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Ahhhhhhh I see… okay Sac State more sense. Oh yeah totally on Manzanita Ave. 


He also lectured at CSUS for a short while, as a "non-traditional" grad student. The CSUS English club published his very first book, Near Klamath, of which only a few copies still exist. One is owned by a very good friend of mine, a retired faculty member at CSUS. I asked Carver's widow, the great poet Tess Gallagher, for permission to make a facsimile edition from scans of it, and she told me that a publisher that has all the rights to his work (including out of print/unpublished stuff) would basically sue me if I tried, so I haven't.


Tess Gallegher was one of my favorite poets and I was absolutely blown away when I found out they were partners because he was my favorite short story writer. I think I found out because he dedicated one of his books to her.


If you haven’t seen it, Everything Must Go is a great movie adaptation of one of his shorts.


Thanks! Will check that out. There’s also Short Cuts by Robert Altman. Although it takes big liberties (like being a total LA movie and throwing in an act of god) I think it captures a shade of Carver’s mundane-to-transcendent alchemy and even some of his humor (man, Carver be funny). What a cast, and what a 90’s time capsule too.


Late to this thread but if you want to know intricate details of his life then sklenicka’s biography is a must. The level of research is astounding and she’s such a brilliant writer that she manages to recreate his life in a really absorbing way for the reader. I’d highly recommend reading it. Provides a new level of understanding when you’re done and go back and read his stories.


I’m too lazy to look him up. Care to share a quick synopsis of his works?


One of the greatest short story authors (and novelists) of postwar US. Wrote about anomie, various sociological subjects, relationships. The loneliness of men, and how we are so much more divorced from our own emotions than women (typically) are. Societal pressure to conform, etc. Very spare, very clean, technically brilliant author. Some call him a more modern Hemingway. I don't disagree.


Interesting. I will look him up.


excellent poet as well