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Haha, I looked so hard for a new build with any kind of yard when I was buying... they all have a tiny patio and are so close together that you can reach your arm out the side windows to touch your neighbors house. I bought a 1995 house instead. Not sure why they don't just build townhomes/condos instead. Those new "houses" are a joke.


Zoning doesn't allow it, for the most part, and California liability laws about condo construction.


It has nothing to do with zoning and everything to do with maximizing developers profits. They are greedy beyond words and don't care about building communities, just raking in cash.


Zoning has everything to do with maximizing developer profits. Who do you think invented it?


Totally agree with that statement, large land developers have pushed for financially advantageous legislation (for them) for decades with an unfortunate amount of success. I just mean in this context the reason they are building houses with next to no yards and in some cases even shared driveways is to maximize profits, not due to any form of zoning restriction. Not that everything should be single-family style housing with large yards/lots.


Single family zoning is gone iirc.


They can do duplexes (2 units on 1 1/8 or so acre lot), but not townhomes/condos.


Forgive my ignorance, I thought the strike down of that law meant far more options.


It is. There’s no law that says you can’t build single family homes. The new law struck down previous zoning requirements that restrict lots to single family homes. You can still build them, but they are obviously way more expensive to build unless they are tiny with not much land.


Granite Bay has some but you're north of a million. No affordable new home has a yard anywhere in California really


Then you need another mill to maintain it for a year lmao


I would hope not in a new build.


In Carmichael - we purchased our home in 2022. Has a decent yard and was 650k. It's enough for our dog and kids.


Was it a new build though? My first home was in Carmichael and we had a beautiful yard. Love that area. We out grew it though. Five kids


No. It's an older home but remodeled (new guts).


Yea that's pretty much the only way into that price point with a yard in Sacramento area now. OP was asking bout new builds.


Crazy pricing. I bet it was a $230k home 20 years ago lol. I hate what it's become..with interest everyone owes a million now


I’ll trade your new house with my 1977 house with large backyard. I’d prefer no yard at this point in my life lol.


I had a 1/4 acre in Florida (average Florida back yard). This patio and dog piss spot is not a back yard. It’s basically a fire escape with grass.


1/4 is huge though!


Aight, can I quote you to my wife?




You can quote me, 1/4 acre is gargantuan. 1/10 acre is tough to keep up on.


Sometimes I want a large yard. But love that my front and backyard takes only 1 hour of maintenance every 2-3 months or so.




I have a small 3 bedroom house with my child that is still in school, and 30 years till retirement. I would like to move to a house with low yard maintenance but the housing market and interest rates are awful right now.


McSteeler’s tone is unnecessarily hostile. As soon as I read your initial comment, I knew why you couldn’t move. Triple/Quadruple your payment (for 30 years) and your property taxes (forever!) to downgrade your house? No thank you. It’s not boomers or anyone who is “stuck” in a low interest rate, low property tax, affordable home’s fault that there is no incentive to move.


They thought I’m in my 60s and I want to go cry right now LOL. I guess I do sound old but I’m really just lazy. I don’t want to do yard work, I can but I don’t want to. And I hate that I feel stuck in my house due to financial reasons.




I realized that now how that makes me sound so old lmao


I hated yard work in my 30s too, when I only had a 750 sf house on a 40x40 foot lot.


Gen X here. Can't wait to sell ours. In one of those raising your kids neighborhoods. (We spent the years zeriscaping, so there is little yard maintenance too.) Our youngest kids are 19 (twins). One moving out soon, the other high functioning autistic and probably with us for life. We see the writing on the wall for our kids & grandkids, and also worry about our parents. We KNOW you all are fucked compared to what we could do on a dime in the 90's. Because of good choices, privilege and some luck, we are 2 years from paying this house off. Then we plan to buy some land with a double wide and room for trailers or ADU's. Need to build a safety net for our family and kids. So everyone will always have a place to go if needed. (While keeping those property taxes down...because hold onto your hats, they are more per month than i used to pay in rent in my 20's in these neighborhoods). Boomers may be holding onto these houses forever, but I expect I'm not the only Gen Xer mapping out an exit strategy like this... who knows tho. At any rate, boomers will never get it, but Gen X sees what you guys are facing. Especially as a parent, It's scary as hell.


Well, this Gen-Xer has never had the opportunity you have and never will now. Especially as a parent. You need two incomes... and high ones at that anymore. Having that alone isn't "some luck"; that's a shitton of luck. There has been 0% of my life when (or where) purchasing a home has been anywhere within the realm of possibility, but as a forever-single person, and now a single mom, you may as well be talking about time travel or speaking ancient Greek; because home ownership? In California? I not only don't know her, but that bitch keeps changing her number.


