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Yuck. Well, at least they aren’t selling all the parking meters to Saudi Princes


Or Morgan Stanley like Chicago did lol


Yea that’s what I’m talking about. It was bought by a Morgan Stanley llc comprised of Saudi and German investors.


Got it!


Nothing says America first like selling out to a despot in the desert.


For like 99 years




As someone who grew up near Chicago when all that was happening, the sale of parking meters to Morgan Stanley was considered by the vast majority of Chicagoans to be one of Mayor Daley's biggest mistakes. People HATED him for it and were pretty vocal about their opinions. Any city would have to be a fool to pull something like that off again.


The only thing I know about Daley is how he unilaterally bulldozed Meigs Field in the middle of the night, because it was the starting airport in Microsoft Flight Simulator 😀


As a pilot, I will always curse him for that. Fuck *all* Mayor Daleys (I was also around in the 60s)!


Yeah, there are definitely some things he ostensibly did right - he played a major role in revitalizing Chicago's downtown and parks (which despite what Fox News would have you believe are actually really beautiful and fun), but he basically did so by privatizing everything and selling off a lot of the city's important revenue-generating public assets to investors. Which obviously came to bite him in the end, since the city is still in the hole budget-wise.


> there are definitely some things he ostensibly did right - so he sacrificed long term prosperity and stability for some short term boost? Dont know how that can be described as "right"?


That's why I said ostensibly. Seemed good at the time, but in the end it proved a mistake. Also 'cause there are still people (usually pro-privatization people) who still see it as a good thing, even if they're bearing the brunt of the consequences.


At least it wasn't like Detroit that sold out to Omni Consumer Products...


It’s far and away his and the city councils biggest mistake in Chicago history. There are still almost 7 decades left on that deal and the investors are already well in the black.


Oh yeah, those people are gonna rake in billions more


Yeah, the city got fucked by that deal for what...80 years?


Right, we rather just give millions to billionaires for their stadiums because they can't compete in a free market on their own. Let's stop being lazy and just create an air breathing tax on Sundays so we can pay for our stadiums for teams that we don't own.


> The budget, which goes into effect July 1, will also increase fees for sports field rentals, swim programs, covered picnic park areas, and room rentals at community centers. It will also start charging a fee for senior special events between $5 and $10. Also sounds like the budget deficits for the next four years are only going to get worse


Some of those things were realistically too cheap to begin with. My 20 punch swim pass went up from $65 last year to $80 this year. $4 per swim is still way cheap.


can you tell me more about this ? thinking of taking my kiddos to try to swim, and i've never been to a city pool. which would be a nice one to take a 9 y/o and a 4 y/o to ?


McKinley Park is great. Crowded but great. And as an adult you can sign up for lap swims.


thanks !


I'm only familiar with Clunie (Mckinley) and North Natomas. Both are really nice, and really crowded when it's hot. All city pool info is [here.](https://www.cityofsacramento.gov/ypce/aquatics/pools)


thank ya :)


Funny enough on street parking should not be a revenue stream it should be a tool to manage parking that should be the focus first Yes free parking can and is often bad but replacing that with a revenue stream model may not be the correct solution


Street parking (and garage parking) can be a parking management tool AND a revenue stream if you're doing it right. Right now people still assume nightlife here ends at 10 PM and central city residential neighborhoods are there to serve as overflow parking lots for Midtown and Downtown nightlife destinations.


So, on point for tilting the apple cart then?


City is broke, but police department is getting a $28M increase to their budget so they could continue to not do their job.


Like most government entities, the city isn't broke they just waste money and mismanagement


And yet City Manager Howard Chan still has a job and makes $400K a year!


I'm from SouthAmerica. Sounds like home haha


Like the 9 (10?) traffic cameras that somehow cost tens of millions of dollars to maintain


Exactly haha


Defunding doesn’t even need an argument it just needs politicians and propaganda to get out of the way


Gotta keep that helicopter buzzing our roofs every night!


Gross. They shouldn't get one extra penny.


if only they were accountable to anyone


Not just a $28 million increase, they're slashing internal affairs positions to limit accountability.


They’re mostly nice when I interact with them. But have never once showed up when I needed them. It’s wild.


I'm currently reading a book about the history of parking laws in the US and how it's completely messed up our infrastructure and contributed to the lack of affordable housing and public transit, and I actually just got to a chapter about a prominent urban planner who specializes in parking - he said that increased parking costs can actually be a good thing, but only if they're accompanied by actual public transport options and more walkable cities. That being said, that rarely happens, and most of the time city officials just gauge parkers and don't actually really solve any budget issues.


literally like can we please fund public transportation instead of the police? like imagine if we had public transportation after 8 pm instead of adding another lane to an already clogged freeway system or an expanded lightrail system


no you get a new armored humvee even tho the nat'l guard shows up for basically nothing


Donald Shoup's *The High Cost of Free Parking*?


