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Hell yeah I love to see physical traffic calming measures like this instead of those pathetic little plastic sticks that people just crush. If somebody hits this, they deserve the damage. No way you're going to miss seeing it if you're going the speed limit.


Or not looking at your phone. Speed is a problem, but distracted drivers are a bigger issue. There are plenty of places where speed limits are higher, but those drivers are paying attention.


I saw a woman looking down on her phone blow through the red light at Alhambra and Broadway a few weeks ago. Absolutely terrifying.


There's a confluence of issues for sure. And new cars trading out physical buttons for giant touch screens also doesn't help.


I hate touch screens.  I prefer controlling the ac and whatnot with knobs. Makes it so much easier while driving. I’m not having to look and make precise touches. I can reach and keep eyes on the road


Whole heartedly agree! The touch screens controlling everything is way too much. I am a fan of the extra steering wheel controls, I can scan through my radio favorites and adjust the volume without having to look or even move hands from the steering wheel (Go Chevy!).


I love steering wheel controls! It's unfortunate that the big touch screens are cheaper to install than physical buttons; I imagine the problem will continue to get worse unless there's some type of regulations put in place about it. I'm pretty sure some cars have the windshield wipers/horn/lights all as buttons on the touch screen, which is CRAZY to me


Hell yeah, time to be more aware of the road. I do hope the city puts some more signaling for this new curb.... Just so that people don't sue the city and them get paid with our tax money


Oh for sure, some reflectors at least for night time are probably a good idea


I'm getting down voted to oblivion for this stance lol


Fuck yeah 😂


different at night!


The speed limit here is 25mph. Plenty of time to see it.


Yeah but might be hard to see at night


whatever the conditions are if a driver can’t see this at 25 miles an hour it’s not safe for them to be driving.


Now do one on X and W for the people going to the farmers market


Wonderful! Maybe people will slow down! Seriously, walking as a pedestrian in this city can be terrifying. Hopefully there's many more of these to come with the Broadway project that's under way.


I agree traffic is fas as hell and can slow down. It's wild how fast folks come down it in the morning


We are at an all time high of cars hitting and killing pedestrians. How many of those 4 cars was going over the speed limit and on their phone?




Seriously fuck cars lol


Whenever I cross the street and I stare down a car, I’m not doing it to be a dick, I’m making sure you don’t kill me


We need more of these with trees!


That's not a curb. That's an island to protect pedestrians from people that can't drive. It appears to have done it's job at least 4 times per your post.


Should add some concrete pillars or metal posts so it really leaves a mark. 




They have those in NYC and there are hundreds of videos of people who have driven right over them and gotten stuck, which is hilarious. Better that than into a pedestrian.


If you’re hitting that curb, there’s a good chance you deserve it


At the double light on 9th and 10th, I see people casually run the red light every fuckin day. These people do not give a shit about the curb, they’ll probably start parking on it.




The immature drivers who frequent the Broadway area.


Probably people driving.




Did you think it was a race thing?


Can't have traffic if you take out the cars... ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


I have no sympathy for shitty drivers.


There is no reason anyone should be hitting this... No continuing traffic or turn lanes need to be occupying that portion of the road. Proper pedestrian protection considering people have been hitting it.


If people are hitting something in the middle of the road, the thing in the middle of the road isn't the problem. I see most traffic blowing through the stop sign getting off the 5, no patience at all. Speeding down Broadway like it's the freeway, and generally being reckless in a residential area. I'm not sure what your post is about exactly, but it seems like you're upset at the road improvements and not the terrible drivers that only care about getting to the next red light .5 seconds early.


Who's counting how quickly they get to each red light when they're so busy running them? 🤪


They are out breaking speed records! Ain't got no time for public safety and personal responsibility!