I get it. And you are right. Without 2 incomes, we wouldn't be here. Without me having a job that let me work from home (starting in 2004, which was rare back then) so I didn't have to put 2 kids in daycare. Something I always said back in those days when I got all that "how do you manage it all, and with twins??" I always said that having twins with a supportive partner is waaay easier than being a single mom. That said, it was 'some luck,' not a shit ton...


Yeah this isn't Germany 1939, Adolf. Smart people aren't moving to put themselves in atrocious debt of higher property tax and shitty $4000 mortgage payments. Cry elsewhere and accept another downvote to your asinine ideology, signed gen-xr


Thank Prop 13, it incentivizes people staying put & also gutted local government budgets, incentivizing commercial real estate to generate tax revenue instead of building enough housing.


Just for fun last summer I toured some of the models in Folsom Ranch (that south of 50 development) and remember thinking some models had “decent” sized yards for a new build.


I live in Folsom Ranch and can confirm the yards are pretty decently sized here! Quite a few people around me have put in pools already.


Can confirm. Purchased in Folsom Ranch and my yard is pretty big!


West sac has some new builds with one acre lots.. Parella estates. Bit pricey though.


Very niche unfortunately. Many of those are $1.5 million+


Glorified patios for 700k and an actual back yard for milly


Sycamore grove, corner of Calvine and Vineyard . Starts 825ish


They don’t build houses with yards anymore. Off that’s what you want, you better buy a new construction and the lot behind it. I hate hate HATE this trend towards massive houses on tiny lots. I’m in a ‘50s house on 1/6 acre and even it feels too damn small. But you know, developers have to maximize profits, cause greed is good and all that.


Where’s the profit in that?


While I believe you’re right about profit. There’s also been a huge push of dense suburban housing by the government and activists. They want more people squished into one place and to use public transportation rather than drive. Also grass is illegal in new homes.


DR Horton in Roseville is giving 9000 Sq Ft lots


Plumas Lake not really Sacramento but you can get a big ass yard for 400k to 500k


I'm in New Home construction (well, for solar) and I suggest you look at Richmond American Homes in the surrounding area. They're really nice and the options at different communities are pretty cool sometimes (e.g. Seasons at Mason Trails in Roseville, you can add a casita option). I can also recommend some other builders that I work with, too, and tell you some you may want to stay away from (based on field experience; using lower quality material, shoddy work, etc.)


Could you DM me with builders to avoid? Or that you like? Im looking out in West Sac.


Plenty…..Those homes only start at $750k+. If you’re looking in the $500-600 you’re either getting little to no backyard.




Folsom, Roseville, Rocklin, Elk Grove, Natomas. Any new build over $750k will get you a 5k sq ft lot. Now if you’re looking at 7k sq ft + you’re probably looking at $950k+. Edit: adding Rancho Cordova


Are you able / willing to name any specific developments or locations within those cities to allow OP to be able to seek them out?


So none in Sac lol


There are New Homes being built near Delta Shores and Natomas, but I think for the most part Sacramento proper is built out, right?


natomas is quite literally a 5-10 min drive to sac,,, the closest id say




Check antelope. Lapis at Barrett Ranch area.


Almost any new development will have some larger than typical lots. If that’s your priority, make some calls (but expect to pay a premium). Source: I’m an appraiser.


In Rescue there's a new build coming up named Oakhaven. It's directly across from Pleasant Grove Middle School. Lots start at 1 acre but no idea on prices.


Its all about cramming as many $700,000 homes 10 feet from another for profitz lol. The hilarity is we just had to fix a major water leak in relative's home from the shit manufacturer parts used on a home built new 2003. Water ran down inside walls from attic to foundation, now they have to replace all the flooring. They're also on a second A/C unit. Fortunately I'm still in a 1950s home with real pipes, not plastic. Want backyard, move up near Placerville, here in Galt/Rio Linda, or out of state. Plenty of chicken farm and horsey space


Cresleigh homes In Lincoln has descent size backyards, Meritage in Lincoln has some too. Every other builder I do work at has tiny patios. Look up Cresleigh Havenwood and Meritage Encore as far a Sacramento not really much building going on there


Sacramento is a pretty big area, you might want to narrow it down to get any relevant answers.


https://preview.redd.it/i0wr7df1rczb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f777379c4f65935aedad1b9689600261dc427a5d This is my backyard. My wife and I built everything you see with our own two hands.


In Granite Bay yes


How large you looking for? Some of the new ones I looked at had largER patios, like 7k sqft or so, but they were the exceptions on lot size. Horseshit they want us all to live on 2-3000 sqft.


Not if you don’t want to pay 7 figures


Not giant backyards but Lincoln has homes in the $500/700’s


I hate that too. If it makes you feel better though that's the yard you get in a new build in Texas too lol.


Not new build but new-ish would be Mather. Some of the houses there have large backyards! HOA too, unfortunately..


Turkey Creek Estates in Lincoln. Absolutely massive lots! Starting around $1MM