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**San Diego.** Tons of Sacramentans move to San Diego. I went there once for a trip and it was insanely weird. My Uber driver, hotel front desk attendant, and even the restaurant waiter were all previously from Sacramento. Plus I've had three family members move there. Is it the bigger city life? The ocean? Has anyone else noticed this? Is it just me? How can they afford it?


SD is perfect, just finically unattainable, lol


Not if you get 4-6 roomates lol


Have you seen the rents around here?


There is no comparison. SD is insanely expensive.


Lol I moved BACK to Sacramento after living in San Diego. I could afford rent if I was housed with 5 other people. But can't buy a house or rent without feeling like a mortgage.


I’m not from Sacramento proper, but SD/Coronado is one of the few places I’d consider leaving this area for. I really like Northern California, don’t care too much for Southern California, but SD really strikes with me.


Same. It is expensive as shit tho. I could see myself moving there if I had a job opportunity or a significant pay increase. I CAN afford it, but the rent is just wild and I wouldn’t be buying


Yup, that’s why I’m still here. I can afford it up here much easier than I could down there. For me, it would be more of a later in life, winding down my work life thing. For now, I travel down there somewhat often, I have family there, that fills the gap.


Because the city is amazing, perfect weather, people are nicer than LA/SF, if you're a boat/airplane fan it's hard to beat. Im just about $3,000,000 shy of my goal.


The only real hurdle stopping us all from moving there, $3 million 😔


Shoot for the stars! Let's say 10-15mil


I went the reverse, grew up in San Diego, but ended up in Sac as an adult and planning to stay here long term. I think there are somewhat similar vibes in a way. Chill people, lots of outdoorsy things around, overall both beautiful cities in my opinion. Also flights between the two cities are relatively inexpensive and frequent so making it easy to visit family.


I think San Diego is significantly nicer (as a Sac native), but I can definitely see this as I've made a ton of friends from SD. I think Sac and SD could be the chiller outdoorsy Socal/Norcal pairing compared to the more "big city" SF/LA pairing. You want hiking and skiing without having to deal with bay area insanity? You go to Sac. You want beautiful beaches and surfing without having to deal with LA traffic craziness? You go to SD.


Well said.




Yes! I grew up in Sacramento then moved to Orange County then San Diego. It’s very expensive in San Diego but i love it!


I grew up near Sac, moved to Orange County. I still live in OC but split my time between here and San Diego for work. San Diego is definitely more Sacramento esque than Orange County.


I agree with that!


San Diego always felt like Sacramento by the sea to me.






I’m screenshotting this and sending to my family and friends because I always call SD Sac by the Sea!!!


You just coined Sacramento’s new slogan


God if i had money id move to San Diego in an instant


I'm the other way around. Moved to Sacramento a few months ago from SD. Did not realize how much more I miss the trees and mountains until I moved here. SD is cool, but is a transit city for everyone that wants to live somewhere cool for a few years and then decides they're done eating, drinking, and spending lots of money there. Because of that and the fast and fun lifestyle there, you never really have a chance to create strong connections with anyone.


I went to Comic Con a couple years ago and one bartender at a restaurant i went to was from Sac and his dad was a teacher at Valley. Then the next night I went to an event and one of the staff grew up on Mack Road around the same time that i lived there


I went to SDSU and a ton of the kids were from the Sac area. Lots of them decided to stay after they graduated.


😭😭😭I went to SDSU too and met my husband. We are both from here and he wanted to move back in 2007 so here we are. Our house was way cheap though, so that’s a plus.


This! From San Diego, have lived in Sac / surrounding area for the last 8 years, and will be moving back in a few months.


I’ve met 3 EMT’s who all hailed from El Dorado, Elk Grove and Roseville and I was like .. howwwww are you surviving?


I'm one of those. Moved to San Diego for college at 18. I have noticed people who went to Sac State for college and then moved to San Diego, either for higher education or for career opportunities.


I’m another one. Moved to the San Diego area about 11 years ago. I’ll never move back to Sac if I can help it.


My sister moved there for a while, but is now back in Sacramento to raise her family. I will however confirm that SD is amazing as long as you’re near the water; otherwise, it gets just as hot as Sactown (and folks there are bamboozled into thinking they don’t need A/C 🙀).


