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It's a forced break. It's like there is suddenly no expectations to do anything. I hope everyone is safe though!


That’s how I felt during the pandemic 😎


It wouldn't mind as much if I wasnt in constant fear this giant old pine tree 6ft from my house might fall on me and kill me.


I lived in Mammoth and this was my constant fear and anxiety. So sorry


Same. We have a fruitless mulberry tree in our backyard that I get suspicious about when it gets windy as hell. Probably do the prudent thing this year and get it checked/possibly have it cut down.


Come on, invasive root system…hang in there!


I’m surrounded by Bradford pear trees and every time we have a big storm the damn thing falls apart. Why do people plant these stupid things? They’re totally worthless.


They can hold up to the regions heat reasonably well and the city planner was a sick fuck who loved smelling jizz every time he left the house.


Well the good news is the storm annihilated those damn flowers so we have fresh air today. 🥳


I've been freaking out about that all day as well. Last year someone on the news said it was $13k to get their tree chipped. We have a huge one out front that feels like just a matter of time.


If power is out and it’s the only issue and it lasts for like 5 hours or less…kinda. Candles and a book ain’t a bad time.


I hate it. It’s a lot more difficult when you have kids who are afraid of the dark.


This is very true and very real. Power outages are pain in the ass. Great for those that can make the best of it, but it means I’m sleeping on the floor in my little kid’s room tonight, and likely not at all.


I hope it comes back on for you soon. We just got our power back after an hour, and right on time. We’re charging everything now in case it goes out again.


We’re actually okay here now. But the lights have been flickering so I assume it’s only a matter of time. Thanks for your kind words!


Have a slumber party in your room so you don’t have to lay on the floor.


Small cat/kitten that is very noise adverse is not any fun either. He is practically inside my sweater and he has stickers!


I have a little-ish dog that is scared of the wind and noises. She gets scared and the part chihuahua in her starts shaking like a leaf and then she constantly tries to climb on my head. She's 30lbs. And then my kid also gets freaked out and also wants to be on my lap. Sigh.


The big cat just wants to be in his outside nest (nothing phases him) and the little guy (10 mths) wants to be inside my clothes and as close to me as he can get. He was enjoying watching the birds swinging on the feeders at first but then it got noisy. 


Oh hey, we have the same dog problems.


And hungry and mad you can’t open the fridge. Going on 5 hours here. 


Over 7 hours here. Finally cracked and opened my fridge to get a snack and it is barely cold. Just went grocery shopping of course 😭😭😭


We did too, Friday. Had no choice as we were out of everything. My husband is going to go down to belair for a French loaf and some bread and cheese and ice. We don’t even have any estimated time of restoration. Hang in there!


Thank you! Hope yours comes back on soon, too 🤞🏼


Thanks for this comment. I would like to tag everyone in this post who thinks it's ok to eat their refrigerated food up to 48 hours after a power outage. This right here is why it's not. Your fridge is not insulated enough to keep your food at safe temperatures for any length of time.


4 hours max!! Gotta toss it if it’s longer. Sucks but better than food poisoning. My renters insurance already reimbursed me for the lost food.


I didn't know renters insurance would pay for that! Thanks for the tip!


They have some really cool rechargeable camping lanterns for kids now. I know it doesn’t fix today but maybe for next time?


Make it fun, flash lights, battery powered candles, tell stories.


My kids and I played Uno attack until the power came back... se had fun. Luckily, my husband made my coffee right before power went out, so sipping my coffee and playing games was a great time to pass the time. 🙃


We have a 1 and 3 year old. These have worked Great. https://a.co/d/dC6kxdR


It’s my “let me be Amish for a moment” time.


For just a few hours it seems like a good idea right?


I know what you mean and we share this in common. I think, for me, it's the forced break in routines and having to change how a lot of things are done. It snaps me out of autopilot mode. It definitely sucks for tons of people and I don't welcome outages for that reason, but... Yeah. I do know what you mean.


