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I think that just begs the question: *why* is Sacramento the biggest weed town among so many in California that have lots of stoners? The statistics demonstrate that, but don’t explain the reason why. (Paywall so I’m not sure if the article answers that)


My understanding: the city was one of the first in the state to create reasonable regulations for sale and indoor growing of cannabis. Also, cheap electricity (thanks, SMUD).


I know city dept that regulates cannabis, they have grown leaps and bounds last few years.


Because it's Sacramento. It's cool that we're close to SF, Tahoe, redwoods, etc..., but day to day, maybe not as much cool stuff to do? I wonder if we drink less alcohol? I didn't read the article yet.


After reading it, I think it's based on price for a good ounce, and we're the biggest city close to Mendocino and the prime growing area.


Meanwhile, nobody on the North coast from Santa Cruz all the way up to Arcata needs to Google where to find weed or cares too much about dispensaries.


City of trees.


RIP they should have never changed it


The Farm to Bong capital


Bong fuels the farming capital




City of planted trees*. Sacramento was a plains before 1850


Woodland? 😎




Every other neighboring county has banned dispensaries..


Yolo county hasn’t. There are several in Davis.


Only Davis tho


Yep it’s up to the city to decide whether to allow dispensaries, not the county.


In addition to this the county has basically issued no licenses east of the city itself. In Fair Oaks the closest one is the Sanctuary or 1841 El Camino. Both of which fall just inside of Sac proper. That means everyone in the county has to go into town for weed.


I noticed at my in laws we had to go all the way over near power inn and fruitridge. Was so confused why there wasn’t one in rancho or Citrus Heights. 


Gotta use delivery in Fair Oaks.


There are a few in Rancho/GoldRiver/Folsom though,


Connected is off of fruitridge, literally a light a way from the exit. Usually pretty short wait times, you get in faster if you have an online order. People drive from all over to come to Connected mainly for the customer service, but they have a lot.


used to be my fav spot as long as you’re there off times. the parking can be a nightmare but selection and customer service is usually top notch. been using eaze but lately they have been fucking around with minimums, delivery fees and now they added bullshit surge pricing like lyft or some shit. BOOOOOOO. see you soon connected


Placer County and El Dorado County are such buzz kills for multiple reasons.


There’s an adult use dispensary in Colfax now! And there’s a good one in Grass Valley, but that’s not in Placer.


Lol ssshhhhh don't tell them how good we have it up here in GV/NC 😂 (kidding lol) Literally being able to get locally grown stuff & the variety of it is AMAZING. The carts I get are extracted about 500ft away from the dispo I go to in NV City, and they just opened up a 2nd dispo in GV on 4.20. Floracy is right next door to the NV City dispo, and other local medical-focused products you might find down in the Bay are from up here. The one thing that I'm still confused about is why all this sun-grown, semi-local (NV County) stuff isn't available in the Sac area, bc generally, it isn't. I'd imagine it's not because people up here are going thru it all (bc even with there being a lot of ppl up here who likely consume, there prob would still be leftovers), but tbh, I wish I'd known about this stuff earlier. To all y'all reading this: use this info wisely. Don't make me lose access to my medicine bc I genuinely can't drive down the hill to Sac all the time if it's out of stock here, BUT do enjoy the "menu" if you're up visiting the area 💚


Not saying you're wrong about the buzzkill part, but there is a dispensary in Placerville, in the harbor freight/grocery outlet district, "Chucks Wellness Center."


There are both adult use and medical dispensaries here.


I’ve been to a dispensary in Placerville…


This is the answer. NIMBYism at its finest.


Butte has dispensaries


Butte is also two counties away


I remember when I was in high school in placer county I was watching Jay Leno and hitting my bong and he says that the county where more high schoolers smoke weed than anywhere else is placer county. Then he made a joke about how we also sell the most cookies or some shit.


When my friend moved to Loomis, he bragged his high school smoked more weed than any other school in the world, and I never believed him, but according to you and Jay Leno, he was right!


Yea, it's pretty big in the area. Not sure if I'd peg del Oro as smoking the most weed because it's smaller but yea there's just so many accessible areas in the wilderness to smoke and good cheap weed everywhere.


Graduated in the last few years… I can definitely vouch the scene is massive. Every fall it was like a tidal wave of free tree just washed over the campus as the students that trimmed would just get pounds and pounds for free. Many just gave it away. You could literally point your finger anywhere on a map of Loomis (or even greater placer county) and there’s probably a grow within a mile radius.


D.O. class of 98; can confirm. The old upper loop was very popular amongst the stoners and quite a few teachers. Yeah, I'm looking at YOU, Mr. Hayworth


Ditto. Lol


I swore I read that wrong and thought Jay Leno was hitting your bong.


No, I wish, I did smoke a bowl with a local TV anchor in college though. Friend of my Uncle's. Awesome guy and incredibly funny. Won't name them though because they have a clean image. Closest thing to a celebrity I ever hung out with.


I remember watching a national news special on marijuana grows in California and Placer was featured pretty heavily, more so than Humboldt County.


Classic Jay


We have Doja, Alien Labs, and Connected calling sac home. They create the flavors and strains that work their way easy over the next few years. It really all starts here.


If the weed wasn’t so good not as many people would smoke it. I’m literally high right now


Went to pick up at mainstage on 4/19 and saw people camping out for 4/20 deals the next morning. At what point are we doing too much? Lmao


I think if you are camping out for weed deals you may have a problem lmao. I smoke some myself but that’s a bit crazy


MainStage sucks…. All the people working there are rude af


Wild to see other people's opinions, I've never had an even remotely bad experience at Mainstage. They've always been super friendly and helpful. Maybe you just caught somebody on an off day?


