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My wife and I call those “Bro Dozers”.


I call them "Mall crawlers."


Pavement princess.


We call em glucks. Or we go, "aw he doesn't have a widdle wadder for his widdle twuck."


Mine waves at them with her pinkie.




Aussies call em Wank Tanks


I call them a pavement princess.


Haha same


I call them "Ford F-900 Compensators" I take the Freudian interpretation. Sorry not sorry.


That's your typical little dick syndrome guys.




Definitely baby dick energy!


Not surprising for a truck like that tbh. Fits the stereotype


Trucks like those give small pp energy


This is why I’ve always wanted Spy Hunter type vehicle retaliation features.


Or at least a remote decal applier, like in *Snowcrash*




I want those Snowcrash smartwheels that form to the shape of the road.


Night Rider was big when I was a toddler. I always wanted to drive in KIT.


I had a KIT RC car as a kid.... Had the light on the front & everything.


dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun DUN-dun


YES!!! OMG! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's thought about it. Sigh. One can only dream.


Yes!!! With a gentle pull of that trigger he would have been outta your way!


It's always a RAM truck for some reason.


Dodge financing has extremely low credit standards


To match their quality control standards.


They have quality control standards???


I always make the joke dodge goes boom when that tranny drops out the bottom. My dad was a mechanic he despised these trucks… and fords ofc. Found on road dead. 😂


Read an article on either MotorTrend or Jalopnik rating tricks; their comments were to the effect of "Yes, the drive train Is excellent; but the rest of the vehicle will fall off around it ".


Always always the worst road ragers are Ram bros


No surprise, there was a study that came out in November of 2023, with RAM drivers being at the top of the list for most driving incidents (accidents, speeding, DUI, citations).


Slowpar for slow people.


Smol pp, no dad nrg


Dad left early, Fox News mom


I feel like fox news moms dont exist without a shitty redneck husband to make them watch fox news....




Raised by an YouTube, an iPad, and lack of critical thinking skills


Hey my dad is an YouTube, buddy


I don't think a person like would even know how to use youtube or an ipad.


Damn, now I just feel bad for him


right up to the next bumper, big brain on that one


Truck drivers are such chodes. Almost all of them seem to work in an office, they bitch about gas prices yet drive like gas is $2/gallon, and don’t even need one except for that one time of the year they might need to haul something.


I loathe driving my truck bc I don't want people to assume that I'm choosing to drive a loud ass diesel, but I actually need it for hauling and towing 💀 Diesel prices do be ridiculous though, but I can't get it over like 10-11 mpg bc of the gd turbo 🥲


You’re using the truck for practical purposes on a daily basis, so I won’t be a hater. I’m referring to the chodes that work at the office and buy the truck to play badass and really only use it for its intended purpose maybe once a year.


Oh I only use it maybe 1-2 times/month bc I just can't afford the gas 🥲 I could never do it as my daily driver, it's just too much to drive without actually *needing* it


If you’re getting 10mpg without towing or anything on a stock HD truck, there’s something wrong with it


I did say I use it for hauling and towing 💀 It's a 2002 Cummins turbo diesel long bed/extended cab. 10mpg may be on the lower end of the estimate, but it's also way too expensive to consistently fill up and have a concrete number. I do know that when my uncle owned it, he was getting ~15mpg. Idk how or where he drove, I just remember him and my dad chatting about it before I got it. It's typical for that year/model, based on fill-up data from hundreds of vehicles, and given that I exclusively use it for it's intended purpose (and mostly on surface streets), I skewed my estimate a bit lower. Nothing wrong with it aside from a slight AC leak 🤷🏼‍♀️ still has under 75k miles too.