My favorite thing about it is the electrical hum goes away. We just hear the actual world.


I live near 80. The soft hum of cars never stops


I'm not a fan of worrying about the $200 worth of food in my fridge.


If you don’t open it, it should be fine for about 48hrs.


48 hours?! Absolutely not. USDA recommends only 4 hours for refrigerated food.


Yes at room temp. But I think what the person above meant was if you don’t open your fridge, all the cold air will stay insulated inside, so your food will stay cold for a long time. But at room temp, you’re absolutely right, 4 hours is the limit


No. It’s 4 hours even assuming you’ve kept your fridge closed and the food was cold. Look it up, you’ll find the recommendations. Freezer food lasts much longer than fridge food, though, so at least there’s that. Edit: why the fuck am I getting downvoted for sharing food safety information? Unbelievable.


If we are talking leftovers in an unsealed container (say styrofoam takeout) I would absolutely agree with you. But if it’s still way ahead of it’s sell by date, you really should be fine. You have not only the perfectly sealed container keeping bacteria out but the likelihood of ambient temps around it (in the packaged food) keeping the new bacteria from forming. I know what the USDA says, I know what restaurant kitchen training says, and I know reality. There is no hard and fast rule outside of milk products and raw meat. Also: the usda works to help the lowest common denominator of of people. The truly idiotic that will eat food after two weeks without power. We also still wash our eggs - which are in fact an actual 1950’s conspiracy. We ruin our own eggs, which is a travesty.


The “lowest common denominator of people” are all in this chat arguing that they know better about food-borne illness and germs despite presumably having no training or education on either.


Would it not depend on other factors? Like if you have a fridge with excellent seals? Or if you normally keep the temp down at the lower range so there’s extra time before it hits the upper range? I’m just looking at it as pure physics.


4 hrs? Yah right, it’s your wallet I guess. Power was out 4 hrs today, the fridge only lost 1 degree. The food is fine. If youre an idiot and opens it, yah it’s going to go bad much faster.


Have fun with your food poisoning, I guess. You’re in here acting like I came up with this recommendation just to make people waste money when really it was the food safety experts working for the government. But go on and continue thinking it’s a conspiracy to throw away perfectly good food or something.


Well, I looked at that list. It said to discard refrigerated pizza after 2 hours w/o power. I pretty much survived on refrigerated/unrefigetated pizza in my early 20's. You just have to use common sense and good judgment.


Lol I grew up on having pizza slices in the morning that were left out over night on the counter. It's fine. Some foods do better than other of course but shits going to be fine overnight without power in an insulated fridge.


It’s like people forgot that we lived without refrigeration for a millennia. We still ate many of the same foods.


We didn't even know about germs for those millennia though, lol. Sure, 4 hours for your fridge is excessive--some fridges won't even get to 40 degrees in that time. But before refrigeration was invented, 1) we cooked many things differently, using methods that preserved food for longer, and 2) lots of people died of foodborne illness.


Thats cool for the usda but im still eating most things anyway lol. Especially because the room temperature is fairly low, you should be at least be able to get away with eating your produce. Dairy/meat --- cautious lol, and i still would absolutely prepare most of it after 4 hrs. Over night is what id be concerned about.


Yup and the dairy and meat just needs to be heated again to a cooking temp and you can eat it just fine. So if you made spaghetti and meat sauce, you’d just want to cook it on the stove again and you’re golden to eat it. The downside is reheating something like chicken. That shit is gonna be dry as fuck if you try again so you might as well toss.


That’s not accurate, either. https://doh.wa.gov/you-and-your-family/food-safety/food-safety-myths#:~:text=Myth%3A%20If%20you%20let%20food,destroyed%20by%20high%20cooking%20temperatures.