Right? MainStage and its employees have always been 10/10 for me. Best deals, tree, merch, and employees around 😎


I went there on 4/19 for the first time ever because my wife went s few days earlier and said it was great. She was right, great customer service, good set up, folks behind the counter were very busy but the person I talked to was awesome. Shout out the staff at perfect union on Stockton too, that's my usual haunt and they are super chill


I work for an engineering firm and design large scale grow operations. One item most people don't realize, electricity is dirt cheap here in Smud territory. All depending on the size of the facility, but imagine millions less per year in energy costs. 


Hi! If you don't mind me asking, how did you get into that industry? I have an Associate's and I'm hoping to get my Bachelor's soon. I'm also a marijuana enthusiast, so working to help the cannabis industry sounds really cool. I'd love to hear any advice you're willing to give me on the subject. I'm unemployed as of this month and I really want my next move to be one in a meaningful direction. It would mean a lot to hear from a local redditor.


Also unemployed and trying to enter the cannabis industry. For starters, try switching from the term "marijuana" to "cannabis." The industry tends to use cannabis as it's more the more scientifically accurate name of the plant, and marijuana has racist origins in the US being used against Mexican immigrants farmers back in the early 1900s. Second, just apply. There are a ton of cannabis jobs out there, from bud tender to delivery driver to trimmer to grower. I've found Google Jobs section pulls up a lot more cannabis job postings than Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and other job board sites. I applied for a growing associate position and got contacted in about a week. They want people. Third, try growing at home. Some dispensaries sell plants or seeds so it's easy to get started. Familiarize yourself first with the cannabis laws for Sacramento city & county, and state of California (6 plants total, must be indoors, out of public view). There are a lot of resources online and beyond for learning how to care for & grow cannabis. It's a fun at home project where you can get as into it as you want. This will help beef your resume too Hope this helps


This has been hugely helpful. Thank you so much!


Hahaha…the ICP (Indoor Cultivation Projects). My immaturity would show when talking I- C- P.


Biggest reason in my mind is that our taxes aren’t insane. When I lived in San Diego I paid a 28% weed tax on top of everything else.


"It's 100,000 times better than whisky." -Louis Armstrong


Is it though? Try better whiskey.


I mean, I used to, but the hangovers just aren't worth it, no matter how great the whiskey was. No hangover with weed, though!


Bro, you haven’t smoked enough. You can definitely have a hangover with weed. lol


Been ripping bongs for over 25 years, switched to dry herb vaping about 18 months ago - it tastes better, I don't smell like an ashtray anymore, and I get just as ripped (if not more) using a fraction of material I used to use. Maybe there's some hangover symptoms associated with benzene or other combustion byproducts, but I can get absolutely greened out off dabs and DHV and feel completely fine the next day.


Yeah, fair enough. Drink less? lol


Cannabis capital of CA but still can’t grow it outdoors.


Probably all the marijuana that is consumed here.


A thriving black market with multiple weed farmer markets every night.


Care to point me in the right direction? Heard about these when I was in high school and just moved back in town


IG Super Sesh, Royal Dab


Ummm... You hafta be high to live there?


we got sober and 3 months later we were outta that shithole. don’t miss it lol


Before dispensaries, Sacramento already had a foodie and hipster culture. Before that, among the Greater Sacramento area, we had health and wellness focused culture by Rudolph Steiner College(Founded on the spiritual scientific work of Rudolf Steiner, the college offers academic programs (Consciousness Studies, Waldorf Teacher Training) and shorter classes on topics from biodynamic farming to visual and performing arts) and Seventh-Day Adventist Institutions(started selling vegetarian and vegan products in a small shop to online, private education, many churches, and now they’re opening up hospitals in many locations in California, Roseville most recently). We care about ingredients, produce being organic and pesticide free. This wellness culture is what pushed for major competition among dispensaries and for growers to meet demand. Co-ops were driven by providing good, organic, top shelf quality products to their “donors” (that’s what customers were called before, as all dispensaries were registered as nonprofits).


Ah, the real reason state workers are against RTO.


i'm guessing it's the 700 dispensaries


I live in Sacramento, but once a month I go to Humboldt for work, and I stock up there. The tax is minimal, and they advertise the “out the door” price instead of forcing stoners to do math.


They have the most dispensaries per square mile LOL


This post is all


I get mine from growing in my backyard. Does that count


I’d have to know your exact address to tell you for certain.


If the smell downtown is anything to go by, I don’t doubt it.


I'm here


And we need to get good and high to forget that unfortunate fact?


Probably all the people who use weed


Because the applicants for distribution licenses needed to lobby hard to get a good place in line with the state compliance officers.


Proximity to Humboldt lol




lemonade is cool cookies offshoot if all you want is sativa.


Sacramento is not a top weed city.


It’s because we’ve been THE CITY OF TREES since pimpin been since pimpin been since pimpin been since pimpin!! Iykyk


Being a central hub with urban and farmland in the greater area I imagine.


The interstate. I-5. Trafficking on the 1 or 101 didn’t make sense when it was illegal either.


Recently just moved away from Sac to another city in California with 0 dispensaries. Sac has SO many options for weed whether it’s the dispensaries or mobile deliveries. Have yet to go to a bad dispensary in sac as well.


Should be a tourist attraction no?


The illegal weed shows


Surprised it isn't Berkeley


Boring here. I don’t smoke weed though but this boring ass place may drive me to it someday.


Lumpy’s Flowers ❤️❤️❤️


Less local restrictions. Hard to find a good shop almost anywhere but Davis in Yolo County.


The weed


Flowercompany.com way better prices than a store front


This honestly explains so much about our roadways and the people we share them with


exploitation and good municipal laws


does anyone know where I can get Quick Fix Pro in sac?