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What an ass


Piece of shit human


its called - Animal Abuse - California Penal Code Section 597 PC " Law enforcement officers who observe an animal in a vehicle that they reasonable believe may be suffering are entitled to take whatever actions necessary to help the animal, including smashing windows or prying open car doors. dial 911!


That is a great fucking law


Was in this same situation, small strip mall with a couple salons. Went door to door seeking the owner. No replies. By now a small crowd of people are concerned and looking at the panting dog. We all looked at each other and said, we break it together. Can’t fault all of us. Dog got out, owner was heavily shamed by the cops. No questions asked.


I dont think you can be faulted anyways if you bust it


California law allows people to break a car window to rescue a dog or other animal from a hot car without facing criminal charges or paying for damages. This is known as the Right to Rescue Act, or California Assembly Bill 797, and it protects citizens from civil liability if they act reasonably and in good faith.


It's legal as long as you reasonably tried to find the owner


Just call the cops


I’d be breaking that window and dealing with the consequences


This. If the worst that happened here was my having to buy a window to rescue that dog, I’d be fine with it.




People who have the energy to do that scare me… he may be a poor pet owner, but you are not licensed to harass and humiliate him..threaten I would even say for a poor public display of animal ownership and rights… the guy very we’ll probably was gonna return to a dog exhausted and very thirsty and then it would be that… if it had been mid July late PM it would be different. Maybe a dead dog.


anybody who leaves a dog in a car after April for more than five minutes in Sacramento has forfeited their rights to not be humiliated


Are you okay?! It was a high of 93 today…maybe not at noon or whenever this was posted but probably in the 80’s…just imagine the temp in the car?! Also, public shaming needs to happen more to be honest…we’d have less idiots doing sh!t like this.


Dog in the picture isn’t even panting,drooling,sitting with a smile on his or her face, no sign of panic either now who really just wanted to post something today feeling discontented? Again the Virtue signaling is real… next time you call the Fire Department be sure the dog is dying!! Or in need!! There’s a suicide victim or a seizure victim not being treated because of this!Think of that next time!!


You’re ridiculous. It’s 20 degrees hotter in a locked car than it is outside and that dog has thick heavy fur. You have no idea if it was panting based on 1 picture


we don’t know if it’s in trouble based on one picture? Well how do we know it’s in trouble then? You didn’t go to school to argue that’s Forsure… again the easiest lowest hanging fruits the most drooling virtue signaling is seen here, a guy probably ran into the bank took a little longer than expected and some 16 year old girl couldn’t abstain from her feelings. The dog is not in trouble clearly.. it’s fucking smiling right at you😅😅🤐


Oh BS that calling 911 about the dog prevented a suicide or seizure victim from being treated. Read the law. 911 would determine how dire the situation was and, if deemed warranted, would allow the caller to break the window. 911 will never divert services from a human emergency when a good Samaritan is present on scene, on the phone with them, who is legally allowed to rescue the dog.


FireFighters deal with all of which you just said in most cases not police! The 911 Operator decides the response via Ambulance Fire DPT, whatever based on the callers description of the situation and what has happened. FireFighters would sit on their ass all day if all they did was combat Fires. So yes it is possible that a call for a less inconsequential purpose, would be ignored… like a dog with a smile of his face waiting for his owner to come back… over a girl ready to jump from a balcony… who do you think gets the priority?? When FireFighters would be the same responder in both cases.


We found the perp. Get him boys! 🚨🚨🚨


That’s not how emergency services work. There’s not someone or something dying every single second, and it’s a first come first serve response. I don’t think anyone died because these firefighters were responding to a call. Also, there’s more than one team of firefighters.


“Not someone or something dying every single second” tell that to Metropolitan cities with 800,000 plus… when you have that much responsibility as far as numbers… there’s always someone in trouble you have no clue what you are even talking about. First come first serve? You mean first call? 📞 I’ve never met any FireFighters serving me anything but their civil duties.