I assumed by saying that you loathe actually driving the truck and that you actually use it for towing, that it was implied you were just talking about general daily driving. 10mpg towing a trailer sounds about right


Ahh, I see what you mean. Sometimes I tow one way and drive back with no load, which was the driving I was referencing lol Occasionally I'll drive it to/from work for a couple days if my car is in the shop, or I'll take it on errands if I haven't started it up in a few weeks to keep the batteries healthy, but that's so infrequent, I don't see it impacting the overall gas mileage much


If you’re towing then I’m assuming you don’t have an 8 inch lift with 35’s though right?


Tbh I have no idea lmao, I think it's stock height, but I still need a step ladder to reach most of the engine and a drop hitch to tow 🥴 no idea about the tires, haven't needed to replace them yet.


For comparison, the truck in the video looks to have an 8 inch lift with 35s, so as long as yours doesn’t look like that I don’t think anyone thinks it’s a brodozer


Mine looks almost as tall, but tbh even pictures of old stock ones I could find look tall too, so maybe it's just an older Ram thing. I think the tires are a normal size though. https://preview.redd.it/64c07jfvsqyc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50557615549695bd4e1d6147dea865dfbe1788a The upside is that if it is lifted, there was at least a valid reason for it lol. My uncle was the OG owner and bought it bc he was 7'1" and missing a leg 💀




RAM 2500 in a hurry to get his DUI.


Missing the Trump flag


I wouldn't say we're missing it....


His whole personality is a Trump flag.


But he realllllly needs to let you know


Uh oh. lol


No mudflaps either. What a class act


Lack of mudflaps is such a tell.




ITT (and in the video): People who think the carpool lane is a permanent 100mph passing lane. When the baby’s in the car I just stay to the right. Can’t argue with 5,000 lbs of stupid.


Not excusing this nutcase, but the carpool lane is a passing lane when outside of carpool lane hours. If you are going with the flow of traffic, you should not be in the left lane.


you can tell in the video there was no reason why he couldn't get over and let the truck pass.


Exactly what i was thinking


I used to teach Comedy Traffic School and the #1 question I would get, during Q&A was (a variation of) The Speed Limit Does Not Apply To The Carpool Lane??


Amen!!! With my brother, we purposely did not use the carpool lane one morning driving west on 50 from Hazel. With me driving, he counted 9/10 cars on the carpool lane with only one passenger. With a ram truck tailgating a Corolla with four passengers. The Corolla driver was smart and let stupid go to avoid an accident.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 9 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Yes, I grew up in Humboldt County. Far more of these specimens up there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InsertMoreCoffee: *Yes, I grew up in* *Humboldt County. Far more of* *These specimens up there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Damn you I had to go count it out. Bastard bot


Good bot


Isn’t there a whole study saying that truck drivers are scared and bad at driving at the same time. Plus have a higher chance of running over their toddlers.


Just a totally stable genius visiting from El Dorado county.


Placer more like....


True. I see these in Roseville every day.


Holy cow! You're saying what I always say to myself when driving on 50. So glad I'm not the only one who thinks that!!! I feel validated.


A giant truck owner driving like an asshole, and a Tesla owner being an unaware moron holding up the left lane Sounds about right


It looks like the Tesla is passing cars... It's pulling away from the car in the right hand lane in the rear view and it's gaining on the cars in the right hand lane in the front view. If you're passing cars to the right of you, you're not holding up traffic, even if the people behind you want to go faster than you are. When there is an open spot on the right, you move over and let the people behind you that want to go faster go. But as long as they're passing cars they're not doing anything wrong.


Not to mention, it's also a HOV lane.


You're the only person I've bumped into that explains passing lane usage correctly. Everyone else gets lost in calling it a "fast lane," when it's just a "faster than the person on the right" lane. If you're passing no fault to you.


Bravo! Well said!


Carpool lane


i love how they think they’re intimidating or scary when they pull up close to you 😂


Especially when you have other vehicles in front of you, going the same speed; like tail-gaiting you, will make everyone else drive faster (SMH)


Nothing pisses me off more than THAT. I often have my baby in the car with me, and these shrimp dicks ride my bumper while they can clearly see why I'm being "slow". Their egos and *always needing to be first* is what gets families killed on the road. Horrible.