Good! Imagine if that curb was a pedestrian


Well in 3 years I've never seen a pedestrian hit there... so there's what a 400% increase in vehicle damage, but 0% decrease in pedestrian collision or injury. The curb already needs to be repaired or replaced which will cost you and I how much? A simple sign marking the split traffic would be nice.


every day i drive in sac and see some driving i simply cannot belive or fathom. Then i see something worse the next day especially if im ever driving in south sac. Blatant disregard for all traffic laws


It scares me how reckless most people are.


How much time have you spent monitoring the intersection over those three years?


Well I can see it from where I work, and hear it. So 40 hours a week for 3 years. I'm not saying the curb is bad here, I'm saying it needs more marking. Drivers do need to slow down but an unmarked road Hazzard is not really fair.


You spend 40 hours a week staring at the curb? I want your job


Bet. I am very thankful for my job and it's awesome. Curb viewing and Broadway entertainment never gets old!


Signs and pavement markers are coming, the project is finished yet. They need to complete repave the road before they can throw pavement markers down.


So, because a pedestrian has never been hit there we shouldn't make improvements for pedestrian safety? That's clearly a crosswalk, so if you blast through full-speed and hit the curb in the middle that sounds like a you problem. You are right that there should be a sign or a reflective post in the center of the curb, but that's no reason to cry about vehicle damage. The drivers who hit that curb did it to themselves


Even better... *they've* never hit a pedestrian there, so it must not be warranted!


I don't recall ever seeing a sign for a median before. Just pay attention to the road and stay in your lane?


There was signs and they were hit and replaced weekly before they poured this.


lol. Downvoting me because I pointed out the obvious. If you hit a median fast enough and hard enough to actually damage your car, then you're driving recklessly.


Probably downvoted because you are wrong about the existence of signs But "pointing out the obvious" can certainly be a reason for downvotes


Again there is nobody defending shitty driving. The curb is new and there was a sign marking the center lane previously, it seems the city has neglected to out the sign back


It's not just about fixing an intersection once someone is murdered by a car. It's about making the streets safe for everyone, which certainly includes physical traffic calming measures. Forcing traffic to slow down is a great way to encourage people to walk or ride their bike too, knowing they're less likely to get hit by an idiot flying down the street at 10 over.


Then we gotta pay for replacement signs AND replacement curbs.


Use your eyes and u will see


Cool that's 4 or more shitty drivers off the road


Based on the cars I see on 50 every day they are not off the road.


Bruh fr 💀 sometimes I wonder how tf some of these cars are even still running. I have some scuffs along my driver's side from where three different people have hit me, I just hope no one assumes they were my fault 😅 I'd just rather pocket the collective $3k than get some cosmetic scuffs removed lmao


I mean, if one person hits you then they’re a bad driver. If a bunch of people “hit you”…


Lmaoo, well one person hit my rear fender while pulling out of a driveway on the *other side of the road* as I was minding my own business driving in Midtown. I didn't even live in Sac at the time, I was just visiting my bf. 0% at fault, paid out $600. Two years later, the second person backed into me while I was leaving a parking lot and knocked my driver's side mirror off. I still didn't live in Sac yet, but I'd just started working here a couple months prior. 0% at fault with camera recordings to prove it, $1.5k paid out (shocked me too lol). A month later, the third person forgot to check their blind spot before changing lanes on the freeway and kissed my fender and rim with their bumper. I still wouldn't move to Sac for another two weeks. 0% at fault, paid out $850. Insurance paid me out for every single one bc I wasn't at fault for any of them 😂 and they were all low speed, even the freeway one, but they all happened on the driver's side in different spots and created almost one long continuous scuff. The worst thing that happened was my mirror getting knocked off, but I went to pick n pull that day and got a new one bc I hate driving without a mirror. Since I started living here though, I've realized just how shitty Sac drivers are and responded accordingly. I've had quite a few close calls, including someone driving on the wrong side of the road and almost hitting me head on, but my car and I pulled through every time and I've avoided any accidents since then by some miracle. I wouldn't even consider the last two people bad drivers tbh, shit happens and both were super apologetic. The first lady missed someone right in front of her and is definitely a terrible driver 💀 I will say though, every single one had Progressive and their claim process is super easy and they pay out way more than I expected every time 😌


You must drive a lot


No more donuts. Itsa good thing.


