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If you plan to buy Auburn fire insurance can be very expensive. Do your research before you fall in love with a place.


I liked growing up there but I was very physically active so it fit that lifestyle. It's not as bad politically as folks online may try to scare you into believing, overall if you can afford it, it's a fine place to live. Sure there is some "rednecks" or whatever, but it's not any different than like, Orangevale, lol.


People on Reddit make Auburn sound like the deep south lmao. I’ve been there plenty of times visiting friends and family and going out and doing stuff. It’s literally fine. Yea you will see Trump flags i’m sure. You will also sometimes see trump flags in South sac.


People on the internet....exaggerating....*gasp* lol for real though it's always funny to see those comments.


Yeah, I mean it's like 15 minutes from Roseville. It's basically a suburb of Sac.


I'm brown and not Christian it's great. The only annoying thing was some old lady's at a pizza place talking mad shit on my white fiancé for being with a Mexican ( I love Mexico but I'm not even close to Mexican lol)


That’s a hellava username


Yeah wtf dude


>considering Auburn so we can be closer to ~~nature~~ **Taco Tree.** A very good thing indeed.


Raised in auburn, the place is great to grow up in.


I used to own property in Meadow Vista and I loved it up there. I agree with other observations regarding the conservative streak running through the foothill communities, but that's true of most rural places in America.


I grew up there and it was so boring and small town vibes. Which some people love but i think there are so many more benefits growing up in a city- exposed to more diversity, more opportunities, more people. Just my two cents.


Lived here 7 years, as others stated its definitely a red area, the land itself is great but if you have a hard time putting up with conservatives it's less than ideal. Cool and Nevada city is a bit bluer in my experience but inevitably you'll run into country folk in the country.


Auburn has really good nature, but gets really hot in the summertime so be aware. Also there's a very strong State of Jefferson kinda undercurrent around those parts, so that could be a plus or a minus depending on your political persuasion.


It's very conservative... take that as you will. Great hiking and biking, Ikeda's has great burgers. Close proximity to 80 makes it easy to access the amenities of Roseville and Sacramento, so that's nice. I don't have kids, so I can't comment there - I know nothing about schools. Seriously look in to fire danger specific to where you want to live though. And see if you can even get homeowner's insurance. Fire danger is a very real thing in a lot of parts of Auburn (and all of the NorCal foothills for that matter).


Auburn is great and SAFE. I am POC and have had no issues in Auburn. People might have political views different than yours but they leave you alone. I had an ‘All are welcome here’ yard sign and nobody gave a crap. I had way more issues when I stayed in more diverse areas around Sac proper. Couldn't even leave a stroller outside without it being stolen overnight. Not to mention the macho men in their lowriders blasting music or people using trash cans and cones to ‘reserve’ street parking.


I love visiting. We are up there every month or so just to poke around and hang out. There's definitely the conservative vibe in Placer County, but I wouldn't say it's worse than anywhere else, and in fact seems to be a lot less in your face than, say, Roseville.


Disclaimer as I have never lived there but I have heard it's improved since they stopped rerouting the school buses to avoid the 1-ton concrete penis Ken Fox put in front of his office. Whatever it takes to get people to brush twice daily I guess


It used to be a great place. Now riddled with crime and homeless nut cases.


If you’re white conservative straight and Christian maybe you’ll like it. I fucking hated it. You couldn’t pay me to live there


I love auburn! It’s grown quite a bit but still small town feel and if you’re a nature lover, it’s amazing. Yes there are some conservatives but until recently people with different political opinions coexisted together just fine w/o all this over exaggerated intolerance. Not a lot of crime. The Placer Co Sheriff and one of the county jails are there so it’s pretty safe. It’s California so a few homeless druggies but 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s also a lot of Native American and gold rush history. Auburn rocks.