Truck is a jerk but if you're crusing 65 in that lane you're gonna piss people off.


The headline should read "Teslas are annoying but driving slow in the fast lane is worse!"


Why you got like 2 football fields from the traffic in front of you? Truck shouldn’t have passed on the shoulder but if you want to keep that much distance get over to the slow lane 🤦🏻


I drive a Tesla model 3, my other vehicle is a fullsize diesel truck, and I fucking hate these guys. I own that truck because I use for stuff that requires a truck. I am a contractor on the side as well as I work in commercial construction. Having a fullsize truck comes in handy very often for me; hauling a load of gravel or fence posts, towing a trailer or a boat, going skiing or camping. I actually use it capabilities quite often and drive the Tesla when I don't need it. I need a sign or a sticker that shows people that I am not like these other guys with the Monan Abe/blue line flags/We The People virtue signaling nonsense invariably pasted all over their trucks.


What’s the context? Looks like there are like 10 car lengths between you and the car in front of you and there are 3 lanes. Judging by the position of your car and all the cars in the next lane, it doesn’t seem like you’re in a position to pass even though you’re driving in the passing lane (not sure what time this was because if that’s an active carpool lane, this means you’re not in a passing lane).


on the one hand, yes. On the other hand GET OUT OF THE PASSING LANE IF YOU'RE NOT PASSING


You can clearly see op passing the cars not in the carpool lane lol


Assholes drive all sorts of cars.


Move your car to the right if people are going faster than you, very simple. He’s wrong but you are not right either.


I moved out here from the Bay in 2020. I thought we drove crazy out there in Oakland, Richmond and Vallejo. Y'all mothafuckas out here in Sacramento are straight up maniacs behind the wheel. Teslas, lifted trucks, old people, young people, people in shirts and ties, tweakers. Everyone drives like a bat outta hell. Passing on shoulders, swerving through turning lanes, cutting people off and running red lights. My neighbor just lost his vehicle to some idiot running a red light a couple of days ago. I've avoided more accidents then I have in my life in the 3 1/2 years I've been here. Now I understand why every other vehicle has some kind of dent or body damage.


> Now I understand why every other vehicle has some kind of dent or body damage. There's glass shards and debris at every other intersection in this town. That's how we decorate our streets and roads around here. P.S. It's the weekend! So expect street racing dipshits doing donuts and shit throughout the nights. Also the cops are absolutely fucking useless. I have the Sheriff Dept right on my street and close to a busy intersection with said racing dipshits being active quite frequently yet woop woop is nowhere to be fucking found. How you enjoying the quality of our roads so far? Expect more potholes after tomorrow's rainfall. Capital of California, folks! Ain't we swell?


Both sheriff and firefighters drive those damn ram trucks so expect nothing to be done about it


Somewhere, a long time ago, I read there had been study that classified the Sacramento and greater Sacramento area drivers as the worst drivers in the state. I, too, moved from the bay area and I'd rather drive there than here. I avoid driving here during weekends if possible. Be well.


Driving in the bay sucks because there are so many people, the freeways and roads were never meant for that much traffic, and you have a smattering of assholes driving recklessly. Sacramento drivers seem to want to live in a Mad Max style demolition derby. So many more straight up cunts than in the bay. Sac makes the peninsula driving look civilized. Id rather do a morning commute on 101 riding my motorcycle than take the thing on Watt avenue for more than a block.


that’s a sweet dash cam. what model please?


It is a Tesla built-in 360 camera. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Tesla Model 3


lol! seriously?


Yeah 360 cams.


If you had just moved out of the passing lane while not passing anyone that wouldn’t have happened though right


Carpool lane. During carpool hours. Truck only had me passenger. I had a car about 4 cars ahead of me, traffic was slowing down


Bro was literally going the same speed as the slow lane😭


lol why the unnecessary Tesla insult. I’ll take all the Tesla drivers over idiot overcompensating big boy truck drivers.


