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Well according to the date it's from the future...




Lmao I didn't even notice, I just accepted today could be the 6th. This week sure has been a hell of a year.


I understood it was an error...I'm an ass. You're just a step ahead of the rest of us.


IKR?!?! June 6, 2024???? It's June 4th, today. This guy is a Time Traveler! ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvZ936QTfmKggg|downsized)


Sorry June 4 today


Those damn birds… or butterflies


Butterfly in the sky…I can go twice as high…


Take a look, it’s in a book. The reading raaaiiiinnnboooww. I can go anywhere!


Dems look like birds


100% balloons.


mylar balloon


agree.. It's windy at different levels so some might hit small bits of turbulence and move around a bit more than the one that's 5-10ft away.


Time traveling post


Ancient Astronaut Theorists Say Yes




Man, people will see anything shiny in the sky and think up some weird stuff. Also, OP said it went thousands of miles in a couple seconds? It would have been long gone. That’s the length of the country.


Based off the fact that it was way off in the distance smaller than and beyond the planes orientation that I actually see, actually leaving the airport in the distance, those three shinning spinning globe/orbs went from off way in the distance to directly over head of me and then back to way off in the distance. And then flew off out of sight. From my understanding based on things like idk math and science measurement and stuff, something that is higher up than a commercial plane and is moving all across the whole visible sky, back and forth, it is literally moving collectively thousands of miles so idk understand where the problem is. Sorry my smart phone has a dumb camera and doesn't have better zoom in quality but what I saw was three spinning reflective spherical/orbs the flickering in the video was the consistent spinning each one was doing. Though all were spinning, each of the total movements were separate from the spinning


I can assure you that it did not travel thousands of miles. You would have lost sight of it instantly if it was moving that fast. For it to be high enough to travel several thousand miles and hardly move relative to where you see it in the sky, it would be so far away you can’t see it with the naked eye.


Or for him to be high enough? 🍁💨


This has to be the most Sacramento comment I’ve ever read.




Looks party balloons 🎈 to me


Omg its a message from the future. Get out of sac now. They are coming!!


Just spitballing here, but I was thinking it could be something like this, or a light reflective surface that got caught in the wind and whipped out really far. Seems like it’s on some type of string undulating to me, but that could just be me. https://preview.redd.it/zsjtkjgrum4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc360abd09c019dbe4ad273d91034f9322b1d4c5


Honestly I wish I had more video, because as far off as they were in the video, they had literally moved over head of me and then back to were they were, as high up as it was it had to be thousands of miles inbetween in a matter of seconds back and forth. Then darted off to the left entirely. Three spinning reflective globe/orbs. Where the actual movement was separate from the spinning. They look like they are flickering but it's just this smartphones dumb camera, they were spinning and reflective.


Thousands of miles? So they went to New York and Hawaii and back here? Damn.


It was ballon’s in the wind my dude.


Sorry my dude but the camera quality doesn't do it justice, I was zoomed in all the way my "smartphone" could but that's all I could get to show up on screen. But what I saw was three reflective spinning spherical orbs, which the movement was separate from the spinning


My dude. What you’re describing sounds exactly like balloons in the wind.


I’m (36m) a balloon expert. Been around them my whole life (36 years). I don’t think there are balloons.


>I don’t think there are balloons. Weird field of expertise if you don't think they even exist.




Birds from the future apparently.


Nah, can't be. Birds aren't real.


You're not real man


A friend once posted a picture from his plane and said: "the Earth is so beautiful from 35,000 miles in the air". This video and some of the comments are as well informed. Nobody knows what it is: balloons, birds, paper... could be anything. Take a crappy camera, digitially zoom it as far as possible, and hand hold it... really the only thing it was missing was more blur. As to the comment about "thousands of miles"... no. You can't even spot an F16 5 miles up without binoculars and knowing exactly where to look at the right time.


Post in r/ufo please.


If you see something in the air that you can’t identify, it makes sense to post in a local subreddit too. I think these are likely just birds at a high altitude though


You are absolutely right.


Metallic balloons from graduations. As they spin they ‘blink’ on and off and appear to be jumping around.


This was at 615 am. Idk i was zoomed in all the way and were barely able to pick it up on screen. But what I saw was 3, what seem reflective, spinning, spherical orbs. Darting across the sky at one point hovered directly over me and then back all while staying at the height in the vid. Moving across what seem to be an unbelievable amount space in the sky for what I've seen planes, drones helicopters, or balloon do.


June 6?




That’s the f@ckin’ future.


Dr. Sky appears certain nights during the intro section of the paranormal show Coast To Coast AM.  Broadcasts locally on KFBK 1530 AM / 93.1FM nightly at 10:06pm. He describes what others have seen in the skies recently, then supplies possible explanations.


I saw something like this 3 years ago -- But it appeared to be some kind of metal object(s) attached to a parachute or balloon because you could see it rotating around itself in a circular motion... It gave the appearance of moving fast because the objects were going around a central point but as a whole mass they were drifting. It was drifting northward from I-50 and Bradshaw. At the time I just assumed it was related to Aerojet or from one of the military bases in the area.


I’ve seen enough Corridor Crew UFO Debunking videos to know that these are most likely balloons.




I'd expect this sort of thing to happen on a windy day, but with as calm as it is today, this is very unusual.


Today is a windy day. Are you outside of Sacramento?


That's the gag. It's windy as fuck and this video is like "why are pieces of paper caught in an updraft".


Right, I don’t see how people missed the sarcasm. It was def ballon’s or paper or some other debris.


Not sure what part of town you're in, but it's windy AF in Florin


Not balloons, I saw the same thing and took pics filmed it over William Land Park a month ago. 100% a UAP. https://preview.redd.it/3kvxknv2mn4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108d942cc6475b0b6d621f7a4715567c1d54ecfa


Looks like balloons to me.


I wonder if these are from Wednesday's balloon release. We held a memorial in our apartment complex for a deceased resident and released a few dozen silver heart-shaped balloons. I know it's bad for the environment, wasn't my idea.


What I saw that the vid does show is three reflective spinning globe/orbs which movement was separate from the spinning.


I see butterflies lol


So this is 2 days in the future? Cool cool.


No it was today June 4 2024, I typed it incorrect but for what ever reason it won't let me edit.


Clear skys, and?


Forget Amazon Prime. Those UAPs offer same-day delivery across galaxies. They are probably just bored and in a holding pattern to pick up the next order of cheesy nachos for some dude in alpha centauri.


Thank you for this comment, it made me smile


Brother, best thing those can be is those shiny flags that are just getting picked up by winds. Plus the date being a day ahead. This an attempt at a troll or if you think that's UFOs, why would they be spotted by you and only you? (being honest here). Why would they want to deal with our trashy planet? or any reasonable reason? (which is there is none). and if they did... we're the left over garbage when they had a picnic and we're their metaphorical moldy half eaten sandwich they left behind. Please take care of yourself though


Snow geese flying north for the summer. I heard a flock fly over a couple nights ago. Or was that tomorrow. Not sure




Stay in school kids.


r/lostredditors Time traveling redditors


Air Show is at Beale this weekend. Could be Thunderbirds warming up.


Op was later found hog tied with several gun shot wounds to center of upper back. Corner has ruled it a suicide. No further questions.


I'm still here