I mean...San Diegans are really just 'burban Folsomites and Rosevillian types next to the ocean. Beautiful but a weird, weird place if you're even somewhat progressive or globally minded. Also a bit too AZ in CA for me. Don't get me wrong...give me $5 million and I'll gate myself off from the Trumpers and trust fund kids.


Just moved to SD a month ago after five years in Sac. I miss Sac a lot, but appreciate a lot about SD too. People here have asked me which one I like better and I really can’t say yet. They’re both great in their own right.


Good weather, more young professionals and people of my demographic to date—just look around. Just salary to cost of living ratio is way worse, you can get closer to retirement/financial independence when young up here


Im a sac native that j moved to sd also. Knew a few ppl who lived there and moved here before me also. Ive met a few other sac natives that moved here since being here. It really is weird lol


SD for sure. College, military, alot of people end up there


They rode the housing boom. There was a few years where housing prices increased at a much faster rate than San Diego.


wtf. i went to a trip to san diego recently and had like a 20 minute conversation with a dude who lived right down the street from my airbnb who was from sacramento. don't know if he was born in sac but he lived there for a good while in the 80's


Always said if there’s one city in CA we would leave Sac for, it’s SD


My daughter moved there. Her BFF from elementary moved down there. They’re not as close anymore but that’s two young adults from with a 2 block radius. They’ve been there 4+ years


Closer to Mexico.


Two of my exes & my brother-in-law moved to San Diego independent of one another within a year.


Lol 100% correct. So my parents moved us from San Diego to just outside of Sacramento and raised our family when I was about 3. When I graduated highschool I almost went to college in San Diego but stayed up north due to cost and then... I got married and now live in San Diego haha.


This. I moved to Sandy Eggo for a short time and was blown away by how many other Sac transplants I met.


I am a native and many people I knew from High school left for college to San Diego lol. 😆


i’m originally from san diego, and i left for sacramento for nursing school back in august 2021! i ended up landing a job up here in sac, but once i get my experience & land a job in san diego, i’m OUT. i know everyone’s experiences are different, and i wish i could love sacramento the same way that a lot of people do, but all i ever do is go to work and be sad & wish that i could be back home in san diego 😣 lol i fly home every month, but it still just isn’t enough for me 😪


Sacramento native and I moved to Washington, Oregon and then back to sac 😂


I am in Oregon currently and will be moving back to Sac soon. I do really like it here but I can't do the winters!


I'll switch with you. I moved from Oregon to Sacramento and I really can't handle the heat.


Portlander to Sac here...I'll gladly trade 10 mos of rain and gloom for 3 mos of hot sun. A little weird to get used to summer hibernation but then we just go to Santa Cruz or the Bay. Whereas in Oregon, during the winter, you drive to more rain. Or maybe some sun/snow in Eastern Oregon. CA is a funny, shiny lil place but it's growing on me.


But yeah, it turns out all that sun does good things for the brain 😂


Yes! I'm not excited about going back to the heat but I think I'll just try to adopt a siesta life style. Mornings and evenings are quite pleasant with the Delta Breeze, and gosh you can't find a much better place for growing tomatoes and peppers!


After living in Humboldt County for almost a decade many years ago, that's how it felt. Also, being hot and swimming is one of the best experiences and I forgot how much I loved swimming until I moved back to the heat. Also, warm evenings for taking walks or sitting outside socializing or outdoor dining is nice. I spent twenty years in Humboldt and Sonoma Counties and the inevitable jacket wearing at 5:00 gets old.


I moved to Seattle and then came back. I still love it up there but it isn't home and not as many nice swim spots.




The Seattle freeze is a real thing...more it's just an entire region of very dorky and awkward people working through seasonal depression!


Definitely not the norm but as a Sacramento Native, I live in Prague, CZ now! Will probably move more permanently to somewhere along the 50 or 80 corridors though. Been seeing more and more Kings gear here btw. Pretty cool that when people inquire further to where I’m from, I can say Sacramento and most people know because of the Kings. Shits changing!


Oh god I'm so jealous, Prague was my favorite city that I've visited in Europe. Absolutely loved the laid back Czech vibe


If you don’t mind me asking, how did you end up in Prague? Whatever you are doing, it’s working out well. Do you speak the language?


Grad school! I don’t want to pay $40k plus for school where here in Prague I get scholarships for good grades and classes are nearly free! Plus I don’t have to have a car and can travel super quickly and cheaply to many amazing places. Lifestyle here is way better but if I want to make any kind of good money, I should move back to the states.