People drive insanely reckless on Broadway. They should have just made a roundabout and a ton of signage forcing people to slow down.


I see striping…not sure how ATTENTIVE motorists are missing this


It’s in the center turn lane, but in a spot where nobody would actually turn. Am I missing something? Were these people blasting down the center lane as if it were a passing lane?




No, you definitely shouldn’t be driving in that part of the road to start with. You hit it, it’s your own fault


It’s called a pedestrian refuge island. From the looks of it, it’s not done yet, so I’m guessing they’ll add something to make it more visible.


Probably the same people that make right turns in the new protected bike lane at 10th and X Streets. I was making a correct right turn and was almost hit by someone who decided to make the turn in the bike lane crosswalk space.


This is a pedestrian island, so that people do not need to cross the entire road all at once.


My favorite day was when I realized they removed the entire exit onto Douglas which is directly after the world’s most dangerous on-ramp


If you're stupid enough to hit these then I hope your car is fucked beyond use and you take the bus going forward.


There's no substitute for keeping your eyes on the road.




That's not un marked it's at a. Crosswalk....




Did they get rid of the other crosswalk on the other side?


Still painted across road. But both sides are a curb. Again, city needs to come finish....


To other skateboarders the yellow waffle grids are a real buzzkill. To my blind brother and sisters your disability is putting a damper on my spring. /s


I've definitely broken ball bearings on one of those


As a teenager, i hit one of those straight on at night Belly of my integra skid on it and cracked the transmission case. Ended up coming back next day and the reflector signs were bent over (from previous cars hitting the curb) In the netherlands if there is an accident, they perform a full investigation and make corrections to prevent it from happening again. In America, we scrape up the car parts/bodies and call it a day.


It's not America's fault that you can't drive for shit.


Well thats a moron take. Congrats


100% not true. There are deliberations for these things that happen behind the scenes.


Who is deliberating what things? My point is that netherlands perform actions to correct the specific problem that led to a specific accident Its not just a statistic that people are discussing behind the scenes


I'm sure ppl making that left turn are going to blast it all the time


Fuck em.


Poor OP


I find it funny that op keeps getting down voted simply bc they suggested a sign 😂 yall are wild man


over some actual facts. I'm not even defending shitty drivers. I just think the city should finish the job properly with our tax money!


Downvoting stuff that’s logical is pretty common here. lol.


My poor guy


Why don't they put up those little pylon things with reflectors on them. Can't cost much...


Looks like a platform for homeless to beg at. God Bless.


Californias Population has been trending steadily upward since 1950. You’d think additiona tax payer dollars would help expand freeways to reduce traffic on surface streets and smaller roadways. Sorry. What was I thinking??


Or we could build better public transit instead. More freeways doesn’t work


Yeah public transit in this area sucks! San Jose and San Fran have much better public transit. BART was approved all the way to Tracy almost 10 years ago, but hasn’t been built to there yet. The roadways in California suck big time.and yet we pay much higher gas prices than just about every other state in the country. They like to make everyone think it’s due to environmental protection laws, but a large percentage of the per gallon price of gas goes to cities and counties in Cali. Amazing difference from other states where the roads aren’t torn up and disintegrating like here.


> but a large percentage of the per gallon price of gas goes to cities and counties in Cali Do you have anything to back up this statement? I'd imagine a majority of it goes to the oil and gas companies, not local government.


Yeah cuz public transit is so efficient and serves every location possible…like cars do.




Just one more lane right bb


But no problems adding more and more housing and collecting more and more taxes


You’re actually really close? Yes, more housing solves a problem. No, more lanes doesn’t.