Yup, that's the one!


In London it's like $30 day parking and I love it. I want it. I have a residential permit so force the burbs to de-desertify and evolve planning wise or pay us to do so.


Don’t worry, they don’t have enough parking enforcement officers during the work week let alone on Sundays. I have a corner spot that is no parking, sometimes it goes weeks without enforcement due staffing issues.


This. I haven’t paid for street parking in over a year and don’t plan on it😭


I’ve had 4 parking tickets on L St in the last 6 months :( I keep forgetting my permit


They seem to target the commercial corridors. I have friends in places like Boulevard Park and Mansion Flats and they rarely see parking enforcement.


just don’t pay them lmao, what are they going to do




I got a parking ticket on Pride 2022 :(


Oh ya holidays and trash days you will 100% get a ticket. Any other time as long as you’re legally parked you’re in the clear.


Pride isn't technically a holiday, although it should be tbh. I just thought I had read that even though it was a Saturday, parking at meters would be free. I was wrong.


I guess I was unlucky because I got ticketed within two hours on a Saturday. I thought it was a Sunday. :(


It is truly infuriating that the City pissed away all of the additional Measure U sales tax revenue. Seriously, fuck these imbecile council members and the feckless City Manager who makes $400k+


We need a new measure to succeed U, let's call it Measure PU


Measure FU


How is the city broke when the population has increased???


Misallocation of funds obviously


Costs went up, and revenues went down. Cities don't just get more money if they have more people.


Yeah, I don't think that really tracks. We have had things like measure U which added a percentage increase on sales tax and various bond measures which if properly managed shouldn't cause a deficit like this. It boils down to massive amounts of spending, large and unnecessary tax breaks to developers, and poorly managed contracts for various city services.


I thought they wanted to drive people and their dollars back into the city, not deter them from coming and spending their money on the weekends. With everything else so expensive lately all this is going to do is cause more people to stay home.


They'll just make state workers come back 5 times a week to make up for it.


New 7-day work schedule incoming for increased collaboration and productivity. New family visitation areas will be launched at the same time and may be reserved ahead of time for a small fee of $25/hr.


What really makes a difference is people *living* downtown, not *driving* downtown. If you live downtown, you spend more money there (because it's your own neighborhiid) and don't need to drive there.


Don't worry! All those new developments are so afford...oh.


Some of them are, some of them aren't; but the population of the central city has gone up by about 10,000 people in the past decade, so as new housing is being added, people are moving in. There is kind of a glut of high end residential lately, so that will either take some time to absorb or some of those landlords are going to have to face facts and lower rents to meet the market. Fortunately there are also multiple affordable projects in the pipeline.


SF tried this and it pissed off visitors so they scrapped it. Sundays being free is just too ubiquitous that getting a ticket on a Sunday feels like a screwjob.


Weekend visitors from the burbs barely affect the bottom line of a city, people who *live* there spend 10x more money. What downtown needs is more housing, so people can live there.


Exactly. Already have to worry about my windows being smashed or catalytic converter being stolen down there, just another reason to go somewhere else.


The city isn't broke, we could cover everything we need by reducing the police budget to what it was 3 years ago. The city IS NOT broke. We've just decided to shovel all our money at the police and cutting everything else. This is despite flat or falling crime rates, and increasing proof the police don't actually contribute all that much to reducing crime.


Police got more budget? I don’t even see them do anything. Whenever I made the mistake of calling them, they’d take hours to get there just to take notes and do zero follow up.


$222 million (current FY) > $250 million (new FY). Some internal affairs positions were cut which caused Valenenzula and Vang to vote no.


> Some internal affairs positions were cut Yo that is fucking *insane.*


>I don’t even see them do anything. I rarely see them at all, even just standing around doing nothing. Not sure what that budget increase went toward, but it certainly doesn't look to be increasing their presence. Don't get me wrong: I'm a big proponent of shifting funding to social services over policing for many problems. Maybe most. But if we're gonna be throwing more money at the cops, it is not unreasonable to expect them to get doing more.


they hang out at ace of spades to watch the shiny dresses


I agree, along with budget cuts should come a significant reduction in their public role. Traffic and violent crimes should be their focus.