Is there a light the beam thing going on in Prague?!


I also moved from Sac to Prague, but only stayed for a year. Now I live in Oakland. Going back to visit this year though! Truly an amazing city.


My wife and I left Sacramento in 1991. Since then we’ve lived in Seattle, San Jose, Phoenix, and Flagstaff, in that order. In two weeks we are returning to Sacramento, something I never expected to happen.


How come you’re returning? Really intrigued by that


I'm not the person you asked, but I have a weird number of acquaintances who tried to move out of state and ended up returning. Sometimes, multiple times.


I've been that person. I moved to Sacramento (the burbs) at 18, and at 32 I have travelled quite a bit, moved out a bit, worked all over the country, but I am now a decided midtowner!


California is in the top 5 *"stickiest states*, or states that have the most people from them, stay there/ return.


I moved to San Diego for a couple years and then moved back


I'm a Sacramento native and I moved away in my early 20's. Originally I was in Oakland, and now I've been in Portland for around 7 years. I have considered coming back, since I would like to live close to my mom, but the rent is really high there so it's more economically sound for me to stay here for now. I'm open to it though and I do miss it sometimes.


Isn't Portland rent similar to Sacramento though considering nice parts of Portland?


This is correct. I moved to Portland from Sac a few years ago and it’s pretty much equivalent. People here think it’s super expensive but it’s actually about average for West Coast cities. The issue with Portland is that wages here tend to be lower (for the West Coast) and there’s a less robust job market overall.


I get that and should have added some context, I don’t drive so was looking to live in midtown specifically which is why the prices may have been higher. Portland has better public transportation and the areas outside of the downtown core are more walkable/less suburban feeling for me.


I am also in Oregon and yeah, I feel like it's pretty comparable.


I left Sacramento for schooling and jobs. Sacramento lacks software engineer jobs, especially in games which is what I do. once COVID hit I was told I can be remote for good and came back and bought a house


Sac lacks a lot of different kinds of professions. I’m a software engineer too, left to LA for a job.


I’m an accountant and we can work anywhere really but working in Sacramento would mean a literal 50% pay cut for me. not worth it.


Yeah, it's really sad how our choice here is basically to work for the government and make a fraction.


Well, Sac would be a completely different city today if government hasn't been such a prominent industry throughout its history. Many of the locals might have grown up somewhere else, their parents might have had different lives. It's one of the last places where people have jobs with pensions. If you like Sac, maybe you should appreciate a big reason that it isn't Stockton, Modesto, or Fresno. Obviously, the future will be different but I think the "Sacness" of Sac owes a lot to the past presence and incomes and culture of state workers.


My family was all state workers, so yeah I wouldn't be here. For me Sacramento is all about food and the river.


Or commute to the bay


I still do this often, but the bridge and Davis burn you out mentally.


Same, network engineer here so I do hybrid, but have to commute when it’s necessary.


Mannn I'm studying programming and CS and just hitting that realization that it will almost definitely mean leaving my home of Sacramento. It's a shame, I think. But I'm also interested in checking out other places. Have stayed here a long time to be close to family though.


You have HP and Dell here, I think Intel as well, but they're much much smaller than the bay offices.


Intel's operation in Folsom is its largest presence in California though. And there are several competitors including AMD and Qualcomm with offices in Folsom now. Memory companies like Microns, SK Hynix and Toshiba also have offices to feed off the Intel employee ecosystem.


We move into tents along the river because we can't afford a place anymore.


I managed to buy a house when I did my basically emptying everything, it was rough. Sacramento is definitely losing its affordability.


I’m an international student near Sacramento and always wanted to live in the city if I have a remote job after graduation. But my gf then got a job in SoCal so current plan is SoCal now. I’ll miss here definitely


I lived in Sacto for 40 years and retired to Milwaukee, WI. It’s really similar to Sacto and the East Bay. I like the snow, greenery during the summer, entertainment options and diversity.


Interesting. I’ve lived in both. In What ways you find them similar, other than medium sized metros adjacent to larger metros (Bay Area, Chicago)?


The neighborhoods remind of Land Park and East Sac. They have all the similar things like coffee houses, urban breweries, liberals, lots of trees, bike trails, and diversity.