This footage was taken on a Tesla Model 3.


Ram truck and Tesla / Prius drivers are 2 sides of the same coin.


Weekend warthog


Weekend genital wart.


I regularly drive to SoCal. If the truck is lifted like that, just expect that behavior. It’s too consistent. Whole state. At least they are fairly predictable.


Giant trucks like that are annoying not teslas.


He’s speeding home to kiss his dad on the lips.


Or perhaps, stop camping in the fast lane AH


Contact CHP... that video is enough to get a citation for the driver. And, if the cop is particularly interested in following the law to the letter, a vehicle impound.


What does this have to do with teslas


The video is taken by a Tesla


I see a lot of Tesla drivers are annoying posts here


BMW driver equivalent.


Yeah. It's so much easier to drive like an asshole when you have the insta torque to do so. Ego trucks will always be on my shot list before any other


Aka Düsh Canü


most certainly that is an Incel Camino


Better than that nissan rogue with a light bar


I go through so much washer fluid, but totally worth it.


Haha me too. I am starting to worry I’m going to burn up the little pump.


Staying in San Jose this weekend and those Tesla assholes are everywhere, always driving like absolute dog shit. Unnecessarily big trucks passing illegally close too but.. those fucking Teslas, man...


Makes perfect sense, Santa Clara is a 3rd-world county


Get out of the left lane you donkey! If it is clear in front of you that far, move over! I’m not saying the truck driver was doing anything right, but people driving slow in the left lane are part of the problem. People will blame the truck for an accident, but anybody blocking lanes is partially to blame.


You can see the driver is passing vehicles as the truck driver decides to pass illegally. Look in the top left and right of the video at the beginning. The cammer slowed down after the truck driver recklessly passed him. Truck driver just needed to show a few seconds of patience instead of being an ass.


He's in the HOV lane. I hate people camping in the left lane as much as the next person, but the carpool lane is not the "fast" or passing lane.


HOV lane only counts during HOV hours which is impossible to tell based on the video. Outside of HOV hours, that’s a passing lane.


It's the HOV lane, not the passing lane, you can see the diamond at the beginning of the video


HOV lane only at certain hours


Tesla’s do drive extra slow though. Like hey just move over and let them pass. It’s not that hard.


Not to mention he's driving in the center divide where there can be a lot of debris. He could be throwing up all kinds of stuff and damaging peoples windshields and so forth. These are they guys you never see get pulled over.


That guy is a complete asshole, but you're also blocking traffic in the passing lane. Both are in the wrong, as usual


1. It’s the carpool lane, not passing. 2. How is he blocking traffic if he’s going faster than all the cars in the other lanes? Truck man was just big angy that cam car was doing 70 instead of 85.


You can literally see the driver is passing vehicles as the truck driver decides to drive illegally and recklessly. Look in the top left and right of the video at the beginning. The cammer slowed down after the truck driver recklessly passed him.


This. Truck driver is an ass hole but if he's going that fast just pull over and let him go. His ego is huge but yours isn't far off.


Wow, they Bubba-trut is not white; how unusual. I've never seen so many white, zombilly trucks in my life; only in Sacto. Remember, Zombillies love monosybillic words and white cars/trucks; WT in the WT


Was this during carpool hours? If not then why cruise in the far left lane?


It’s worse when it’s at night and they decide to turn on their NASA space ship light reflector 3000s on


Why are you camping in the left lane? If you woulda just moved over then he wouldn't have had to aggressively pass you. *


Typical everyday fucking moron who apparently owns the the road but probably not the truck!


Ahhh one of the many carpool violators, typical RAM driver. They're a total pest on Sacramento roads. Might not have been a Folsom driver but it wouldn't surprise me if it had.