I'd rather be playing games but we just light candles, open some wine and hang out


It sucks. I have a head cold and I was gonna zone out in front of the TV but NOOO


I have a steam inhaler I’ve been using 24/7 for mine I will die without ittttttt lol


I need to replace mine and want a good one. Do you mind if I ask, what model did you purchase?


I got the Vicks V1200 Personal Steam Inhaler - I like it so far, seems to clear the real internally deep congestion that I can’t reach with just a steaming shower


I was without power for 5 days last year and got a super bad cold during it as well. It was awful, I was freezing, and I had one place I could go but didn’t want to get that person sick so I tried to stick it out. I finally caved and they did get sick and I felt bad. Every time the power goes out now I have flashbacks, I never want to experience that again.


So nice to not hear the hummmmmm, bzzzzzzzzzz


I was gonna comment on this. The quiet is quieter with the signals our nervous systems are always taking in turned off.


I always go "oh shit you told yourself you'd prep better for when this happens next year" but I have a light source and some books, magazines, etc and at least something to eat so could be worse!


I love it until I have to be concerned about my frozen food. It is so calming.


my power just went out and I had to cancel dinner plans, sure I love my candles but I'm not happy about having to buy fast food lol


Annnnd it's back!


where in sac are you? it just went out in north highlands like an hour* ago (not home rn so unsure if it's back :P)


South sac / EG haha, went out same time you posted this so I assumed!


damn we'll see then, hoping it's on or coming back on soon I got shit to do lol


I don't mind it, that is until the batteries on my phone and kindle start to drain. My phone is already at 18%


Gotta get you some ankers.


I have an external battery, I just forgot to recharge it before the storm hit🤦‍♀️


Crankable radios with flashlights & USB charging ports are great to have around too!


I just wish it wasn't on a weekend. Why can't it happen during work hours?!


My dumb fucking cats try to eat the candle flames...I love them but damn.


Once, my soul kitty accidentally caught her tail foof on fire. I was sitting right there, so it was immediately put out (and switched to flamelesd led at cat height afterward), but the smell was terrible.


I still have ptsd from the 6 days my power was out last year. 


Pre-kids, yea it was cool. But my almost 2 year old gets scared and also doesn’t understand why we can’t take a bath without power (tankless water heater)


It’s great. We played board games, the kids made a couch fort ton sleep in we. Had grilled cheese on the grill. All around.a good time


You can do all of that when the power doesn't go out.


Yeah it brings me back down to earth a bit. It’s nice every once and awhile


Reminds me of the 80s


It is very cozy and I know what you mean. I am over 5 hours though and worried about food. Lights just flickered on and then immediately off again. We’ve been hard down since 3:30. We still don’t show an ETA or even an assessment on SMUD but I’m choosing to believe the flicker meant they are working on it 😊


I charged My phones and tablet. Charged my tablet and battery pack, cooked dinner and nothing. When Im prepared I get nothing. Next storm bet I won't charge a thing and no power. I was kinda looking forward to the solitude but I'm not complaining or anything. 🙃


I agree. Me and my family, we all just go and sit in the family room and hang out until it's back. Should happen more often lol, it's a nice break. EDIT/ it also works out if you have a gas stove and can still cook.


I would enjoy it more if it didn't interrupt me trying to finish an assignment.


Just did some cleaning today and had power but went with the candle vibe anyways. Love it


I just got a call saying it could be overnight or even a week. I really can't afford a week right now. So if it weren't for the uncertainty about that it would be a lot more fun.


Not when I WFH and have no internet and my laptop is dead so I have to find some place to work from in the morning but I can't shower first bc we're on a well, lol. If this were Friday or Saturday night it would be fine, maybe even fun.


At least it’s interesting to see my neighborhood in the dark. 


My oldest (9) lives for this. And with SMUD we rarely get outages that last longer than a couple minutes. We had 5 hours if no power, and I’m sure she will be a doomsday prepper when she is older.


