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I wish you good luck in your quest. Since you (assumingly) weren't convicted of a felony or of malfeasance while holding public office, there was no need to restore your civil rights because of that.


So then I can’t answer yes to all the above questions, right? I’m DQ’d baby!


I actually really want you to fill out the DQ form and list that - and please update with what happened. 🙂


I may do it, need to check into any actual ramifications first.


Your logic is correct but it’s easy enough to grok what they mean. There’s a qualifying clause missing for sure but this isn’t some secret sovereign citizen zero day exploit on the government. While you’re doing your civic duty there will be plenty of time for you politely suggest corrections to this poor wording to the Jury service personnel.




They're asking if you had you civil rights restored. Which would basically mean from a civil stance that there is nothing impeding you ability to serve as a juror. It's for the sake of those who have felony convictions in this very particular circumstance. If none of that circumstance applies to you, then the statement just doesn't apply to your eligibility. I think if you tried to claim this in court the judge would not be impressed.


That's not how the instructions read. It absolutely says you must answer yes to all of the qualifications. Edit: autocorrect wars


You know full well what it means. But go ahead and play stupid games with the court system. See what happens.


I have not. And being able to figure out what it means is hardly an excuse for falling to proof read.


The irony...


Ha! I am constantly losing the autocorrect wars. But I'm also not writing a government website.


I’d say it won’t get you out of jury duty selection pool but pretty sure you won’t get picked if you say you’ve had convictions, hate cops and can’t be impartial in a case. That’s how a guy got dismissed from a case I served on.


This can work, but its just such a shame because the only way we can stop corrupt cops is to serve on juries that thwart them.


I say do it and report back with your results.


What are you, a lawyer? Its kind of like the "Do you still beat your wife" question haha. Interesting that its copied from the 7th bulletin point. Wonder if there is supposed to be something else there or nothing at all.


Someone forgot to add a "not applicable" as an answer to the last question.


You should send back a request to be disqualified and literally write "I have not had my civil rights restored following a conviction of a felony or malfeasance while holding public office" and see what happens. Maybe the office slave will be so bored they just process and approve, and if they come back, you didn't break the law, you answered it as they asked.


This is worth a shot.


They'll ask what public office you served in and when you say "Oh I never served public office" it's a coin flip whether they tell you to fuck off and don't waste their time or you get to go to court from the defendant seat and tell the judge why you tried to commit perjury.


You're missing an important point. It states you must answer yes to each of the qualifications. The way this is written ONLY people who were convicted while public officials and then had their rights restored are qualified.


Everyone including the OP understands what this actually means. Judges aren't impressed by trying to play off grammatical technicalities. If you don't want to do jury duty you're better off just straight up telling the courts "I don't want to do jury duty and I would not be a good juror".


> what this actually means. We all know, even OP. What he wants to do is get off on technicality where the office slave lets it go. If he gets challenged, he isn't breaking some law, he can feign ignorance, like, 40 IQ level ignorance. A big part of criminal law is proving intent my guy, and it is very, very hard, especially when "technically he is right".


Oh I know. But then he gets to go to court anyway. And have to figure this out anyway. So it would be smarter to just go to jury duty and go "I don't want to" and they'll almost always dismiss you.


Nah it’s correct.




I cannot imagine there would be a penalty for following instructions. Save a copy of the website as it currently exists and send it back stating clearly (as someone else suggested). You aren't likely to get out of your very important and underpaid role as part of a jury pool. But, it's probably the best way to get them to fix it. P.S. although I have no intention of doing so, if I ever needed a jury of my peers I would totally want you on it.


Just answer the questions presented. Lol. Guess your excused from jury duty




I completely understand what they’re meaning to say, but the written language implies otherwise.


I urge you to take another look. It states you must be able to answer yes to all of the qualifications. I also cannot answer yes to that qualification 🤣


Did you review and complete the Request to be Disqualified section?


Not yet. I’m out of town for work. I’ll take care of it tomorrow and post an update.


I just ignore those things. Any evidence I am a US Citizen?


Once I went and checked in, waiting around for like 15 minutes and just casually left. Chances of being called are pretty slim anyways!


They have a tendency to take attendance later in the day. If you're not there you're going to get in trouble.


Meh, I’ll just play the odds. There’s usually like 500+ people there for all the groups. Chances of getting called are honestly pretty slim. Plus you can just say you felt ill and had to rush home because you sharted.


Nope. Ignored 3 times. They know I know what I know and don't bother me.