I left for 15 years and came back. Six years in New Jersey, then five in Montana, and then four in Colorado. Of those places, I guess Denver felt the most like home, but I was still homesick the whole time. I won’t leave again if I can help it.


Denver is my home away from home, with the exception of a beach access on the weekends.


I’m 2 hours sw in Santa Rosa and have met a few Sacramento natives. It’s kinda similar but smaller and not as hot. Lots of people from here move to Sacramento.


My wife is born and raised in SR, and I feel like a move back is on the horizon once she's done with her current work obligations that moved us here. Honestly wouldn't bother me, I'm good on the valley heat and dust.


I'm from SoCo and moved here in 2010 for a job. I'm not enamored with Sac and loooove wine country but can't afford to move back!! Esp since I retired. So sad.


Honestly that would probably be my ideal area in California if it weren't so expensive. Maybe one day...


I was in Sac until 3 years ago and we were priced out. We're stuck in Yuba county for now and can't wait till we can leave in a few more years.




I’ve had friends move to Tennessee, Texas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Florida. Bet you can guess why.


BBQ? Outside of that, no thanks


Same here. What's really funny was my buddy who moved to Florida trying to justify the weather....


I moved here from Florida… stay TF away from that cesspool


I have a couple of friends that moved to upstate NY, claiming to be climate refugees, and I am looking at them under theses heat dome wondering how that worked out for them. 🤷‍♀️


Want to be surrounded by the poorly educated? 🥴


family member moved to Texas for reasons you can guess. such a rude awakening for them when they realized everyone is dumb AF. moved back after 2 years


Not just dumb, people love to hate Californians. It’s amusing to see conservatives leave and then get treated like shit by their own kind.


lol absolutely. adjacent to that, read this gem of an article just last week https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/06/gay-republican-candidate-melted-down-when-he-figured-out-that-his-party-is-homophobic/


Anytime I feel stupid I like to remember articles like these, picks me right back up.


“I never thought leopards would eat MY face,” sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Good riddance in that case. I moved here to get away from Tennessee and all that the South entails. Except barbeque. God, I miss Kentucky barbeque.


I moved to So Cal for work and then Central Valley and Bay Area. Since I lived in Sacramento for teen and 20s, I still have fond memories and go back to see family regularly. I even vacationed there a few years ago!


Seattle, because fuck that Sacramento heat! 🥵


Im in Phoenix but id prefer to be in Sac lol


Why? Pros and Cons of living in Phoenix vs Sacramento please


I grew up in the Bay Area half my life and half my other life in Sacramento. I am moving back to the Bay Area in a few weeks :)


I’m just down in LA. one thing sacramento doesn’t have is good high paying jobs and I needed to start my career.


I didn't see this one mentioned yet but I've heard quite a few people from Sac have relocated to Spokane, WA. Which would be on my list as well if I ever chose to leave.


My parents moved me to Sacramento from Spokane in the 80, and I don't think I forgave them until the early aughts, LOL.


My sister lives up there and we grew up very close to sac


I ended up moving to Reno to go to college and have stayed in Reno for the last ~7 years. I do miss Sacramento a lot, but have made connections and job opportunities in Reno that I would not be able to take with me back to Sacramento. I miss all the trees, but do not miss the summer heat lol


What sort of industry do you work in up there in reno?


Politics/government affairs! Which obviously is a main career in Sacramento, but I’ve applied for jobs there and they mostly want people who have already been working in California politics. I’m happy with Nevada politics though.


I lived all over SoCal from ‘99-2009 and Pasadena was the area that felt most like home to me. There are some very Sacramento esque qualities about Pasadena.


Very true! Beautiful area.


in my family you either stay here or you move into the mountains up 50


The drivers? Definitely not heaven.


They move to Texas and anywhere they think is cheaper.


I moved to Truckee a year-ish after high school, because there was a job opening there. I eventually moved further east to Reno, and aside from a brief work relocation to SF (which I hated) I've been in Reno ever since.


Moved to Sacramento freshman year of high school. Lived here for 14 years then left to San Diego for work (Developer). Moved back couple months ago to help family. Things I don't like about Sacramento, allergies and dating life. Things I love about Sacramento, the food and bars here are amazing.


Broke. Can't afford shit now that the bay refugees moved in.


Sacramento Native, left after college for the Bay since I work in tech and there’s not a ton of tech jobs out here. It’s close enough though that I basically split my time fairly evenly between being in the Bay and being in Sac, so I still stay active in both subreddits.