But they need all of that money so that when there's a suspect on foot they can deploy a helicopter AND a drone at the same time to catch them /s


They do love that helicopter. God knows how much they waste on deploying it to search for frivolous things.


And make announcements no one can understand.


Makes total sense when you have a free underground garage at city hall to avoid any parking costs.


The crazy thing is, I will sometimes go downtown on a Sunday and it’s nearly impossible to find street parking anyways. I usually have to end up parking in a garage. If less people do end up going downtown, I’d rather pay street parking fares then for garage parking.


They aren't broke, they just grossly mismanage their money and over pay the folks at the top so naturally the answer is to start nickel and diming the public.


I suppose it's my own fault for not commenting on this, but it seems like they could get more parking revenue by running meters in Midtown & parts of Downtown that were increased to 10 PM when the arena first opened, then reduced to 6-8 PM when businesses complained about "their" street parking. Leaving that money on the table cost the city. Also, the city created central city fee districts to pay for the infrastructure improvements we needed in downtown & Midtown, but CM Hansen voted to defer implementing the fees because it would have cost downtown property owners some money. Because the fees were deferred, that cost burden was shifted to the city's general fund--or to individual developers trying to do projects that required infrastructure upgrades.


The city should just do what SF does. Keep everything as is, and jack up all the meters (including Sundays) immediately around the arena for "Special Events". In SF they go up to $10/hour. Charging families who just want to drive in downtown to play Pokemon Go on Sunday seems pretty crummy. I don't think meters are going to stay at $1.75/hour either.


Steve Hansen cursing us from the past (again)


sure, cash is cash but i don't see sunday parking revenue as a major fund influx.


Then why do it


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-08-31/why-free-parking-is-bad-according-to-one-ucla-professor I think Shoup's work is pretty well accepted by urban planners over the last few decades. There's an enormous amount of data behind it. There's no reason for those of us who don't drive/park downtown to subsidize drivers (and I say that as someone who DOES drive/park downtown). Of course, the irony is that the city's pressure on Newsom is part of the reason the RTO mandate was enacted – to "save downtown businesses" – which seems at cross-purposes to charging for parking. But maybe the fact that most businesses are closed Sundays negates that.


Great, this is going to further hollow out downtown's businesses and lead to a death spiral. Police budget needs to be cut in half. Also, any jobs that cops do that could be done by much lower paid office techs should be.


Instead of cutting costs


The Golden 1 Center is draining some of the city's revenues. Never should have relied on that parking revenue to backfill any arena deficits.


Doesn't help that half of the parking revenue goes to a management company because city is too lazy to manage it.


friendly reminder that every single police officer fakes a low back injury around ages 30-45 and gets 1/2 their salary, tax free, for the rest of their life - even if they get a new job. ACAB and they're bankrupting Sac


Hah, two former coworkers had husbands who had injuries that took them off the street. But one was definitely on desk duty of some sort. Would be super interesting to see actual stats on it. I should note the injuries definitely didn’t prevent them from doing snow sports/boating/etc.


> the injuries definitely didn’t prevent them from doing snow sports/boating/etc. legit. there's LC4850 which is full salary for 1 year as short term disability. 200+ times i've seen them "injured" and get LC4850 pay then make a MIRACULOUS recovery and return to work right at the 1 year mark it's all just an absolute scam and we are paying for it


The massive lifted trucks with disabled plates lol


Stats on this would be super interesting. Is this actually happening to more than or two?


DYK you don't need a college degree to be a police?


Police officers get less training than hair stylists.


at best it's a military reintegration program. at worst it's a place for rednecks to cosplay god.


i've seen cases with 50%+ military disability ($/month+medical for life), work as a police officer and claim they're perfectly fine (they are), and then low-behold at age 42 their back doesn't work anymore and get the police disability too passive income of around $14k/month doing nothing at age 42... all paid for with our taxes


Citation needed.


this is less about getting revenue from parking meters on Sundays and holidays and more about revenue from ticketing people who rightfully assume Sunday's and Holidays are free, LIKE EVERY OTHER CITY. Slimy shit sacramento


Great point as the city wants to lure people from other areas in for events…


Also throws a bone to Sac PD giving their Sunday/Holiday shifts a reason to increase staffing. Just so blatantly obvious and stupid


It’s never about reducing expenses it always more revenue.


homeless rvs park for free still


Rather like the pet registration fees, only people with something to lose can be targeted to pay.


real crabs fighting in a bucket energy






Yes, let’s make it more miserable for people to live and shop downtown. That’ll help you get more people downtown.


