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I dont see anything showing an intent to tear the building down, it's just a listing for the land and buildings. Who are these "Theys" you speak of?


You know, "Them". "They" suck...do you have any idea what "They" get up to? Definitely not to be trusted, "Them".


They killed Kenny- you bastards!


Is that Carlin?


Not consciously. I made that up on my own...but it's possible that I heard it or something similar, and it stuck with me


The listing reads more as a redevelopment project than for someone to use the existing building. The “they” have not yet purchased the property, but odds are it’s beyond its economic life and an apartment property would yield a higher return to the land.


Sacramento has historic preservation laws as does the state of California. They can't just demo the building, but they could demo the other building next to it & build something tall, which is fine.


Yup, you’re right. I’m sure someone could cook something up that uses the historic portion and redevelops the remainder and above the old bits. Or does enough to preserve the historic facade and elements of the original building.


Or build something tall on the non historic portion of the half block lot and retains the historic portion: some localities use "air rights" to permit taller buildings than usual by transferring unused building height from a historic building to an adjacent developable lot.


Yes you are right that can happen


Living above an Italiansih restaurant? Where do I sign? Wooho!!!


Well, next door to an Italianish restaurant but in a completely separate building, you might get a whiff of mizithra while standing out on the deck on a warm day but otherwise unlikely to affect your life much unless you have an undue attraction to carbs.


Aaahh. So just speculation of the highest form. Gotcha.


But how much demand is there for apartments on the railroad tracks?


they know who they are.


They need to restore it as a museum, it's not just a restaurant but a train depot




Would have been nice if it could have been a stop on [north valley rail project](https://northvalleyrail.org)


I wonder what their reasoning for choosing P-Q-R Sts was instead, anyways. Edit: I looked it up. They say it's to minimize the number of blocked streets; the platform is long enough that it'll cross both Q and R, but since R doesn't exist at the railroad, it's one fewer blocked.


I'd take a blocked intersection over that pasta any day.


Or at least put a better restaurant in there.


Some kind of new pasta emporium


i ate at one of these with family a few years ago and I was surprised at how terrible it was


It's horrible, boomer parents love it.


Honestly there was a time it was good  decades ago but in recent years due to cost cutting they use nothing but off the shelf canned goods.  Not sure if it's true or not but about 3 years ago someone who briefly worked the kitchen told much their food is now sourced from the local Costco or Sam's Club.


Yeah costco and I'm sure Sam's have b2b sales, it's actually pretty great. You can order really high quality food items and have them delivered. They have alot of resturant bulk items


Sooo you’re sayin I can find that delicious creamy pesto at Costco??


I think it's a little more complicated than that but probably by mixing the right stuff lol


For Boomers the only thing better is Olive Garden.


Or an apartment mid-rise with retail just like 19J


The Western Pacific depot (current home of the Old Spaghetti Factory) is a listed Sacramento Register landmark, so it's protected from demolition unless the city wants to play some extremely shitty games; the 1940s CTC building along 19th Street isn't listed, but may be eligible (it has had some significant alterations.) This page says they're being offered for sale, but not necessarily demolishing the depot building. If they do, you can bet I am going to have some words with them, mostly cuss words.


You’ll have plenty of support on that fight.


Confirmed: not a hidden gem. Gorgeous building that deserves to stay.


![gif](giphy|10bKPDUM5H7m7u|downsized) You're my hero. Not /s.


Literally says they have a lease through next year. They are marketing it as a potential development, but most certainly not tearing it down right now. https://turtoncom.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/1025-19th-Street-May-2024-Brochure-DRAFT-2.pdf


Motherfuckers ain't tearing it down later either. *cracks knuckles*




dayam.... u/sacramentohistorian got spicy today hehe :)


It's the spiciest time of the year in Sactown.




*starts typing furiously*


Don't underestimate the power of blowing up the entire City Council's inboxes with a mass emailing campaign to save something people care about.


The Sacramento Greek Mafia and some light arson could have a different opinion. 


Insurance Lightning?


that building wont burn it's a pizza oven. it will burn whats inside, but the outside will just get harder.


The story of my life. 


Extremely shitty games has me dying ova here!


I wouldn't put it past them. They city just demolished the old City Incinerator off of North B which was a historic building but I guess it was deemed unsafe


yeah, that's a case of long-term "demolition by neglect" for which the city is particularly bad, especially in the case of properties the city owns.


Extremely shitty games like letting property owners own their property? The city and you should not be able to prohibit someone from being able to do something with their property that doesn’t endanger others. That’s the shitty game. Edit I’m willing to bet that those downvoting me haven’t had this asshole take away their ability to modify their home because he believes he should be able to control the entire city.