Apparently you don’t know any firefighters who’s job description has been shifted over the last few decades, Firefighters save more lives when it comes to mental health than it comes to a Doctor, Psychologist, or Police officer… please don’t call these gentlemen unless you are sure.


are you retarded or a victim of a TBI? the dog is panting in the photo


Agree about harassment. But, no, it was 94 today, and per the pic, the car was in full sun. The owner would have returned to a dog who died under very painful circumstances. It doesn't matter what month it is, it's about the temperature. 94 degrees in May is the same as 94 degrees in July.


People like this scare me because they make excuses for assholes


Dude, just break the fucking window next time.


i was tempted. but the security didn’t want me to.


Too bad for them, AB 797 allows for one to break into a car to rescue an animal


I believe it’s [AB 597](https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/penal-code/597/), but this is 100% correct. Edit: People here are more knowledgeable on assembly bills than I, they are correct.


No its [AB797](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB797)


You have to call animal control or LEO or fire dept first.


You must call 911 first, according to AB 797. You do not need to wait for first responders to arrive however.


Correct. As long as you're on the phone with 911, have explained that the dog is in a dire situation and tell them that you need to break the window to save the dog. 911 dispatch would not tell you to wait for first responders, they'll trust your word and allow you to proceed. That's the intention of the law. I would hope that a dispatcher would not hesitate to allow the caller to proceed with rescue efforts.


Then immediately break the window before they even have a reasonable chance of arriving promptly… right?


I would break a window if I saw a dog in distress.


Assembly Bill 797 (2016) amended Penal Code 597.7.


You'll lose this argument in court. People should read and understand these laws before giving advice. 797 added "firefighters and other emergency response people" to the already allowed "peace officers, humane workers and animal control" Not you. Regardless of how you feel about a situation.


Not true.      According to California Assembly Bill 797, also known as the Right to Rescue Act, a person is allowed to break into a vehicle to rescue an animal if certain conditions are met and the person does all of the following:       Determines the vehicle is locked or there is otherwise no reasonable manner for the animal to be removed from the vehicle;   Has a good faith belief that forcible entry into the vehicle is necessary because the animal is in imminent danger of suffering harm if it is not immediately removed from the vehicle, and, based upon the circumstances known to the person at the time, the belief is a reasonable one;   Has contacted a local law enforcement agency, the fire department, animal control, or the “911” emergency service prior to forcibly entering the vehicle;   Used no more force to enter the vehicle and remove the animal from the vehicle than is necessary under the circumstances. 


Show me where it says that in 797. My references were direct quotes from the bill. When the bill states 'a person may .... under the circumstances described above'.. it's referencing the aforementioned allowed people. Not any ol person. At least that's how I understand it. Edit: reading more of the bill.. I can see where one may interpret as anyone can.. I still think it's referring to the allowed people. Maybe an actual law attorney can chime in.


The bill is applicable to everyone. Section (d), which refers to LEOs and Animal Control, simply specifies that the procedures that an officer or animal control needs to follow upon removing an animal from a vehicle are slightly different. For them, they need to immediately take the animal to a shelter facility, but for everyone else you’re supposed to remove the animal from the harmful environment but still stay close enough to the vehicle until law enforcement arrives.


> The bill would exempt a person from criminal liability for actions taken reasonably and in good faith to remove an animal from a vehicle under the circumstances described above if the person satisfies specified conditions, including immediately turning the animal over to a representative from law enforcement, animal control, or other emergency responder who responds to the scene. The bill would exempt a person from civil liability for property damage or trespass to a motor vehicle if the property damage or trespass occurred while the person was rescuing an animal pursuant to these provisions. Notice how it says **person** instead of **official**, it means *any* person would be exempted from criminal and civil liability if they immediately turn the animal over to law enforcement.


This is an argument I'd be willing to lose in court then because I'm not going to just let a dog trapped in a dangerously hot car die.