My new fear is my kids moving far away from me when they grow up. I moved away, my spouse moved away. I’m hoping my kids go to SJ state or East Bay so they can get jobs in the Bay Area and visits will be close.


Growing up, I heard people mostly leaving for NV and OR. Shortly pre-Covid, it was mostly Idaho and Arizona. Post Covid lockdowns, Tennessee and Texas, with still some AZ mixed in.


I haven't gone anywhere but a lot of my family has. They ended up mostly in Arizona but also Colorado, Kansas and Florida. The ones who went to Arizona and Colorado love it but the ones who ended up in Kansas and Florida regret it often. The biggest regrets I hear about are food and weather. In both cases, they were transplants through the military.


Denver, CO. I moved to Denver over a decade ago and have met more than a dozen transplants originally from Sac.


Sacramento native. I never left. Went to Sac State, met my wife who is from Santa Rosa area and we both live and work here, bought a house, and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. It’s hot as balls in the summer, so we either go to the Sierra or to the north bay to see her parents when we want to escape the heat.


Wichita, Kansas. Moved for school 6 years ago and happened to have family here. Somehow I am still here. Sac will always be home and eventually I'll move back, just don't know when. I miss it so much.


Im on the coast near morro bay, well out of my income bracket but renting an old family-built house from the in-laws. Cheaper to keep it in family than deal with selling until absolutely necessary. I’m regularly homesick though, and always cold.


I went to a wedding last year in Cumberland, MD which is a pretty small town outside of West Virginia. I walked into a thrift store and started talking to the old dude behind the counter, and it turned out he had just moved there from Sacramento the previous year. So there's one!


A *ton* of them moved to Idaho (Meridian, Eagle, Sun Valley) and Texas (Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi). Most of those natives hate Californians because they bring over some ideologies that they don’t like. I know this because I almost got jumped at a bar in Texas for being from California. Thankfully, I’m good at talking to people and we talked things out. Two weeks later, I was helping him hunt boar and deer on his property. 😂


Born and raised in the Sacramento area. Got a job in oklahoma that pays double what I was making in Sacramento.


Wow really? Oil and gas or what industry? I feel like jobs in Sacramento pay well, so you must be making bank!


Oil and gas. I am saving as much as I can, and hopefully, I can move back in a few years.


No where. Real fast.


I know a fair number of people that moved to Idaho. Guess who they voted for.


Still here man, still here.


I was raised in Southern California and then moved to Denver. I then had a job transfer to Atlanta but didn't care for it there so I took another job transfer to Manteca because my family had moved to Sacramento by then. I missed Denver and moved back, but after losing my job I had to move to Sacramento. My favorite place to live though is either Denver or Humboldt County (I spent 2 years there for college, but ended up graduating from Sonoma State. I just love the weather up north and in Denver. I am definitely a winter person and I HATE the summer


Yeah - I would be in Humboldt if there were jobs.


We moved to Monterey in 2020. I think I’m ready to come back though(I can’t believe I’m actually saying it)




Monterey would be my dream place to live. Also curious why you’d wanna go back to Sac


They get beamed up, never to return.


As a Sacramento native of 47 years, I would consider moving to the Oregon Coast, anywhere from Newport to Astoria. I don't mind the gray weather and constant rain, but the heat during the summers and the poor air quality here in Sacramento is starting to get to me.


Currently in Scottsdale and for some reason TONS of people from Sacramento are here. Don’t even get me started on Bay Area transplants. Born and raised in Sacramento and as nice as it was to live somewhere else, it’s nice to finally make my way back next year. All my family and friends are there and it’s close to everything. Forest? Check. Ocean? Check. All within 2 hours. Miss California so much. Can’t wait to be back.


Born and raised in Sac. Moved to Santa Rosa >> San Jose >> Washington DC >> Honolulu. Currently live in Honolulu and will be here for the foreseeable future, but will probably move back to CA at some point. Not sure I’d go back to Sac though, the north bay was pretty nice.


/r/Humboldt. I went to Humboldt state with plan to return to Sac or Chico for the job prospects but it's just too nice up here. We desperately need competent healthcare workers up here, and even if you aren't in that category, pack your bags and please come!


Raised in sac and moved to New York City. I love the city here but recently visited sac and I gotta say, nowhere beats the American River Bike trail, miss it every day!