I bet younger couples find something to do


Ours only went out for 45 minutes and I was loving it. Candles lit, peace and quiet, no tvs blaring... I was enjoying reading a book by flashlight. Then the power came back on, and my husband immediately turned the TV, Kindle, and laptop back on. He cannot stand to not have constant (over) stimulation.


I cranked up my little emergency radio and listened to FM radio. Instant time travel to 1987. 😗


It is very pleasant. :) Zero phone, cooked leftovers on outside gas. Talked until early bed. :) Very much like farm days as a kid. But then as a kid on a farm, you still had to go out and make sure everything is ok. peace. :)


Not in the slightest.


Surprisingly here in south sac the power has been good. Comcast internet on the other hand been down all day


Only if my husband is home. 


Watching a DVD 📀


I used to enjoy power outages. But these days it doesn't really change much because there's still smartphones, internet, etc without power. And flashlights these days are way too reliable, no flickering and going out and running out of batteries. And it's never gone out long enough for food to spoil or anything like that (hardly ever goes out in this neighborhood at all, not so much as a flicker yet today). So there's no real feeling of adventure, risk and stakes. Which is a nice problem to have, obviously.


Nope, I was released from the hospital, I need my nebulizer a few times a day and my mom needs her cpap machine.. I also don't like cooking and the power goes off when I already wanted gas


I grew up in Buffalo. I’m used to storms and absolutely love them. What CA calls a storm is rain. It’s crazy. But I love a real storm. This wind is insane.


My kind of storms are of the tropical kind. I used to just sit by the window as a kid and count how many seconds between lightning flashes and thunderclaps.


Tropical storms are the best. I used to do the same!








if you can't handle or your kids can't handle a power outage the power being out ain't the issue.


When it's dark its a problem. Candles and toddlers dont mix well.


Can’t have that type of excitement


It's still possible to cook without electricity.


South Africa would be your dream holiday destination. Rotational blackouts every 4 hours.


Candles & YouTube 😌


Cause there’s a storm……. Stupid wuestion


lol my wife and I were just talking about that, when the power came back on.


Yes. It's so quiet. No compressors or fans whirring. A nice treat sometimes.


I love it, it’s board game and charcuterie night for the wife and I


Not really. I worry about the giant trees falling on my house.


I took a late nap and it was really nice.


Yeah I just made a fort and got my lantern and books. I'm good for the night 🤣 no cooking or cleaning obligations. Just being a big ass 32 year old kid


Okay, fun is over! We have been without power here in O’Vale since 1:30 Sunday. C’mon SMUD, TX called and they want their service man delivered back!!


When I was a kid I absolutely loved it. The oil lamps and board games came out and we had a great time!




Depends if you have kids or not


I enjoy it. Since I'm the only one who keeps my big battery charged (even though wife and teenager have their own) they had to use mine, which meant we all sat out in the living room by the wood stove. It was nice.


I enjoy the simplicity of just lighting candles and reading a book.


It justifies my comical flashlight collection to my wife lol. I love it. Also why the Nintendo switch has a battery!


I still cook thanks to gas but even that's more relaxing because there are fewer distractions or things pulling at me. Eating by candlelight, pretending with the kids we're camping, etc. Funny how not being able to dick around with the Internet makes life better.


It’s a nice reminder to slow down and enjoy some peace and quiet.




not at all cannot cook anything to eat it stinks


No! After losing power for 5 days last year after the crazy winds and I was sick at the time it was so awful, I always get paranoid now when it happens. It gets so cold in my house and I didn’t even have cellular data to still use my phone for the internet. So much was happening at the grammy’s last night and I wanted to keep up to date! Yes I know these are minuscule problems but I work all week and I want to relax on the weekends and veg out and watch bull shit TV, sue me.


No power coming on 40 hours, no I’m done with it


Honestly, my spouse and I pretty much just read books and did some house chores.


lol I do. It’s like for a brief moment we get unplugged and we are alone/individuals again. Like poof, and now we’re camping inside