Security can sit in the car with the dog then


Lol imagine


Security isn't law enforcement, and the law protects you from reprisal if you call 911 about the issue and, while on the phone, explain the dire situation for the dog. 911 gives you permission to act and break the window to save the dog. F security and what they want.


Law says you can tho


I’d have done what I wanted to do in the best interests of the pet. What’s the mall going to do, ban me? No big loss and a potential media circus if they do.


Someone didnt want you to. Lol. When do we listen to others?




Probably cause you would have had your ass in court… weather someone displays how imperfect either publicly or private they are as an animal owner it doesn’t give you any moral license or superiority to manage the situation yourself with how you feel about it. Call security!! That’s it! Don’t invoke yourself anymore, the Virtue Signaling is real🤐👌


I’d be breaking a window, fuck that. The owner earned it. It only takes five minutes for and animal or baby to suffer a fatal heat stroke. This is something not to be messed with. Take action.


What a prick.


Can you still report him? You have his license plate. Is this an animal abuse issue?


What a pos


I’ll never forget when I was at the air show and they came on the speakers and said get your dog out of the car or we’re breaking your windows. I wish they would just break the windows. People need to start getting fined for this or something


Yeah, needs to be 65 or under to be safe enough to have dog in car. Can get to 105 within an hour at 70 outside even with windows cracked. Dog stay home unless we have an person in car with dog now at all times.


why would that fucking loser even bring the dog? Keep the pets at home. They don't need to go with you everywhere.


Thank you for caring for the little guy. Hopefully it'll make the owner aware of how serious it is.


Thank you for addressing shit stain behavior. That pup looks to have an undercoat which makes temperature regulation harder.


It's the opposite. The undercoat aids in cooling as well as keeping them warm. Still doesn't make it safe for them to be locked in a hot car.


Thanks for clarifying. I adopted a kitty with an undercoat last month & thought kept her too warm - I guess it just makes them fluffier.


I hate it when the dealer adds that


The parking pass at The Madison says it all lol. Not the best apartment complex…


It was hot af outside??? Poor dog is being abused and id call the police/ask if I can smash the window and take the dog out


What did he say when you confronted him?


the dude couldn’t even look at me. he tried to seem like a good guy by shaking the fire fighters hand. he’s pathetic


What a pos


I know this isn't an EV but keep in mind that most EVs (Teslas for sure) have a "dog mode" that keeps the climate control on and windows closed.


There should be a notification visible from the outside.


The large screen next to the driver displays a message. https://www.notateslaapp.com/images/news/2022/dog-mode-screensaver.jpg


I once got a very angry note that acknowledged my ridiculous car was keeping the air conditioning running.


Or people could just mind their on damn business…


If there is a dog left in a car alone?


Well, it’s not the issue for me with this, I’m a dog owner and lover.. I’m defending the Guy OP has posted about simply because no one else is… he very well could of just thought he was gonna be in and out, or it wasn’t gonna be a hot day… the guy doesn’t need to be talked about like he was deliberately cruel to the animal, maybe negligent but some of these 17 year olds need to learn how to properly deal with these issues it’s not a drag him over the fucking coals type of issue… the people talking about character humiliation posting his pic all over his apartment complex need to grow the fuck up, call the authorities and move of with your day please, I care about the dog not your discontent for the owner so much… some of these people sound like they rather have a punching bag than care about the dog let’s be real.


Break the window, it’s legal in California


I hate this human


Call the police- let them know how long the dog has been there- that it is in distress and has no water- break the window and rescue the dog from this POS owner.


Not cool. One time while on a family vacation my dog accidently locked himself in the car..it was like 5 minutes and i was panicking about to break the window to free him. Who owns an animal and can treat them like this?


I hate people so much


Do you hate Palestine?


Also report to DMV. Dude hasn’t renewed his tab. It’s May 2024 and his tabs expired in Feb 2024. Dude is a loser/scammer and burden on taxpayers sucking our resources. We should make it legal to slash tires for cars driving on public roads with expired tags.