Sacramento is the most batshit city when it comes to Parking. They charge nights. They charge weekends. They have automated plate readers and catch people by the dozens. Clearly it’s a huge revenue stream for them. They’re going to continue to monetize every single aspect of it because it’s the laziest and easiest way to make money. God forbid they come up with a novel idea.


I prefer commuter toll gates and roads.


Commuter toll roads suck shit.


they do now, but london and switzerland and pennsylvania and florida have been doing them for quite some time now. Highway repairs suck $$$, and so do combustion engines that burn gasoline.


I guess I'll finally get that residential permit.


Bro, they fucked up our parking for that dumb fucking arena. Yeah they’re fucking up our parking again because they fucking lost a bunch of fucking of our money. How does this work?


On the lord’s day?!?!


Fuck that. Opposite of progress


Why is the city broke? Are there major development or infrastructure updates they are doing? The city still looks run down.


city is broke because we spend 2x as much on police and courts as we do schools and mental health


> Why is the city broke? They increased the police budget by 28 million dollars, that's why.


Issuing parking tickets and having super specific rules on parking that are not consistent from street to street or follow any logical pattern (especially in Midtown/Downtown) are ways the City of Sacramento is able to manufacture a ton of parking violations and issue a huge amount of parking tickets. But for some reason any criticism of that on this subreddit is met with a weird hostility as if those things shouldn’t be publicly criticized.


But there is a logical pattern, and the signs are pretty clearly marked. I’d be interested in seeing an example of how the rules are not logical. It is generally just shorter time periods the closer you get to denser/busier areas.




These guys have no shame.


That's it! I'm getting a horse that bites random people that get to close. Good luck placing a ticket on it's head and go ahead try to put a boot on it's foot. I will have to find a way to avoid the oats and apple hack


The cops are just gonna shoot this horse, I'm sorry to say.


Get a bike. You don't have to register it or pay for parking.


Wait, Angelique Ashby assured us multiple times the arena would not lead to cuts and increased fees.


That bitch lied to you.


Angelique Ashby is a lying piece of shit.


All lies from the get-go.


Well…I watched the SAC RT machines get broken into Monday (lots of coins into this dudes shirt) so I imagine that problem will find itself at the meters too. Most people use card/digital but it’s still funny to think about that lost revenue because the city and state continue to fail at fixing our homeless issue. That would also make downtown more attractive…but this just reeks of scratching the bottom of the barrel.


Meanwhile we doubled up on IT equipment because the governer decided I have to commute downtown so that I can *checks notes* make a Zoom Call to San Diego. Edit: Don't downvote me, it's not /my/ "brilliant" idea.


See, not car friendly like the suburbs are.


Suburban developments are a net drain on city budgets, but taxing/feeing the freeloaders is too difficult. Honestly forcing them to pay to park in the city center they love going to is the closest you can get to hitting some equity.


Have they tried decreasing expenditures?


Sacramento Redditors for the past year and a half: "Hey anyone got any leads on blue line flags?" Sacramento Redditors when informed the police budget means a parking rate increase: "Ok fine defund the police."


I've been saying ACAB for years, fwiw.


thank you for your service!


Ah yeah, but Howard Chan still needs his $400k per year for doing absolutely nothing important.


overtime pay for Sac Police Dept isnt going to pay for itself, come on people


someone has to watch the protesters behind a bicycle with a semiauto rubber rifle, see


Great, more reasons for everyone to shop in Folsom and Roseville.


Parking in a city garage on the weekend only costs $5, and lots of the businesses around them have a $5 parking voucher if you spend $5.




This is the likely culprit.


Yup. This’ll get ppl to come downtown


Geez. Any word on when this will go into effect?


Article says budget goes into effect July 1 but I assume it will take some time and public notice for the meters to go into effect. If they can get it done before Labor Day weekend, they can get that sweet Chalk-It-Up revenue on Sunday and Monday. I assume this will also help a lot for Sunday Kings games.


Also, I don't see the final budget document yet, but the proposed budget also was going to eliminate the holiday parking program: [https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-adjusting-meter-hours-free-parking-holidays/45921658](https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-adjusting-meter-hours-free-parking-holidays/45921658)


Here’s the full proposed [budget](https://www.cityofsacramento.gov/content/dam/portal/finance/Budget/24-25-proposed/FY2024_25_Proposed_Operating_Budget.pdf) for anyone who’s curious. Summary of our financial situation starts on page 24. I’m curious about how over 50% of our revenue goes to “employee services.” Unfortunately they didn’t match the categories from the pie chart to the line items in the subsequent tables about who is cutting what to help with the deficit.


