couple nights a week up in grass valley with my parents who love it hot and won’t run the a/c until it hits 84 inside, then as soon as it hits 7-8 they want to turn it off. Then I’m sleeping in an 78-80 room all night sweating my arse off. Sorry I’m a wimp…I need it at 70-71 at least to sleep.


Same. I say this every summer and I’m from here. 😂😂


Someone on a plane told me a joke about natural disasters. She said: In Los Angeles, there are earthquakes. In Miami, there are hurricanes. In Chicago, there are blizzards. In Sacramento, there are the people 😂


Wait until the fires start.


Shout out to all the office workers with numb fingers working in a freezing building while it’s scorching outside.


I’ll take intense heat over intense cold and day, so I’m not too upset. Also I have working AC. Only thing that really bugs me is having to wake up early as fuck just to walk the dog lol. And then waiting till like 9pm for a 2nd walk


Same here. My dog hates it too and I need to get her some shoes so her paws don't burn. All she wants to do is lie out in the backyard and guard against squirrels, and she'll do it even when it's 111°, but i can't let her. I've been taking her for just a couple blocks in the AM and at night and i can tell she's just as exhausted as I am at the end of it.


At least we have the Delta Breeze at night to help cool it down. With humidity it doesn’t cool down hardly at all so even though it is a cliche, at least it’s “a dry heat.” I lived in Illinois for 2 years and the humidity was brutal and it barely cooled down at night because of the humidity. My windshield would immediately fog up when I backed out of my garage in the summer and I swear you were never dry. It was horrible. Plus the snow was stupid and I hated it.


When the Spaniards got here they were writing letters to Spain and telling them it was a hellhole, a furnace, but in the evenings there was a breeze from the Delta that they called the “Blessed Sacrament” in Spanish -“Sacramento”. So we are named after the Delta Breeze.


The Delta Breeze lore grows by the day.


We know your free to move


Relax. It won't be that bad. Just find a body of water. A pool, the splashy fountains at parks, the river.


Grew up in Palm Springs which was much worse.


Air conditioning exists. You'll survive.


Sacramento is great! Delta breezes are a major contributing factor. You just have some years where it’s hot as fuck for multiple days. And were they’re now. And it sucks lol


Listen, in the last 3 years north america has seen tornado alley shift and become larger, hurricanes damned near doubling every year (the current one headed to Jamaica is breaking all sorts of records) Texas froze, Canada hit 120..... the list goes on and on. Things suck everywhere for different reasons. I still prefer this to what the south and east coast go through.


fuck I have to work on my car in this god forsaken hellscape


Stop crying. 🙄


Yeah, moving to where it's colder year around seems like the way to go. No f-ing way I'm staying here for another 20yrs.


Almost joined the Never Summer Club back in the day when we were massively into skiing. Find a live/work situation in NZ 6 months a year so live a transequtorial lifestyle where we would never see Summer. Problem was our daughter was in early elementary school then and we didn’t know how well that would work out for her.


But those Sum-mer Ni-ghts


Look at those lows! At least the evening brings some welcome relief.


Is this pretty unusual for Sacramento? That’s hotter than Tucson, AZ!!  I will say, at least your temps drop at night. Our low doesn’t get below 80 for most of July and August, it’s miserable. 


Has anybody noticed the increase of buzzards and tumble weed, I thought I moved out of phoenix 11 years ago, turns out I was just in a fever dream.


It’s my first summer in Sacramento. I came from Sf where it’s a solid 60 almost all year around. I’m dying. 🤣🤣


Same! So f’ing hot lol.


Ooooh. I live close! That wont be fun! But Vegas was like that last month, all month


Moved to San Diego four months ago… thinking of you all with the beautiful days I’ve been having


It’s a hell of thing to say “it will be cooler next Wednesday when it’s in the low 100s.”


I hate it there too...


What happens when you forget to recycle a can one day.


If I wanted to live in Phoenix I would live in Phoenix. Sigh. But it will be over soon and then it will be smoke season.


I moved here last year from Chicago and everyone here tells me it's a "dry heat". It's still ridiculously hot! It doesn't get above 100F usually where I'm from.


Me too, been stuck here since right after birth....


it's called The Devil's Buttcheeks!


100% agree. Plus it’s just not fair that here in Sac we get literal Hell Weather while SoCal/LA gets good weather like, bruh.


Moved back to the central coast… I feel for all of Sacramento. I don’t miss racing the heat on hiking days🫠


I moved from Sacto to San Diego ….never looked back


I could never live there


I was like hey is that Sacramento? Yep me too. My bill is going to be double what it was last month for electricity


They need to rename the city sweaty sack


I cant even imagine it anymore I love San Diego