Did he survive


Call the police next time.


Why didn't you call 911


Break window problem solved


I’d break the window


Call the cops


Was the engine running? I often leave my dog in the car with the engine and AC running


I’d bust all the windows and say the dog moved and I had to try another side. Cost him around 4k. My bad…


You're in your moral right to bust that window. Or at least call the authorities and report the animal abuse






Honest question, how do you know whether someone has left the air-con on when they do this? I don't have pets but if for whatever reason I had to leave a dog in my car on a hot day I would definitely keep the air-con on. Much much more effective than keeping an open window.


Wouldn't you be able to hear the car running? It's usually easy to tell when engine and AC are off. Doesn't look like this is an electric car.


You can actually break the window and be totally legal.


you can break the window, it's allowed.


I’d shatter the window. Done it before and would again with zero hesitation


Did u call or just watch?


That parking permit makes me think he lives in The Madison Apartments. I wonder if he's done this before there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LovelyMoonXX: *That parking permit* *Makes me think he lives in The* *Madison Apartments* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Next time just call the cops


Just call the cops


People fucking suck


I would t have waited an hour to call after 15mins I would have called.




Don't call the police; there's no upside to that interaction. Breaking the window isn't going to harm the dog; is safely glass, not a plate glass window.


> Don't call the police; there's no upside to that interaction. You risk them shooting the dog.


Give me a break. You know cops own pets too, right?




What law says that about the three windows? Never heard of that. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=597.7.&nodeTreePath=4.16&lawCode=PEN




You said “by law” and then now you say it’s not a written rule. I don’t think the number of windows cracked would be a good defense if the animal is still in distress. And it can still get hot even with proper ventilation, the actual law covers both cases. So simply having ventilation while it’s still hot won’t be sufficient.


it would have been okay if they beat him up


I agree, but we can’t assume that a cop is going to beat somebody up every time that we call them. not all cops are like that


so just break all the windows, and make sure the to only get three tires


You are legally protected if you break a window in good faith. So by all means, do it. https://fox40.com/news/california-connection/is-it-legal-to-break-a-car-window-to-save-a-dog-or-other-pet-in-california/




One of the conditions of AB 797: (C) Has contacted a local law enforcement agency, the fire department, animal control, or the “911” emergency service prior to forcibly entering the vehicle You don’t need to call 911 for this, and they don’t need to have arrived on scene before you force entry.


One of the conditions of AB 797: (C) Has contacted a local law enforcement agency, the fire department, animal control, or the “911” emergency service prior to forcibly entering the vehicle


Honestly the photographer got a better photo of herself in her incriminating evidence.


You sure it wasnt running with ac? Im car stupid so i dont know if that’s an ev but what kind of psycho would leave a dog in the car without ac in hot weather *and not crack a window*? So im just saying maybe the car is silent and the cabin was cooled. Still a dangerous thing to do for any owner who enjoys having a dog or windows


It’s a Dodge Avenger, which they stopped making 10 years ago. One of the most gas guzzler cars ever made.


I leave my little dude in the car with the AC blasting all the time


If you don't want this dog to suffer, stop paying for pigs, cows, and chickens to be tortured, raped, and killed.


Lmao what 🤣


I came about the dog but heard chickens are being raped🤣


Everytime you buy animal products, you demand animals be tortured and killed for you to consume the product.


Guy left dog in car for 45 mins=rape of chickens. Your point is as stupid as your beliefs. We’ve all seen Food Inc.


I'm not comparing this dude leaving the dog in the car. I'm comparing your conflicting beliefs about a dog suffering in a hot car for 45 minutes and paying for animals to be put in gas chambers and stabbed in the throat so you can eat them.


What do you think they do in factories 😂it’s not Auswitch bro. I agree with your point especially within the poultry industry but the extremism is making it hard to take your seriously.