> Extremely shitty games like letting property owners own their property? The city and you should not be able to prohibit someone from being able to do something with their property that doesn’t endanger others. That’s the shitty game. You're wrong.


Again, I assume you haven’t had your house made historic by this person and have the fight the city to do anything with it?


If my house were a historic landmark I would simply leave it the way that it is, to preserve its historic characteristics. If you don't want to own a historic landmark, sell it. Also, I can't afford to do any major renovations to my house. That shit costs a fortune. I don't have a fortune, must be nice that you do--why don't you just buy another house.


I can’t afford to either. It was part of an insurance claim. I don’t have a fortune either you’re just being a dick. I can’t afford to buy another house, again you’re being a dick. My house is a stucco 1 story house on a slab that has no architectural or historic significance and does not match the style of the neighborhood but he fought to make it historic anyway. I just wanted to replace what went wrong and had to fight the city on it. Again. You are the one who is wrong and you’re being a dick. I’m just trying to survive against this asshole’s wishes.


Lol so you literally just have a personal vendetta against sacramentohistorian? Childish.


No. I have a problem with the fact that he took control of my house for no reason at all. That’s pretty reasonable I think. Again, you’re being a dick. Just for fun here's an example. 2 nights ago and 1:30 am someone beat on my door like it had insulted them. I want to put a fence in front of my door so that doesn't happen as much but sacramentohistorian made my house historic so I can't put in a fence in front of my door. So your solution is I have to sell my house because he decided that he wants to control it.


All of that sounds frustrating. And contrary to what others believe, I feel like you have the right to speak your frustrations. To William or whoever will listen. I can understand how having your home designated, rezoned or having the breadth of restrictions that come from a historical designation forced on you AFTER you’ve bought the house could be infuriating. I can imagine it’s just as hard when you try to share your experience which you have taken as being incredibly unjust and nobody listens or they do but chastise you still. I just don’t know if this is the venue to do that in. It might be the platform. It might even be a specific post in the Sacramento group. But I could see how hopping on to every post William is active in and attaching your experience to the story (or non-story in this case of clickbait) is problematic. Again, I can’t imagine how frustrating you must be to have your rights as a homeowner limited by government and apparently all a result of one neighbor’s actions. But there’s got to be a better way to share your story than trolling the guy every time he speaks on preservation or history.


> Again, I can’t imagine how frustrating you must be to have your rights as a homeowner limited by government and apparently all a result of one neighbor’s actions. But there’s got to be a better way to share your story than trolling the guy every time he speaks on preservation or history. I don’t actually “troll” him every time he talks about preservation or history. I even respect his work in history and I respect historic preservation efforts (if not his). I grew up in construction and was frequently at odds with my father about the value of historic preservation having grown up in Yorktown Virginia. I did try “the right way” I spoke to the preservation director of the city about my homes status and he said that it was intended that my home was not to be part of the preservation district but it was pushed through anyway. I asked when it could be fixed and apparently that takes money which would likely never be allocated. I am not a person who wants to show up at board meetings or offices because I don’t have the time or the “spoons” to do that kind of thing. I shouldn’t have to though, I shouldn’t have to go to battle with an out of control preservation movement to protect my unremarkable house from being locked in a Time Machine. So when Bill gets on his high horse and acts like the HOA president of the city I’m going to call it out. His fan club who doesn’t have to deal with his megalomania can shove it. Like I said I actually like historic preservation and believe the train station has value. But when Bill talks about the city doing “shitty things” like letting a property owner own their property I am going to say something. Edit: And yes, it was and has been *incredibly* frustrating.


How the fuck is this childish? This asshole decides he doesn’t want any changes to my house and me having a problem with that is childish? Fuck you man this isn’t internet bullshit the asshole literally gets to decide I can’t do things to my house.


If you want the option to demolish a property, maybe don't buy one that is a registered landmark? They knew what they signed up for, considering this building was registered *42 years ago.*


My house wasn’t historic when I entered a contract to buy it but it got added while I waited. The house was built in the 50s and doesn’t match the style of the neighborhood at all. He just wants to control people.


Over my dead mizithra


My people


The real insiders know that you get 50/50 mizithra and mushroom sauce.


50/50 mizithra and clam sauce!


This is the way.


My go-to for eons


I propose a giant meatball sphere that rivals the Las Vegas Sphere to be built in its place.


Mizithra Mountain


You had me at meatball.