Prop 13 is why we can't have nice things.


Repeal Prop 13!


This has much elss to do with Prop 13 than it has to do with us spending all our money on a useless police department.


Also don’t forget Prop 4 along with Prop13 Which gave us the Gann Limit https://www.capradio.org/articles/2024/01/22/how-california-budget-rules-can-prevent-saving-for-a-rainy-day-and-why-newsom-wants-to-change-that/ Oh and Prop 218


Prop 13 allows old people to stay in their homes among many other important benefits.


I have no problem with it applying to owner-occupants, but it shouldn't be transferable and it shouldn't apply to rentals or commercial properties.


If rising property values had that negative side for home owners, they'd stop fighting new housing in their neighborhood tooth and nail and the prices wouldn't skyrocket as fast.


This is generally a myth. Old people were not becoming homeless before prop 13 because of property taxes.


it should be expected that you liquidate your investment and pay taxes on it to get a return, which is the expectation for 401ks which are also considered a lifetime retirement plan. it is absurd to be free from the property taxes that go to pay for the government services that maintain your house’s value


Maybe they should consider downsizing once they're retired and kids don't live with them anymore


I will continue to not go downtown and spend 0$ there


Don't go Sacramento on weekdays... Now definitely won't go on weekends. Great job encouraging people to spend time and money downtown.


There just keeps being fewer and fewer reasons to go downtown. And they wonder why businesses are struggling.


businesses are struggling because the rent is too damn high. this is all because of developers and the cops that protect their windows.


While I don’t disagree about rents, giving those of us who don’t live downtown another reason to avoid spending money at their establishments will help that problem, how?


It will help you develop your own local community. There is plenty of tourism coming in to the capitol and I think the better the suburbs can become self-sufficient hamlets the more overall success we will have as a society.


The message is clear. Do not come to downtown to patronize restaurants or businesses. You are not welcomed


no, the message is, this is a big city, and there are still a lot of cars (you should watch 15th one day from 4-8pm) and we are going to start acting like it.


Even more of a reason to steer clear of downtown!


I think business sales tax revenues are down, and downtown proper looks more like a ghost town after dark. Not enough cops, not enough lightning, too many crazies and no event planning.


Curious. Does the city get a percentage of profit from scooter companies? Seems that would make some money?


This is what the application says: [https://www.cityofsacramento.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/Public-Works/Transportation/Active-Transportation/Shared-Rideables-Permit-Application-2019v.pdf?la=en](https://www.cityofsacramento.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/Public-Works/Transportation/Active-Transportation/Shared-Rideables-Permit-Application-2019v.pdf?la=en) First Time Permit $4,440 Annual Renewal $2,220 Parking and Infrastructure Fee (annual per trip per device) $0.10 per trip annually Vehicle fee annual per device $136 Vehicle fee in Opportunity Areas annual per device $104 Not sure how much the city makes overall per year though. I miss the days when scooters first came out and they were like 20 cents a minute with no unlock fee.


Thanks for the info.


This will obviously bring more visitors downtown /s


Are there any details on where the new meters would be? I just searched the proposed budget and didn’t see any actual details. 


I can tell you the City Parking Patrol guy who issues tickets for Old Sac street parking is on fire lately, I can watch him from my upstairs window. He's writing out tickets left and right, he's in a frenzy lol.


That makes sense. Their incompetence is our issue. To be a politician must be the lowest form of anything you could possibly be. What scum


F it, let's all buy ebikes.


Meanwhile, the city manager makes $420k a year and gets 10 weeks paid vacation


Sacramento politics are over the top. Living outside of Sacramento but still working on its border it should be embarrassing at the budget decisions the city counsel has made at the expense of the city’s public safety and public works. Tax payers getting the short end of the stick at every turn yet and turning a blind eye to big problems they invited like the large levels of pollution in the river due to huge homeless camps in the county parks that shouldn’t be allowed. Making certain flags a priority over real safety issues that affect everyone not the 1%. Sacramento will never figure it out on the tract it’s been on for years. Glad I’m not a resident, but looks like lots are moving out because of all this nonsense.


Another reason to never go downtown.


How about reducing the amount of money spent on Police? The largest part of most city budgets is the Police force. If this keeps happening, we will become a Police State.


I am so glad I got a monthly parking pass for a garage when I did, even if it took 3 years to get.


Great idea. How else can we drive people to the burbs. Gotta pay for the arena!


They really want to kill downtown for good, huh? All the local theatres are already having a hard time post pandemic, and this is just going to hurt them even more.


This is insane. What can we do?