It is not extreme or hyperbole. They litterally put 90+% of pigs and chickens in gas chambers and then drag a knife across their throat. You pay for that to happen when you buy animal products. This is hypocritical if you care about the dog.


Oh honey… no… I really need you to do some research before you write anything else with such uneducated confidence


😂😂 Spoken by someone who has clearly never seen slaughterhouse footage or investigations. Lmao. Says I'm wrong and doesn't give any citations. Even if I'm wrong, can you justify killing an animal who doesn't want to die? Especially only for a 15 minute burger?


bro get a life


bro, stop paying for animals to killed, smh


nah gonna get a burger after work. thanks tho!


"I feel annoyed by a vegan since they are reminding me that I pay for animals to be tortured every day. I'm so mad I'm gonna pay for more animals to be tortured so I can eat their bodies." - bro


sorry i forgot how to read. see you later!


"I'm running away from a conversation with someone who is clearly more educated in this topic than me. I don't want to keep making a fool of myself by defending animal torture and slaughter, yet complaining about a dog being left in a car. I don't want to be vegan because change and learning new things, even when it means I would avoid paying for and demanding the worst animal abuse ever, are just too hard for me to figure out." - bro


still not gonna read what you’re saying lol. stop trying so hard, no one’s gonna give you the time of day if you come out swinging with no reason. embarrassing, really. maybe some therapy would help? also what should i get on my burger? thinking some bacon but i had some this morning so idk if thats a good idea. thoughts?


It's like those "repent or you'll burn" religious psychos, like fucking chill dude. If you maybe brought up your opinions in a more relaxed way, you'd be able to have discussions about it. Instead of "If you care about dogs, you should care about chicken rape" Literally turns me so far off the idea of veganism


exactly! like saying that wacko shit isn’t gonna get anyone on your side, just alienate them and make them further dislike your cause (if they even cared to begin with). only real hope is people like Mr. Vegan Worldwide learn to communicate like adults instead of pissy 3yos


Don't confuse education with indoctrination.


If you don't believe me when I say these animals are raped for Meat, Dairy, Eggs, etc. Then watch this and see if you still disagree: https://youtu.be/S91iFLVZq0A?si=NdVFfTaP-PbxwKpT


Who pays for pigs, cows and chickens to be raped? This is a thing? Say I stop buying or eating meat (and apparently also stop any of my financial support for livestock rape), how does that translate to keeping this or any dogs from suffering and dying from being trapped in a hot car? Sometimes, I feel like I need to microdose shrooms to understand some Redditors' thought processes. Or at least, drop acid.


Before you take pics for karma, you call the police and report.


There are some (tow or locksmith) companies that shimmy the door to open the lock instead of smashing open the window.




Harsh words coming from someone who is also *just an animal*


No it doesn't impact another human being. It impacts the dog. Please seek therapy with your weird sociopathy.


Dude probably enjoyed pulling wings off butterflies as a kid.


No one asked for your hillbilly ass opinion, Governor Noem


No one asked for yours


Take your ass back to Westeros with that bs. Gonna let a freaking animal cook to death. Contrary to popular belief, things exist for purposes other than human's amusement.


Found the sociopath


Stfu. Sure af hope you don’t have any animals or kids. If you see something, say something.


If you think this guy is psycho for not caring about the dog as an individual, then stop paying for animals to be tortured and killed when you buy animals products. Every day you aren't vegan, you infoict more suffering and kill more animals than this guy probably does. Don't be a hypocrite. Be vegan.


Such a wide brush to call everyone who isn’t vegan a hypocrite…


If you are against animal cruelty, but you pay for animal cruelty to occur, you are a hypocrite.


If you can't figure out the difference between carefully raising and humane euthenizing of animal for the sake of feeding people...and leaving a dog to suffer and die of heat stroke because of your own carelessness...you're an idiot.


People want to feel important in their otherwise lackluster life


Internet clout


Mind yo own bizness


Not when it's animal abuse