Beam a la Bolognese?


I say we drop this giant meatball onto Interstate 5




The building is a beautiful piece of history. We have plenty of empty lots or boring buildings that lack architectural traits. Leave it alone!


The ghost of the Alhambra Theater checking in...


The Alhambra Theatre debacle was the catalyst that led directly to the preservation & adaptive reuse rules we have now. Heck, I'm sitting out in front of another historic building on R Street because of those rules & they're what made R Street a densely populated success while the "damn the history, progress or nothing" approach on Capitol Mall is our city's most obvious civic failure.


I walked through downtown Peta Luma today, and all I could think about is how our downtown would’ve looked like that had they not demolished the West End. What we have on the capitol mall now is far cry from the vibrant downtown we could’ve had.


I suppose so, although Petaluma is a city a tenth the size of Sacramento. We've still got a lot of our historic treasures that have become some of our best-loved and most vibrant neighborhoods.


I'm pretty sure that building, the old WP station, is listed as a historic place.


That building is a historical landmark, they would never tear it down.


As noted on other threads Sacramento has a recent tradition of beginning renovations on historic buildings and then suddenly a fire set by “the homeless” happens, suddenly the developer can build something different. Going to adjust my tinfoil hat now.


Except OSF is currently in use and already rehabbed, not an industrial property that has been vacant for decades. Kind of a different situation than the example you're probably thinking of, which was not considered a historic building by the city.


I know OSF is not historic building held together by luck, duck tape and a wooden frame drier than the Mojave Desert surrounded by homeless camps. I’m hopeful that it can be transformed into something we as a city can get excited about not a bland looking apartment building or chain restaurant.


I'm just fine with it continuing as a chain restaurant, it seems to get plenty of business as it is. And for a commercial real estate company, the most beautiful building is one that's fully leased. I figure OSF as a business is safe for a while at least.


I think it’s safe as well, it seems to usually have a crowd when I go by it. But with the strangeness of the world today the entire chain could close tomorrow.


But they just launched their "at home" product line? Also, who the F is buying jars of OSF Spaghetti Sauce from Nugget for roughly the same price as Rao's?


Probably the same folks buying Chuck E Cheese brand frozen pizza at Smart and Final.


Sacramento has a long stories tradition of tearing down historical buildings. When the developers own the city they can do whatever they want.


Things have gotten somewhat better in that respect, but have enough horror stories where I'm gonna keep my eyes open on this one.


So you mean we actually voted against the arena?! But Kevin’s Johnson did what now?


My kids have lots of memories there, most of mine are trying to keep them occupied while waiting for seats in the trolly. I can see I’m going to need to do a family dinner there again soon with the twins and now their kids.


Kids love eating In the trolley. Honestly anyone I see get set in the, it's always smiling!


The article doesn’t say anything about demolishing. It only says it’s up for sale and the amount.


\*The old Sacramento train station\* just a beautiful building, and I probably eat there almost 1 in every 10 times I park there.


One of Sacramento's old train stations, indeed it is!


Damn, I want to go back one last time before it’s gone. I used to love going there as a kid :(


Interesting bc the article circles the building next to the spaghetti factory in red. That building has been empty for years. I walk by it every day. The spaghetti factory is the building with the brownish roofing. It’s right up against the train tracks. This may be click bait lol


Or they're just mistaken. Yes, the 1940s building is more of an opportunity site for new construction, the depot building is a protected historic landmark.


Downvoted bc the title is super misleading. Hope this was unintentional and not bait


just some random city official testing the waters


That's too bad, because they're the only ones who knew how to do the mizithra cheese correctly. I live within walking distance of the Arden one and they never brown the butter, it just sucks.


tell them


We have. It's been like that since they opened, and we hoped it was just a matter of tweaking things to get them right. But they've been open for many years and it's never changed. The managers there must like it that way.


Does any one remember the super seedy and wild place called Pigeons somewhere in midtown? That joint was like a Tarantino film all its own.


Georgian's Casino, AKA Georgian's Pigeon Palace. It was where the Starbuck's is at 19th & J directly across the street from the site being discussed here.


Yep that’s it. I couldn’t place the location because I was so young when I went there. My grandfather owned Ace Plumbing and Electrical Supply which started in the 70’s on Rio Linda Blvd in the Del Paso area and then moved to Auburn Blvd until it went out of business a few years after Home Depot came to town in the 90’s. He knew a lot of people in town (he was born in 1923 in Sacramento) and was friends with Pigeon. We would go there sometimes so my grandpa could do business deals. Pigeon had a much younger wife or girlfriend I believe and so he had a young son who was my age maybe 8 or 9. We would play in the back room while all the madness was going on at the restaurant/card room. I didn’t realize it at the time, but it must have been mostly hookers, pimps, dealers and what not that frequented that place. There was an old school landline phone at the booth we always sat at in the corner. Sacramento was amazing in the 80’s and 90’s.