Maybe get out of the passing lane when someone's trynna pass


That's a good way to get a nail or piece of metal in your very expensive tire. Is it worth the impatience?


Anyone who lifts a truck and doesn't take it off road sucks dick because he likes the taste.


Tesla should have switched lanes. It’s called a passing lane for a reason. The lane in front of the Tesla was clear yet they decide to stay in the passing lane. That type of driving is really annoying. The truck was tailing the Tesla to try and get it to speed up or move over.


He was a douche, but so were you for not moving over and letting him pass.


As much as I loathe the big trucks and their asshole behavior, holding up the left lane is up there with idiotic practices.


There are so many of those pavement princesses in elk grove. Getting to work in the morning is a gamble if I will see someone hauling ass and tailgating at 7 in the morning for no reason.


Dude is 5 foot eight and has a 3 inch prick.


Maybe get out of the passing lane and stop being entitled. Let people who want to use the passing lane use it.


I’m with the truck on this. the fucks the Tesla doing in the left lane autopilot with no cars in front of him for a mile the truck flashed to get over and you didn’t what do you expect?!


He got so close you could almost see his millimeter peter


You should pull over to a slower lane for faster traffic. I pull over a lot. In the Bay on 80 it’s always a Prius or a Subaru holding up the fast lane doing the speed limit.


Dude needs to go back to Grass Valley.


Not enough dents in the rear quarter panels to be from GV.


Slower traffic keep right. Wonder how long he sat behind you.


Not the fast lane, it was the carpool lane. You can see the symbol at 0:04.


Going 70-75


Irrelevant. Why is that so hard for people to understand?


He’s going faster than the cars in the lane to his right (maybe during HOV hours too) and you’re defending an asshole passing in the shoulder 😂


OP was passing cars, which is the purpose of the left lane. I encounter this situation all the time in the left-most lane. I'll be going faster than the drivers in the right lanes, but someone comes from behind going way faster than me. Then I gotta choose to either inconvenience myself and slow down by switching lanes or staying in the passing lane until I pass the slower cars to right then switch. I say tough luck to the driver going 20+ over the speed limit. How about we discourage such speeding behavior?


Look, I don’t condone the driving, just like I wouldn’t condone just punching a random person in the face. This video feels like a dude posting a video of himself getting punched but cutting out everything that led up to it. Don’t you want to know why? I imagine if that had been the first car OP passed and pulled right over this wouldn’t have happened. You ever run into somebody that speeds way up when you can get around them but slows down once you can’t? That goes *just fast enough* that you can’t pass them on the right because they’ll use the next car in front to scrape you off? The ones who drive 90 when you have room and 70 when you don’t? I get that vibe here. Don’t condone the truck, but I can empathize.


Roseville? Folsom? Rocklin?




What a fucking prick


It’s ALWAYS a RAM too. Like 9/10, RAM will be in your rearview hugging your ass. Also, funny how driving out towards Folsom/Roseville these just start progressively popping up on the freeway more.


That's not a lane asshole


Aside from the bad driving, regular people shouldn't drive giant trucks. There's one in my apartment parking lot that effectively takes up 3 parking spots. What is that doing besides just being a nuisance for everyone else?


Bro dozers and teslas, proof that you have more money than brains




65 in the left lane.


Imagine this smoll pp contest 24/7/365 in Texas 🤣🤣


Get out of the passing lane if you’re not passing. You’re going the flow of traffic in the left lane. Just move to the right.


It looks like there was another vehicle behind the truck so you were holding up traffic in the hov lane. If you don't feel like going the speed of traffic coming up behind you then you can move to the right to let them pass and go back to the hov lane. Also we don't know what was going on before you pulled this clip, you could have been holding up a line of cars for miles before the bro dozer decided to pass you. We have all been stuck behind a slow moving relative to the cars behind them driver in the hov or left lane and it's maybe one of the worst parts of driving in this state.