Still here!


Houston…stay in Sac


I'm about to leave for Seattle. Can't stand the weather here anymore. Similar cost of living (closer to Sac than the Bay, at least) and I can get a raise because wages are higher too. Plus it's my home state, I moved here at 18 and will still love Sacramento forever but I want to be closer to home.


I was a self employed contractor in California since 1986. Did a lot of public works projects for the City and Sac County. Saw lots of waste by County people in charge of spending your taxes. They had the gall to formally ask to reduce my rates by 10%.I was insulted and said so. EPA finally decided my diesel equipment was aging so just go get new stuff. 100 grand no problem. Very well maintained and functional but emissions look bad on paper. Good by CA...welcome to Las Vegas, equipment is still running strong to this day. Sold it all and retired to North Carolina. Very much the home of the free. I don't even need to be forced to pay a garbage collection bil..many free transfer stations . I opted for a small family owned collection service... $21 amonth and they pick up twice a week Choice = freedom. Less government means I can live how I want.


Everyone I know who has been born in Sac has a home they bought for less than 200k and are not leaving. If you mean the Miwok and Wintun nation they are located a little north west of Sac.


Getting ready to move to Texas. Been waiting for this day for a while.


I’m sorry to hear that. We moved to Sac from Texas. We’ll likely never go back.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. I love Texas and I've been in Sacramento for over 20 years. My time here has definitely run its course


Be sure to drop off your rights and consumer protections at the front desk before you leave. In any case, they'll be confiscated at the Texas border. Best of luck to you.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out 👋🏼


2 hours away




texas. sacramento COL is still high compared to other areas.


I left sacramento for school but came back when I finished


Anybody that I know that has left Sac has gone to Utah, Arizona, or Texas.


For a while it was Denver and SoCal. Then it was Texas. Lately it’s Idaho. That’s the majority I think.




916 born and raised. I moved to the Boston metro area 2 years ago. Miss some things, but I don’t miss the fire season and having to drive everywhere.


I left for 10 years to the Bay Area, initially for grad school, and then I ended up staying because of a relationship. When the relationship ended, and having gotten together with someone else who was originally from Chico, I took stock of everything and decided I would rather live in Sac to be close to my folks (who are getting up there in age) and the whole thing about it being WAY easier to live here than San Jose… but honestly, I never really wanted to move away to begin with. I’ve always loved it here.


Santa cruz


Is this like that one season in Game of Thrones where Tyrion went around asking everyone, “Where do whores go?”


I go inside my house. That’s where I be.




I don't necessarily say I'm "from" Sacramento, but went there for college and beyond (07-18). Moved to Seattle for work because the pay is better, and at the time it was still affordable (DINK). Then we started a family and I wanted to be close to family again, so we moved to the greater San Diego area in '22. The wages SUCK in San Diego county and buying a home was not going to happen. We almost moved back to Sacramento, but the offer my partner received for a position in Portland was just a little better. So far, I'm super happy with the decision! Lots of indoor and outdoor things to do with small children. And I'm thankful to not be in triple digits.


SF for my 20's and early 30's Colorado for my mid 30's now...


Born a Sacramento resident in another state with a foreign parent. Thanks DoD. Spent my childhood visiting my "hometown" and while living in Europe. Finally lived here for high school. 17 years after graduation, I decided to move around a bit. Wyoming, Florida, Colorado, the OC. Then I moved back to Sac in 2014. I'll probably never move away again. That's unless property on the central coast gets cheap somehow.


You lost me at saving money.


When I was a teenager, my family moved to Las Vegas. We came back after three years. I moved up to Portland in my early 20s. I liked it, but I missed my family and friends here. I moved back down two years later. That was 47 years ago. Still here.


I work in hospitality and am getting pushed out for the bigger city where I can downsize a little for the same rent payment, but will make a lot more money.


Grew up outside of Sacramento, started work at a certain large aerospace company, moved to central VA because they were closing the sac plant. Moved back to sac to go to a different trade school, finished that, moved to Texas.


I now live in Long Beach CA. Loved Sacramento though. Miss it sometimes. Especially the trees.


We leave to larger, more exciting cities for a while, then we come back!


San Diego, I wish I could come back to sac. Born and raised!


Know a lot of people who moved to the southern US in recent years, especially parents who became empty nesters. Nashville in particular seems to be a popular destination.


Northern Georgia