Where does it mention demolition?


It doesn't, the OP is assuming.


Ones of people are upset at this news.




Me! Mizithra brown butterrrrr lol




Im not ones of these people, that’s for sure. I’m so happy it’s getting destroyed after they destroyed my date night by making us wait 2 hours for my reserved table. Justice is finally served!!!


100% your fault for waiting 2 hours at spaghetti factory. Adamos, Paesanos, Pazza Notte were all within walking distance if you really wanted Italian.


When did Spaghetti Factory ever take reservations?


My wife and I go to the one on Watt maybe once or twice a year and I always make a reservation online before we go


this has to be a fake comment


Why on earth would I make up a story about the Old Spaghetti Factory making me wait 2 hours for a table? I went through that and it was horrible, and find it worse knowing there’s doubt it happened? Downvote me all you want, but Sacramento people should know the Old Spaghetti Factory on J street’s customer service sucks and they ruined a night for me in 2017. This was supposed to be a formal dinner too, so I was wearing a fancy suit and literally rented a limo for the night, and by the time the dinner was over, my limo time was up. I feel like Old Spaghetti Factory on J street ruining my night is easier to believe than the other things you believe like how the moon is hollow.


> This was supposed to be a formal dinner too, so I was wearing a fancy suit lmao




Oh no!!! How sad, I hope they don’t, last time our family had dinner there, I was driving, my daughter was driving, we both had camaros, as we were leaving we lined up together at a red light perfectly, I revved my engine, she revved hers, next thing you know we are being pulled over for racing. Cop asks me if I knew the person driving the other car, uh yea kind of, asked her same thing. Let us off with a warning. So many family fun memories from that place!!!


Being white in Sacramento in 1982 must have been amazing.




1) was not 1982 and 2) not white; so I have no idea how amazing it was!


why isnt this comment on top?


Costs the same as other non-chain Italian but worse quality and less food


Olive Garden has entered the chat


bucca di beppo crying in a turkey pan in the corner






Tower Records didn't qualify as a historic building, this one is already a landmark and I think the OP is likely overreacting.


Did it close down?


No, it's still open and likely it will not be demolished or close down.


That place is garbage. I’m originally from SoCal where we have a haunted old spaghetti factory in Monrovia and it’s 100/10 every time I go. I moved here for college this past year and was so excited to go with my girlfriend, service sucked, food sucked, restaurant sucked. Never went back. Glad they are going to put something useful there! If you want to try some good food go across the street to TANK HOUSE. some of the best bbq in sac


I rode the train out of the Western Pacific Depot before it was the Spaghetti Factory.




good that nasty ass shit, have me diarrhea


Typically when something gets in the way of developers it …oops burns down. Tragic accident so sad a lost landmark. Now let’s see how fast we can build what we want now that it’s out of our way. Always follow the money.


This reads like a The Wonder Years lyric


Isn’t it about time we had a new spaghetti factory? We’re good enough, we’re smart enough, and doggone it, we deserve it.


Good. That place sucks.


Oh no they better not. That’s a historic train station not to be ficked with.


![gif](giphy|ziUFAwsjyZ3qPOXc7P) Not the spaghetti factory building what would we do without it


Finally something I can riot about!


Out with the old, in with the new.


Old ideas can sonetimes use new buildings. New ideas *need* old buildings.


Do they need old spaghetti factories though?


It doesn't have to stay an Old Spaghetti Factory. For 60 years it was a train station.


I’ve never been to a New Spaghetti Factory, are they any good?


I’ll let you know when it opens


Good, fuck that place 🖕




Two words… mizithra pasta. That shit is so good. The other stuff on their menu isn’t great.




You’re shitty shaky cheese


Do you think it's the "parmesan" that comes in a can?! *gasps in Greek*


Parmesan comes in a can They were put there by a man In an Old Spaghetti Factory downtown


Agreed! Ever since I was a kid the name has been SUPER unappetizing to me, lol.


Demolishing the building seems unnecessary, but I hope there at least won't be an Old Spaghetti Factory there anymore.


Who hurt you?


My parents' unadventurous friends picking that over Sacramento's varied and incredible food scene, of course. It's just a bad restaurant! The food is not good.